6 jrtiom Historical SogUty i 207 Second. 8 , Crook Comity Journal COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER OF CROOK COUNTY FOR ALL CENTRAL OREGON CITY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CITY OF PRINEVILLE VOLIMB XXV. riUNEVUXE, CBOOK 4WUNTY, OREGON THl'HXIMV, NOVEMBER 4, 1!2 NO. . IHlil HARDING WINS IN A WALK. COX RETIRES EARLY R. L STAMFIELD SEEMS ASUIWINIRFOR U. SENATOR 1 I SON f WARREN 0. HARDINQ Harding la certain of 275 vote, in the oloetc.al college from the follow, lug states: Connecticut. Delaware, Idaho, Illi nois, Iowa, Kanaai, Maine, Massa chusetts, Michigan, Nebraska, New Hampshire. New Jersey, Now York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, Wis consin and Wyoming, The states from which returns were too meager to ustlfy actually placing thorn In either the Harding or Cox column were Arizona 8, Cal ifornia 13, Colorado 6, Indiana 15, Kentucky IS, Maryland 8, Minneso ta 12. Missouri )8, Montana 4, Nev ada 3, New Mexico 3, North Dakota 6. South Dakota t, Utah 4, and West Virginia 8; total 120. , At 3 ft. m. the vot for president In New York state with 1014 out of 7303 districts missing, was: Cox 707,203, Harding 1,647,711, a plur ality of 940,608 tor Harding. That TenneBSue was carried by Harding was Indicated by unofficial returns compllod early today br the Knoxvllle Journal and Tribune from 5 of the 95 counties In Tennessee, giving Harding a plurality of 18,412 over Cox. ' ' Reports from Illinois were that the republicans bad swept that state from the metropolitan contest In Chicago, where a clean victory was cored for all offices, to the rural regions, giving Senator Harding a lend so groat that If the ratio kept up for unreported precincts has ma jority over Governor Cox would be more than 800,000. HARDING PLURALITY IN NEW YORK HUGE New York. With the possible ex ception of the contest for the governor" ship, which Is In doubt, Republicans apparently have made a clean sweep in 'New York state. Incomplete returns give Harding 1,. 48.034, Cox 648,445. If this ratio Is maintained In the missing districts, Senator Hurding will carry the state by the unprecedented plurality of 1,125.000. Governor Smith's lead has been cut down to 3031. The vote' In 5565 up State and New York City districts was Smith 1,039,169. Miller 1,036,138. 1 Carries the County by a safe majority in the race for Sheriff..., THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE Total Electoral Votes (31; 2S6 Votes Necessary to Win. Republican California I'ulmiHl.i .... Cutiheftlrut It a 7 I 4 1 18 1J HI ZZZZ i 15 12 II ZZZZ t 4 14 if, J4 ZZZZ i Inn ho IIIIM..1H IiHllun limu kiiium Mtiln . ,.,.,., Muiyltirid MttHKflf hHttn Mli lilicnll Mlrtui'H'il Mlnmuirt NRlinmks New lli.llipi.llll. Nfcw Jery , , New York Ohio Oregon l'mrmylvanlii Hh,l. Ulituil I'tah Vnintunt .... Wmihlhginn Virginia WUCdtlKlll Wyoming is Dmoeratl. A tuba ma , , ArkmtiMta ..,.... KUiriilw flmgln , Kfntmky ..,. IMllalHlit ............ ... MlnMlMnliipt .......... Ncirth rarnllna ...,..:. Hniilh Carolina 7XHH . Virginia It t . ( . 14 - 13 ID 10 - 12 - to 12 "m Z l Z it ' 'Doubtful Aliinna N'evadn Niw Maileo Norlh HHkoU Oklahoma , South Dakota , Tannaaao The largest popular vote previously received by a presidential candidal. In New York atate was 870.070, which Mr. Taft polled In 1901. The previous record plurality was mad. in. 189 when McKlnley led Bryan by 268,371. United States Senator James W. Wadsworth Jr. was leading hla Demo cratic opponent, Lieutenant-Governor Harry Walker, by 328,991 votes. HARDING HAS BEST BIRTHDAY Surrounded by Family and Friends, Senator Receives Returns. "Marlon, O. Warren G. Harding Tuesday had the greatest birthday party of his life. Surrounded by members of his fam ily aud a circle of neighbors and per sonal friends, he received quietly at his home here the tribute of the mil lions who had voted to present him on his 65th anniversary with the pres idency of the United States. The smile of confidence he has worn for weeks broadened bb he received the enrly returns and began to re ceive a flood of congratulations hail ing him as the presidentelect. While the senator was at dinner a committee of employes of the Marion Star, his newspaper, called to present him with a gold printer's makeup rule, and he came out on the front porch and, with his voice choking with emo tion, thanked them for their devotion. E. A. ABBOTT BUYS ACRE TRACT A transfer of properties between Ernest A. Plummer and Edwin A. Abbott occurred last Monday, result ing in Mr. Abbott becoming the own er of acre tract No, 2 in Johnson's subdivision, Prineville, and .Mr Plummer becoming the owner of lots 1, 2, and 3 In Port Townsend, Wash. Both properties are especially good ones. The transfer was made by the Ochoco Realty Company of Prineville, Wurzweiler, Davis, Howard, Lakin Nicolai, Noble, Robinson, Euston and Hyde, City Officials CO. FUlNCllI CARRIES i Journals Giving of the Returns is Much Appreciated by the Citizens THE tXH'KTY IKD MEAHl'P V WHICH PROVIDES FOR FUXD IXQ IWWlH TO PAY THE WARRANT DEBT, WAS ENDORSED BY THE VOTERS AT TUESDAY'S ELECTION BY ALMOST A TWO TO ONE VOTE. EIGHTEEN PRECINCTS OCT OP TWENTY GAVE THE BONDS 846 WITH BUT 463 VOTES AGAINST THE MEASURE. THE AMOUNT OP THE PROPOSED BONDS IS FIXED AT $100,. OOO, AND THE FUNDS WILL BE USED TO PUT THE COUNTY ON A CASH BASIS. The heaviest vote that has been polled for some time in a city elec tion was caat Tuesday, at the polling places where the general elections were being held. Will Wunweller received 3 6 0 votes for mayor, th. councilman el ected are as follows: H. G. Davis, H. W. Howard, H. R. Lakin, Geo. Ni Tjolat, G. W. Noble and Ross R. Rob inson. Geo. F. Euston received a vot of 323 tor treasurer and E. O. Hyde was elected recorder br a vote of 1254. ! A complimentary vote of 11 was caat for present Mayor Stewart in his home precinct although he was not a candidate. The county election, held Tuesday, brough .many surprises, While the national trend was tor a republican victory, not only for president, but In many Instances for state officers, the rule did not apply to county pol itics. Olson, until two weeks ago never considered, a strong candidate for sheriff, was elected over John Combs for sheriff by more than 175 votes, showing a uniform strength in al most every precinct that brought him a decisive victory, Comba carry ing but seven of the 20 precincts, and those with a small margin, while the Olson lead In the precincts ha carried was much heavier, with the above result. Wade H. Huston defeated county surveyor H. A. Kelley by more than 300 votes, or almost two to one, which was the greatest vote polled by any candidate in the county con test. Both the above successful can didates made their race on the dem ocratic ticket. The only close race was run by Ralph L. Jordan republican candi MONE CHANGES ON ELECTION More money changed hands on the election Tuesday than for a number of years. One man claims to have won $3000 on sheriff alone, while P 0 The vote for all candidates by pre cints was; ES WS Total For Mayor Will Wurzweiler . 195 154 350 For Councilman V, . v : E. H. Brent 129 103 ' 232 Harry G. Davis 160 103 26S Glenn Hendrickson 94 81 175 H. W. Howard 201 156 857 H. R. Lakin 248 198 446 Geo. Nicolai 236 196 432 G. W. Noble . 168 147 315 Ross R. Robinson 230 180 410 I. W. Ward 119 116 235 For Treasurer Geo. F. Euston 171 152 323 For Rrf-corckr Floyd A. Fessler 65 42 107 E. O. Hyde 131 123 254 date for treasurer, and John D. La tollette, democratic nomtuee. While Jordan maintained a slight lead throughout the count, the last three precincts were required to decide the contest whi.h gave him the office by less than 25 votes. Herman K. Allen was elected com missioner over Alex Amnions, dem ocrat, by a plurality of 250 votes. While this county was conceded to be a Chamberlain stronghold, the totals show that he received but about 125 more votes than R. N. Stanfield, the successful nominee. Harding carried Crook count by a vote of more than 800 to 525 votes for Cox. Congressman Sinnott carried this county over Graham, the democratic candidate by more than 2 to 1. Sam Kozer received more than 1000 votes for secretary of state. In the representative contest, in complete returns for the county gave Burdlck 729, Overturf 502, and Bradbury of Klamath 489, with but one small precinct yet to repor,t, 1 many smaller bets are said to have been made. Several wagers up to $500 were made o n United States Senatov. some of which has not been paid, be cause the contest was so close MI FOR MUCH NEEDED REST And Laf ollette make a spectacular race for the office of Co. Treasurer. C00LI0GE GETS RETURNS Joy la Expressed in Nature of Support Received. Boston. Governor Coolidge receiv ed returns from the election with friends at the Hotel Touralne. He issued a statement thanking the voters for their support and expressing as surance of victory. The statement follows: "It Is with a great deal of gratitude that I have seen by the incoming re turns the extent of the victory and have realized Us source. While I re joice In Its great proportions, I rejoice even more In the nature of the support I received. It means She end of a period which has seemed to substitute words for things and the beginning of a period of real patriotism and true national honor." Iowa Strongly Republican. Des Moines. From president on down to minor state offices Iowa has gone Republican by overwhelming majorities. On the basis of returns, Harding's majority in Iowa will be ap proximately 400,000; Cummins' ma jority will be around 200,000 and Ken dall's will be about 150,000, political authorities were predicting. Republicans Show Gains In Missouri. St Louis, Mo. Overcoming an early lead, the Republican candidate for president, senator and governor show ed a slight margin on She face of early unofficial returns in Missouri BEND DEFEATED BY THE C. C. H. S. Crook County High School ran up a score of 75 against the Bend eleven in a return game played on the Bend field last Saturday afternoon. Coy ney made Bend's only score In the second quarter, by intercepting a forward pass on Prinevllle'a 36-yard line, scoring a touchdown, and. the goal kick being successfully made This is the fourth consecutive vic tory for Prineville, with practically the same lineup throughout the sev eral games. In . the Central Oregon league, Redmond Is second to Prineville in standing. Since they were defeat ed 47 to 7 by Prineville during the Potato Show they have been coming up the line In fine shape, having de feated both Bend and Madras, and the improved showing they have re cently been making predicts a close game between Redmond and Prine ville Saturday. People who witnessed the game last Saturday state that there was more friendly feeling between the two teams and their supporters than has ever heretofore been shown be tween the two opponents in the pastt and that Bend proved themselves ex cellent losers. H. O. EVANS BUYS HOME . Last Tuesday, Mr. H. O. Evans purchased the residence on 10th Street in East Prineville, of Mr. B. B. Balfour. Mr. Evans Intends to remodel the house and make of it one of the choicest properties on that street. The purchase was made through the Ochoco Realty Co. v , I 3U CALVIN COOLIDQK Harding Winner In Democratic Buffal Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo, a rock-riV b.d Democratic stronghold, went foe Harding by a plurality of almost tw to one. Miller (Rep.), for governor, has more than 10,000 lead over Smith (Dem.), for governor. Senator Phelan Defeated. San Francisco. Senator James IX Phelan, Democrat was apparently de feated by Samuel M. Shortrldge, Re publican, although running possibly 450,000 behind the national ticket REBEKAH PRESIDENT VISITS PRINEVILLE Miss Ethel M. Fletcher, President of the Rebekah Assembly of Oregon, paid Lookout Rebekah Lodge ot this city an official visit last Saturday night. . On account ot the football game at Bend and the lyceum number la the evening, only a small crowd at tended the meeting. The President gave a very Inter esting talk, and many helpful sug gestions, which will be of assistance Infurther building u p the lodge. M. R. Biggs, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Oregon also spoke a few words. A social hour was spent after the meeting getting acquainted and the committee served excellent refresh ments. PRINEVILLE TO MEET Crook county's undefeated foot ball eleven will match up with ths Redmond high school on the Prine ville Held next Saturday afternoon. Prineville should be proud of the showing made by the local school la this branch of athletics this year, and a good crowd should turn out to back up the boys. If Prineville wins this game, the championship of Central Oregon will come to Crook county, and the, boys) will get a chance to play with out side high schools. . .... ""aa