Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 14, 1920, Page Page 8, Image 8

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TWnslUY, (XTOIIFH 14, wan.
lUllrt ttl TIlllH TO (OIU
VAI.I IN M MMr ll t lit Mil,
MM llniinr wnn Ihe prli of
I iip In lli Corvaltii ftunimr i'hool
noil iimitinr, tor the bt Individ
unl ilmpl In tit ii hiinl iIIvIhKui, for
th W Hlilo, mill fliarlx MrClun
l III Ml (or till Mt lllply
rioin tlt Kaat Mii1.
It In niiiin itmtiui'tlun to win thl
prie, mnt the two hov er to b
roniiiit'inliMl on lite effort they havi
put foiili In tuiika itii'h ft (In how
li ft Hi iltf Fair mill tlii' ili'irvi nil
I tint tlmy have eumlng to III Pin.
II VV I'l UUH K AMI Ml ltl ll II
One exlitlilt ttlih lirlinm tilti'ni't
r.l (he nioxt nlliiiHun III llm Ri'html
lttj. erpm lolly Hint of tin Hum,
' ' hn liny ilorrli k ml mittmlvr
" and put toitotlier tT
I t I lMierpolt, leu-yeftr -old
. t -
ton model U entirely praotlt'! In
every y, and work well mi miy
rotttrtvanre iiimI upon ( lie term, III
IK Modeat y.
When K ,vl how lie Knew enough
to in lie mult en arlU'te, Hi young
gentleman dated Hint he ought In
know how, lie had to drlv ft der
rick horee all aumtuor.
itovnlutPi1 engine t rouble on III 4th
Imp of the rein, mul eotild not It
urinil again In tlm to flnlnh tieur
the nl her rr,
In the Ford race, Walt M'Failand
took Itret from Walter Heritor, al
though the Utler'ft Inn gained dr-ad.
Ily on the winner, nearly overeom
Ini the dlntanra lout by ft tanliy
The Ford .addle horn race, with
Willi Mi'Farland' rer mulched with
the horee lielnnglii( to Hed Croe.
winner of WedneeiUy'ft novelty rix,
wa eeelly won hy the Utter, who in
formed the world ftl the flnleh thut
lie muld Im1 Kurd III ft race to Th
r. r. it. h.
NrH AT ItMvrilAt.l.
Hint ttd been Kit nd kmxked olf
Die road. South of Oregon City
ir hftd evidently put on brke fttid
kldded on lb wet pevemvnt, re
mit, turned cteftr ftround, rolled
completely over once of more, top
end wlmUhleld completely detnot
lehed end three wheel torn off and
fourth wheel broken, radiator and
hood torn off. There wa blood on '
the lmi nd on body of rr, but
Ih driver hd been taken ftwfty, '
whether dead or allv I do not know, 1
Yeatorday a fur killed man hr
In Olynuila. Jimt block from where
I waa mid accident occur alraont'
hourly. I
In ChehallN I new a driver put on j
hi brake too auilden and the reult .
we thut he loiied up on the aldo-j
walk with the front of the car about.
uiut.Ksr t At uHowm
The prtt tor Ilia hetd head of
oauliflower, reined alul exhibited by
anyone at the Interstate Fair tbl
year we won by IVm Kiaitt. on ot
Tif K, K ?.
Not alon we IM beed of Ceult
fnwer the blggoet reined thi year,
but It I the laigoet and beet et.-r
uhlblled at any fetr here, and Mr,
Carpenter of O, A- C. ltHt that It
wet th beet and btggeet eilman
he bed ever ee grow la all hi
It t jMt an aeuipl of what ren
be dn In tVwtrel Orvfo., la the
gerAtenlnt mx
a h. !, w ruiv
Tbe txiotl-ell teem of the local
liitth vhool will gxi t Xedmond Stab
Wrd Hi plev a i with Ke,lwo4
bik na their home Held, A ery
Uift crowd t rneevllle pe,)e l
Vte-tel to go tkeie Setuay te al
tud Ike me and take In tbe IV
ttv Shew,
It la t ) thel tbe Ural bv.
w briag bom tbe bva by a large J
iwargia, a their teem I above the)
ftveiege tks j-ear In teem tk, '
, foot from a plet glne window.
t'riMik county high aohool wn thi When I loft home I took camera'
winner In both foolhell gitnio played with me but next time will leave the,
liiiitig tlm Kalr on the public chool t cemera and got ft pair ot rubber,
lii'i.iiinU, J boot, a rulilior coet and a diving.
The genie with llond on Frldtty at- autt then run tin car In the garage '
inioon n won hy llio luue of ' anil ln,v home.
to 0, before record crowd, and the
nocoiul teem won from tb Redmond
ici'oud ton m oil Seturday ftfternoon
by a acore ot IH to 0, Thl lattor
gnme plnyoil wllh the hendicep
of a wet and tllppary Raid.
A mora dolallod account ot the
(hiiic will be found In the h'gli
.'hoot new column III thl week'
leeue ot the Journal,
There were twxt am.t nt. .v, it
iNrWA tr jumrday aftrw,,vi '
w, KMh were very leterr-enwg lw!
t'te of the tx- tk,M the ca w'
nibst avaat wt tbe evvft eaw-J
v- tife.k,
tft the vt r. a hwt.vrU (
uvk vwr. tbe V'.IUrd KIVi lled-l
Va bvt tbe Itret tkree
v e4 by rVer Ci
V , Vv Kry, Tbe U,Smb
SMIUUMi Tllttot till THK
I'Ati Kit' NOHl'llWKsr
(ly J, O. r, Andereon)
1 left Albany, Oregon, lat Sun
day In niml beautiful (?) rain
Uirm and drove t o Rldgeflold.
Waeh , Monday drove to Centralla,
and yeaterday cam on to Otytnpla,
where I plan to tay until the weath
er man decide to dieconttnu the
cloudburat that baa been In progree
for the pant week, during which time
I have really carcely een the un.
Tbe whole country I flooded and
torn vt th river rle II teet
veeleiMay, even though they were at
It,,! tag before. It wa five year
go that t laet vletted thl part ot
the country and 1 plan that after I
get back to Central Oregon and pome
tunehtne I will juet about get dry
again by 1134,
t cannot tell much about the coun
try t have gone through except thsit
part occupied by tb roadbed. For
whea you drlv car (or ft Tord p
here y keep your eyy on what
paaae locally Kr road or yen may
live to he torry and yow may not,
likely not. tome people toem to be
under the tmpreeaton that Crpok
county and Central Oregoa have all
tbe bad roada la th Xorthweet. l.
me ure you that the partlee hold
ing thi opinion hould take trip
aad change their mind, t have
eea one bed road la Xorthem
Calitorat, and they are there yet.
t,xv and tbe rd -cUe,l between
Kelv Weeblngteii and Tle,lo t
aow wi-tktng like tbe Cowih Flat
nsd metire t along nKt Feb
ruary One ear driver wa I day
In gvg txviM here to rvnUnd a.l
wbcw be g back here wa o tK-k-H4
ke esd "aever again", Jwt like
the K wst t c moreat
ptr to Jaaaary U, lli,
Tbe reos hw ved bad and
nhrrery rexd and rj"aet and
,vidt h racreaecd ia prv
tb.. S,Mtb isnVwi I w car
If the inlu ahould happen to atop 1
before next AugUet, I will gelid you j
ft propnld telogram, but do not it
up night walling tor It, because.'
while I aiipono mirh a thing I nnl-i
blt It I not hit probable. And a '
toon tlm tog cliara away o I can !
nee a hundred feet, I will write and
lot you know what the country Kwik
rwn news not ia jywrg;
Mr. C. Elkitit and daughter Kath
erlna went to Portland Tueaday.
N. H. KHMt went to Culver Tuea
day. Mr. 0. Zunker and her talker,
Grandpa Foater left Friday tor Sand
rolnt, Idaho, In reapon to ft tele
gram from Grandma Foater, who la
at th bedald ot her aoa Charlo
who ha recently undergone very
oriou operation and now lie In a
very critical condition wltb yry lit
tle hoiH ot hia recovery.
Kile Snoff left for Farina, Idaho,
The cbiHI thlti hall ha receiv
ed lot ot new turnieblng.
Ther wre good many peopl
at th fair from hero Friday and
Saturday. Friday Ih UP.C. mem
ber and tamille had picnle on the
grounds. All reptirt ft very enjoy
able time, includiug your correapon
J5 car kad of hei-p wer hlpp-d
frxtu her Tailay.
"t-tt CMrg D It
Our eWrvti, t thmt a rXiow
plan tw aolve all problem ami rvfiw
aiaeklnd t most Wlhtful when tneit
a tb other fellow.
NOTH't n r lit rCATWS
tVvortwwrt 4 IW ltrk-, V S. IjiipI C
,- l TW IWw. IVtoWf t,
e wwt w in
t M MtlT.
t V -f'tx OrgM. W AcmM 4. IS' V.
frT XAK,lhW4a H,Hlil KT t.
i. j Xs Xv S V SKS, K.4,
s i, t ns,i tin p, ski,.
lMt Mkh v4 MiK tf Wlw.
W Wkt. lwr $UM Cmmhmwh. mt
ftfcbv1 i i4.
Cum "w m !; On-4 Rin.
it owi. eve N rw w vj
A carload of these beautiful little cars are here
and we want to show you a value that is mighty hard
to beat. They come in both wire and wood wheel
patterns and are now on sale at the following prices:
Five wire wheel design at $1385
Four wood wheel design $1320
H ."J
You cannot fully appreciate the beauty of design
and ease in riding until you have tried them out.
Come in and take a ride.
! m
We have larger cars coming in which will be
attractively priced, among them being the Velie,
Allen and Chalmers. Also several used cars on
hand which will be offered at bargain pries. Lib'
eral allowances made on all makes of cars.
Central Motor Sales Co.
Opposite Prineville Hotel
About lift, member ot th So-1
roea Club, th row-ell Butte ladle
ard gv th planologue, Llttl Or
phan Anal, and other asm ber.
Mr. X. E. Brisk gv at hir
elerttoa. Song From th Poet, aod
i Mra Mlllieaa told of her roeent vlnit
lh wen. grotftfttth regalar met-jl0 the koB c . former Shamta.
ing ot th Skamia Clab. hM at U Mr. Victor Showw.
home ot Mrs. CoUiu W. Elkin. Toochiag apoa tho, bble, Mrs. J.
Th clab ctady tor thi year ' j ..
loag th llftea of ataji aad th bi
ble, and aa topectatly goo4 program
of (hi kind wa gi.
Tk vvl M-bfvvo tr l!s after
oa wr g'.xea by Mr. J. H. R,-
berg, who reader! oeveral o'4
tavohte, and Mr. T. Rea saag
th ( compooed hy Mr. Heary
W. rbwarC
Foe a iaao elertio, Mr. How-
Wlgl rad aa Interesting paper )
Moae. th Man ot God, and Mr. It.
P. Hoik nap read th poem, Th Bur
ial ot Monon.
The homes curved very delicto
The next meeting will b at th
home of Mr. Guy La toilet t.
Cornett Stage Co.
Stages leave Prineville and Paulina Daily
except Sunday
Office with Ochoco Creamery
Now for sale at the mill
near Grizzly Store
We will saw this month for
the local trade. We can fill
any order no matter what size
or dimentions Order Early.
Cornett & Maison Lumber Co.
g 3
Be sure to visit our big Har
vest Sale which starts Saturday
October 30. All merchandise
except groceries and hard
ware are offered at a big re
duction for cash only Look
for big circular.
i Cornett & Co.