Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 14, 1920, Page Page 5, Image 5

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TlltllHDAY, (KTOHKR 14, 11)20.
crook conmr journal
On of th flnt curly (all wedding
occured last Buuday, when Allen
ttlanchard heram th brld of Bhel
bourn Ayre at tha W. 0. Ayraa
bum wet of Priuavlll.
Th4'rreniony occured at four O'
clock Sunday afternoon, and waa per
formed by Rv. F. C. Laaltttt of
Portland, In tha presence of Immed
iate -relatlvea and frienda.
. .Tha brld and croon were accom
panied by Harvey Ayre and Ladema
Lylle,.wlth tha wedding march play
ad by MlM Eeata Ream.
Tha brlda looked very aweet In a
beautiful, dress of whit aatln, and
carried a boquet of bride' roses'.
Miaa Lyll also wore whit, and car
ried red roses.
Mr. and Mr. Ernest Haye mo
tored the young couple to the vett
ing train on tbelr way to Maupln for
their honeymoon, where relatives of
the brid reald.
Mr. and Mra. Ayrea will be at
' bom to their friend at their apart
1 inent at 307 South Second Bfreet.
(Continued from page 1)
Wednesday morning, but thla year
the Judging waa completed earlier
than uaual. The work waa of very
blgh quality, although the dliplay
waa not a largo aa common. A
prlr of $15 waa given to the Domes
tic Art Department for Ita entire dia-
: Th Potato Show at Redmond I
to be held thla week, and th prac
ticability of ending th achoul ex
blblta to Redmond waa diacuaaed.
Tber la tb danger of having th
article loat or atolen, ofr thla reaa
on there I aom doubt aa to whether
th dlaplay will be ahown again.
Th second team mad ita Initial
bow In the football world by defeat
Ing a Ilk team from Redmond. The
acor waa 18 too. Mr. Piatt la the
coach of thla team, Cheater McKen
lie captain, I.oule Reavla, manager.
The team will play other encond
team of Central Oregon on the same
day and same place th first team
Saturday, October the sixteenth,
gam will be played with Redmond
t Redmond. With th exception
of two or three men Redmond hna
the aam team aa laat year. Tbelr
men era cotialdnrably heavier thla
year and ahould be able to make a
good, showing.
An attempt win made to secure a
gam with the Grant county team on
th following Saturday, October 23,
but because of the present weather
conditions, It la very probablp that
tuch an arrangement cannot be bad
On Thursday night, laat week,
bualnesa activities of varlou des
criptions and degrees of Integrity
were held up to ascertain the source
of a big noise. That waa the night
of tha rally, and the citizens of the
city were forewarned of Its event
week previous to Ita occurence. Tim
student congregated at tho school
and marched through Main street,
yelling and ringing cow hills. Num
eroua yella wer given at each Inter
section and demonstrations of mild
description were given. This was
th preliminary to the game the next
The orchgatra have their practice
every Tuesday night at 7:30. A
few new entrlo have been made
while several members already In the
orchestra have changed to different
instrument. The work 1 progres
ting splendidly and the hope for
holding a concert I becoming a re
ality. Flan are being made to hold
concert sometime In th last wk
of this semester. Th money de
rived from thla will go to purchase
books and other auplles for th or
Physical training for th girls and
military training for tb boy baa
not been taken up thla year, because
of weather conditions. Doth ar
required, while military training I
compulsory. Tb only exemption
to military training la physical disa
bility or by being excused by con
sent of the faculty. This year, how
ever, all boy turning out for any
line of athletic will be exempt
Some tim ago It was stated that a
larg number of boys bad reported
for football practice, but since that
tim tb number ha continued tc
dwindle until at the present tlma
barely enough for two teama ar on
th field. In order to encourage a
larger turnout for football, It I pos
sible military training will b en
forced, aa th Interest In thi work
la very slack.
To enable physical training In
spit of'weather conditions a gym
nasium I needed. ' It will be re
membered that plan were under dis
cussion several year ago to raise
money by subscription for a build
ing. On account of th war th
plan wer laid aside so that tb va
rious war drive would not be hin
dered by too many calls for money
Now sine th war Is over, the pos
sibility of th erection of a gymna
sium can again become a factor In
the mind of the people.
Two or three resident of Prlne
vlll ar offering homes for girl
who wish to attend high school.
They may work for their entire
board and room, or they may work
for a part of It Offer of tbla kind
ar frequently made. While the
girls now attending school are' tak
en car of, there may be other that
wish such a place to stay. Informa
tion In regard to this can be had by
communicating with Mr. Evena.
Frank Houston, son of Charles
Houston, and Claude Smith, left
Monday for California, where they
expect to ride In the movies with the
Harry Carey outfit
Claude Smith has been a rider for
Iceland Cuaey for a number of years,
and Frank Houston has Just about
grown up on a horse
For the Information of the land
owners under the Ocboco Project,
the Journal baa secured an Interview
with Engineer R. E. Froyseth:
The bond Issue to ba voted upon at
a special election to be held at
Grimes Cbappel on Saturday, Octo
ber 16th, la submitted,
"It la hoped that this information
will straighten out any misunder
standing, that the land owners niay
have regarding the special assess
ment," euld M.r. Froysetlt.
Repairs tft Conduit Extension.
Repairs to concrete lined canal.
Itepairs to canal at McKay point.
These) three items effect every wa
ter UHer tuking water from the main
ceual and constitute the major por
tion of the repair work contemplat
ed. The other repair Items, while of
lens expense, are of vital Importance
to the water users which they serve.
The other Item Include raising can
al bank In a few scattered places,
repairs to Lytle creek wast way,
repair to Rye Grass canal, Includ
ing cleaning out and 'enlarging, re
pairs to old Foster Dura on Ochoco
Creek, and repairs to the old Biggs-
Powell ditch east of Prlnevlll.
These Item constitute 91.61 of
th proposed aaaHmnt of 1.05 per
acre, for operation, malntenence and
The law allows the District to as
sess for general operation and maln
tenence .tt tor this year. Past ex
perience how that It will require
1.10 per acre for the general oper
ation so It will be necessary to as
sess an addition amount of .(4 per
acre to make up th deficiency for
general operation. Th two
amounts, 1.61 for repair work men'
tloned and .84c additional for gener
al operation and mainteaenc make
up the total of 1.05. The voter ar
asked to autborli In th coming
pedal election.- This amount will
be apportioned equally to eveiy
acre of land In the district.
The Item of $7000 tor new con
struction covers the following Items-
Completion of High line pump plant.
the construction of a wast ditch
from th end of main canal to emp
ty In the Crooked river, a timber di
version dam at the head of the Rye
Grass canal, a timber atrueture at
the crossing of Rye Grass canal and
McKay Creek, the extension of the
Foster ditch to take In land East of
Prinevllle, and the Installation of
fish screens In main canal at the Dam
and in the ditches taking out of
Ochoco creek.
This Item of $0000 will amount
to an assessment of .61 cent per
acre for dry land, and for land hav
old water right It will be apportion
ed In proportion to tb percentage
of old water right. The above con
stitute tb total of the special as
sessment Operation, maintenance, and re
pairs, 1.05, New construction .51,
Total, 2.66.
In addition to the special assess
ment there will be the normal as
sessment for operation and mainten
ance of 66 cents per acre and the in
terest charge of 30 cents per acre,
making the total of 1921 assessment
as follows:
Interest ......$ .30
Repairs, operation, maint 2.05
Construction ...a......................... .61
Normal opr. and maint 58
Total . .. 8.42
This meana that the largest as
sessment for dry land will be 3.42
and old water rights will pay aa
much less on Interest and construc
tion as the percentage of tbelr water
rights. The average for Irrigated
lands being 3.03 per acre.
The dates for the Menely Lyceum
Course, to be presented by the Prine
vllle Shrine Club, at the Club Hall,
will be as follows:
Uncle Sam's Nieces, Oct. 30.
Alice Shrod Co. Dec. 8.
Tennessean Jubilee, Jan. 20.
Chicago Recital Co., Feb. 12.
Rickett Glee Club, Mar. I.
Sam. Justin Sparks, April 2(.
Tickets will be placed on sale Im
mediately for thla course.
Tb following candidate for
city offices have filed with the
recorder, asking that tbelr
' names be on tb ballott on Nov-
ember 2:
Will Wurzweiler, Mayor; H.
R. Lakln, I.'W. Ward, Geo. Nl-
colal, G. W. Noble, Ross R. Rob-
Inson for councllmen.
Geo. F. Euston announces
that be la a candidate for treas-
urer, and other candidates are
having petitions circulated,
which will be filed before Mon-
day evening, when the filings
will be closed.
Whole Animals. Rugs, Robes, Bird and
FUh, Game Heads and Ladies' gold Child
, - ren's Furs. Take your trophy to
Prof. E. N. Mattery
TuidcYtaist aa! Farrier
211 Greenwood Ave. BEND, OREGON
The body of Elmer Houston,
. who lost his life In the Tuscan-
la disaster during the war, Is ex-
pected today or later In the
week, for burial la tb local
The Tuscan) was hit by a
German torpedo Just off the
coast of Scotland In the fall of
1917, and a large number of
American soldiers on tbelr way
to help win the war were vie-
Mr. Houston reached a life
boat safely, but it was crushed
on the rocks along the shore,
and his body waa buried in Scot-
land during the war.
Elbert Houston, his father,
received a telegram Friday,
asking for Instructions from
New York, stating the remains
were there.
Beautiful in design
Thoroughly modem
Mechanically right
Detroit, Michigan South Bend, Ind. Walkenrille, Cauda
Elkins Motor Sales
Prineville, Oregon
House and Auto Painting, Paper Hang
ing, Kalsomining and Decorating.
Just The Tire You Want
When You Want It
That the motto back of our Tire
We have complete stocks of Good
years in 30x3, 80x3 and 31x4.
There are two types at two prices.
Goodyear Regular and Heavy Tour
ist Tubes to match.
Xoy'W find us ready with Just what
you want when you want It." We'd
like to put you on the road to real
tire economy with Goodyears.
Homer Norton
Lower Prices for
Our Customers
A lot has Keen published in the papers of late regarding lower
prices. To a certain extent there has been price reductions but
not to the extent that many have been lead to believe.
In every instance where there has been a market decline we
have marked our merchandise to conform to the new level and our customers can
be assured that we are going to continue to give the. benefit of any market declines.
On many items this is going to mean a loss to us as it is impossible for any
concern to carry the slock that their customers have a right to ezpedt and ftill be
able to get out without some loss. It is simply a loss that merchants must take
on a declining market. Some of the prices named in this advertisement are
special to clean up overstocks while others show market declines.
Pure Cane Sugar, 100 rb sacks . $14.65
Pure Cane Sugar, 501b sacks 7.60
Pure Cane Sugar, 251b sacks 3.95
Please accompany sugar orders with cash
Speckled Bayo Beans, 1001b sackk $7.50
Speckled Bayo Beans, 251b sacks 1.95
Mex Red Beans Not well cleaned, 1001b sacks , 9.75
Max Red Beans Not well cleaned, 2Blb sacks ............... 2.50
Small White Beans, 1001b lots,.. . .. 8.50
Small White Beans, 251b lota, - 2. 25
Silver Tip Syrup, 101b tine, each........... ; 1.35
Wedding Breakfast Syrup, 10tt tins, each ' 1.35
White Rosa Syrup, 101b tins, each . 1.85
Rose Bud Syrup Corn and maple .10tt tins, each 2.45
Apron Check Ginghams, per yard . lie
Dress Ginghams, plaids, stripes, checks, per yard 36e
Linen finish Towling, 40c value, per yard 29c
Shirtings, regular 40c value, per yard 29c
Yard Wide Sllkoleries, special per yard 29o
Sib Cotton Batts, special each ..- $1.45
Sib Wool Batts, special each ... ; 8.90
There has been a general reduction in tho price of Shoes and accordingly we have gone through our shoe stock and put these reductions
Into effect We have always priced our shoo on a Reasonable Margin and with these reductions made we are showing some real values
J. E. Stewart & Co.