THI IWDAY, HKPTKMnKU 88, lfMM CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL Pb t Why man we made this cigarette for you! 1 $&ytoi&r&S&S leave no unplea rj,,.jj , CAMELS fit your cigarette de sires so completely you'll agree they were'mde to meet your taste! Unique flavor, fragrance and mellow-mild-body due to Camels qual ity and expert blend of choice Turk ish and choice Domestic tobaccos are a revelation! You will prefer the Camel blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! With Camels you can go the limit your taste. They sant cigaretty after- asant cigaretty odor! To get a line on why Camels win you so completely compare them puff-for-puff with any cigarette in rlv. me woria at any price. 1 ou 11 pre- 1 irofiifv WMMfli 'tw& mtoUTZ ,7. J- RHYNOLD8 TOBACCO CO, Wtiutoo-SaUm. N.C In these' days that are marked by some exploitation and profiteering It ll "any to forget the Indirect service business renders a moral force. Of couree business men make little claim to be altruistic, and the yellow book of credit wai Inatltuted primar ily as a protective measure rather tban a character builder. But ita tendency la to keep men true to their word. Through It the conviction grows that most men Intend to make tlielr promises good. , Despite all limitations the fact re mains that trade has broadened the horizon of men and sent them forth as pioneers Into new fields of en deavor. The flag has followed trade In the history of nations. Kw for ces have been more educative than business. It often happens that a man's cred it rating is the host asset he has. The reputation and goodwill that honest business methods win for a concern Is now generally recognized as a pearl of great price too valualib to be thoughtlessly Jeopardized. The Wallowa Bun. . Going All Around" bTHUTS WVXh AKD GOOD The anclant ased to think that good or rrll spirit followed a all the day of his Ufa. Modern business has ita original genii who pnrsiaMmaa trary tlma ka aaka (or credit Aooordlng to a raeaat report a-vary paraoa ko oUdta eradlt la a MlBnaapoU ratall atoro la Uata la tka book of the Aaoeiated Cradlt Bs ebanga aa prompt par, stadias or alow. The coal or grocery kin left an pald montha ago tfoga tko lootatepa of the barer Ilka aa evil spirit Tka bills promptly paid go along witk a man Ilka a good attendant spirit to witness to kta character. It money talks la business, char acter also counts. Business gsaa testify to tka fact that not only erad lt carries mora tfcaa Utr par cant of modern business, bat that it also acts aa a constant chalUago oa Integrity and confidence, Tke West ksa been built oa credit It to a testimony to tke essential rellabtlltr of human na ture that after fifty years of ase, tke credit system la stronger today than aver. It kaa tended to breed con 11 deaoe la business mem rather than distrust A CHECK PRESENTED fKKIM J-'II.KD FOB WKKK cays the Good Judge I find men are taking to the Real Tobacco Chew. The good, rich taste lasts so much longer that you find It sa ves you money to use this class of tobacco. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two stylet RIGHT CUT la a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco Orla B. Foster and Anson A. Fos-i ter to John W. Morgan, Wd U 3 Blk j 2 in Paulina, $50. John W. Morgan to H. H. Andemon, Wd U 3 Blk 3 ; Paulina, $1760. Iarkln A. Perry i and wife to James H. Mertz Wd N'E NK 20-16-14, $4300 Articles of in-1 corporation of Cornett-Malson c Co. Consisting of G. M. Cornett. H. O. Malson and J. F. Stelnterf, capital stock, $50,000. Matt Clark to A. R. Kodgers Wd SEN'W, EV4SW SW SW 12-15-18, $10. Frank B. Mil- llorn to Matt Clark Wd same $10. Helen M. Kelly and George F. elly to Harry Carastn Newatzky lease 287a. George F. Kelly to Harry Garacim i Newatzky Bill of Sale tools and live stock, $6000. Helen M. Kelly and George M. Kelly to H. M. Newatzky Stipulation. Same to aame Wd, $1.-1 00, Sw 21-14-15 and tract described In lease. Elizabeth Cole Bell to Harold Baldwin Turatee Trust Deed Us 8-9 Blk 7 In 1st add Us 8-4 Blk 3rd add to Prinevllle held in trust for Vernon Bell. U. S. to Harold C Kane, Pat NttNE 8WNE NENW 82-15-19. Luren A. Booth to Annie Mating Welker.- Us 7-8-8-10- Blk 8 3rd adod to Prinevllle, $3500. U 8. to Arthur Land, Pat ESE 20- W HSW 81- NE 28-18-18. Affidavit of Lewis M. Hodges concerning titie to LU 4 Blk 13 Prinevllle. V. 8. to Chan H. Howe, Pat NWSW SViSW, 1- WttNE NViNW 8ENW 12-17-17. FARMERS! Haul Your Wheat By Truck. CALL B. B. GROFF 345 W. C. St. Phone 296 Prinevllle If You Have A SWEET TOOTH Come la and try some of omr la. test arrivals tat eoofectioae. We sins to carry the choicest caadiee to bo had and jtut caa't beat the qmalrty of our ice cceaua or fosuMaia driatlut. johnjpiuqe; 07-11 ltaia gl. Ageswy Oiagwlaa Have You Investigated the Western Pipeless Furnace DUST PROOF at this bank Is so promptly paid that the reputation of Its maker' cannot fail to stand high In business circles. An account here Is a distinct asset to a business man or woman We shall be glad to hare you open one. CROOK COUNTY BANK mi'nmi'iN''ill''t'i''i'iint"'"il',ll''iii'' 'h:' j, u, in so StOMat ItwasA "- " a,fJ) 9 I - If TSJ s.A. The World's Most Remarkable Home He&ting Plant! no pipes through the walla or floors. One register beats entire house, ev enly and effectively. The principle of a Fiprless Furnace Is scientific and practical. A proven success. It docs the work better and cheaper than stoves, hot water or hot-air pipe furnaces, besides saving work for the housewife and others In the Jamily. Installed in Your House Without Costly Alterations Western Pipeless Furnace can be In stalled in your present home at slight cost, and when installed in a new house saves all the cost of costly plumbing, piping, radiators, stoves. The Western Is made by Western engineers to meet Western condi tions. It is designed for soft coal and wood. Hard Coal furnaces leak gas and smoke when used with soft coal. The Western is dust ' proof. If you cannot call and see this won derful furnace, phone and our heat ing engineer will call and give esti mate of cost and explain all details without obligation on your part. T. J. Minger , Uealer in High Grade Water Systems; Farm Light Plants; Plumbing and Sheet Metal Work; Windmills and Gasoline Engines. ii 13 1 II H ! 4 13 If ti 1 i! i