Tlll'RNIVW, (MTOIIUK 7, 101M. Fa ite I CROOK COCNTY JOVRNAL CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL GUY LAKOLLETTE, Editor and Publisher MARTHA GIIAETT, Society Editor. Knwraa st Um aoatofflta at PriaarUla, OiqM aa mmb4-Ihs awtter. FUBLI8HKD IVREY THLB8DAT Prto f2 M per jmr, pajaWa atrlctly la a tun la on at akaaa of i alaaat MtUj aa at wet gWias WU U aaa at THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION D THE LESSON IT TEACHES One ot the laws of nature seems to be that the natural conception ot pleasant lime depends entirely upon the character and viewpoint ot the individual. The greatest variety of concep tions of the term is being demoa strated in Prineville this week, rang ing from the individual who we pr ter not to mention up to those who fortunately, are in the great major ity, who attend the Fair tor the good they receive, and that they can do ttie community and their fellows. br-inntng, twenty years event that called the le t.-jether was the race meet, kl;.ve truly wild conditions prevail ed, and instead of a score or less of individuals suffering from too much drink, as we sometimes have today, they were then numbered by the hundreds and there was little sem belance ot order after nine o'clock at night. The excellent exhibits In every class at this year's fair, orderly crowds many times as great as those in the old days, and cleaner races, intermingled with other ports where gambling' is not allowed, is a vivid picture ot the Improved con ditions In the past score of years. The fair can be and should be bet ter than it is today. It rests with the individual to make it so. Do your part by attending and bring out your exhibits in the fu ture, and the fair will be Just as good as you, the people want It, ' eMi or s Good TharmomeUr. Ill miter to asi-tin whether a lionimniotor Is cc.T-n or not. It Is Irst plunged I'1'0 melting lee ami then nto hnlline water; tha level of the mercury should Indicate ujxin the nle exrmtly 32 deentw and 212 de gree" Fahrenheit. When Inverted the mercury should fall with sudden click and nil the tube, thus showing itie perfect exclusion of air. IN THB COUNTY COURT OF TH 8TATB OP OREGON. FOR CROOK COUNTY la tha mutter at tfct ewate f Cms MllUeaa, aacaaarf. Notice fc bmbr slaaa thst Um utora at Uw UU of Gain Mlllcaa. tomans, aai fike tkdr Baal acaoaat at Unir admlahaia ttoa and that laa abon aoarl aaa Siaa Mo da. October 4th. 120, at tha aoar at tee a 'ttork A. U. at th tlma for fltlna aajwttoaa i aaM acrouat. If ana tkart aa. aaa aall aaia abJartloM art ttaa tha aafa axaoalon rill at aal tlaw apply the aaart for aa oraar appiwrnt tbalr Inal accaaal ana AH enacting tha from farthar HaMllt? taaraia. ADA B. aULUCAN. Examtrls, & WALTER MILUCAN, KxenkM U tht BnUU of Qaors Milllcaa, saost Jar H. Uptea, attorney far aaM aaUt. Oat of Snt puhHcattoa. Saptamka ta Ittf. Data at Uat aaaUeatisa, laataaiaar M, UM. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE One 3 -battery Western Electrto telephone Instrument, complete, In first class condition. Call at this office. !. FOR SALE 6weedUh seed rys, tree from weeds; It. 00 per bushol.I-io llaus Jacobsen, Powell Butts, Ore. FOR 8ALE Winter teed. Hay aud straw, alfalfa, clover and stubble pasture, bunch grass grating, run ning spring water. P. A, Devers A Son, Tumalo, Ore. Jtf HEMSTITCHING aud plcotedgtng Mrs. O. U Oonklln, corner Tumalo and State streets, Bend, Oregon. Mall orders receive prompt atten tion. 1-9P. The 01 y mpic Line Style. No chain? of adjectives In linked harshness long drawn out; no digres sions thrown In as parentheses; but crystalline deflnlteness and clearness, fine and varied rhythm, and all that delicate decision, e!I those felicities of word and cadence, which helong to the behest order of prose. George Eliot. You Make the Final Test li Chemists in our laboratory and cooks' in our kitchens test 5(KE03 Flour at every phase of the milling. Each sack must register uniform flavor and baking qualities. In order to appreciate this good flour we suggest you test it in your own kitchen. (fa Energy and strength are supplied In the jL concentrated nutrition of HEEaaB Wheat Hearts. It's the Ideal breakfast food. Pancakes made from HIIMSS Pancake Flour top off a good breakfatc. Jw Healthy barnyards make wealthy farmers. A good jL many hale, healthy barnyards are the result of tUZabUC scientifically blended stock and poultry (teds. FLOUR FEED - CEREALS r a "Nothing Like It" ays the Good Judge A Uttle of this real to bacco gives a man more satisfaction than he ever got from the old kind. The full, rich, real to bacco taste lasts so long, you don't need a fresh chew nearly as often. That's why It costs you less. . Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT Is a long fine-cut tobacco FARMERS! Haul Your Wheat By Truck, CALL B. B. GROFF 345 W. C. St. Phone 296 Prineville If You Have A SWEET TOOTH Come la and try some of our U trat arrivals la confections. We aim to carry the choicest candies to lx had and yen can't neat the quality of our Ice cream or fountain drink. JOHN J. PRICE 807-11 Main Bt. Agency Oregonian JV5ssS I j ) t e i IT'S A PLEASURE to watch your account grow. Every dollar deposited repre sents soma Uttle comfort later In life. Toull marvel at tha growth ot your account. Com pound Interest multiplies fast. When we solicit your patron age wa do so with the know ledge that you will find In our bank full measure of satisfaction. CROOK COUNTY BANK Have You Investigated the Western Pipeless Furnace DUST PROOF 1 I mf" LB. a LrtskX ' .'-a. r IV 4 J JI w K ram sfelBltiflftmirillttWiy it' ' to 4a &t nn t n n 1. .VI The World's Most Remarkable Home Heating Plant! no pipes through the walla or floor. One reflate' beats entire house, ev enly and effectively. The principle of a ripeless Furnace la scientific and practical. A proven success. It does the work better and cheaper than stoves, hot water or hot-air pipe furnaces, besides saving work for the housewife and others la 'the family. Installed in Your House Without Costly Alterations Western Pipeless Furnace can be In ' stalled In your present home at alight cost, and when Installed In a new house saves all the cost of costly plumbing, piping, radiators, stoves. The Western is made by Western engineers to meet Western condi tions. It Is designed for soft coal and wood. Hard Coal furnaces leak gas ' and smoke when used with soft coal. The Western Is dust proof. If you cannot call and see this won derful furnace, phone and our heat, ing engineer will call and give esti mate of cost and explain all detail without obligation on your part. Deal inger er in. High Grade Water Systems; Farm Light Plants; Plumbing and Sheet Metal Work; Windmills and Gasoline Engines. 3