CROOK CONTT JOURNAL TIIUINDAY, MTOIlKI 88, 1080. Page 4 PRINEYILLR CITY RULWAT Time Table No, S Effective 12:01 A. M. Sunday, Feb ruary 20, 10M West Bound Stations Motor Motor Mixed No. t No. I No. 1 A.M. P. M. P. M. Lt. Jr1nevllla T:0 7:65 Lt. Wilton Vt. McCalliater 1:1 S:ie Lt. O'Nell Ax. Prlnevte Jet l:S8 Eaat Boaad Buttons Mixad Motor No. 1 No. 4 A. M P.M. Ar. Prineville l:S6 :5t AT. Wilton l:J : Ar. McCallister 7:06 1:11 Ar. O'Nell t:6J :1 Lt. Prinevl Jet 7:40 : Motor No. P. M The City Buslnea brought Anton Fogle down from Willow Creek last Sat urday. Mrs. Asa Battles will have charge of selling Red Cross seals in Prine Tille this year. Donald M. Graham was a Bend Tisltor last Monday, where he went on legal business. Jacob Kaser of Antelope arrived Saturday and spent the day In this City on a business trip. Isaac Blevins received a visit from bis brother-tn-law, Vm. Rogers, of Boise, Idaho, last week. R. R. Price was in town from Post last Sunday. He has been riding for Bruce Cray at Paulina. Mrs. Chp-incey Decker and little daughter of Tumalo visited nt the G. Wallace hoina the last of tl e week. Mrs. Hugh Lister spent the week end In Prineville. coming down io witness the Alumni-high school foot ball game. John W. Mitchell proved up on his homestead last Thursday at the of fice of Lake M. Bechtell, U. S. Com missioner. Mrs. Grace Wolfe and Mrs. Henry Windom last Monday made a trip to Benu to shop and visit with friends and relatives. A. A. Traugott, of the Inland Em pire Realty Company of Burns, ar rived from that place Saturday ou business trip. Mrs. Emma McMeen is at Culvor this week looking after her crop of grain, which is. being stored in the warehouse at that point. Mrs. Iay Miller and Maude Puett pent a day or two in town visiting friends, the last of the week, motor ing down from Paulina. Walter Campbell moved his fam ily to Bend last Sunday, where he is employed in a mill. The children will attend school in Bend. Mrs. Maggie Hughes returned Sun day to her home in Seattle, Wash She has been visiting at the Ellis Mc Kinnon home and with other rela tives. Vern Sears and George Crosswhite returned Friday from a hunting trip up near Lookout. They brought in a fine buck, shot by Mr. Crosswhite near Ochoco mines. Mrs. J. R. Donnelly, of Richmond, returned to her home in that city the i 1 drat of the week, after making quite j a visit with her son, W. A. Donnelly, ' ot the forestry service. ! The new bell for the Presbyterian ' church arrived the first of the wee's, ! and has been installed in place of the old cracked bell which has been in I service for many years. j J. P. Doherty, former well known! Prineville resident, was in town Sun- j day on business. He is now connect- j ed with Poll-Angus association, and j makes his headquarters in Portland Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ward came down from their hoineBtead in the Post country, Saturday afternoon and returned Sunday morning. They brought with them Mrs. Eddie Mc . Farland, who was seriously ill. j . 1 ' Paulina was well represented on tne alumni team last Saturday; Claude Brennan, Lawrence Lister,! Robert Lister and Luther Claypool J coming down to Prineville for the purpose of playing in that game. j jMrs. Laura Getchell, society edi tor of the Bend Bulletin and presi dent of the Bend Study Club, arrived j in town Saturday, for a visit at the ; home of Mrs. Oliver Adams. She I reurned to Bend Tuesday evening. ! C. M. Zell and family, who reside J at The Dalles, spent the weekend vis- j ltlng at the A. Zell home, and with j other relatives. Hildred Zell was ; especially Interested In the Alumni- j High School football game Saturday, as he formerly attended school here, j J. B. Anderson of Turns lo was In town Tuesday and Wednesday. Service at Catholic church Sunday morning, October 30. at 10:J0. Guy I-afollette returned yesterday moraing from a three-day business trip to Portland. Walter Elliott is spending a num ber of days In Prineville from his North Fork Crooked river ranch. Jim Cram and Reuben Booten came down from Summit Prairie yes terday, where they have been with stock. Mrs. I. M. Mills of Paulina spent a day or two In town the last of the week, and witnessed the game Sat urday. John Combs and his sister Mr. Mary Howard, visited in the Powell Butte district Monday, taking din ner at the McCaffrey home. J. W. Biggs and M. A. Biggs of Burns are visiting with relatives In Prineyille this week, and transact ing business In Crook county. William' J. Kingsley and America Snyder were married at the Metho dist parsonage last Tuesday. Mr. Kingsley Is a rancher on Mark's Creek, and the bride is from Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gordon Just re cently moved to this city from Ma dras, for the winter. Mrs. Gordon is the sister of McKinley Kane and the daughter of Mrs. Fannie Kane of this city. H. S. Hudson, Supreme Master Ar tisan, visited the local lodge last Saturday night in his official capaci ty. Initiation was held, and a gen eral social time enjoyed. Mrs. Hud son accompanied Mr. Hudson to Prineville. Mr. and Mrs. E. E." Hayes left Sun day morning for Walla Walla, where they will be located from now on. Mr. Hayes has worked in the Prine ville Meat Market for some time, and both he and his wife will be missed In the social life of the city. Next Monday night is the first Monday in November and the day before election. There' will be an important meeting of Crook County Post, No. 29, American Legion, at the court house, and all members who can are requested to attend. The members of Lookout Rebekah Lodge presented Mrs. Anna Shaw, formerly Anna McCulIough," past grand of the lodge, with a casserole after the evening session of the dis trict convention at Bend Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw are making their home In Bend. Ait LYE Saturday THE NAZTMOVA THE TRIP OF FATE 20 cents and 40 cents - Sunday Herbert Rollinson in THE HOUSE DIVIDED Tom Mix In SHOOTING AT THE MOVIES Comedy Monday Mary Plckford in "THE HEART OF THE HILLS" Charlie Chaplin in "The Vagabond" 20 cents and 40 cents , Coming Saturday, Nov. 6 Viola Dana in "PLEASE GET MARRIED" LYRIC THEATER SPARKS AMUSEMENT CO. Mrs. W. S. Ayree was hostess tor the Carnation Club yesterday after noon. Mrs. Sam Babcock assisting. After a social afternoon pumpkin pie, made In the domestic scicnoe, de partment of the high school, was eer ved with whipped cream and coffee. John Knox spent the weekend in the county seat He has been devot ing his energies of late toward as sisting in building the new bridge ou the Crooked river highway near the Jim Cram place. He reports good progress In the bridge construction with the forms completed for the piers and concrete work started on Saturday. remarkable Menu. A group nf New Yorrers dined Him other rti:v on ne curious duties. They were ortup.ii .';. nck cod from New ZemiiMd. rti krent of penguin pea f.-n ArcuC'in son elephant cut lets nt.d salads ir.iule from endive If row n in Tuxmuii'ii. All the (lh ami meats served at ;! mal had been froxen two years before In the south seas and mere hrourht north to show how greet and how varied a fond sup ply the antarctic continent can fur nish. Youth's Ouni anlnn. may uay In Bootlend. In Scotland Msy day was loug known s I'.eltaue. "Beltane" Is a corruption of Baal Tluiev and the an cient Xlny day ceremonies which were nliwrred iii Scotland until not so tunny years ago were survivals of :he old Haul or fire worship, wh'eh In tonner tluys held sway over the .Tenter part of the Eastern hemi sphere. The ancient ceremonies In volved the burning of bun Bros llie drawing of lots for sacrifice, aud v muck simulacrum of the sncrlllrr Itself. Inver.tor of t'.e Income Tax. The rnl lnnitur of our modern 'iicouie tax was one of those utilitixi icsslihe ilmm of Oriel college, at whom it Inii Ion lieen the custom to lu'off for tieltiK "children" In ftnan cinl affiilrx. Thin puliir Impost whs suggested to Pitt by Dr. Henry Rceke. a fellow of Orlr! mid profe "or of moilern l!ior? lit Oxford, who afterward eoi.sMrtlv assisted Van--ilturt with the l.mlnt during thnt statesman's long tenure of the eliuu- vllorslilp of the exchequer. Loudon Times. Honeity. Honesty Is not the bent policy. It isn't any kind of policy. It's h virtue practiced its own nko without re gard for profits. Those who refrain from stenllng Im-ciiiish thieve etui In JhII are not honest. Tliey are merely discri-et. Iioliert Qulllen In Saturday Evening Post. Red Ink Stains. To remove red ink stain from tnhle linen spread freshly made mustard over the stain and leave ahottt one hnlf hour. Then sponge off and all trace of Ink will have gone. C AK1U)'M..K HERE AGAIN rXR ONLY A KKW IAYM The airplane la again In Prineville and will give the people ot this vicin ity an opportunity to enjoy a ride in the clouds from now until Baturdny evening. This la perhaps the last time that Prineville will have a vis it from the blrdmen this year, so It behooves the ambitious to get busy before It la too late. KKHKK.M1 fONVESTlON HKU TUESDAY AT 1IKMD The Rebekah Convention for this district was held In Bend Tuesday afternoon and evening, and a large attendance from nearly every lodge In Central Oregon was present. Mrs. Ethel Fletcher of Salem, the president ot the Rebekah Assembly, attended the convention, and paid the Bend lodge an official visit Mrs. Fletcher expressed herself as being very well pleased with the work nf the order In Central Oregon, as evl denced by the reports of the various committee, and gave many helpful suggestions whereby the order might benefit and prosper in the coming year. Bend Rebekah Lodge exemplified the work of the order with Initiation in the evening. The manner In which Bend Interpreta the Rebekah Degree Is very beautiful, and the work was given practically without a ritual In sight. This lodge reported the larg est Increase in membership, over 60 having been initiated during the last year. Mrs. Fletcher and M. R. Biggs of Frinevllle both gave very Interesting talks, complimenting the Bend lodgi and in regard to the principles ot thy order. A very delicious banquet ws serv to all present at the close of the ses sion. ' Those who attended from Prlno vllle were: M. R. Biggs, Mrs. E. T. Shattuck, Hattle Goodknlght, Mrs. Sam Babcock, Mrs. Cbors. lids Chorv Mrs. Young, Martha Glllett, Gall Reeves. Jessie Forrester and Mabel Connely. Wonderful Scales. What Is claimed to In- the snmllest iiiliuice of precision isiil for Impor tant work is t lut t nf llie I'liilol Slates liureiiu of tmidtinl. H Utile more than s foot tall In II class case. It takes loads up to ti' KrHins; uiil Im accurate in iitiiMliimMtmlth of s uillHcniiu, or iiIhiiii .1 n i.i Mil or a grain. It H ill weiirh llie Ink of a sliinnttire. The cnxe is ilut-proof. ami tii'itvulil lulliii'iK'e of the weltrlier's tuiilv heut the wcnilHS uii the kchIh may he manipulated liy a long rod from another room. Dimensions of a Million. A way of realizing tin- meaning of a million. almoNt ax good as counting chestnut lil.ihHoniM, Is to think of what it means In time. Few people real be that th.?re are lexs than a million days In the whole Christian era: In fact, if we count tack a million ilnye from 1fTJ0 we come to a dale well he fore the founding of Home, while a million hours wi.uld take ua hack al most to the liHitle of Trafalgar. BonJ Advice. "Crosby," tin" vetcr in correspondent ot the Downs tv'ewwy.-lven tills hit of free niedlral advice to hoys slid girls who are troubled with sore lip: "When I was a boy I always hsd sore lips. One day an old woman told tne to torn my bread iintter side down when I ate very b'te I ate for three weeks, I followed her advice, and I have never had a sore lip from that day to this. It doesn't cost a penny for this dnig." Jud Tunkins. Jnd Tunklns says many a young man with a fine future has used most of It np admlrtn' Its pnsfdhllltle. "Great Expectations.!" Should people, lt Is asked, sleep nt the theater? No. Thy Hhould hard ly expect to get bored and lodging as well. Brooklyn Eagle. MKTIIODINT KPIMttiPAL CHl'IM Il M. R. Gullaher, Pastor. BELIEVING That every person needs variety In his life That monotony Is killing That Sunday should be different That a special tonlo on BumUy makes the work ot th other six days more effective and pleasing That the moral teachings ot the churches are a help and an liinplra- lion as well as a necessity to right living That a town without a church it no lit place to live That It takes good people to make a good church ' That the church will minister Io your spiritual needs and mental de velopment ae best wa can That those who do not attend di vine services ar depriving themselv es and others That the church haa a messaga for you and an Interest In you from time of birth to translation We therefore are pleased to Invite you to our services at 10:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. 8:30 p. m., and 7: SO p.m. Kill That .CASCARA FOR t Colds, Coughs Ni-nkrted CoWs aro Dungeroua Take no chanrea. Kerr this standard remedy handy tor the firm viwn, r.rek I'p a colj 1:1 24 hour ?Hivr Otii j'j f .3 !a;i Excellent lor HcnUcne Quinine in thin f. rm c' -i not effect the heeJ Cacra la b.t Tonic Lauv No Opiale in Hal'. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT FOR SALE 400 Rambouillette Rams- one year old. These Rams are of high grade, large size, well wooled and range breeding. Also for sale 35 head Black Aberdeen Bulls all ages. For further information address James Supl. Prineville Antelope A Classified Ad Bring i Quick Results Prineville Employment Office GEO. J. RIBEJJN, Prop. Let ns know your needs and we will endeavor to fill them. GIVE US A TRIAL Telephone Black 841 L GARAG Opposite Masonic Temple ACETYLENE WELDING BATTERY STATION All Ford Work Done on Contract Price. Auto Repairing and Ignition Our Specialty. Ed McGilvray, Prop. Phone Black 881 LOIMJK DIRECTORY UNITED ABTI8ANS, Prineville A, emhly No, 148, meets ths firtt and third Monday of each month, tn ths K, ot P. Hall. All visiting Artisans are welcora. FLORENCE! CUIUS, M. A. MARTHA A. NEVEL, Becy. Winter Apple $ and Onlont Ws are better prepared than sv. r to supply our many Eaatera Oregon customers with thslr winter apples and onions. Listen I Choice grade boxed ap ples 11.60; lacked applea 11.00; onions 11.00. Varieties; Grimes Oolden; Jona than; Rum Beatles and Wine saps. Cash with order, f.o.b Dufur, Oregon, That beats ths high cost ot living, don't Itt M. M. BURTNER ' Cold With QUININE AM) La Grippe H, Scott Land & Livestock Co. Oregon WANTED VKAL. HOGH, MUTTOS, BEEK, CHICKENS, TURKEYS, DUCK 4, CEEHE, EGG8 HIDES, BUTTER, AND JACK RABBITS. GIVE 8 A TRIAL. HIGHEST MARKET PRION GUARANTEED. PROMPT RB. TURNS GUUCKHON A CO. Established 1918 100 Front Street, Portland, Or. MMSf 881 Mala Street.