Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 21, 1920, Page Page 13, Image 13

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    TIU'IIHIMV, OtTORKR 21. J 020
r 1.1
It la to lit hoped Hut lh Crook
county high ubuul and iu supporters
will toon realise tba unfavorable
Unlit In which their conduct If held
by other school coinunltln In the
tut, nd particularly to befort It
beeouiHi neceasary for school author J
It lt to cancel all liittrtcbolattlo it
At last tht dleuovery hat bttn
made, of bow tht victory wh won bv
Crook County III. Accordion to the
young Bbnrlock HoluiHt on tht UI
torlnl it iff of tht Bund III new, thu
game u played with a "atuftnd
dummy ball." For tbt dlicovary of
thlt (act, tht Crook County tii
wlshee to extend Its huarty thank.
It I very prohablt that tht hall wm
stuffed, since Blind ' ball waa used
during tht entire gam. There waa
toma doubt at first at to whether or
not tht ball waa raally stuffed, but
now It la known tbat It waa atufftd,
for thoy tall u thuy have evidence,
and the in "re mi'iitlnn of the posaes
alon of evldimre causes all doubt to
vanish. It 1 not nnaaary to pro
duct the evldnnue.
The nxt unladylike thing that
Prlnuvltlo did waa to run In three In
eligible playnrs. The eligibility Hat
waa aunt In dua time, and If Umid
fallud to read tht name contained
In the liat it waa no fault of Prine
vlllu'a. Kvttn thn, If tln-y doubted
tht eligibility of tht playnra they had
plotity of tiuit tu verify tuulr doubt
b-fore the game atarted. But Bend
aay three Iniillglblea wera played
and "there I evidence to support tht
propoaltion", ai that settles It. It
Js useless to attempt to prove the
contrary. Again the Crook County
team I very thankful to Bend. It
waa very kind of Bend to lot thew
three men play all during tht game
and not aay a word. But that U an
Inherent quality of Itend'a team
they art such a rational bunch, and
dlaplay such wonderful comity.
Aa an avldonct of tbt "type of
roughnecklam and lack of culture"
that characterlaea thla echmil It is
disclosed that Prlnevllle playtra were
"demanded to get thla or that Bend
player". On this point tbt Band
fana art surely mlataken. As It waa,
the game waa nut even Intereatlim.
Ilealdea, what particular playi r
would Prinevlllu'a player lie requir
ed to get?
Poaalhly all of theao disclosure
made by tht editor of the Bend hitch
school newa notes U not a lamenta
tion over 'the failure of their team.
It la probably warning to otbtr
school to guard againat our turpi
tude In athletic. Or, poaalbly the
metropolla of Bend ha society for
the reform of profligate and per
eona such aa art In thla 'Inland vil
lage". If aucb I the case, let the
good work continue. Aa long aa
tbert Is lift there Is hope, and possi
bly Prlnevllle may yet be aaved by
tbt effort a of tht gtntrous Benders.
road. Tbt 8. P. 7:18 or 10 A. M
trains leaving Portland will reach
Carlton In time for tbt sal. Antes
will meet all tralna. Catalogue for
this salt may ba procured by addrea
alng Frank Brown, Carlton, Oregon.
From present Indications cheap
hay looks Ilka a saft prediction for
tht coming wlnttr. Such condi
tion should place the amall farmer in
the market for a few head of live
took. Tbart 1 no bttttr rtvtnue
than tba raturnt from purebred
Shorthorn cattl. , Tbt farm needs
the manure and tht farmer can use
to advantage tbt return from a reg
istered calf cropj '
(0 head of registered Shorthorn
Cows and heifers will be available
at auction prices at Carlton, Oregon,
Monday, October 15th. Joseph Tur
ner of Kdwal, Wanning ton and Frank
Brown of Carlton, bave Haled in
their second annual combination aule
Shorthorns which combine beef aud
milk. The fifty famalea offered in
thla sale are descended from high
claa a milking shorthorn families.
Theat cows wire brtd on tht Mon
tunaranch of tht Brook Noon Stock
Itanch Co. of tht latt 0. X. Lam
bee. Mr. Larrabee secured for his
foundation stock some of the best
females obtainable from tba Ken
tucky berd of Wm. Warfltld.
Wm. Warlleld waa one of the first
shorthorn breeder to take advan
tage of the milk and butter test
The herd bulla used In hla Kentucky
herd Muakatoon aud Duke of Alrdrle
combine tbt blood of Jot Johnson
and Kitty Clay probably tht most
famous of the milking strain fami
lies. From such cattle are the Turner
and Brown consignment descended.
Cows of breeding age will many of
them be aold with calves at foot, oth
ers due to calve thla fall.
The aale la scheduled for twelve
o'clock noon on Monday, October 25.
Col. Harry C. Crank tht well known
Northwest Livestock Auctioneer will
be on the block,
The dattle will be sold at tht
Cralgllelea Farm, one mile west of
Carlton on tht Newberg-Chehalem
"Almaneeh d Gothar
This Is a French ulinamic which whs
flrat pulillHliml In 1Y! and gives
genealogical mrllHilHr concerning all
the sovereign liotixea of Kurofie. the
uiedlatloed families uf Germany, and
ninny of Hie F.uroHan princely and
dm at hoiiw-s not of sovereign rank. It
sImi contain valuable1 Information re
garding offleern of ei'ii'lnlntiKtloh and
latlNtica of the principal political dl
vlalone of the world.
World's Dsbt to Ssfety Pin.
Perhaps the first acVntlflc and suc
cessful effort to prevent human suffer
Ing entailed by accidents was the safe
ty pin.
V "V.
Because it makes
my breakfast
taste better 1"
Countless little taste-nerves
have been cleansed of the stale
secretions which make the
mouth hot and sticky. Take
home a tube today.
Cow "
Shorthorns that combine Beef and Milk, cows that
are descended from high class milking Shorthorn fam
Craiglielea Farm, Carlton, Ore.
Monday October 25, 1920
Turner and Brown will sell 50 lots of registered young breeding
Shorthorn cows and heifers, cows with calves at foot or due to
calve this fall.
Send for Catalog and study the pedigrees
FRANK BROWN, Carlton, Oregon
Barney Oldfield
We are, for a Short Time Conducting
a Sale
We Absolutely Guarantee You Your
Money's Worth out of These Tires.
You Can Be the Judge
Inland Auto Company
i '
bib of Soft
CpJRDlLY built designed for
O power and dependability, possess
ing grace and beauty in every line
the new Buick Nineteen Twenty One
series signally upholds the traditions
that have made the name Buick a not
able word in the automotive industry.
Two decades have more than justi
fied the unwavering fidelity to the
accepted engineering ideals to which
- Buick stands committed. The tame
rugged Valve-in-Head motor re
fined is a distinguishing feature of
every model.
In appearance, the Buick Nineteen
Twenty One series is notable for
the harmonious blending of low,
graceful body lines; in appointments,
for those added refinements hat to
materially increase the pleasure and
comfort of motoring.
In addition to the general features of
the new models the Buick Five
Passenger Touring Car (Twenty Ons
Forty Five) possesses a roominess of
tonneau and new arrangement of
seating that afford occupants the ut
most in riding comfort. For the
business man or his family; for the
needs of city driving or country driv
ing, this model excels because tif its
apacity for varied service.
When Better Automobiles are Built, Buick Will Build Them
HENRY W. HOWARD, Prineville, Oregon