Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 16, 1920, Page Page 2, Image 2

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THUWIMV, fr:iTr.MIU:n 111, tWM
FOR SALE Beat building lots is
town, (1) eornartnc on City Pmrk,
make an otter. Inqulra t Jour
nal Office
TOR SALE 1.00 pounds of Whlta
Clover Seed. All cleaned, ready
for market. Inqnlre of eonrnal
office. ltfc
cleaning and carding tor comfort
er and mattreeae. lianufaetar
ers ot pure wool bata. CRTbToO.
land, Oregon, mills, 70 Umatil
la Avenue; office, SOI Spalding
Building. I-
WANTED Cattle I will trade my
7 -room modern house, t 1 1-1 lots
best location In Prineville. See my
agent, Ocboco Realty Co, Journal
Office. IQtte
WANTED To buy a safe In first
class condition. Call Oehoco Wire
house Co. Prineville, Ore. 49tta.
FOK SALE 700 potato sacks. W'll
sell all or in small lots. Leave or
iir at the Journal Office. 49tfo.
. iluuae to rent by High
hcS. .eacher and family. Wil
start rent at once. Address C. K.
Plaits, Eugene, Ore. 6t
LOST One Gold Eversharp Pencil.
Finder please leave at Journal of
fice and receive 13.50 reward.
LOST One pair of gold rim glasses
in an old case, lined with red. In
quire Journal office. Sip
FOR RENT Three light housekeep
ing rooms and one sleeping room.
Inquire Journal Office. 60ftc
FOR SALE Seven room residence
In Prineville; six lots. Light and
water. Good chicken parks. Call
on or write to C. C. Brix, Powell
Butte, Oregon. SOtfc
FOR SALE 1917 Maxwell Car in
first class running order. Two new
Urea. If you are looking tor a snap
com to the Journal office and
come quick, as this will go In a
hurry. 46tfe.
FOR SALE Six room residence In
Prineville; lot 80x240 feet. For
quick sale, $1,600 cash.
Inquire at this office. T 47tf.
WANTED A good bicycle, must be
cheap tor cash. Inquire Journal
Office. , Sl-S3p
FOR SALE or TRADE 1 Sulkey
Plow 16-inch; ll-section harrow;
1 14-inch walking plow. Inquire
107 Main. tf.
LOST Dark tan Hand Grip, be
tween Ochoco Reserve and Gov
ernment Camp on Mitchell Road,
Reward $5.00 if returned to Crook
County Journal. 61 tbe
$225 per month the year round
averaged by a number ot our sales
men, young, middle aged and elderly.
Business never better. Experience
unnecessary. Cash weekly. Big
assortment guaranteed trees, shrubs,
and vines. Ton can do what other
ii. experienced men have done.
Washington Nursery Co., Toppenisu,
Wash. 60-59p
torney. Office Crook County Bank
Building, Prineville, Oregon. tf.
M R. -ELLIOTT Attorney st La
Court House St, Prineville Ore
I'll. T. H. DAT Physician, ophthal
mologist, neurologist. Specialty
of eyes and nerves. Glasses fitted
flours I to II a. m. ; 2 to 5 p. m.
preeiiifs by appointment. S10
main ft. PriseTille, Ore. J7tfc.
DR. H. G. DAVIS Dentist. New
modern shop in Ka antra Build
ing. SCALE BOOKS Neatly printed
and bound. Sent $1.00 to the
Journal and one will be mailed to
' yon, postage paid. Jtfc.
v SCRATCH PAI6 Different slset
T and quality of paper, just the
thing for your desk or pocket
' tor sale at The Journal office.
TVi mnr vm trouble you? Are
yamr glasses giving satisfaction or do
they need changing! u so, can on
Dr. F. n. Day, 610 Main St. Prlna
rllle, Oregon. He la permanently lo
cated at that address lltfc.
mm contract In any other cobs
nanr examine the superior eon
tract and low premium rates ol
Oregon Life. Sea. T. L. Qnlnn
tho local agent "Me
Those having eye troubles or ner
one troubles should call snd aee ur.
r H. Day. 810 Main St..
Orogoa. 11
Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
The annual Columbia county fair
has been set for September 22, 23 and
Construction has begun at Oregon
Agricultural college of theftrst unit
of the women's dormitory.
A movement Is under way to have
the Jackson county courthouse moved
from Jacksonville to Meiiford.
Clyde Flak and E. Ooodchlld of Eu
gene have been fined $50 each tor
having deer meat out of season.
A new sawmill of 60.000.000 feet
yearly capacity will be constructed
20 miles northwest of Lnkevtew.
With the opening of school only a
month away, 75 Linn county school
districts have not secured teachers
Sam A. Kozer, secretary of state.
has gone to San Francisco to attend a
meeting ot the National Traffic asso
ciation, j
During the first 15 days of August
129 fires were "picked up" by the
forest patrol planes leaving the Eu
gene base.
Tourists at Crater lake report that
tor a week or two a large cougar has
prowled around nightly In the vicinity
of the hotel.
The reserve on Huckleberry moun
tain, west of Lost Lake, has been
opened by tbe national forest service
to huckleberry pickers.
A course to fit young men for Intelli
gent farm management will be given
at Pendleton high school under pro
visions ot the Smith-Hughes act this
Christian Johnson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jens Johnson of Astoria, who has
been missing for several months has
been located In an Insane asylum at
Lima, Peru.
The Paciflo highway betweeen
Grants Pass and Rogue river has been
opened to traffic, cutting off one of
the worst plecss ot road In this part
ot the state.
Jack Rathie, ene of the men under
indictment at Pendleton for the mur
der of Sheriff Taylor, has been Identi
fied as John Laffenbeaa by the sheriff
of Power county, Idaho.
Shot and fatally wounded by a rob
ber who attempted to hold up his
store, John N. Thompson, SS, a Port
land grocer, died on the walk In front
of his store Friday night' '
Educators from all parts of the state
are expected at Hood River August 25,
when the second annual conference of
vocational agriculture will be held at
the Hood River high school.
W. H. Sales ot Mohler has filed
with the state engineer application to
appropriate 3000 acre-feet of water
from Foley creek for the development
of power In Tillamook county.
During the week of September ( to
11 County Agent G. W. Kable will con
duct a poultry culling demonstration
in Corvallis for the Information of the
poultry raisers of Benton county.
An attempt is being made at Pen
dleton to connect the murder of F. D.
Jennings and his wife, near Bancroft,
Maho, to Nell Hart and Jim Owens,
the murderers of Sheriff Til Taylor.
Tbe gasoline shortage, which for a
time treatened to halt many of Ore
gon's industries, has improved dur
ing the last two weeks, according to
W. A. Dalziel, deputy stats sealer of
weights and measures.
Portland Is the ninth city in the
United States in the amount of Its
postal savings and leads all of the
Cities west of Chicago, the postofflce
department has reported. Portland's
deposits are $1,741,734.
The Oregon Growers' Cooperative J
association has filed with the public
service commission a peition asking
for a physical connection between
the Southern Pacific and Oregon
Ele'curic at Forest Grove.
Three men were killed Instantly and
three seriously injured when a truck
carrying 12 men bumped into a slow
ly moving passenger train at Imbler.
The dead are Lloyd Larsen, Wayne
Keown and Clarance Larsen.
Raymond Walsh, 8 years old, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walsh of Sven--,en,
was accidentally shot and killed
by his brother Cecil, aged 13 years.
The boys were playing soldier at the
time with their father's shoigun.
Purchase by the government of S22
acres near HM boro for $37,000 cash
as a site for a huge radio Btatlon Is
Indicated in negotiations which have
heen nendine fo:' some time with the
owners of the Fred Rood farm.
Geographical location and the ex-
nenHA of coTultr ting district office
boards were the chief reasons
signed by the Bopping board for its
refusal to make Portland a shipping
board district, aocordlm to a tele
gram received by Seu or McNary
from Admiral Benson, tialrman
tbe board.
The body of a man who was found
with a revolver Friday in an abandon
ed mining tunnel eight miles east ot
Pleasant valley, Baker county, by
Peter Sylvester, a rancher, has been
Identified as Ira Hartley ot Richland
Receipts from motor vehicle regi
strations In Oregon from January 1 to
July 21, 1920, totaled $l.891.J0, a
cording to a report prepared by 8am
A. Koser, secretary of state. In the
state there are 94,770 motor vehicles
Bids for state highway bonds In the
sum ot $1,500,000 were opened In Port
land on Tuesday by the state high
way commission. The money derived
from the sale of these bonds will be
used In permanent road construction
work In various sections ot. the state.
Herbert Gels. 15-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Geis, ot Portlaud.
was drowned while bathing In the
Willamette river as a result ot being
sucked into the huge Intake pipe of
the Portland Railway, Light & Power
company's power plant,
Americanization day, a noteworthy
departure from previous state fuirs,
and the first to be instituted In any
state In the union, will be given a
place of foremost importance the week
of September 27-October 2 at the 69th
Oregon state fair at Salem.
Frederick E. Meiisr, well known
Baker boy who is a graduate of Iliiker
high school and who graduated from
the University of Oregon In 1917, h:is
received a gold medal awarded by the
faculty of the Columbia university ot
New York tor honors In scholarship.
All records for the sale of Medtord
Bartlett pears In carload lots were
broken when a local car sold at
Chicago tor $2SS or an average wot
$5.55 per box. The former high price,
obtained In 1919, was $5 a box. Seventy
cars of pears have been shipped thus
In the Fatrvtew district, little
valley settlement about 25 miles south
east of Coos Bay, blackleg la affect
ing a number ot herds ot cattle. The
disease is aid to have been principally
among the younger stock, but It has
gained a good hold and Is said to be
spreading rapidly.
The state land board has authorised
Governor Oleott to enter Into a con
tract with the government, through
the district foreetry offices ta Port
land, for the exchange Of 10,000 acres
of scattered bsse lands la the national
forest reserve tor a compact body
of equal area and value la the forest
The Standard OH Company has re
mitted to the secretary of state the
sum of $29,187.10, covering the tax on
the corporation's sale ot gasoline and
distillate la Oregon for the month of
July. A statement accompanying the
check showed that the company dis
posed ot 2,984,817 gallons of gasoline
and T9SI gallons of distillate during
Enormous quantities of dead crabs
are being washed up by the tide on the
mad flats at Bandon, at the mouth of
tbe CoqulUe river. It is supposed
that the crabs were killed by the
blasting which tho government en
gineers are' doing In the river. Rock
In the channel on the bar is being
blasted out and the concussion has
probably caused the death of the crabs.
That road construction work In Ore
gon will be retarded In case the In
crease of 26 per cent In freight charges
is allowed to apply to the transporta
tion of road building material, based
on the present tariff for these com
modities, was the charge made by the
state highway commission in a peti
tion asking for an immediate revision
of rates on cement, asphalt and other
kindred materials.
A series of meetings of the execu
tlve committee of the Cattle and Horse
Raisers association of Oregon will be
held in Eastern and Southern Oregon
towns from September 3 to 12 as
follows: Canyon City, September 3;
Burns, September 4; Lakeview, Sept
tember 6; Klamath Falls, September
7; Fort Klamath, September 8; Med-
ford, September 9; Bend, September
11; Prineville, September 12.
Preparations are now being made
for poison campaigns to be carried
on all over eastern uregon against
rabbits. I. N. Gabrielson, who handles
the government -rodent work for the
United States biological survey, has
Just returned from Lake Klamath and
Deschutes counties, where he has out
lined the season's work. From Janu
ary 1 to July 1, his report shows, 0000
'armors In 21 counties were supplied
.vith ground squirrel poison by his
Thousands of fine chlnook salmon
.re going to w.tnte In Rogue river De
mise of the inalibity of the two can
.erlea to hund'.e the offerings. The
ish are coming In such schools that
he boats stay out' but a short time
vhen they pull tip their nets and have
uore than the limit placed upon the
eliverles. Several limits were made
-first, as to fish, and, later, to pounds
-as the flshe.mcn threw away the
mall ones and delivered the larger
sh, since it niennt 12 cents for every
mind. The last limit was made 800
nmds. The canneries are running
.Ml of cans.
On Iron flrar horse, three or four mh
old. Branded with circle tall ea Uft shoulder
and T with heck handed under connected,
with iii In forehead.
On mH brown milk branded with circle
lasy H Inside In tint let aboolder and
C on the Ml tin connected with an L r7
laying down. Utah lace about t ln old.
Taken tin by th City ot Prineville. lotto.
Notice of Meettna of Board ot Equalisation.
Th. Hoard of Director of th LoM Mm
Hmtlnn Dwtrtot acting ai a hoard ol equnl-
Lattun will mt at th ornc ol th Board at
Redmond, Oregon, on th nnl Tuceflny ot
o. lobar 120 t October llhl at ten o'clock In
th for mn. for th purpose ol reviewing and
correcting it uwaiMU and apportionment
of una lor tho year IMS.
In th meantime all prrasna tnieroatea may
lniiect th list and record at In
onVe of th Secretary ol th Hoard.
Published by order ot th. noara of inaee.
eni ol th Ion I'in Irrigation District.
August ti, n.
1K. H). U. Ul IWHUIV,
8 rUry ,
Not coal land
nr.rtmt ol thr Interior. II. S. Land Of.
at Uk.vlcw, Orvaon. AuKU.t la. ItKM.
Nntl, U h-rrh irivrn t!il
Fife. Oi-fuvn. who on Jnnunnr SS, t-'n
m.ilr ail.lili.mal Moutrnd Kniry, N.0IO.Ij,
for SK'.SKH 8. II NKNK1-. 18. t. HIS-.
J-.'K., Lot 7. Srtun . l- l. rr.VrTH
-. I. Townahin l 8. R" 23 K. Will.
Mrn.linn. h lild nollr of Intention to man
thrrr-Ti-ar I'roof. to clnbliah rlalm to
h. land bov dci-rilM-.!. iH-tor cnarloa a.
Sh ninn, U. 8 Commlunrr, at rir. ur
on. un th 15th day of OHuti.-r. Hid.
t'l.imnnt name a. wltnr.t: Jowon iri.
Strt. C. N. BrnJford. Paul W.rncr.
II of Uft. Own.
sn-64e B-!t.r.
Notice to heivbf rWn br th andancnvl.
aliiunilrlor ol th Eitat ol Bamual ..
L. n, Dcai. that h hat thto day rnad
and tiled with th dark ol th County Court
ol th Stat ol Oregon, lor Crook County, bto
nal accounting ol lh affair ol tho sold
wtat and that th Honorable County Court
afonaaid has art Monday, the 4th day at
Ortobrr, 1020, at IS o'clock la th lomotn
of said day at th county court room la th
conrthouM at PrUtlle, Oragoa. said aoeaty
aa th tint and plan lor kaarinc and
tllny aald accountiaa.
Dated thto Hat day ol Auiust, A. a .120.
(atcnadl FISHES C. LOGAN,
Administrator ot th Estate of
Published last time September KMa, ItSS.
Attorney lor Eatate
Everyone la pleased with the quick
results of simple wltchhasal camphor
hydrastls. etc, as mixed In Lavop-
tlk eye wash. One msn's eyes were
so badly strained he could not read
Itbout pain. Two applications re
lieved him. A lady with weak. In
flamed eyes was greatly helped ST
One bottle. We guarantee small
bottle of Lavoptik to help any ease
weak, strained or inflamed eyes.
Prineville Drug Company.
When writing advertisers, please
mention The JoarnaL
IB a m r t Ui-aT v". El i 11 IK
ATIHE willi llieriifged strength lo meet
every service need that's the Ajax
Road King. Mark its massive tread, braced
and re-inforced by that exclusive Ajax
feature, Ajax Shoulders of Strength.
Wherever your ear must go, Ajax Road
King Tires will take you.
' We sell the whole Ajax line.
Kotlr Ii krby H.a that on Monday, th
ISta day ol Bptmbn IKS. th auat Winy
th Mrond aaoaday la aWptatab, tee hoard
or Equalisation will attend st th Ooart Iteoas
In PrlMvllle. Crook County, Oivsoa, and puh
llrly axarahw th ralto, aad) est
rect all error la valuation, dm itylliaa aad
etuJItloi of lands, lots aad ether property
asiassid by Ue t, and R to tat duty
of all person rntsrseted SB appear el the Unto
aad plant appointed aa raveled hf tow.
Dal sf tint puMlratsM, Aatwet ISta, IUI
' Date at tool publluattoa. Sept ess hac ttk,
b. a. roffTEm,
Notice rtR rt R1.ICATION
Department ot the Interior. U. 8. Land of
fice, at The Dalles. O won, August 4, IMS.
Notice to hereby elren thai
ol Prlaevllle, Oreyon. who. on Marrk M,
1020, mail Additional Momratrnd Entry, No.
(IIS.H4I, lor WS4 Section 10, Township IV
South, Rnng IMCaat, Willamette Meridian,
has Med notice ol Intention to makt final
three yrar Proof, to establish claim te tno
lund abov described, before I nke M,
Li S. Commissioner, at Prlnvlll, Oregon,
on the lath day vl S.i.lcml., r lu.'u.
Claimant nsmos aa witncuc.,
St.uhen W. Yancey. John K. Hrw, Mhi
loo F. Carter, Henry Hudson, all ol I'rlne.
villa, Oreyon.
4-Mo. Hcdlstcr.
Tho liulli'B, OreKon, August 2.
Notice Is hereby Riven that the
whose post ofrice addreas is St. l'aul,
Minnxsola, has this 2nd day of Aug
ust 1920 filed in this office its appli
cation to select under the provisions
of the act ot OoiiKress, approved July
1, 1898 (30 Btat. 697, 620.) tho
North Half ot the Northeast Quarter,
the South Halt of the Northeast
Quarter, the Northeast Quarter of
the Northwest Quarter, the South
east Quarter of the Northwest Quar
ter, the East Halt ot the Southwest
Quarter, the North Halt of the South
east Quarter, and the South Half ot
the Southeast Quarter, of Section
fourteen. In Township fifteen South,
of Rsnge nineteen Eaat of the Wil
lamette Principal Meridian, contain
ing tour hundred eighty acres, mors
or less; '
Any and all persona claiming ad
versely the lands deaorlbed, or desir
ing to object because o tbe Mineral
character of the land, or any other
reason, to tbs disposal to applicant,
should tils their affidavits ot pro
test In this otflos. on or before the
Itrd day of September, 1(10.
4)1-tie. - Register.
notice or HEBirra bale , .
By otrtat 1st aa' amrajtlsa duly hosed ny
th stork ef the rlreeH aoart at the eeuaty
f Crook, state tf Oiwaow, dated Una 1MB day
tf July, Its la a Lactate cetera te the rlreeH
reart ley th said county aad state, whoesa
P. Bwrrta, as ' talatlfr. lotoisied
Wlltard CwpRtt and hdlth
Os4piit, I lutoste. Pee the euas el Mhw
Huadred Bsahtyayist Dalhut, together wfek
One Bwadra
further eeaa af
oollam aeata aad anruli eoets. Nothw
hereby grrea that I arffl aa Satardiy Use list
dee ol Aawnet, ltS at the aacth front dao
of tho ooart been fcs PilsmPto sa tald
aoaatyv at IS e'taaak ta ha li.iana of nasi
day. tall et sejMto tanht te the bhrhsat bsd-
all the risrat aad tklo that the
mm IM' IB tv A oisl J
447 Main Street
We handle Maz
da Lamps of all
kinds and sizes
YsA jy, Wy-
Des Chutes
Prineville, Ore.
sbov naawd dWIendanta, or wy ot I bom bar,
or bad ot date af cold Judgment la the follow
Ing described property, to-trlt
Th cast hall ol th eMlhwest tamrtet ef
tortlon two, tho northwest owortev of the
northeast quarter, th north hall of tho twettw
wst onartor aad th southwest aaartee of the
northwest ol Becltsa otceaa, and tho east half
ol th aortheaal auarter of SettsM tea, all la
Township olgbteea. South of Roan twaartee
tiro. East of tho WUIaaastta Meridian, Ore.
Doted ol Prinevlll. Owm. lory Stth, 1SSS.
By E. L. I OEDAM, Dog sty.
Notlr to hereby given that the Board af
Directors a! th Orhaeo Irrlgstlon Diet ret
has made a computaton ol the whet amount
of money nsrmsary a be raised by the eald
dl.lrvl lor the year IMI lor all parpooea
whatsoever and baa determined tho nnmbey
ol Irrigable oeraa owned by each landowner ta
the dletrirt and th proporuinal asussmenta
against the same aa pmelded by tow aad that
tald Board lo Directors, acting a a Board of
Eouallutlon will meet lor the porpooo of
reviewing and correcting Ho oaaeasment nndl
atiportlonment of tnsos oa the Srat Tumnnr
of October, 1020, the came b.lng the tlh day
ol th month and will osntinu la session
from day to day oo long no may be aneeanary.
to tieer and drtermln any object ions by any
Interested parties to the oesoaomsnto nnd ap
portionment thereol and any other matters
connected therewith that may eomo before
them, nnd that tho ossiacmint list and re
cord aforesaid to In tho ofrice ol th Beera
tery of the Board lor the Inspection ol all
pcreono Interested.
Dsted at Prlneellla, Oregon, thto 7 lb day
ol September, IMS
B. A, SORDAL. leeretery
M-t4 of th Board of Director.
f J I a