Tlll'IWDAY, OfTOBKR 14, 1W0. CROOK COrjCTT JOCRAL Pag I run iaus rONOUKAPH Cabinet (or Mle. Ool dsn oak, beautiful blgb finish. Can ba used aa a uualo cabinet, loqulra at tbla offlca. Don't da lay. . no.Ulc FOR BALK Rya and Alfalfa bay Good winter quarters with plenty of water and feed tor cattle. 8 , U. l. Freeman, one mile weet of Elkln'i Farm on Croked river, or address Route A., Redmond, Ore. 1-tfo FOR SALH) On perfectly good bay rake and mower. If taken to tether, you can have them both for 176.00 cash. 8ve Ruest-il at Journal offloa. FUR 8AL.B Best building Iota in town, (S) cornering on City Park, make an offer. Inquire at Jour nal Offlca. tttfe. FOR 8ALB 1.00 pounds of Whit Clover Beed. All cleaned, ready for market. Inquire of Journal office. I Otto. FOR BALK Seven room residence la Prlnevllle; ail lota. Light and water. Oood chicken parks. Call on or writ to C. C. Urli, Powell Butt, Oregon. lOtfc FOR BALE 1017 Maxwell Car in firat class running order. Two new ' tlrea. It yoa are looking for a snap com to tha Journal office and coma quick, aa thla will go la a hurry. IStfo. FOR BALE Six room residence In Prlnevllle; lot 80x240 feet. For quick sale, $1,(00 cash. Inquire at tbla office, T 47tf. FOR BALE Bwoedlsh seed rye, free from weeds; ft. 00 per bushel.S-tc Haiia Jacobsen, Powell Butte, Or. FOR BALE Winter feed. Hay and straw, alfalfa, clover and atubble pasture, bunch grass grating, run ning spring water. P. A. Devers Son, Tumalo, Ore. Stf FOR SALE 8plendld Blcycl. In good running order. Inquire at Journal offlca. 5 -p. FOR SALE Buggy and harness Good ona-aoatod top buggy for aala cheap. This outfit Is almoat new. Inquire of George Stevens Second Hand Store. 4tf. FOR SALE My 40-aore Irrigated home at Powell Butte, all cultivat ed, good aeven room home, barn, and out buildings, on highway and near War Comunlty Hall, and school; beat part of Central Ore gon. Sue me or wrlto lor terms. Mrs. Mary Charlton. . tic MISCKLIAXKOtH FOR RENT One eight room houaa. Apply Dr. A. W. Grutcr, Benton Block, City. Jtf. LOST On Gold Eversharp Pencil. Finder please leave at Journal of , flee and receive $2.50 reward. 47tf. i LOST One pair of gold rim glaaaes i In an old case, red spot pasted in ! lid. Inquire Journal office. 2p. 100 FINE WOOL EWES Well bred tor sale at reasonable figure. In quire this office. ttp i HAMPSHIRE RAMS Both regist ered and grade, stock, well devel oped and in firat class condition, for sale. Guy Lafollutte, City, ttb PIANO for sale Prucllcally new up right piano tor sale reasonable. Inquire of Vernon- A. Bell, 211 E. Third Street. - 2tf HEMSTITCHING and ' plcotedging Mrs. G. L. Conklin, corner Tumalo and State streets, Bend, Oregon, Mall orders receive prompt atten tion, 8-9p. WANTED Cattle I will trade my 7-room modern house, A 1 1-1 lots best location In Prlnevllle. See my agent, Ochoco Realty Co, Journal Office. 20ttc - WANTED To buy a safe in first class condition. Call Ochoco Ware house Co. Prlnevllle, Or. 49tfo. HELP WANTED! MALE $226 per month the year round averaged by a number of our sales men, young, middle aged and elderly. Business never better. Experience unnecessary. Cash weekly. 'Big j assortment guaranteed trees, shrubs, and vines. You can do what other Inexperienced men have done. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenlsh, . Wash, - , 60-69p. II KMHTITCMI NO Mr. S. L. Tucker, Bui 8M, llrad. Ore. Cotton, 10c per yd.' Cotton Scallops, or Points, 16c per yd. Bilk, Ho pnr yd. Bilk Scallops or Points, 0c per yd. All thread furnished and all work promptly finished and return ed. -p. CHILDREN'S B EMI SO Those wishing children's sewing don, inquire of lira. Doak, ill & ootid Street. Il-tl, HUP L'8 TOUR WOOL Ws do cleaning and carding for comfort ra and mattreaaea. Manafartar era of pur wool bets. CRY8T44 Bl'RINOa WOOLEN MILLS, Port land, Oregon, mills, 7(0 Umatll la Avenue; office, 101 Bpaldlng Building. Istf. 1EFORB TOU SIGN Ufa Insua ance contract la any other coat paay aumlna the superior eon tract and low premium ratee ot Oregon Ufa. See. T. L. Qnlna the local agent Istfe The Journal doe modern printing on short notice. LIVE tmXK FOR HALE Registered Hereford bulls and heif ers. Bust breeding and quality. Raiaed on out lurm In aouthern Idaho, Herd comprise 400 head,, which muat be reduced at one to give us more room. Now Is the time to buy. Can sell In carload lots. Prices reasonable. Balls-! fsotlon guaranteed. Writ or com and ae them. Farm close j to Nampa, Ida., on main line of; Oregon Short Lin. L. L. Young i Sons. tl-lt. ATTORNEYS .W1LLARD H. W1RTZ District At torney. Office Crook County Bank Building, Prlnevllle, Oregon, tf. M. R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law Court House St., Prlnevllle Ore eMavawass-MHv mhmms OPHTHALMOLOGIST DR. F. H. DAT Physician, ophthal- mologlat, neuralogist Specialty' of ye and nerves. Glasses fitted ' Hour 10 to 11 a. m. ; 1 to 5 p. m. Evening by, appointment. 110; main tt. Prlnevllle, Or. 17tfc i i DR. H. O. DAVIS Dentist. New; modern shop In Kamstra Build- ing. ; Those baring eye trouble or tier- j tons troubles should call and see Dr. F. H. Day, 610 Main St., Prlnevllle. Oregon. litre. W. . McMillan f PAINTS Signs Autos Houses Paper hanging and Kalcomln- aa Ing. Estlmatea given on all f work. Phone Black 211 Bungalow For Sale Five Room Hollow Tile Bungalow on "concrete foundation, now under construction on East 1 st. Street. Five large rooms, consisting of living room, dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms with large closets with natural and electric lights, bathroom, shower room, breakfast pullman, wood elevator, two refrigerators, bookcases, 8-foot French doors between living and dining rooms, hardwood floors; lot 1 20 by 60. Any changes will be made to suit pur chaser. For prices see E. J. Barrett Da year are trouble youf Are rati glass ea giving aatlsf action or 4Vo ifear seed changing T If so, call e Jr. F, H. Day, (1 Mala St Prtna 'llle, Oregoa. Ha la permanently la ted at that addreaa litre. 4CALC BOOKS Neatly printed' and bound. Sent 11.00 to the Journal and on will ba mailed to yoa, postage paid. I tic. j CRATCH !& Din-ereat alaw ' aad qaallty of paper, fast tke i Utag for yoar desk or pocket j for sal at The Journal odea. I UOMA.VH CASE ' i AMAZE PRINEVILLE A business man's wife could not sew or read without sharp palna In her ayea. For years bar eyes were red and weak. Finally she tried simple wltchbasel, camphor, hyras tls., etc. aa mixed In Lavoptik eye wash. The result produced by a a single bottle amazed everyone. We guarantee a email bottle of Lavoptik to help ANT CASE weak, atralned or inflamed eyes. Aluminum y cup Free. Prlnevllle Drug Company. W, H. CYRC8 The Jeweler MASONIC TEMPLE Prlnevllle, Oregoa LAKE ML BECHTKLL V. S. Commlaaloaer Attorary.At-Laar Crook Cownty Bank BaiMHg FRINEVnULE . . OREOOS CHA8. 8. EDWARDS Physician Surgeoa Glasses Correctly' Fitted 817 Mala Bt, Prlnevllle, Oregoa. OU DAILY JOURNAL DAILT SOe. DAILY AND 8TJ!f DAT 5e , If yea Vhb get roar paper nw alarly, atone Red 41 awd we will eeod case ap by special aaea PRIPTKTILLK DR17Q CO. Local Ages T?rg?r?i FRANCES DURAND Teacher of . Piano and Voice Studio 633 Eaat 3rd Street. Phone Black 131 H. P. Belknap L. V. Belknap BELKNAP A BELKNAP Physician aad Sorgeoa Office 123 Eaat Third Street Prlnevllle, Oregoa Office phone 61 Residence (I WOOD WANTED Big Knot or Limb Wook Inquire at th Journal offlca DR. E. O. HYDE Pbysidaa and Surgeoa Office 101 Third 8tret Prlnevllle .j. Oregoa We handle Maz da Lamps of all kinds and sizes Des Chutes v Power Company Prineville, Ore. W'iTT r i ill I SjtAk ; i ft 'tl "I ri Lh Vss ,'-9'-t Vs- f -St cr Pgr- PV ' lr.l ' -and banisK tne cares or The music that charmed when the fires of youth flamed high the music that sets the youth of today irresistibly a-dance the living beauty of the music of afl times and all places makes a wonderland of your home thru the magic of the one Master Musical Instrument juSKoifmg IK jLook for 1 Stradivapa Prineville Drug Company, Local "It sure will Tickle You" says RIGHT CUT Is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco 1 . 1 Weather Prophet. If It Is raining and the owl scree-bed, a charge for the lictliT will uliort ly enmie. hut should fhe ptwock srrwch, hud neat her Is to come. If theif is rain In the air unnll my he swn to sliHter. Only whn all Immediate dancer of a recurrence of rain la over will they emerge. - You Have A SWEET TOOTH Come la and try some of oar la teat arrivals la confection. We aim to carry the choicest candles to be had and jraa eaat beat the quality of oar Ice cream or fountain drink. JOHN J. PRICE 807-11 Mala SC 'KNOWN FOR TONE The true Sound Board principle, with which Antonio Stradivari made his violins supreme, gives to all musical instruments the perfection of their tonal qualities. Heat the Stradivara Understand how this same Sound Board principle has perfected the , Stradivara and made it capable of reproducing all music flawlessly the Good Judge To find how long the full rich taste f the Real Tobacco Chew lasts. That's why It really saves you money to use this class of tobacco instead of the ordinary 'kinds.' Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew t will tell you that. Put up in two styles it : . '' Odd Animal Friendships. Sometime n dor will adopt nnother anlnml In the ed'teat fiixhlon. Ther was a rnae where a female hoh-talled sheep do made fr!eid with an old hen which hnred It kennel. When the animal had pupple the bird brood ed over them and kept them warm dur ing the mother's ahwenre. Agency Oregoalaa Representatives mil s '1 ill j nil n