I - . . I HHIWDtV, (MTOIIKR sm, 1030. CIIOOK COUNTT JOl'RKAL NOTIC rO PUBLICATION Hot Coal Lu4 SI4I i DrtowM af Uw l.tarWr, U. I. Uaa Of- taaava-w. Onm, tUumhr II, In. NoOra to aaaaby alvan Um FRANCES M. f HAPMAN, lormarlr Fraaaas M. Straal. if Mas 411, Hand, Oraaua. whs m ft.pt. It, L waos Homaaiaa Bntir. No, M44, for WU 4 1 WW Bartioa t, TowMhlp tl i. li.nr. II B, Will. Marladlaa. Im. M aottn i.I Inlantloa is nU Anal tlwwfar Proof. aaiabllaa claim to tha land abora ooKribod, Mt.fi H. C Kill., U, a. CommlMloiwr, al I'm Own, oil In (01 b da; of October. IMS, Claimant uim u wltnaaaaai Prank M. Mrik, (Imraa Lamford, Uaoraa M. Wllaaa, J'aul II, Wilaon. all of Hand, Oraaon. JAS. P. BUKOK8H, iUilatot, aMIra of Intention la ai.ka final Proof, to .an ruia w ina una aura aaaartlarL b.f..ra Uaa M. Harat.ll, U, S. Commlaaknur, at Prinavllla, Oraaoa. Ml th. link aar af Urtohar, I a jo. Claimant mm a. aMnaaaaii Claada Baada, H.rroaa llaaa, Hanrf Poondar, Charlaa Lanv part, all of garnaa, Oraann. M M. PRANK WOODCOCK, KaafaUr. NOTICR POB PUBLICATION Not Owl Land 0KM Danartm.nl of tha Inl.rtor, V. i. Land Of. Ira at Laaaviaw. Omran, rWptamhar It, Itit. Noilra la h.rny (van lhal I.KNA J. W1U H'N. formarl lna J. Winalow, of Rot 41a, rn-ndi Oraaoa, who, on Norambar II, 101ft, mada HonMiaad Knirr, No, OHaia, fur Lota l-I. RHNItM. HBHNW Rac. I. Lot 4, IW. JW(4. Harlloa 4. Townahlp II S. Mania II J. will. Marldlan, haa Iliad noilra of Intention i maka final thraa-raar Proof, to aatakllak twlm la tha land abta daarrtbad, Wfora H. C Kiln, U. R. CommlMlonar, at Band, Ora. ..n. on tha loth dar of OrloWr, I in a. Claimant aaaua aa wltsaaafoi Kraart C ftmnraan. Prank at. Nath. Gaoraa Lanaford. timra. H. Wllaoa. all af Band. Oraaoa. "Aa. P. BUHUBBR, Radatar. NOTICR OP PINAL ACCOUNT1NQ Notlra ha.abj alraa pa tha aadanlaatd, Ihs siarator of tha a. late of Julia Ana Bio ina, daraaaao. to all paraona Int.raatad hi aald a. lata, that ha baa mada and Iliad with Ida mania dark of thla eountf hit Anal aa. rounllna of kla admlnUtrallon of aald wUte, af.d tha ronrt ha. aat Mondar, tha In day of Novrmhar. Itto, at la o'clork m tha fara aooa, at IHa County Court Room la Prlna aiila, Orraon. aa tha tlma and plan for kaai rna aad aattllac aald Raal aecaaatlna. at whlrh aald lima and plaro any panon Intao ated In tha aauta may appaar and okja-t la aa.d tnal araminllng, at. . ELLIOTT. Kiarntor of tha aalata of Julia Ana Blaalna, aaCaaaad t-U. NOTICR POR PUBLICATION 0II7M DapaHmanl of tha Interior, U. 8. Land Of. al Tha ballaa. Onm, Haptemhar 1, IMA. Nml,a la hny aly.n that MINNIE B. I.AMI'KRT, of Barnaa. Own, who, oa April II4, auda Diaarl Land Entry, Na. 1t7M. for W. Raallon U. Townahlp IMoatk, runaa llEaa Wllmmatla Ma.ldian, baa tlad NOTICE POE PUBLICATION 14111 Dapartmsnt of tha Interior, U. B. Land Of. Baa ai Tha Oallaa, Oraava, Rapimhar f, iyM Nottra la baraby glraa that DANIEL W. KNOX, of Poat, Oraaoa, waa oa May , BMda Aaalflooal " w - I4MI, for Wtt RW4. Baa, II and WK aiion II, Townahlp 17-loatk, Baaaa of IntanUoa to maka tkraa yaar Proof, to m tabllah alalm to tha land aboaa daacribad. ha fora Una M, Barktell. United Rutaa Com. mlaalonar, al PHnayllla, Oraaoa, aa taa Mk day of Nnaambar, 121, Claimant uim aa arltnaaaaai Ulyaaaa 0. Allan, Jamaa W. Jahnaoa, Arthur Laaa, Charlai Bhappard, all of Port, Oraaoa. H. PRANK W000C0CK. Baairtoy. NOTICE POB PUBLICATION Dapartmani of tha Interior, U. R. Land Of lira at Th. D.llaa, Oraaoa. fUpt II, Noalra la hrrahy ylvan that MARION P. CAHTKK. wldowar of Mary Car. ter, formarty Mary Braaaa, daci.ua. of I'rlnavill. Ormron, who, oa Baptembar II, ll, mada Additional Homratrad Kntry, No. 017264, for EVi EH and NW KK, Boa. lain 14, Townahlp la-Houlh, Kanaa 17-Raat, Willamalta Mrridlan, ba. rllad notleo of In tention to maka thraa-raar Proof, to aata. blUh rlalm to tha land abova daK-ribad, bafora Ika M. IWht.ll, United Hl.tra Commtaalon. ar, at Prlnavllla, Oraaoa, on I ha lltb day of Novamhar, 1020. Claimant nanua aa wltnaaaaai Prank J, R'lf, I.uk. M. hVlf. Cb.rlaa E, A da ma, John R. Braaaa, all of Prlnarilla, Oraaon. , il. PRANK WOODCOCK. Kaaiatar. I4I ir.S-171 2M M I0IM M 11700 Oa Ida !7.8a tta 0 lions 04 I1M0 40 1140004 (laid bond, to baar mteraat at tha rate of I" par aant, (I par eant) par annum, pay. aula aha UaaaaaJly aa Jaamary aad July Brat, principal and Interaat parabla la United "tela, sold eo4a at tha snVs of tha Csanty Traaaurur of Crook Couaty, BUM sf Oraaoa, or al tha flaral aaanry of tha Btato of Oraaoa In Naw Vark City, N. Y, at taa optloa af tha koldar, Bald kMa mast ka aaaempaalsd hy a asrti. lad chock for taa pay rant, af tha amount kid, tha aaaw to ha forfaited to taa Dlatrtat aa liquidated damaaaa la tha aaaat tha aao. tauful Wddar falls ts taka ap aad Ray fay aald bonda oa aWrrary. Tha Board raaarvaa tha rlakt to rajoct asy ar all Mda, DENTON 0. BURDICR, t-U SaaraUry. TOO LATE TO ClsASSIFY FOR SALE or x e h n f N w Dodg touring car, run too mil. ExtrB tlr nd Rccourtrcmanti. Inquire Journal offlc. tfc FOR RENT Furnlibed room on (round floor, one block from Main Street. $2.00 per week. In quire Journal office,' tf. MARRIED COUPLE want! Rteady work for winter and lummer, on heep ranch. Call at Journal of fice. C-7p. NOTICE OP BOND SALE Braird pmpoaala will ba lueslvod by tha nni or Dinrtom of tha Lona Pino Irriga tion lllatrlct, a Municipal corporation, at ha om.ro In Radmond, Oraaoa, till tha hour of I o'clock P. M. on Haturdar, tha loth day of OHobar. 1920. and Immediately thereafter publicly opened for tha purrhaaa of tha bond, of aald Uutrtct m tha aum of 1140,000 00, dated July lal, 1120, numbered. In denomlna. tlona of IMKi.00 each, and matartna- aa to. owa. w-wh Interaat Principal Total IWHHI II0 1000.00 I2000 00 4H20.O0 1000.0 I1H20 00 MIO 00 lUMOD I2KO.O0 070.00 7K0 00 7420.00 7HKO.00 7110 00 40.00 U40 ftO Maturity ltr1 l27 1021 102 IM ll lH 141 1994 IMS imt 10.17 mai Noa. 1-4 Ml 11-11 10-24 tt-ai n-m IK-44 47-44 hMt 14-71 74-H IS.t 1-101 124000 lost 104-114 4010 00 ID40 lll-ll? 4HS0 00 1041 I2K-140 t000 1041 I4I-U.4 4.00 00 1B41 IA4-K4 48.0 00 1044 170-1.4 IlltOOO I04H 1.4-201 ttr.ooo I4 202-214 1970 00 1447 ll-237 1480.00 I000.M 1000 04 woo. oe 600 00 4000 00 4000.00 4600.00 4600.00 000.00 000.00 600 00 0000.00 000.00 600.00 7000 00 1600.00 1000.04 1000.00 1600.00 ttoo.oe 1041 8H4-247 1 4 WOO 10000.04 1140.00 11440.00 1 170.04 11670.00 I1MO.00 11420.00 11.110 00 11.10 00 11440 04 11640 00 11740 00 11010.00 11660.00 U4DO.V0 II .00 00 IIHIM.00 lioao.oo 11440 00 1 1 470.00 1 1 040.00 11190.00 LOST Bap laddie horae, branded , "T" on left shoulder, and two lit tle black mulei branded "49" on left Rtlfle. Loot at Char lea Hous ton ranch a month ago. Notify W. K. McCormack, D each u tea. Or. tip Draarplnp of tha Wind. . To dn-ani of .Vi? v Hid Mowing !; Ulllua olM.ldoL ami illuusa. If It blimi yniir li.it away, it' ii almi you will want to go away lie.itiiHi- of a atiiirtcoinlng of yonrn. To ilri'fim of licarlnif Ihe wind lil- for-ttll III litwa of aominnr vory Hoae to you. If you art- cbukIu In a irtim of wind, yo will have aoiue liarrowlnx exMTlpnce vwy anon. To dri-nm of rwinit a wind mill la a ga you will Iihvc a lima. Chicago HithM and KxHinlner. Color BHnrf, Booki Won't Tally. A rurimia Inatnticp of pxtrpme color bllndnpau rv.pntly rnmr o Uuht. A noat office clerk could never tmlnmo hi" acconnla. ExHinlnallon prov"d that he waa itnnhle to rllllnifiilnh lf tween the cob: cf :ht atnmpi hp wild. An Investment Paying AS A CITIZEJf OF ORFXJOX YOV SEED THE TORT OP PORTLAND If yow owtaed ator yow eoald mot mmke a biR aacccau, aalnraj your bulnj mo thod. were aa nto'Wa yoar eornprUtor' Cnlri. Orr-go. dVrclopa her ahlpptivg fa rtlltlea cannot crprrt to get Iter atutn of the world', ha.lncaa. It rrwt. with the eltlieiiB of this state) wlietW Orr;on shall dcrnlop her wonderful rmrcrm and rrah ont for blggtr markrta, or remain practically an 1 aland atate. .... To bxeomt, m real Xrrt, BO-foot channel matt be dredged m the Columbia and M llljunctte River from Portland to the Pacific Ocea,. This will enable farmers;, stocknvn and lumbermen In the Interior of the state to reach the markets of the world t lower frelKht rate and a greater profit to themselves. The taxing and bonding power to make these Improvements can be granted the Port of Portland only, by the people of the state. Yon and every other citizen will benefit If you, on November second. VOTE 810 YES OX THE BALLOT MISSIOJT COXSOLIDATIOS BILL. -THE PORT OF POBTLAXD IXX'K ct)M- 0REG0N PORT DEVELOPEMENT LEAGUE, L. W. Trimble, Secretary. fimvaTnsLiji ftomsntle Bohemia. All Bnhemla Is a Isnd of romance. In the hills and m.v.ii.l.ilna there are l)lcturvfiiB rtatlr frfhed upon the fraggy mountain, or cn enlwl clever ly In rocky clefts. Tht very name Bo hemia Is asHorlated -1n wild and won derful legends of tht rude barbaric ages. It has been the rmttleirroimd of nation. Today It la the Innd of story and legend, In the old-n days It was the land of lov,i knights and rob ber barons. Youth's Companion. Mischievous Magpl. ' A timie niHL'iile was once oliKerved " I i- gitllnTliig simie pehlilew In the iinli'ii. snil Kiileiiiiity dropping them In t !! Mole which md been made to foi'lvi' n niKt. Ah each stone dropped lie Mi'gple Kiive a trltiniplinnt chuckle, .in! s-iii.-lu it for another' atone. Ex 'Kilniitloii sh'iwi-d that a tond was it the huttum of the hole, which can ml.v polm to !h faif that the bird a st'iniiiir for hi-h.-m ment. Match Mak nga. "The makings of a match" are wood, phosphorua, chlorate of potash, resin, whiting and powdered flint. Nary a Law. If you luustt have something with R kick In It there's no law agalost yoor getting a mule. Boston Transcript. Th Moth and the Flam. A naturalist asserts that many In sects will fly toward a flame for the same reason that a plant seeks the light. But the light must he Intense to produce a marked result. Toward R feeble glare the insect moves lels urely, hut In the case of a concen trated light travels with great rap idity to Its death. Have you tried one of our steaks. It is our especial pride to give you a steak that is so tender it will fairly melt in your mouth. Orier one today and if you don't say it is the best steak you ever had we will be greatly disappointed. New Meat Market F. T. Cox, Prop. Next Door to Post Office PER CENT IN ONE YEAR Can You Beat It ? - I 'f V'Tiolll OFFICIAL BALLOT EAST PRINEVILLE PRECINCT NO. 1 FOR CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 2, 1920 Mark a (X) Between the Number and Answer Voted SHALL THERE BE ISSUED BONDS OF CROOK COUNTY T0 FUND WAR RANTS DRAWN ON ITS TREASURER TO EVIDENCE DEBTS AND UABILI. TIES IMPOSED ON IT BY LAW AND WHICH THE COUNTY IS POWERLESS TO PREVENT IN THE AMOUNT OF ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100 000), THE LENGTH OF TIME OF SAID BONDS SHALL RUN TO BE AS FOLLOWS: That is what this shed will do for you if you are equipped with farm machinery. A few hundred dollars invested in lumber will protect several thousand dollars worth of valuable machinery and double or treble its life. ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS Worth of machinery is destroyed by the elements every s year. Let us help stop this useless waste. - "Yours for Service" I um- VLum LiUmDer COMPANY $10,000 thereof for $10,000 thereof for $10,000 thereof for $10,000 thereof for $10,000 thereof for $10,000 thereof for $10,000 thereof for $10,000 thereof for $10,000 thereof for $10,000 thereof for to bear interest at the rate of six per cent (6 per cent) per annum? 322 YES 323 NO In view ot the desperate situation of this county financially, the County Court earnestly urges th peo ple to vote favorably on the above q uestion. . It does not mean that a single dollar of Indebtedness will b created, but simply gives the countycourt an opportunity to sell bonds to take care of warrants already oat standing. .These warrants were inherited when the county was last divided, and under the law as It now Btands there Is not one single chance to pay them off except by an issue of.. bonds. If this manner is adopt ed, we will be able to make a small levy each year with which to pay Interest and sinking fund and taks os the bonds as indicated on, the abovrv Fallot. ' , t i . "j (v A We urge the people to vote tor this proposition and put the county on a cash basis. . v ' ".".r.n-,- -.:..?: - -.---..'.,.-;'-.,-,.-'.. .. N. O. WALLACE, County Judge. v