CIMXIK (X)TT JOIRN.U, TM'IWIt.tY, OfTOIIfcit ai, lOlM, rare ! OCT 1920 svs n.N wr vn m,- xmr I 2 .3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 tl 12 W 14 15 16 r 18 I9 202t 2223 25 26 2723 29 00 . THE MOST SIXTTSSX MEN in the Vailed State are the LAROKST ADVERTISERS Think tt over sad call tit "Kverjbwdj Roads the Jouraal Ait"" CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL CI Y L1X1XETTE, Kditor aad Publisher M'RTH.l GI1XKTT, Society Editor. ;h tt.f.ic at FruarriB, tlbUAHKD KVKBT THl RSDAT Plica tt per yamr. iwpakl atoctu m ad . la ease oX ekaaa at asanas pli awtify us at oar. (triag toe tfcg a4 mvm THE AktOUCAN PRESS ASSOCIATION POLITICS MORE ACTIVE The last tea days hare brought more activity in political circles. With bat tea days laterreainf be tweea this date mod the actual east iEC of ballots sentiment seems to be solid, trie e in many quarters, and candidates are becoming; more active than before. The presidential race attracts the attention of every one, yet it is doubtful it local Toters are more en grossed in this contest than in some of the local contests. Straw TntM nknwr that tkta ait r i cast san be made, and county will go heavy republic!:, t . . .. , . . , , . - For surveyor, H. In the presidential contest, which ts , ' . . . ... , .. ; reralar republican . . . Wade Host on is runnier on the dera tion throughout ths aatioa. f . . . ocratic ticket. Writers In both democratic and , tB? more repablicaa papers admit that aotking ilaterm o:heT lormJ raf ahort of a anasaal landslide wiU;,,,, Comb. repablica and present atop the repahKcaa drive that Is ots- j iBc,mbeBt, being cppocd br O. H erwise care to capture Washington I qIsob. democratic nominee. ' tor the G. O. P. on November I. j otsoa Is making a eaiet canrass One ot the atost interesting agists through his fries ds and is masifest ta the stat a being waged aroaad 1 ing more streegththaa was ereditei the Tnited States Senator race, in; to him in the beginning, but it is not which the republican forces are mak-' considered likely that he will be a ing a tremeaduoas effort to line up dang rous opponent to Comb, whose the Harding suporters for Robert long experience has made him thor StaufieUi. and agains: Geo. Chamber-4 oughly eScient in th offioa. lain, present lncumbect. nsing the His record of 3S arrest tvr liquor argument, which is a good one, that low violations, 23 for th Illegal tile a republican president should have; of liquor, and 11 tor the manutsu. a republican senate au I house. I ture of moonshine, which resulted is I'p to a month ago, it seemed that ' 9 cvuvuuoes ia the federal court la no one could defeat ChamberUia. j Porttand. all the IS local offenders while today tt seems that there U a, being convicted with a result ot 12.- race on. and Star.ieid is gainiug ev-' in fines for the coaaty, and ) eryday. ' 1 Sues and four Jail sentences tor the In county affairs, there are but : stale being one that is not equaled three contests namely: sheriff, tress- j in any of the adjacent counties of the urer and surveyor. For the latter two there Is littie interest manifest, the treasurer con test being between John Lafollette and R. L. Jordan, the former demo cratic candidate, the latter indepen dent, while R- A. Bowman, regular republican nominee, is said to be out ot the race. Both the active candidates are : well knowa and present indications ! would point to the election ot La . toilette although there is so little c-Jiv-.ty in the contest no positive fore- . LEGAL" NO' MCES Uw Coanlr CWrfc at Crook Counm, Oraena, kla Baal acaNatias at kit a4mlnlalratMHi af ai4 aatala, aa4 that tka aaurt Ku t Mu ear. Uw 4i day ot (ktabar, IMS. at II s'lkx a k Um fonaoaa, at Um Cauatr Court aWav, la PrUktTtMa,, aa IM Una a4 laa lar aaarlns aa4 aatllas aai4 taal acmallni, al , kkfeh aaM lata a plan aar Sanaa latar. mad la laM ailaU aaaf appaar ana ekjerl . NOTtCt OT BONB tALI SaaW4 pnaaaaki witl to mafraa1 ay ike Boara at Piraria-a t Ik 1mm Fum Jrrtc. laa DmrWt. a Maalrfeal aMvaiaUaa. at Ma ta Siaanaa. Oraaaa. till taa knar at t- a rtect r aa Sataraa. a SMk a aT Oraaaae. IMS. aa4 laaaMauly tkaraaAae rvallrty atiaia fia ta aanaaaa tka kaaaa af aa Pwtrwt ta ta aam at 1 1 M aa aa. aaaaal Jaly lat. IK. aaaaaaraaV ta akaaaataa. tiaaa at SMaval axa. aaa aatara aa fal axaa. taarit tatawat rnipal j Da taa aaa sakllaaaal tka Int llava, aaa- ' antor t. It 31. A LB EST HgNRT IMITH, giacutar ot tkt aatata at Martha Ututotk Sailtk. Daraaaaa tl-Up state together with eScient hand ling ot other duties ' ot the offlc-, J seems to Insure his election without A. Kelly is the nominee and a quesUoa. la the city election, which ia being held at the same time, there are sine candidates tor coBocilmeo, with tlx to elect, which gives the voters an excellent field to choose from. For mayor there is no contest, ev eryone uniting on Will Wartweiler. who is the only nominee. For recorder. Dr. F. O, Byde, who is well and favorably known, having seen service in this poaitioa before, is being opposed by . A. Fessler. While it is a safe bet that the next president will be a newspaper man, the same cannot be said ot the next city recorder for Prtaeville at thi time. Great Railway Center. There are railway stattoe aih a six -mile radios of St. Paul's -exhertml. Lotida. while within a twenty-mile radios there are aearty TTf TttttttHttttttttttttttllUMtllMIMMMIM MltMMIMMHIMI Matarity ! 1S t lJ l.M lS ijt 15 itt IM ttl ltt !! i-t iwe Ka. t-S t-lt tvis ta-M ti-S - t:-M u- t-t TSPS aj-sd n-!s latin i:a.iT l.-s-u Ul-'.M tSa-tS l.Jt .rT !' tTs-we aa- Nttt r4 aaa m m .a t tllaaa ! M a'-tM. a ats OS iu aa t.!.Mk ! a ax a Saa a M-9 aa rot, as lfaa IM a tX tvjaas IKtN as aaeaa " . Ta !-) Total tlNMwa list a tttM lliata) U1al tu:aa aa naraas i:km I'.SM M wnt IITtaas liia.M II. VM i It a llaa llts 9 l!a lti III. ia) M !:- a NOTICI Or FINAL ACCOUNTING NoHra b Ka'ak (Inn kr Iha aadanleard, tKa eaatatar at tka aauta at Julia Ana Via vtaa. aWaana. ta all palatini Intrraala4 la aafca aatata, tkat ka kaa auuia and Hl4 wllk iKa mala tWrk at thb tounty hla Anal aa. aaaattrc af kia a4lminttrallin nf tald atata, aad ta art kaa art Mnrntar. na rird day at NotWvr. !:, al ID a rlork In tka fara a aaa. at taa 0unt- Court ll.v ra In Flna villa. Onrawn. aa tha lima and plana fur heal fa aa4 trttllas mut ftnal aarmmtln.. al wai.-k aald tima and plava an arnn Intat aaiad ta tha aatata ataf ainar ind obi.'t ta aa4 Saal arwoenttne. M R RI.I.IOTT. Rtariitnr ot tka ralala ot Julia Ann Blaviaa. aaraaard !!) i!4 ja 1 , VMa liWOWaS $d Wda ta War Inia tat at tka rata at 'x pr caat. par raati par anaaat. akla ilart aaaaalt aa laaaary aad jatj Srat pnai and Blttat pataaie M Catard 5ta aCd apta at tka ara at tka Gaamt Tnataar at Cmak Caaatv. Stata at Onpaoa. aa at tka Sara! aaamji at tka Stat at Oratr taHrar Tark Cltjr. N. T, at tka aptiaa at Ui Sara kadt aat to a.aarra j kt a earti ftad afcac la ta par tan at tto aM kad, tha aaaat ta' to fortattad ta taa InaLncd aa baaadatad amaxaaaa ta ta aarat tka two aafal kaadrr taila aa take ap aad par tee aaJd toarda aa dilnatj. Tka tujd taatnat tka rkrkt ta Riact aay r ail kada. , DESTOS c Bl ame, -? aacartara. NOTICX FOB ri'RUCATIOS IVtaitnrat at tka lattnrkn, U. S. Land Ut- at Tka Daiha. Oaram, Sit. IK lt. aia ta karvaa irrraa tkat WARiOS r. CARTER, artdem at Mara Car tar. fcrar!a Hair Braaaa. dttaajad. ad PrtaaatHa Orvrotk. arlaa. a Savtator 13, 11. aaadr AdditaMal Koauataad Kntrr, Ka irjlS. Sar ES S aad MVIt Ml. 8aa l 14. Tramakip ISiaatk. Kaaaa II-Eaat, Wtliaaam "Servkaa. kaa SWd aatka at ta tatiaa ta aaak tkraa-aaar Plant, ta aaca klok riana ta tka land aaaaa diminxl krtora Lak M Barktail. 1'attod Sum Caarataaaw rr. at PriBarill. Onaaav aw tka IStk da; af IKa. , ana aa allaiaiai: Prank J. ' Raif. Laaa 3d, Rnf. Caarlaa E. Adaaa, Joaa R. Br, aaa. aB at Pnamila. Dim j H. FRANK WOODCOCK, j a Kcranar. NOTICE FOR ri'RUCATION tVmrtmmt of tka I Mr nor, U, 8. Ind Of r at Tka laVWa. Oratron, Raparmkaa 1, I IKa. N.x a torrku aivan that MINNIE II I-AMI KItT. af Harm Orvr n. who, en A"rtl ". Hit. akatic l)aart Land Kmry, N u..'T., 't W", avtKn la. Tovnahip iKswttta. Ria "(, Willamrtta Maridtan, kaa tklatl "-.a rf rM,noa to maka final I'vait. aaakiwk cix.n ta tka Land abova d. n', I, kef" Lak It. SWtotvll. U. S. OmmuoiM f, at I'wniil, Oraoa. on tka tmk dap of OrtfVr. V.araart nanMa aa arltnraaiai Ctauda Saaila. Hatmaa Haaa. llaarr Pcattxlar. Charlas Lam part, a.i af Btrna. Orn. S-t U FRANK WOODCOCK, Rat latar. NOTICE FOR Fl HI.ICATION N.rl Coal Land OMtt nirtmnl at Iha Inlartar, V. B. Land Of. (I, a at Latavlaa, ra..a, Saptawbar II, ISM. Nutlia at karahr ka FHANCKa M. CIIAi'MAN, fcrawrlt rranaas M. Btraat, af Hot 411. Band, Oraaolt, wha as Bapt, It, ISI4, llumoiaad Enirr, Na. Mats, far IW. Ha. 41 NW-." . Tawaaklp a. tl K, Will. Mariadlaa. kaa Blad aatlaa ot liilantkan ta aa Snal Ikraa-paar Fraat, to aiubllak llalm la tha land akaaa dtaartkaaV tofnra H. C. Ellin, U. CetraaMtaaap, a Hand, Orafon, aa Ik loth a at Oatakaa, IWtiO Clalmanl namaa aa wllniami Frank at Naik, (laama Lanttard, baoraa K. Wltaaa, I'aul H. liana, all af Band. Orairaa, M JAB. F. BUHUESa, NOTICE rOB FtlBI.ICATIOrt Not Coal Land . Mill Dauartmanl af Ik Intariar, O. B. Land Of. f)a al Ukavlaa. Oratran, Baptaaikar la, S3db N ultra u karakr faa tkat LENA t. WIU SON, formtrlr Una J, Wmalarar, at Baa did. Band, Unaoa, aha, on Naramkaf ta. Kit, mad Honaataad Knlrr. Na, Wtt, fa Lats fViNKS,. sESNWI, Baa. t, Lat 4, BW. NWH, H-lli.n 4, Taanahlp tl . Kaaaa 11 E, Will. Marltlian, haa nlad tartlr at lolaatloa la mill Anal Ihran-raar Fwf. la aataMlak rlalm la tha land alaira doKMaad, kafara K. C. Kllia, V. . Cmmlaalnnar, at Band, Or (tin. on Iha i'Hh dnr ( Octutor, last. Claimant naiaaa aa allnaaaaai Eraaat M. Chaimian. Irank M Nrlh, (iaara Laaaford, (iauriia II. Wi!an. all of I1""!. Oraaoa. f.T JAd f. HUKiiKtUL, Bakalaf. NOTICE FOE rt BLICAT10M turn rkvartwat of Iha latarior, V, H Land Of. Br at Tka Dailaa. Oraitoa. Kaetambar 1. N a a kaarkp (taa that DANIEL W. KNOX, af Poat, Onra, arka aa Map 24, iris, awda Aadttiaaal Entry. N a. -;. for WH fwv m. u aad WVt NWH. atiaB 1. Toamakip IToatk. Raatta IS-EaM. WUlaaMtta kWndaaa, ka dlad aotla af iataatna ta auka tkra paar Proof, la aa takliak rUtat ta tka kmad abaa daarrlbad. ba toaa Lak M. BacktaU, Unrtad Stataa Com. aiaaaMrr, at PnaaaUl. Oratna, aa tto atk da at Ncrraaabar. l'.'a. Clamaat naaia aa arttaaaaaat Ulraaaa O. A!a, Jaaaaa W. Jehaaoa. Artkar Laaa. Ckarkai garppard. all ot PnM. Oraaoa. f-t H FRANK WOODCOCK. Baciata'. El MMONB In tha Clrru.t Court of lira Bial at Orasoa, for Crook C.Minlp, lUri W. Wldria. FlalatliT, ta. Hlr.ll. Whirl.. rwtVndanL I To Ml ,li Wi.lrla. tha ahora naraad dafaadant) IN TIIK NAMK Or THE HTATE OF Oltk 10N. r" ar karahp ratrulrad ta appaar aad anaa.r th coailalnt o tha platalif tiad anlnl pna It) th abrm aatltlad aart aa a ; Utora tha laal dap of tka tloa praarrtkad ka Ihp ordfr for pMhltrntWra mada karat, atarttt iha ti lid da ol OiUn.r, Ivlv, and It patt laB to au an, war, for want tkaraof tka alalatta! will apply la I Ha Court tor tka raiiaf pro rod for in tha aoraplalnl aa Sla torwla, ta-atti For a darraa af lli la Coart thai tka kaadj at matrlmonr now uladna katwaaa pa and Ito plaintiff to dltttlnd aad told ta aaaaM and that Ik plilattB ka abaolaad traat aay and all aajlaattoa arklna awt af tto ajaa, tia rontratrt aaw alfctin( kattaaae paa aad) Iha Plaintiff aad tap k atkar aad fartto. ralVf aa la Ik Coart nay Maaa jwat aad aoHtlabl. Tha aummon ( aarrad apaa paa by art II ration lharaof for III aonaaaaaUa araaaa as tha Crook Caanty Journal, a traakrp aataa, pa par of awaaral tlrmlalMMt, pakllakad as FHaavilla. Crook Covntp, Ortafoa. kf arda af th Hon. N. 0. Wallara. dadaw at tto County Coart lor Crook Caaatp. But at 0a son. arhltk ordar waa dated tka ttk day af kaptaabar. 1211 i tha da la at trat pmhtliallaa at Ik) inirnnwn kalns Ik Stk day at Baa utntor. Itr.'o. and tka daU of tto laat pabllaa tloa tolna tka 111 dap at Oatokar. 11, LAKE M. BKCHTEU. Attatwp for Plaintiff, Batldaaaa aad) Paat OA, a Addrana, PrtMalll. Omeva. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNTING lwatara at karaky anwa bp tka aadtiakfad, tto axaaalo at tka aatata at Martka Dta. totk Sautk. d. ta all paraaaa satwarlad ia aaid aatata, tkat to kaa ana and Blad arf A EASIEST THING IN THE WORLD. CALL BLACK 303 FOR LIGHT OR Hit IVY TRUCK lliriflt Morse Transportation Comp'y PRINEVILLE, OREGON THE INTEREST DA TE oa femr saviaga accoauit la rtcate at haad. The asca-e aa ey jvjajj have t jrmr credit, tbe arger the fatrveat credit. A3 anoaey depcasitrd ta that baak draws tatereat froaa date ct' de posit. Oaat row pofjut to save a little : tag the wext faju-ter? CROOK COUNTY BANK Have. You Investigated the Western Pipeless Furnace DUST PROOF It r-V w Id I ft w .1 -t 2 If. mh - i, -- ia ii," " " f-, NS all w k - ."7 The World's Most Remarkable Home Heating Plant! no pipe thrmigh the walls or toora. One rea-Utier heals entire hottae, ev enly and effectively. Tbe priaclple ot a ripeleaa rurnace ia aciroUfle aad pracUral. A proves sucrawa. It dte the work better and cheaper than stoves, hot water or hot -air pipe fumacoe, bealdea savtnc work: ftr the housewife and others la the family. Installed in Your House Without Costly .lterations Western Ptpcltxbi Parnare cast be la. stalled in your present home at alljfht coat, ant when Installed la a new house saves all the cost of naitly plumhlitR, piping, ratllatnra. Moves. The Y patera ia atade by Wraden engineers to nvret Weatera eoadi tlons. It la del(nitd fr an ft eoal and wtttrd. Hard twi ruraacca Imtk gas and anxtke wheat awed wllh soft eal. The W fat oca la das trtxif. If you cannot rail and see this wvwa derftil furnace, phone aad nar bead Ing enirtneer will call and give eati niate of emit and ev plain all details wiihout otiligatloa oa vtwr pu-t. T. J. Minger Dealer n High Grade Water Systems;' Farm Light Plants; Plumbing and Sheet Metal Work; Windmills and Gasoline Engines.