1 Hl'IWDAV, At'OVHT M, 10SM. ii crook cocjmr jocrxal lamM m.'bschtbll Ooaatr la nmravnur . . omoor W. H. CTRCI n Jswalw MAJOKIO TIHTLB PvtaarlUa, Orego CHAM. . EDWARDS Physician Surgsoa Olaasss Correctly Fitted 117 Ml 8U, FrlMvllla, Orogoa. 0WD1ILY JOURNAL DAILY CO. DAHiT AND BUNDAT -Me If 1 g row tw aUrly, pbnt Rod 41 and w. wtll im4 m ap bf special a- riuNEvnx DRCQ CO, Local Agtaat Is Your Money Supporting the Government? At tkU critical period la oar history oar manofactamrs are offering their aallia tad oar young men are offering their nerrlcee to the Dalted SUtee government. Woald you like to 4io yoar saar aad help, by patting yoar money where It wtll aapyort the aew federal Reserve Banking Byttem, which the government baa eeubtlehed to aUnd back ot oar oommaroe, Indaatry aad agrtealtaraT Ton can do this by opealng aa aoooaat with aa as part of every foliar so depoelted goea directly Into tho aew system, where It will always be ready for yoa whea wasted. Member Federal Reserve System FIRST NATIONAL BANK Prineville Machine Shop The Beat Equipped Machine Shop In this part of the State , We are prepared to handle anything in our line promptly. Quality of work it the rery best PRINEVILLE MACHINE SHOP E. G. Hodson, Proprietor Prineville, . . Oregon IRELAND'S City Transfer & Express Auto Delivery to all Parts of the City and Vicinity Phone me for quick service at Hugh Lakin's Red 951 aiaSaSSaassstSwlaSSwlaS haaisjaSeSSSasjBSSSSSSasaa EASIEST THING IN THE WORLD CALL BLACK 303 FOR LIGHT OR HR1VY TRUCK SRBYIOC Last Big Block of the Canadian Pacific Reserved Farm Lands THIS .nwonm tha offorlnt of th. lut blf blook of th. Canadlwi PHllo llMnthia Und. UMI tha " block t dl.iHiwd at. y. eaa iiv at lewaoat 'T. M W.Vtira uinadi that vlll mk. you rMi utd ltond.nt. Tha aaaatry la ld..l tot SriVSa or?-" i ".tu?.ffy. priM will b. hl,h.r. N.TM U North Aawicaa Cwtmau wUI (area luiJi tM offwwi at prloM to low. .- YonrLut Big Opportunity Thl. blwa aMitaln. both fartlla opoa iralrl. and pat lanaa 10 aa uul H.ul.ford DMtrlcU off Caittrai Allnrta and Saiaatatewaia. Yoq aa bur fare land, on tha rtea and AJborU at prlow T.rMln. .bout HI aa m TOT Un Tn Booth. AlnorUl and iiTlrrlntloa wiM aafwliu; water noat tM aa aarv and ap 20 Yean to Earn sndtoPsy i Th. CwnvllMl Plll roa tkli aval man a pl.n of loni trni.toiMrw;" thll nturksbl. in th. Mitorr off urn In. liVntTYou pny down 10 ,Tn.noa indaT fourth .. J)i.n fw.B tnnurt uSiM. Inter..! Ii. 'cS,r,,SM; CSw.n.B.M.rWh..l.rtT.wth.worldJ BiVwh..t. World ! prlM MUoydBlnitar. Lands Under Irrigation. ErinUoil and.rt.tln. oa At Aanricy Con"n.t Thl. dl;"rt oonteln. "m. of th. bt nd. In C.nd Aa anfaUInf lu'nW w.t.r lmlnlrt.rl and tha nm ItfH t. y.utoDWbuk. IVtaabfaiaauka THE FIRE FIEND playi the jgame greedily. Last year he Ratlim'd in property worth nearly half a billion dollars. You are playing against odds if you trust to luck. Any one of hundred of fire danger mostly rattsncl by cureUswness may burn your pmiwrty at any time. 1'rotection demands fire Insur ance, also fire prevention service. The Hartkouo Fire Insurance Company offers such service with sound indemnity at usual rates. Obtain yours through this agency. ( KNTKAIj ORKOO TITLE A lMtf COMPANY A. It. IIOWMAN, PRKS. Prineville, Ore. a Morse Transportation Comp'y PRINEVILLE, OREGON 1 NoTmm on Improvements There's a small las on the land-saU dom more than lOe an aere for all pur Ebut thsrs are no taies on your tock, buiidino. fmprovementa, mints or peraonsJ efteeU. Good MoVbafa tn A d al II Schools. KM til. ehttreties, musements. make farm Hf e da Irable and attracUvs. Here yon oaa cbisr lPtjsps nilsn oS3 1 No SaleWitnont Inrestigal 1 The Canadian PadAe wtll not eU yoa t Until you navfj inapactea t, atiaflfrd and mry question answered . 3 ..1,1.- m airutai hflavia InwaaBtiaratlon SjanMlaVD rSMHlKS arBraJM VHia a"aa. Special Rates for Homeieekers mnm rou imuiavieiuawa OCHOCO REALTY CO. Local AgenU 433 Main 8t PrlnevlUa, Ore. attlmli.aattb.U.I'.a CHOP Manjr good things delivered in small packages. ' . THE HOMK PAPER , . , Br "X" When the anenln' shade Is fallln' st the sndln' o' the dar, ' ' An' s feller rests from labor smokln' his pipe o' elar. There's notbln' does him so much good, be fortune np or down, As the little countrr paper from bis ol' home town. , It ain't a thing of beauty, an' lis print sln't slways clean. But it straightens out bis tempi when s feller's feellu' mean; It take the wrinkles off his face, so' brunhei off his frown; That little country paper from bl ol' home town. Now, I like to read the dallies, an' , the story papers too, An' at timet the yellow norels an' ume other train don't you? Hut whim I want some readln' that will bruab away a frown, I want that little paper from my ol' home town. Good Literature. "Succpaa" ii spelled with seron It-tleri. Of the seven, only one is found In "fame" and one In "money ' but three are found In "happlntn." New York World. If a good face Is a letter of re commendation, a good heart ts a let ter of credit. Bulwer. What we do upon some great or CHialon will probably depend on what we already are; and what we are will lid the remit of previous years of sclf-diadpline. H. P. Liddon. Sow thou sorrow, and thou shall reap It, but sow thou joy, and thou alialt keep It! R. W. Gilder. The time will come when thli will be regarded as a great epitaph for a man: "He lived while be worked lived and enjoyed and helped as he went along." For one who cannot thoroughly re spect himself the high and abiding confidence of others is impossible. Thinking is creating with God. Bnecher. Small things become great when a great soul sees them. There sre a hundred successful men for one that Is contented. There Is a great difference' be tween contentment and a dead am bition. By sparing ourselves the dally task wn dig the grave of higher possibili ties. Cutting prices to Injure tie mm next door Is cutting off your nose to spite your face. Trying to find a short road to suc cess would make good epitaphs for the vast multitude of failures. Xerve us with Incessant, affirma tives. Don't bark against the bad, but chant the beautiea ot the good. Emerson. Circumstances are the nails upon which the weak hang their, failures; with which the strong build their successes. "The true University of thea days," said Carlyle, "is a collection of books, and all education to teach us how to read." Silence Is a great peacemaker. Longfellow. The greatest fault, I should say, is to be conscious of none but other people's. Carlyle. It Is s .ten-thousand-dollar Job, but a nine-thousand-nlne-hundred-and-ntnety-nlne-dollar man cannot fill it. . Just do a thing! Don't talk about It! This Is the great secret of suc cess in all enterprises. Sarah Grand MISTAKE TO AVOID Undoubtedly we could save our selves and others a great deal ot trouble It we would all strive con scientiously to keep from making the following mistakes, styled by an, ex perienced Jurist, "Mistakes of Life": To attempt to set up your own standard ot right and wrong. To try to measure the enjoyment of others by your own. To expect uniformity ot opinions In this world. To tall to make allowance for in experience. To endeavor to mold all disposi tions alike. To look tor perfection In our own actions. Not to yelld in unimportant trifles. To worry ourselves and others about what cannot be remedied. Not to help everybody, wherever, however, and whenever we can. To consider anything Impossible that we cannot ourselves perform. To believe only . what our . Units minds can grasp. Not to make allowances for the weaknesses ot others. , To estimate by some outside qual ity, when it Is that within which makes the man. SUE.Y ; This column Is Intended as aa antldou for the blues, i , W WHAT MIHTAH TROUBLE DID 01' Mistab Trouble, be come aroua, ' ' one dsy- - An' say, "I gwlnter git you, so yqu better run awayl I likes to see you bustle. Dat's de wsy I has my fun. I knows I kin ketch up to you, no matter how you run! 7 I says, "Mistab Trouble, you has been achasln me , Ever since I kin remember, an' I'se tired ss ! kin be. So I'se gwlnter stop right yere, an' turn aroun', a-faclng you, An' lick you If I kin, an' fin' out Jest what you kin do." 01' Mlstah Trouble, be looked might ily ashamed; He acted like a' buckln'-hoss data suddenly been tamed; An' den be turned an' traveled off, a- bollerln', "Good day; I alnt got time to fool around wif folks that acts dat way." Washington 8tar. AX EXPERT DRIVK'R A South Dakota congressman tells a story of the old coaching days, when a certain Pete McCoy, one of the most skilful of the old stage driv ers, operated a conveyance that made a circuit of Deadwood, Carbonate. Siiearfish and Bear Gulch. Pete was famous for his fast, furious, daring driving. ' One day, the story runs. Pete tors Into Carbonate on his usual dead run. Up to the "hotel" door clat tered the stage. There, suddenly, si It stopped, one ot the four horses fell dead. "Kinder sudden, that, Pete," said a bystander. "Nuthln' sodden about it." said Pete. "That hoss died at the top of the hill 10 miles back; but I wasn't going to let him down until I got 'o the regular stoppln' place."' Lip pincott's Magazine. A traveling man driving through Oklahoma stopped to inquire the way of a portly negro, who was supervis ing a group of black laborers In s field of onions. It was a warm af ternoon, but they were moving along at so vigorous a rate that the white man was interested. "What's your receipt for keeping your men so live ly?" he Inquired. The proprietor grinned. "Well sun, Ah reckon it won't do no dam age to tell you that Ah goes aroun' turn tahm to tahm wid'a nice Jug ot ah cidah, suh. It do he'p re markable, suh, yessuh! An' when 1 begins to spy dub. tongues a'com-, menclng to hang out a little again, Ah quotes a verse ob Scripture at 'em preparatory to fetching roun' de jug again. An' dat Scripture do he'p likewise, suh, yes suh!" "And what's the text, uncle?" "De text is fum de prophet Isaiah, and it runs: 'oe, ebbery one that thirsteth'!" " One night while Paris was in dark ness out of respect for the aim of the Hun( aviators, an American was ac costed by two men. One asked in French the way , to a certain hotel. The American attempted to direct him in the same language. , They tor some minutes. Then the man turned in great disgust to his com panion and said: "Aw, h ! Come on I can't understand thesed French men." A negro was brought out on the gallows to be hanged tor murder. ' "enry," said the sheriff, "have you anyting to say?" "Yas suh." said the condemned man. "I'se got a few words to say. I merely wishes to state dat dis sut tingly is goin' to be a lesson to me." In a recent discussion of illiteracy the superintendent ot New York's public schools quoted an amusing let ter, sent to a Brooklyn teacher, ran "Frend techer, I do not dlsire for Claire shall ingage in Grammer, ash I prefer her lngaging In yuaeful studies, as I can learn her how to speke and write correctly myself. I have went through ' two grammars and they done no good. I preferr her ingageing in French and drawing and vokal music on the pianna." Johnny, said his mother, severely, someone has taken a big piece ot gin gerbread out of the pantry. Johnny blushed guiltily. Oh. Johnny, she ex claimed, I didn't think It was In yo ! It ain't all in me, replied Johnny, part ot It's In Elsie." , , T Is your wife's mother enjoying her trip to the mountains? , ' . I'm afraid not, she's found some thing at last that she can't walk over. ir.---:: MITCHELL 1 1 FAH'EM ALL SEPT; 9, 10, & l i $1,000 in Purses Bucking Contest Bull Dogging & Roping. Racing, Relay Races. Chariot & Roman Races. Cow Girl Races. Fancy Rope Spinning. Everything to make a real Round-up Dance each night at Mitchell Hall For further Bill Ray, Manager, Prineville, 0re. Antelope Stampede SEPT. 16, IT & 18 $1,500 in Purses Bucking Contest. Bull Dogging & Roping. Racing, Relay Races Chariot & Roman Races Cow Girls' Relay Race. Fancy Rope Spinning. For further particulars write Bill Ray, Manager, Prineville, Ore. Prineville Employment Office GEO. J. Let us know your needs and GIVE US Telephone Black 341 Attention of each woman and miss If you have waited for prices of clothes to drop don't wait any longef because they have not come . down instead the Ready-Mades are Higher than ever if you want to save money on your autumn and winter SUIT, COAT OR SKIRT see us, we can make you a garment to order, strictly hand tailored after your individual measurements for less money ' than an ordinary ready-made, and not only give you a much better garment (one that will wear twice as long) but we will let you pick your cloth from the largest variety in the country and tailor it from your selection of the newest accepted modes in vogue. . Come In and see what big values we offer It will ' ' - "' mean money saved for you, and : absolute satisfaction ,, now and a year from now! .- , ., ': , ;-.:-,;' ,:; T. A. GIELIS - TAILOR 1 particulars write RIBEIIN, Prop. we will endeavor to fill them. A TRIAL 831 Main Street.