THURSDAY. fMTOIIKR 7, 1020 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL Pagd I CLASSIFIED ADS KOII MALI VONOUKAI'lI Cabinet fur ssle. Ool dun ok, b.uutlful high finish. Cult bn used music csbloet. Inquire at thli office. Don't da isy, no.ltfo. rOK BALK Ky. sod Aifulfa hsy Good winter quarters with plenty of water and feed for csttls. Sua M. L. Freeman, on mil west of lkla'i rrm od Crokcd river, or adtlrvss Rout A., Kedmond, Or. 1-tfo rUR BALK On perfectly good bay rake, and mower. If taken to gether, you on nave them both for 176.00 cash. Be Russell at Journal office. FOR SALE OK TRADE Two and dl bone. Inquire of Mrs. Bca I Olttlugs, Post, Or. I-to FOR BALE Beat building lots In town, it) cornrlug on City Park, maka an offer. Inquire at Jour nal Offlc. 4 if o. FOR BALE 1,00 pound of Whit Clover 8d. All cleaned, ready for market. Inquire of Journal offlc. IVlfc. rOK 8 ALE 700 pouto sacks. W 11 Mil all or In small lota. Leave or dra at th Journal Offlc. 4ttfc FOR SALE Seven room residence Is Prineville; six lot. Light and water. Good chicken park. Call on or writ to C. C. Brlx, Powell Butt, Oregon. JOtfo ltR BALE 1117 Maxwell Car in ' first claa running order. Two sew tire. If you ar looking for a anap coma to tb Journal offlc and com quick, a tbla will go In a hurry. 4&tfc. I'OR BALE Six room rldenc In Prlnevllle; lot 80x240 feet. For quick aale, (1,600 cah. Inquire at this offlc. ? 47tf. EXC1UNUE W 1 1 1 exchange f o r good tone post, young pigs, or cattlo, on 16-dlac 7-Inch Super ior Drill, In A-l condition. Whut nave, you? I'hon 2904, or ad dress 11. S. Cram t Sunt, Prlne- llle, Oregon.' 62-64 BHIP US YOUR WOOL We do cleaning and carding for comfort' r and mattresses. Manufactur er of pur wool bats. CRYdTAJ. SPRINGS WOOLEN MILLS. Port land, Oregon, mills, 760 Umatil la Avenue; office, SOI Bpaldlng Building. 16U. CHILDREN'S BKW1NQ Thoa wlihlng children'! aewlng done, Inquire of Mrs. Doak, 434 Se cond Street. Il-tf. WANTED A good bicycle, must be cheap for cash. Inquire Journal Offlc. 6 1-6 dp WANTED Houae to rent by High School teacher and family. Will start rent at once. Address C. H Platta, Eugene, Ore. ifitf WANTED Cattle I will trade my 7-room modern house, & 1 1-1 lota best location In Prlnevllle. Sue my agent, Ocboco Realty Co. Journal Office. 20tfc WANTED To buy a aafe In first claaa condition. Call Ochoco Wir. house Co. Prlnevllle, Ore. i9tfc. " II ELI' WANTKuTmALE- 1226 per mouth the year round teraged by a number of our sa lee men, young, middle aged and elderly. Bualneas never better. Experience annecessary. Cash weekly. Big assortment guaranteed trees, shrubs, and Tines. You can do what other Inexperienced men have done. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenlsn, Wash. 60-68p LOST In Prlnevllle last week, yel low and white collie. FIndor please leave at Journal office and receive reward. E. Hull. 62-64p LOST One Gold Eversharp Pencil. Finder please leave at Journal of fice and receive $2.60 reward. 47tf. LOST One pair of gold rim glasses In an old case, red spot pasted In lid. Inquire Journal office. 2p. FOR RENT Three light housekeep ing rooms and one sleeping room. Inquire Journal Office. COflc FOR RENT To responsible people (2) unfurnished front rooms, for light housekeeping, on ground floor. Inquire Journal office. 63-lf WANTED Woman to do light housekeeping and care for small child no washing and good wag es. Address or phone Mrs. John Luckey. J-tt 200 FINE WOOL EWES Well bred for sale at reasonable figure. In quire this office, tfp HAMPSHIRE RAMS Both regist ' ered and grade stock, well devel oped and In first class condition, for sale. Guy Lafollette, City, tfb PIANO for sale Practically new up right piano for sale reasonable. Inquire of Vernon A. Bell, 211 U. Third Street. 2 If WANTED To rent small bouse, or two to four room apartment. Will pay top price for nice, neat place. Inqulr at Journal office. 2te FOR RENT A 160 acre farm east of the cemetery and adjoining th city limit. Inqulr of Mrs. B. J. Newsotn, City, t3p. LOST Dark tan Hand Orlp, b tween Ochoco Reserve and Gov ernment Camp on Mitchell Road, Reward 16.00 It returned to Crook County Journal. (ltbe FORE TOO SIGN a Ufa Inaaa aaee eoatraet la aay other oa any examine tb superior eoa traet and low preaalaaa rates of Oregon Life. Be. T. U Qulna tae local agent I4tf Do your syee trouble youT Ar roar g lasso giving aatlafactlon or do easy need cbangtngT It so, eall oa Or. F. H. Day, 110 Mala St., Prlno rtu, Oregon. He Is permanently lo cated at that address litis. Oregon hiter-State fair, Prlne vllle, Oregon, Octobnr 6-7-8-9. LIVE 8TW K FOR SALE Registered Hereford bulla and belt ers. Best breeding and quality. Raised on our farm In southern Idaho. Herd comprises 400 bead, which must be reduced at once to give us more room. , Now la the time to buy. Can aell In carload lots. Prices reasonable. Satis faotlon guaranteed. Write or come and see them. Farm close to Nampa, Ida., on main line of Oregon Short Line, L. L. Young A Bona. 62-lt Oregon Inter-Slate Fair, Prlne vllle, Oregon, October 6-7-8-9. 4CALE BOOKS Neatly printed ' and bound. Sent 11.00 to the Journal and one will be mailed to you, postage paid. Stfc. SCRATCH rADis Lntrwrent slset and quality of paper, )ost the thing tor your desk or pocket for sale at Th Journal offlc. ATTORNEYS WILLARD II. WIRTZ District At torney. Office Crook County Bank Building, Prlnevllle, Oregon, tt. M. R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law Court Houae St., Prlnevllle Ore OPHTHALMOLOGIST OR. r. H. DAY Physician, ophthal mologist, neuralogtst. Specialty of eyes and nerves. Glaaaea fitted Hours 10 to 12 a. m. ; 2 tot p. m. Evenings by appointment. 610 main St. Prlnevllle. Ore. 87tfc. Oregon Inter-State Fair, Prlno vllle, Oregon .October 6-7-8-9. OR. H. O. DAVIS Dentist. New modern Shop In Kamstra Build ing. Those having eye troubles or ner 'ous troubles should rail and aee It r H. Day, 610 Main St., Prlnevllle. gon. . lltfe. FRANCES DURAND Teacher of l'liuio and Voice Studio 633 East 2rd Street. Phone Black 131 WOOD WANTED Rig Knots or Limb Wook Inquire at the Journal office DR. E. O. HYDE rhyslclnn and Surgeon Office 206 Third Street , Prlnevlllo ! ' Oregon W. E. McMillan PAINTS Sign's - Autos - Houses Paper hanging and Kalcomln lng. Estimates given on all work. Phone Black 181 H. P. Belknap L. V. Belknap BELKNAP BELKNAP Physicians and Snrgteoaa Office 129 East Third Street Prlnevllle, Oregon Office pbone 61 Residence II HIGH H llf ML XOTKH (Continued from page one) lng tmiD, but on account of an In sufficient number of studnnts turn lng out to do the work, those that had apt-pared were unable to, hold a tryout. There la a luck ot Interest in this line of schol activities, or elite modesty Is d dominate factor of th.' students. The entire school wishes to have a team In the conference this year, but with the exception of a few, when it conies to doing the work, no one can be found. On Wednesday afternoon, at one o'clock, the high schol football team started on Its long Journey to play the Grant county team. The party consisting of fifteen people was load Into two care. In edition the uni forms and some extra clothing of tin players were also losded onto the same cars. The trip was made by way of Pau Una. One of the cars developed en gine trouble after leaving town few mile, and It was brought bark to be exchanged for another. In stead, however, the trouble was lo cated and repairs made. After leav; lng town again and going about twenty miles, tire trouble was the next misfortune to overtake th ear. From the Shorty Davis place to Pau lina, tire repairing was the chief oc cupation pursued. The first car ar rived at Tom Brennan's about sun down and later returned to assist the unfortunate members to Paulina. Arriving at the I. M. Mills ranch, a very splendid chicken dinner was served. The hospitality extended to the part o fthe team that stayed bere was of the very best. About noon the next day another car was secured to take the remainder of the team to John Day. The first car started from Brennan's about 12:30. The second car, secured from N. W. Laughlin, left at 2:00 o'clock. After roaming over ths mountains and going astray several times, John Iy was reached about 9 o'clock that night. The boys were all very tired and worn out because of the length of time used In making th trip. Friday morning the team hud a short workout before breakfast, and rented until the game. About three o'clock the game was called. After the game the boys cleaned up and looked the town over. Tbey were extended every courtesy, and every method to show them a good time that was at band, was used. Crook County High is under obliga tion to Grant County High to show them as good a time as they showed our boys over there. . - On Saturday the reurn trip to Prlnevllle was made. One car re turning by way of Paulina and the other car crossed the mountains by the Mitchell route. A heavy rain In the mountains had made the roads very sticky. One crowd arrived 'n Prlnevllle at midnight, Saturday, while the crowd that went by ths Paulina mute did not rturn until Sunday noon. The game at John Day started at about three o'clock Friday after noon. The weather was ideal tor football. Heavy clouds overhuiiK the hills, cooling the atmosphere, so that playing was very comfortable as fur as the weather was concerned. .Crook county kicked off., After playing for some time, Clraut county made a touchdown In the first quar ter; but failed to kick the' goal. I'rineville kicked off again. In the second quarter, a drop kick was made over the goal by Smith. Crook county kicked off. VA touch down was scored by Smith In the se cond quarter and the goal was kick ed. The score was 10 to 6 in Crook county's favor. Crok county kicked off. Time was called for the first halt. . The last halt started with Grant county receiving the ball. A few minutes before the final whistle blew Crook county scored another touch down, but failed to kick the goal.. The final score was 16 to 6 tu favor ot Crook county. During the game a number of men were injured, necessitating the cal ling ot time. The opposing team changed several players the last halt ot the game. Crook county used the same lineup from start to finish. Tuesday morning yell leaders were selected to lead the yelling in the game with Bend next Friday. Laura Nelson, Hazen Cram and Louts Reavls were chosen to lead, and a numbr of new yells will he learned. Thursday night a rally will be held, sturting from the school build ings. It is hoped that much enthu siasm can be worked up among the people to insure a good turnout for the game. Tickets were to be on sale by Wednesday afternoon. On the average a god many people turn out to see the games played on the local field, but there are a bunch of "deadheads" and "moesbacks" that cannot see the benefit of having a high school that plays football or baseball. Let's see everybody out for the game next Friday. NOTICE OF ESTBAT On Iroa Crag son, thre or fosr rears eld. Brandt with circle toil oca left shoulder and T with a bark Handed S under connected, with spot In forehead. One email brown mule branded with a circle laar H Inside the circle oa left boulder and C on the left aline connected with an L or7 taring down, blab fare about 7 rean old. Taken up br the Cilr of Prineville. Unfc. I.ONK PINK IRRIGATION DIKTRICT Notice of MerOng of Board of bjuallsstloa. The Board of'lHrector of the Lone Pine liria-etlon Ijartritt acting ae a board of equal last ion will meet at the office of the Board at Kcdmond, Orevon, on the flrat Tuesday of Ottober llav (October ttlii at tea o'clock In the forenoon, for the ourpoee of reviewing and corrutinir Its assessments and apportionment of taxes for the tear 1S20. In the meantime all persona Interested Bias Inapect the assessment list and record at the office of the Secretary of the Board. Published by order of the Board of Direc tors of the Lone Pine Irrigation District. August II, IVMl. DENTON O. BURDICK, t-W Secretary OUlVit KOTICB POR PUBLICATION Not coal (and Department of the Interior, U. & Land Of. See at Lakevlew, Oregon, August IS, M2. Notice is hereby given that BDWAKD STREET of Plfe. Oregon, who on January 21, l2 made additional Homestead Entry, No.OIOazs, for HKHK Bee. tl NILI4NK14 12, T. tig., R. fit.. Lot 7, Section S, Lot 1, NHNW", Sec. 7. Township il 8. Range 2S E, Will. Meridian, has Sled notice of Intention to make Anal three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land aboee described, before Charles A. Sherman, U. S. Commissioner, at Fife, Ore gon, on the 16th day of October, 129. Claimant name as wltneasea: Joseph Street, Wesley Ktreet. C. N. Bradford. Paul Warner, all of t'ife, Oregon. JA8. F. BURCEBS, -5ts Register. NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNTING Notice la hereby gives by tba under l-ned, administrator of th Estate of geiaaal A. Li -gen. Deceased, that he has this day made and Sled with th clerk of the County Court of the Bute of Oregon, for Crook County, kkt r-nal accounting of tb affalm of th said cetat and that the Honorable County Court aforesaid Has sat Monday, tb 4th day of October. 1920. at Id o'clock la the forenoon of said day at th county court room la the con rt house at Prinetitta, Oregon, said county as the tun and place tor hearing and set tling said accounting. Dated this list day of August, A. D. ,110. (signed) FISHER C. LOGAN, Administrator of th Estate of Samual A. Logan, Deceased Published last time September SOth, Wtt. WILLARD H. WIRTZ, Attorney for Estate NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Kotlc la hereby given that on Monday, th ltta day of September. 420, tba asm heing the second monday la September, th hoard of Equal liatloa wUI attend at th Court Hoots In Prineville, Crook County. Oregon, and pub licly exam Ins th assessment rolls, and one. rect all error In valuation, dsai ilplluiui and qualities of buds, lots and other piupollj assesaed by th assessor, and it is th duty of all persons Interested to appear at the time and place appointed as p wined; by law. -Date of first publication. August 19th, lttl Date of last publication, September Sta. 1120 H. A. FOSTER, NOTICE Notlc Is hereby given that th Board of Directors of th Ochoco Irrigation Distrct has made a compute ton of the whole amount of money necessary to be raised by ths said district for the year 1921 for all purposes whstsoever and has determined th number of irrigable acres owned by each landowner in the district and the proportonat aasessmcnta against ths same as provided by law and that said Board fo Directors, acting as a Board of Equalisation will meet for the purpose cf reviewing and correcting ita aasesament and apportionment of taxes on the first Tuesday of October, 1020, the same being the 6th day of the month and will continue In session from day to duy aa long aa may be necessary, to hear and determine any objections by any interested parties to the assessments and ap portionment thereof and any .other matters connected therewith that may come before them, and that th assessment list and re cord aforesaid Is in the oriice of the Secre tary of the Board for the inspection of all persons interested. Dsted at Prineville. Oregon, this 7th day of September, 1820 B. A. SORDAU Secretary 12-64 of th Board of Directors. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 01629S Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Of fice at Th Dalles, Oregon, August 26, 1920. Notlc at hereby given that JOHN W. MITCHELL of Prineville, Oregon, who, on July 11, 191 , made Homestead Entry. No. 0U29S, for NWU NU, NWi4. WH SWH and SEhi 8W14, : Section 82. Township 16 South. Rang 18 ' East, Willamette Meridian, has Wed notice of intention to maka three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Lake M. Bechtcll, United States Com missioner, at Prinevill. Oregon on tb 2lst day of October, 1920. Claimant namea as witnesses: Richard. W. Rreeee, Charles E. Adams, John R. Breeae( William A. Hand, all of Prineville, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK Register. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Crook County. Earl W. Widrtg, Plaintiff, vs. Binlls Widrlg. Defendant To Bii-die Widrlg. the above named defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE GON, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled suit on or licfore the last day of the time prescribed in the order for publication made herein, to-wit : the 22nd day of Octover. 1920. and if you fail to so answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the complaint on fll herein, to-wit : For a decree of this Court that the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and the plaintiff be dissolved and held for naught ; and that th plaintiff be absolved from any and all obligation arising out of ths mar riage contract now existing between you and the Plaintiff and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem just and aquitable. This summons la served upon you by publl cstion thereof for six consevcuttve weeks in ths Crook County Journal, a weekly news paper of general circulation, published in Prineville, Crook County, Oregon, by order of the Hon. N. G. Wallace. Judge of th County Court for Crook County, Stat of Ore gon, which order was dated the 7th day of September, 1920; the date of flrat publication of this summons being th 9th day of Sep tember, 1920, and the date of the last publica tion being th 21st day of October, 1920, - LAKE M. BECHTELL Attorney for Plaintiff, Residence and Post Office Address, Prineville, Oregon. When writing advertiser!, please mention The Journal. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Ry virtue ot aa aeration ra fotsxMeur duly issued by th Clerk of the CirreM Court ot the County of Crook. Stats of Oraaoa, dated th nth day of September. 1Kb, a certain ault m ths Circuit 'iourt for said County and State, wherein Charlie) W. Teo rathe-site aa plaintiff recovered 'judgment ag ainst Loans i. oeeberger as defendant tol the sura of lbS, with internet thereon at 1C per cent per annum from December I, ISIS, for the further sum of 11,0 attorney's tees, snd th sum of J 7.40 costs and disbuia. nente, aa th Sta day of September. IMS. Notice la hereby given that I will am th Mh day of October, ItttS, at the front door of the court house In the city of Prlnevllle la said county, at 11 o'clock In the forenoon tt said day, sell at public auction to the higkeaa bidder, for cash, the following described aro perty. to-wit: No.tbeaat smarter INEKI of section twee. ty-atne I2t la township sixteen ) south of rang Sfleea ilt) aast of to Willamette Meridian, ukcn and levied upon a th pro perty of the said Loela i. Seeberger, or aa much thereof aa may b necessary to satisfy the said judgment together with all coat aa disburaemeata that hav or may accrue. Dated at Prineville, Oregon, September IMS. JOHN COMBS, Shark f Crook County, fl imia It-et NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Not Coal Land (SUMS Department of th Interior. U. 8. Land Of flc at Lakerlew, Oregon, September IS, m. ) Notice la hereby gvea that LENA J. WIL SON, formerly Lena J. Winslow. of Box 411. Bend, Oregon, who, oa November U, ISIS, mad Hones tend Entry, No. 08S4. for Lots 1-2, 8yNE, gEV.NWVl bee. I, Lot 4, Hv NW14, section 4. Township 21 8. Rang 21 E. WilL Meridian, baa Sled notice of intention to make Anal three-year Proof, to establish claim to the Land above described, before M. C. Ellis, U. ft. Commbsioner, at Bend, Ore fun, on th SOth day of October. 1920. Claimant Barnes aa witnesses 1 finest E. Chapman, Frank M. Neth, George Langford, George H. Wilson, all of Bend. Oregon. t-7 JAB. F. BURGESS. Begieter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Not Cos! Land Department of th Interior. U. B. Land Of flc at Lakevlew, Oregon, September IS. 1S2. Notice is hereby given the FRANCES M. CHAPMAN, formerly Frances M. Street, of Box 416. Bend, Oregon, who on Sept. 10, 1U, made Homestead Entry. No. 08848, for 8W4 Sec. 4; NWI4 Section S, Township 21 S. nanrc si n mil. menaaian, nee niea notice of intention to make final three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before H. C. Ellis, U. 8. Commissioner, at Bend, Oregon, on th 10th day of October, mo. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank Sf. Neth, George Langford, George H. Wilson. Pau H. Wilson, all of Bend. Oregon. 2-7 JAB. F. BURGESS. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 14928 Depertment of the Interior, U. 8. Land Of fice at The Dallea, Oregon, September 7, 1920. Notice is hereby given that DANIEL W. KNOX, of Post, Oregon, who on May 20, 1920, made Additional Homestead Entry, N o. 0MU28, for WVy SWU. See. 12 and W NW, Section 13, Township 17-South. Range IB-Kant, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three year Proof, to es tsblish claim to the land above described, be fore Lake M. Bechtcll, United States Com missioner, at Prineville. Oregon, on tb 8th day of November, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses t Ulysses fl. Allen, James W. Johnson, Arthur Lane, Charles Sheppard. all of Post, Oregon. 2-7 H. FRANK WOODCOCK. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 01279$ Department of th Interior, U. S. Land Of fice at The Dalles, Oregon, September 7, 12(1. Notice is hereby given that MINNIE B. LAMPKRT. of Barnes, Oregon, who. on April 7, 1914. made Desert Land Entry, No. 01279S, for W'i,, Section 16, Township 20-South, Range 22-Eaat, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land abov dsacribad, before Lake M. Bechtcll. U. 8. Commies loner, at Prineville, Oregon, on th SOth day of October, 1920. Claimant names aa witnesses: Claud Seeds. Herman Haas, Henry Pounder, Charles Lam pert, all of Barnes, Oregon. t-7 U. FRANK WOODCOCK, Regiater. THIS WILL ASTONISH PRINEVILLE PEOPLIS The quick action of simple witch hazel, camphor and hydrastis etc., as mixed In Lavoptik eye wash will sur prise Prineville people. One girl with weak, strained eyes was helped by a single application. Her mother could hardly lew or read because of t-ye pains. In one week she too, was benefited. We guarantee a small bottle of Lavoptik to help ANY CASE weak, strained or inflamed eyes. Al uminum eye cup FREE. Prineville Drug Company. When writing advertisers please mention The Journal. W. H. CTRTJB The Jeweler MASONIC TEMPLE Prineville, Oregon LAKE M. BECHTELL U. 8. Commissioner Attorney-At-Law Crook County Bank Building PRINEVILLE OREGON CHAS. 8. EDWARDS Physician & Surgeon . Glasses Correctly Fitted 817 Main St., Prlnevllle, Oregon. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL DAILY BOe. DAILY AND SUNDAY eSSe If yaa doat get your paper rear larly, phone Red 481 and we will send one up by gperlaj mes senger. PRINEVILLE DRUG CO. , Local Agent We handle Maz da Lamps of ail kinds and sizes Des Chutes Power Company Prinevifle, Ore. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY HOUSE FOR RENT 4 room un furnished house on East 6th st Inquire at Journal office. S-p. FOR RENT One eight room house. Apply Dr. A. W. Grater, BentoR Block, City. Itf. The Journal does modern printing on short notice. - NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNTING Notice at hereby given by the undersigned, the executor of the estate of Julia Ann B le vins, deceased, to all persons interested la said estate, that be has made and filed with the county clerk of this county his final ac counting of his administration of said estate, and the court has set Monday, the first say of November, 1920. at 10 o'clock in ths fore noon, at ths County Court Room In Prtos vitle, Oregon, as the time and place for heat tng and aettling said anal accounting, at which said time snd place any person Inter ested in the estate may appear and object as said final accounting. M. R. ELLIOTT, Executor of the estate of Julia Ana Btevins, deceased t-Ss. THE CHEL1FUL CHERU5 e ass a TKe sun sKines on in SDitft. of clouds 1 And never seems to mind tken VKen clouds of trwLleJ burv me- Vr?Tr 111 .smikA ricjHt on behind them. y Coffee Tree Grows 30 Feet The coftVe tree In a wild state will erow to a height of 30 feet; when cul tivated it Is pruned down to Ave feet for convenience in gathering the ber ries. For Sale TWO PARCELS OP LAND AT PRICES THAT WILL MOVE THEM QUICK. 100 ACRES, ALL CLEARED ' FENCED, 3 MILES FROM P C OFFICE OF PRINEVILLE, A - U UNDER THE DITCH. $45.00 per acre LONG TIME ON PART. 80 ACRES 2H MILES FROM PRINEVILLE, UNDER THE DITCH, FINE SOIL. MUST BE SOLD BY THE FIRST OF THE MONTH, $1200. cash BALANCE $1,700, EIGHT YEABfl TIME. IF YOU ARE LOOKHW FOR PLACES AT RIDICULOUS. LY LOW PRICES, GET BUSY OH EITHER OF THESE PLACES. 0CH0C0 REALTY CO. JOURNAL OFFICE v