Till lflAV, (MTtillKH 14. IIWW. ruse i OUtOH COUNTY JOtRNAL CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL ta r i.Ann.i.KiTK, Kdlior mill Publisher M till II A (ill.l.KTT, Noclety KAUot. k.irv4 m it eurrve m rriuie. One m MmMw awtlwe, rtHMSMMt VK TaTMuaV frt MM par amrb4 MrWIIf w Mif In mm t 'bans. swwiwas Inm mKf wa i wn, lln M Us ss.iwaa. .TNt AMt-WH AN HKa AW MAI ION ATTKND HVVU SHOW Th Redmond I'olato Show and talr li on miw, today. Han to'aitend It mid tak th n- tlr rwuitly. It It good fnlr. In good town and community, nd It tneille your support. MAKR IM.ANS KOU 1981 Now li nun too soon to iIhii tor the 1931 Oregon lntr-ll Kelr. The premium lint should be Issued bet.ire January I. In order Hint the frmr limy know mid plmt tor ll etilit wlilili he li to bring out In i cure will lis iiwi 1 to . ,:. tlwj tntr ths show It Mint lii. while the- management way Im In a measure to blntn tor the link of attention In this reHnl. the people themselves are slso at fault In not gutting their exhibits out after th prlwi ar offered. Th Tain of farm lands, th In tpnt in th schools and many other Important thing depend upon a good fair. A fair Ilk th on Just cloaod. whteh hnd too strong a test ot th under world. I ft dlsgrae to an? community tht poaseeee th re source w hav her. It I up to th people to mk It better. MtMttrK'S OKHt'K 1H KMT "VICKY Hl'SY m 1UNU rAltt. ttetween looking Into petty rob berie and keeping on th wmoh tor boot lea ger. and other lawbreaker. John Comb nd hi staff ot deputies were kept wy buy during th fair, working dy id night. Four bootlegger were arrested Saturday by th sheriff. Two bro ther. John W. and B. W. Quick, were not Quit "quick" enough, and they together with Lester D. Low, were arreeted In car containing teg ot boo. Another booll.or, N. T.- Bteyen snli ot Mitchell, wa arrested on 8at urduy with a number of bottle of whiskey In bl room. All of thM arrtd wer allowed to plead guilty and left town Im mediately after they bad paid tblr flnea, Twn gueal In th Ohooo Uoora Ing Hour reported that they had been robbed of money, and a man at Mr. Morrta' declared that check and watch had bean taken from him. Ther were rumor ot other uclt petty thievery but non verified. The aame kind ot looting owured In llend tnat week, and It wa believ ed to 1 th work of a trio ot thieve who operated In th Myer building and th Mlneaota hotel at Bend. The method apparently uaed by the trio wa to enter a room, remove the clothing, aearch th pokU while In the hall, return the apparvl and proceed to th next room. Ira Green, on ot the vtctlma, ew them they left hi room at the Miiiueiiola hotel, and he whs sent to l'rlnoville by the autuorllio In the hope that he could Identify men r reated by the herlff' ollli Ha ana pcla In Crook county. Uiiwovor. ho fulled to Identify them, and they were releaeed tor link of evidence iiKaliiMl them. wa Commented upon tor th origin ality shown In rafll a plctur framea, and cooking, and th first and second grades bad very well arranged dtt play ot paper cutting and folding and erayou work. Tbe sand pile de pleting Indian life, and th cornu copia o t hand-colored vegetables wer -especially noticed In tbla dis play. ... Th rural schools were present with snm ot th beat displays vr ahown. Powell Butt dlatrtcts, 17, II, and SS, had excellent display, vegetables being especially note worthy, which wa th case with nearly all outlying districts. Dla trlct it from llarnea, II from Pau lina valley, S, the Bailey school, the I'pper and Lower McKay schools wer among those having very com mendable display, showing mucn work on th part ot the boy and girls. District number t made epecltl display In Club work sewlug; district number SO had a clever display ot pencil drawing, and district number 4 also had a fine allowing ot pencil work and water colors. Plsns are already under way tor a bigger sud better auhool display next yaar. Qiatt Power. There la something: greater on earth than arbitrary power. The thunder, th lightning and the earthquake ar ten-Mr, but th judgment of th peo ple It more. Daniel Webster, FARMERS! Haul Your Wheat By Truck. CALL B. B. GR OFF 345 W. C. St. Pkon 296 Prinevilh y 1 Beetlee' Bleed for Wart. A Penivlan doctor sullen Hint the blood of ivrtHln le'ti,. round In Pe ru has been imed from tbe tiiuneino rlitl by the niillvee for curing warts. Vniler It these growth turn white, us If i'iiiiIciItimI Iiv nn Held. St'lltMH. KXIIIIUT H llHJIll.Y tXMII.IMKTKl The school exhibit In the west wing ot th pavilion was visited by large crowd every day ot th fair, and It was the spoken opinion ot nearly every visitor that the exhibit this year, was on of th very beat exhibits ever shown at th Inter State Fair. Thr wer entries In practically every division In th list of prlxes offered, and all exhibits were exceptionally good. Special 'pains wer taken by tbe teachers ot the Prlnevllle schools to make their display as interesting as possible. The teacher ar very much to be commended on th In terest they har Induced their pupil to take In bringing In their work, and fostering th Ingenuity ot tbe scholars fair work don In school. A large hr ot th exhibits have been completed by pupil sine the school started this year. Th sev enth and eighth grade featured bas ketry, tancy-work and cooking. Th fifth and sixth grade showed excep tional ability In their tancy-work. vegetable and pressed flower book. The third and fourth grad display Last Big Block of Use Canadian Pacific Reserved Farm Lands THIS im.oinm II offtrlMl of i ! big btafk H 'lil IVH rrm I .til ill hunt dli.l X, mi N"' l" V...CWH l'n.l lh.1 will ..V. nm Ah il ii'J.i l. Tli 'u n. J lof tlJ larmms M wrU u trull tln. I f. t. r. u. In b k-milil ! !'" oiwi.-l omr!T, win will W !' . Niw ! IM trnl Aurkw CiiiiIistsI will Imsi Uaita tM wAmW si sis w- i Tour Last Big Opportunity 5. NoTgxeioiiIinproveiatutg Va Itol MllIM bulk IMHIk) rum Ul Hiih uihm in IIM j.iyd- I. biiolM antl KftltWlur.1 OutrVU al m ran buf tmrm sumIi on lb rfc-S AUMns si P wniin lwu IIS M M laUltllhJ WS1W7 Tlwrv't gtm.ll vu m tit tutj- Mi Acv, grvivr tkut SOe an fttr tor '! pur E-mm b I lhf cur kW t wn r U.. hHitklti UtirivTsssisjriia. l4mfgila or bwnwtbttl ff -ij. li tMkvtt. tnodvr fH'hiMs M, Or hiiwl Is IbnlUM fjl ti'iilW MbHS si tram lt a Mrs wl . 20 tear to Eru tnJ to Pay Tin CteswHIwa rwrm rx MjnJwf fimm wt km lrm, w MywwnOI tkl W r-Tinr1 --'t In lb but,r m lim Iw liil.nl. a smy saw HI. l"b- rae m wuwmwI b prlwrlMl Mill lb mi Jibs (-nib . tkM ,li mhI waMl. IiomwM rt la (Vaual (at-bwaa.aar W baab araw Ilia warKJI naawbaat. V. arbi fnM San st UwawM. Lands Under Irrig attoa fa Baalbat AKMrM. ba Canas ParMs kailww baa waaaluaaa' Um lara-at xH.Wa4 rt,alM n.Wvtakiaa; aw UM A nimM CwaUaawt, TMa AaiM aainbal aaaaa a aba kaMlaada Is Canada. An a,(ailln raawjAa tiavatwiwaiw. I raawa Iraw H as trr aa. wa law aaaaa wan a.. aarwav lHW luaa In awai I iiinnta. l If eM w swr waafc. abairhaa. amoaww-ala. anaba l-nw hfa a a.rat.lo and alUatiUra. Uatw wa was .bW WHlaeoialawaa. . No Sal Without Invcitigsi TH 0raHHt Ptsrilto Will foJ gketl THI I tint it yvoi nmivi4W rV Tu Mb 77ro Uhingj an yvar boo7 InM 1 lnitil ami m mu. TO i sklkl tttl, to ht lM l-MlWoi-. f I'lttirir VmHtm ItUasr- ft. LvubK. Special Rates for Homeseekera i rN InUrtgMlU Aawlal 111 mM araaaM ,. I , a. (H'H(HX REALTY X LocsU Acenta 433 Main 8L PrlnvtlU, Or. bjlm il nftnbJ aabswo-f IDJI EASIEST THING IN THE WORLD CALL BLACK 303 FOB UOHT Oft HKWT f BOOK BTICat Morse Transportation Comp'y PRINEVILLE, OREGON Is Your Money Supporting the Government? At this critical period In onr history our manufactumr ar offering thlr mill and our young men are offering their imrvlee to th United States govarnmant. Would you Ilk to do year .har and help, by putting your money where It will support tb nw redersl Reeerv Hanking Bystem, which th governmant ha Mtabllhd to stand back of our commerce, Industry Dd agrtcultur? Too do this by opening an account wtU as a part of vry dollar o deposited goes directly into th new system, wbr If will always be ready tor yoo when wanted. Member Federal Reserve System FIRST NATIONAL BANK 0000000004 i 1 Prineville Machine Shop The Best Equipped Machine Shop in this part of th State. We are prepared to handle anything in our , line promptly. Quality of work is the rery best PRINEVILLE MACHINE SHOP E. G. Hodson, Proprietor Prine-ille, - - Oregon IRELAND'S City Transfer & Express Auto Delivery to all Parts of the City and Vicinity Phone me for quick service at Hugh Lakin's Red 951 THE INTEREST DA TE yer ftavtg axvBt ts rtosw at tbaitd. Tbe a,we saost eiy yMa Kane to yowr credH, Uee Unrer the twtereat rrvWUv AU aMawey dVfoelt-d ta this haULk ahraer tarereat froww dat of 4e kwdt. Oaat yos . at fvdwt M save a I title ae d ar rive awvt quarter? CROOK COUNTY BANK Have You Investigated the Western Pipeless Furnace DUST PROOF WARU ' AiB, f iff! 'bMS i. - .I., v, y- g rj'1- fftC'm - v i if)'; - -il r -; v i r.: ) , c: F.- 4 -a-ju-i A . ' -) The World's Most Remarkable Home Heating ' Plant! no pipes through the wall or floor. One register heals entire house, t enly nd effectively. Tha prtaeiple ot a I'loeleas l'uriiaoe Is sclentlfle aad prartlral. A proven sucea . It doe the work be'ter and chraper than sloves, hot water or hot-air lie riirnaeea, healde saving work, for the housewife and other la the family. Installed in Your House Without Costly Alterations Weelorn ritoloes Furnace eaa be la atalleil In your treaent hotna at alight coat, and when Installed r a new house antes all the eoet ivT roetl liliiniltliig, ililng, radlatura. atorra. The Western I made hy Weatera englnoem to mwt Weatera roadt tlons. It I designed for and coal and wood. lUnt al Nrmarra leak gaa and smok whea aaed with oft raal, The Weatera 1 dam proof. If you eannitt rail and sea this -roa-ilei ful furnaee, phone and oar keat lug engineer will rail and rtt att tuata of eoat and explata alt drtatt Wlihimt uhlluatlmt on jrmr yarl. T. J. Minger CValor in High Grade Water Systems; Farm Light Plants; Plumbing and Sheet Metal Work; Windmills tmd Gasoline Engines.