TMlllhl,V, (MTOIIKK It, IIMO. CROOE COCJ.TT JOCRsAjj . LEGAL' NO' NOTICI OP BOND tAI.I Healed proposal, will to rasstesa' W the llnard nf lllreetore of the Lone llne IrTtse tloii Matriel, a Mualeitml sorporetlea, at Ha sinVa In Redmond, Oreaoa, till the Want tt t IM e'etoek P. M. on HoUirUr, tho iota oaf of Oetnber. I MO, and Immedlatelr IhsrssflsT puftllely aliened fnr Uio puirnaaa of tho bands of aald IIUlrM In Iho sum of tlno.oo 00, dated Julr Ul, 110. aamhsred. In deaamlnee tkina of Ikoo.iM oath, and maturing ss foU Inwa. to-wlt I MslurHs Ni. Interest Prlnelpel Total iw.'a t-t Imwooo :iimk im KIT 1-11 MHO 0 IIMIOO0 1121) 00 la.'a -u i4noo lono.oo utto.M . I'l.'U l-4 MAO HO IIHI0 O0 II4S0.04 1050 S2HOO0 ltno.00 1I7U0O m tiloooQ tlf.' t tan 2 ItM 1M0.M 40M.M IIMOOO ISM 47.M ItWI.IM 4000.00 . 1ISJ0 0O iwit - iko no ttwoo litsooo . 111:11, 44-H 1II0O0 ttllU.UO 1 1410 K) nut) 7a-M iiitooo mwooo 114000 as-Ni tMo.oo imiooo iista.w Hi;i oi-lftl 4240 00 1174000 iwio 1 nt-i 1 koiooo iihiooo tuoiooo 1 1111) 1 14-1117 tSDO.OO OlHMI.OO IIHSIIW) lull 124-140 tlUullll IUI1I 141-IM 4HHOOS 1044 Mt-lSt 400o OU44 110-INS 1110 00 tt4 l-U 146000 4I I01.JI1 1070.00 147 I.T 1440.00 10411 --. IHM.OO i4 tt-nt wo 00 tlt-IO 440 00 Id alda must to aeeomnenlee to a oartb Dad sheet for ton par sent of tho amount kid. Iho mom to to forfeited to tho Wetrtet aa liquidated damaase In tho event tho sae sassful bidder falli to toko aa and par lor aald bnnila en aWHeeiy. Tho Hoard reeerv aa tho tifht la rsjest any or all hid.. DENTON 0. BURPICK. I-7s leerstarr. NOTICK PO PUBLICATION Dopartmonl of tho Interior, U. I. Land Of flro at Tho Dalles, Onana. Sept. la, I We. Noll's Is hereby lvea that MAKION P. CART! ft. widow of Marr Car lor, formerly Mary aieaee, iarasasd. of Prinerllls Oreaon. "eha, ea tWpuentor It, IBIt, mads Additional floomtesd Rntry, No. 017.J4, for EVi EVi snd HW Hti, Bee. lion 14, Township It-Booth. Hants 17-Boat. Willamette Mertdlen. has Bled nntks of In tentlon to nuke throe-year Proof, la seta bltsh rlslm In Ihs land shoes desrrlbsd, before Use M. Berhtell, United BISKS Commtoakm sr. at Prineville, Orsvoa, ea the Ills day of November, l0. Claimant namas aa oil nasi at 1 Prank t. R.lf, l.uas M, Keif, Chariot . Adams, John H. Brass, all of Prtnevllle, Oreaon. H. PRANK WOODCOCK, l-c. Realater. lltDO.OO lltuo.oa 1IWHI 00 Homo llltnoo 11470 no IIIM0 00 II4M.U0 11700 00 11440,'rO ttllO.OO 1OII0.00 1(1100 tuno 00 IIA00 no ttoo 00 liinnu 00 10MJ0U0 iinooot Bald bonds to hear Interest at the rate of all per rent, It per rent) per annum, pay' able suat-eaaMlly aa Jeaaary and inly In. lnnlial and luteraat parable In United flialea tld rein at the oftVe of the County Treasurer of Crook Counly, Bute of Oreaon, or al the fW l aamry of the Mate of Orr.m In New York City, N. V., at the option of the bolder. NOTICE OP PINAL ACCOUNTINO Notice Is ksrehy ilrea by Ihs aaderslarawl. the eterutor of the estate of Martha Elisa beth Smith, deceased, to all Bartons Interested lit said estate, that be bat made and Sled wl'h the County Clerk of Crook County, Oreaon, his Anal accounting of hit administration of said mtats, and that the court hts tst Holi day, Ihs lib day of October, 120, at IS o'clock In the forenooa, at the Counly Court Room, la Prtnevllle, 0 sgon, aa ths tlms snd place for hearing and setting said Snal accounting, at khlch tald tme and placs any person tn tar geted la tald mtata may apptar and objam t thereto. Dated and published the trat time, Sep tember t, IMS. ALBERT HENRY SMITH, Eaecatar of ths mtata of Martha Elltabrth Smith, Deceased (Mtp NOTICE OP PINAL ACCOUNTINO Notice It he retry gleea to the aadershraei ths assrutor of the wtala of Julia Ana B le vins, deceased, to all persons tnteieeted la said eeUte, thai be has mads and Steal with the county clerk of thla soualy bis Snal aa onnntlng of his administration of tald aetatsv and the court has set Monday, the Bret day of November. IMS, at IS o'clock h Iho form aooa, al the County Court Room at Priam elite, Oreaon, as the time and plaea ffrr beat i sad settling aald Saal aitenatiag. al which tald time and place any person Intern toted la the aetata amy appear sad obleJt la tald Snal accounting. M. K. EI.UIirTT, recutoy of the estate of Julia Aaa 1 Blevtnt, darmisd S-S NOTICE POB PUBLICATION SII7H Department ef the Interior, U. 8. Land Of. See at The Dalles, Oreaoa, September 1, IK. Notice is hereby gtvoa that MINNIE B. LAMPKBT, of Barnes, Oreaon, who, on April 1. 1914, made Dseert Land Entry. No. SII7M, for - WMi. Section II. Township 10-Rout a. Bangs n-East, Willamette Meridian, bat Sled notice of Intention to auks Snal Proof, to eetabltah claim to ths land shove desert bei before Lake M. BeehtelL U. S. Cornm lea loner. at Prineville, Oreaoa, aa tto SOU day at October. IS20. Claimant namas at srltneaaeai Claude Seeds, Ilermsn Haas, Henry Pounder, Charles Lam- pert, all of Hemes, Orenn. 1-1 H. PRANK WOODCOCK, Beamier. NOTICE POR PUBLICATION 14V2I Department of the Interior, U, 8. Land Of- Ace at The Dalles, Oieaon, September 1, Win. Notice Is hereby given that UANIKL W, KNOX, of Post, Oregon, who on May 10, WQ, mads Additions! Hommtesd Entry, No. UIJU-7H Co-WU. BWU SU 1 mA W U. SV. rVeetlon It, Townahlp i7-8outh. Range l-Kset. Willamette Meridian, baa Sled notice of Intention to maks three year Proof, to aw tebliah claim to the land above described, be fore Uke M, Berhtell. United Btatee Co to rn lea loner, at Prineville, Oregon, on ths Stb day of November, 11C0. Claimant names as witnesses 1 Ulysses 1i, Allen, James W. Johnson, Arthur Lane, Charles Dneppard, all of Post, Oregon. 1-1 H. r HANK WOODCOCK. Register. msds Homeeteavd Entry, No. 0M4S. for SW See. 4 1 NWVi Section , Townahlp II S, Rsnas SI E, Will. MsruuMaa. has Sled aotlca of Intention to seeks Snal three-year Proof, to establish -eletm tw-ths lead nboee aWcriMd. bafors H. a Ellis, U. S. Commiseioner, at Bend, Oregon, aa the aotk day of October, ll. Claimant names aa wUnsssesi Prank M. Neth. George Ungford. fisorae H. Wilsoa, Psul M. Wilsoa, all of Bend. Oregoa. 1-1 JAB. P. BURGESS, Keglster. NOTICE POR PUBLICATION Mot Coal Land Dsaertttesit ef the Interior, U. a Land Of- Sot at Lakeeiew, Oreaoa, Heptemher II, 120. Notice la hereby avsa thai LENA J. WIL SON, formerly Lena J. Wins low. of Boa 411, Bead, Oreaon. who, aa November 12, Kit, made Honestead Entry, No. s4t, for Lou 1-1. SUNK. BEUNWU See. . Lot 4, SMr- NWti. Kecttoa 4, Township 11 S, Ranaa 11 E, Will. Meridian, has Sled notice fit intention to maka Snal thrss year Proof, to mtabiuh claim to the land above described, before H. C. Kills, U. S. Commissioner, al Bend, Ore gon, oa ths loth dsy of October. I2. Claimant names as witnesses! Knuat E. Chapman, Prank M. Neth, Genres Langfors, George IL Wilson, all of Bend. Oreaon. 1-1 JAS. P. BURGESS, Ksgtster. NOTICE POR PUBLICATION Not Coal Land 08S4S Department of the Interior, 0- B. Land Of fice st Lakevlew, Oreaon, Be pi ember 11, lttO. Not Irs Is hereby liven ths PKANCKS M. CHAPMAN, formerly Frances M. Street, of Hot 4IC, Bend, Oregon, who on Sept. 10, tlt, NOTICE OP SHKRIPPS SALE By virtue at aa caseation in foreclosure duly Issued by lbs Clerk of tto Circuit Court of ths County of Crook, Stats of Oregon, Uteri the Mb dsy of September, me, la a certain suit la lbs Circuit Court for said County and Stats, wherein Charles W. Tbom Ibwslle aa plaintiff recovered Judgment ag ainst Louis J. Seebvrtrer as defendant fm ths sum of 1600. with interest thersou at H per cent per annum from December I. 1914, for the further sum of toO attorney's fees, snd ths sum of $17.40 costs and diaburae- R'enta, on ths Its dsy of September, llfitO, Notice is hereby given that I will aa I tth day of October. 1020. at the front door of ths court bouss la ths city of Prinertlle la mid oounty, at 11 o'clock In the forenoon of aald day, sell at public auction to ths highest bidder, for cash, ths following described pro perty, to-wlt I Northeast quarter (NEK) of section tweae ty-nlos (It) in township siitsea (II) south of rnngs fifteen ( 16) east of ths Willamette Meridian, taken nnd levied upon as the pro perty of ths said Louis i. Seebemer, or at much thereof as may to ascssisry to satisfy the said Judgment together with all costs sad dtabureements that bars ar may accrue. ' Dated at PrinevUls, Oregon, September S, IKS. JOHN COMBS, Sheriff tf Crook County, Oregon. SUMMONS la Ihs Circuit Court of the State of Oreaoa, for Crook County. Karl W. Widrig. Platatlf, vs. Birdie Widrig. Defeadant. To Birdie Widrig. the above named aWoadnntl IN THE NAME Or THE STATE OP ORE GON, yoa are hereby required la aaa say aad answer tto complaint ef the ptaiatnT Sled seams you ks tto above swtHied salt so ay btfora tto last dsy of tto tram prasirfksd aa the ardor for pabllcatkM mads hereto. Isewtti tto tlnd day at Octseer, lata, snd If yea faS to so saswer, for west thorsof ths pUlnllff will apply la the Court toy the relief preyed for aa tto tamplibrt aa Sis hereto, to-a Hi Por a decree ef lb Court that ths hoods ef matrimony acne svlstina bet wee a yon nnd ths plaintiff to dissolved aad told Cor aaaght ; and thai ths piatnlif to absolved from nary and all obligation arising sot of the taas riage contract now existing hetwsoa roe and the Plaintiff and for sack other aad farther relief as la tto Coart may assat .last t sou liable. This summons to served upoa you by nqbn- eattea thereof for six eonsevcutive weeks kt tho Crook County Journal, a weekly ar paper of general circulation, published m Prirerrllw, Crook County, Oregon, to or of the Hon. N. 0. Wallace, Judge ef tto County Court for Crook County, State of Ore aoa, which order wsa dated the 1th day of September, 121 tto date of Srst publics tin of thla summons bring ths tth day of Sev tember, W20, nnd the data of ths test publica tion being tto list day of October. IVZS, LAKE M. BKCHTELL Attorney for Plaintiff, Residence aad Post Office Address, Prineville, Oreaoa. inspect the asaassmcnl list an snVo of the Secretary of the Board, Published by order of the Board of Dttaan tort of tto Lone Piae irrigation District, August 11. 12. DENTON O. BUKDICsk. M-Ue Secretary simtzt NOTICE POB PUBLICATION Not anal hm4 Deport meet of lbs Interior, U. a Land OS- Scs at Lakevlew, Oreaoa. Aegust II, ltlgL Notice la hereby gives that EDWARD STREET sf Plfe. Oreaoa. who oa January tf, IKS msde add It kraal Hoasaeteaal Entry. No.l02, for SE48E Sec. I; NKKNE It, T. Ill, R. UtL. Lot 1. Section S. Lot 1, NENWi See, 1. Townahlp 11 S. Ranaa It E, Will. Meridian, has Sled aotlca of intention la maha Snal three-rear Proof, to sstabUsi? claim to the land above described, kef ore Chariss a. She, sua. U. S. Commiseioner. st Fife, Ore Son, on the lttk day of October, 12. Claimant names ss wHneasee : Joseph Street, Wesley Street, C N. Bradford. Paul Wsraer, all of Fife, Oreaon. JAS. P. BUROKSS. legists. NOTICE OP ESTRAT One Iron Cray boras; three or four yean old. Branded with eircie tail oa left shoulder and T with a back handed 8 under connected, with spot in forehead. - One small brown mule branded with a circle taxy H inside the circle on left shoulder and C on the left stiffs or snorted with aa L orl leying down. Dieh fees. about 1 years old. Taken up by the City of Prineville KHfc. LONE PINE IRRIGATION DISTRICT Notice of Meeting of Board of Equal isatloa. The Board of Directors of ths Lone Pins Irrigation District acting as a board of oquai iistion will most at ths omce of the Board at Hedtoond, Oregon, on tho Srst Tuesday of October 120 (October Ith) at ten o'clock la the forenoon, for the purpose of reviewing and correcting rta ssscesments and apportionment of taias for the year 12. In the meantime all persons Interested may NOTICE POR PUBLICATION tl2M a Department of the Interior, U. 8. Lend Of See at The Dalles, Oregon. August Is, IPs. Notice is hereby given thet JOHN W. MITCHELL of Prineville. Oregon, who, cm July 11, Kit; made Homestead Entry. No. 1421rt, for NW4 hK'A, NW' W SW and 8E SWts, Section 12. Townahlp IS South, Bangs IS East, Willamette Meridian, has Sled aotlca of Intention to make three-year Proof, to eatabltoh claim to the land above described, before Lake M. Berhtell, United Stales Com missioner, at Prir.cvilie, Oregon, aa ths lis day of October, 12. Claimant mum aa nlltimiisi Richard W. Breese, Charles E. Adams, John R. B rasas William A. Hand, all of Prineville, Oregon. JL r it AN a woudcuvb. Brilliant Scheme. On thplr fourth birthday France anil Rita, twin, hUkxI watchliiK th Biiixliiiiir toui'he being put on a cake by their mnther, whn France ex elMlmcci. "Muvvfr, let's have today for my blithday, and we'll nave another for Rita tomorrow." IIP I" 1 THE GOLD MEDAL PRODUCT Makes Your Home Bright, Clean and Attractive TTT IT MAKES OLD, DINGY FURNITURE fresh and new looking. It drives out dust with all its germs and f ill-health. It dusts, cleans, polishes all in one operation just put a little on your dust-cloth or mop and use them in the ordinary way. CALOL LIQUID GLOSS is one of the Standard Oil Company's quality products scientifically prepared after a thorough study of the properties required in such a polish. It is used not only in homes, but in offices, hotels, churches, schools, colleges, hospitals and public buildings. Put up in cans of various sizes from one-half pint to five gallons; and for large users, in barrels and half-barrels. Ask your dealer for it or communicate with our nearest agency. Awarded Gold Medals highest competitive honors P. P. L E., San Francisco, 1915, P. C, E,, San Diego, 1915. ;e, V,' 5 In ej?r, g. U ift.f ! Standard Oil Company, Oakland, Cal. ATTENTION MR. J. R. BRANCH Gentlemen: Early this year, through an actual demonstration on furniture by your Mr. Branch, we purchased one case of Calol Liquid Gloss. . Our opinion of the product is best shown by the fact that we began using it exclusively and our second order called for a half .bar rel. We find that it gives a most satis factory luster without leaving the sur face at all greasy. Calol Liquid Gloss spreads unusually well," and its free dom from acid or other injurious in gredients makes it entirely reliable for use on highly finished surfaces. It has bee., used in our hallways and hardwood floors, and on furniture throughout our five hundred guest rooms. We are very glad, indeed, to re commend it as entirely satisfactory for general polishing purposes. Very truly yours, HOTEL OAKLAND. By F. A. SKEIN, Assistant Manager. For Cleaning and Polishing Floors Dry dusting of wood floors merely cir culates the dust. Calol Liquid Gloss removes it, brightening and renewing the floors and keeping them really clean and sanitary. v Calol Liquid Gloss may be used on any good floor mop. Only a very little Gloss is necessary and this will have to be renewed only when your mop fails to hold the dust. Put two or three tablespoohfuls of Gloss in a tin container. Then place your mop in the container and leave it there for several hours. This permits the Gloss to be absorbed evenly throughout the fabric of the mop, and avoids getting too much Gloss on the floor. The mop should be well shaken out af ter use. It also should be washed and dried occassionally, after which it should be re-treated with Gloss in the manner described. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Office of Superintendent S. P. Gen. Off. Bldg. San Francisco, June 4, 1920. Standard Oil Company, 200 Bush Street, San Francisco, Calif. ATTENTION MR. J. R. KEANE Dear Sir: Complying with your request to tell you what we think of your Calol Li quid Gloss as a preservative of linol eum floor covering, am pleased to say that we have found it very satisfactory, having used it frequently since occu pying the general office building nearly three years ago, during which time we have had scarcely any maintenance ex pense for repairing linoleum. Am satisfied that l6d we not used it, our. re newal cost would have been huge, as we probably have the largest area of linoleum covered space on the Pacific , Coast, one office alone having an area of 25,212 square feet, exclusive of vault space, on one floor only, the traf fic in all large offices being very heavy. Beside preserving the linoleum, the frequent use of Calol saves the ne cessity of mopping so often, as it gives Battleship linoleum a luster that lasts for several weeks, and looks more clean than a floor would if mopped in the usual way every night In view of the foregoing, I feel warranted in recommending your Ca lol Liquid Gloss for use on linoleum. Respectfully yours, A. B. JOURS. For Polishing Your Automobile Your friends and the public judge your car largely by its appear ance. Calol Liquid Gloss and a little play-work now and then will keep it bright and new. v Wash off any heavy mud or dust, wring out a piece of cheese cloth or chamois in water. Apply the Gloss with this, rubbing lightly over the car. Complete the polish by rubbing the surface thoroughly dry with a clean, dry cloth. No moisture should be left to pick up dust. In effect you have a newly varnished car. The Gloss is widely used for renewing leather auto tops, uphold stering, etc. . . ' ' ; CALOL LIQJJID GLOSS " FOR SALE BY MICHEL GROCERY CO., - - -J. E. STEWART & CO., - - - -CORNETT & CO., - - -W. F. KING CO., - - - - -HOMER NORTON, - - - - -A. L. MILLER,- - - -LAKIN HARDWARE, - - - -;NEWELL MOTOR SALES CO., -INLAND AUTO CO., - - - - Prineville, Prineville, Prineville, Prineville, Post, Paulina, Prineville, Prineville, Prineville, Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon