Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 26, 1920, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    THUtMllAY, jtrOI'KT 2. 1020.
rnnoK rouxTT lovnxAh
Lese by Storing Pu'pwood.
It Ilia hfi'fi found try nhervailtn
OihiI at t sulphate pulp mill that
liulpwiMiil kept In ainraire from two to
three yi-ars ylrll. on Hi itvi-rHiif.
per rent Ifxn pulp iIihii wood lined
When It In green, trtyn I'upiilnr Jle
rlmnli'i Mnjiaslne. I'nlpwoud sinred
even one vear los 14 per Cftit of
in value Id pulp production,
New Cefff Barry.
A eolTi Iwrry tnw frmn faffi'lne
grows wild In Miiiliiwii'nr firem uniuh
of Kort t'uupliln. The tree la umiilly
twelve to twenty feel hlyn with small,
r leaves than those of tht orilliinry
eoffee tr, and a fallow Instead of red
Moon's Tlma far sleep,
- 4 llttla girl of Hire, peeing-' a rloud
f luiokt enveloping Hit moon, said,
"Auntie, tbt Dioon la doing to sleep
bow a 'an pulling tht sheet op over
Quita Sjra of It.
"Do jron Jiflli-vc ilia I Hie tlionitliia
ef a Imal'iHiil and wife hemme IiIimiH
rair aakH flounder. "I do." an
wervrf .fniiraliy, "Knr Miiilipt. my
wife la walling fr Pi now. and alia
Nnowa Jut hat she la going to nay
to mo, and do I." Itrmiklyn Cltl-sen.
Slight Mistake.
Adai'lil mlmled priifiaaor (hnlfwny
through the service) I Ihoiiulil llifiv
wiia annif itiliiK wrong. Tlila a mil
tlie girl I want to marry. From "Kar
Ikaiuren," Clirlatlanla. Norway.
Whan Man Walgha Nothing
I'rof. Kilward V. Huntington of liar
rard nnlwrally showed by an elaho
rata niaaa of figures printed In Hclence
flint 4 man on a train moving along
lb eouator westward at 1S..700 mites
an hour, or eaatward at 1l.7fl0 miles
an hour would weigh notblng. aa mees
or ad by an ohserver on the train.
Drink Watar Whan Tired.
fr. Kilns It. Motir of Brooklyn
Orged the noMiiltcra of ilia Women'"
Medli-al aorMy of New Vork a'nt to
drink a gl of water at 10 a. m and
othera at 3. 4 and ft p. m. 4Tlila.
told t hftn. would illlutc' I he prixlilHa
of ratlim whlrh re entering Hi
IiIimmI and "Niilrig that ilrrt ftflliig.
Avoid Collisions.
Imn't collide alib anything. Th
mnti nl flu helm uiiial know how 'n
leer away from ohatrii'tlona and nvoid
alioala If he would aurwaaftilly male
ilia porta and havens adown the
treamway of Ufa. Humphrey J. !
Llaard'a Eyalld Transparent.
There ia a lizard living In Hie Trans-,-asplan
dewrt dint Iihm the lower eye
lid fuaed with the upper : It la trana
parent, and like a window, lata la
light, but excludes sand.'
Va-i lAiiuaa f -T
A Boon to Business
Facta abtmt U Woo4atoek, tka
hlcbelMt, MMa&ui tmwHMr
factored by Ua Woodatock Typ
writer C9., Woodttoek, lit ' .
Tha typebar ayataia, earrtega and
aacapamant wbael, taa vital parta of
any typawrltar, ara nada maeh kaaf -lar
In tha Woodatock than ia otaar
macklaaa. That la who It kolda ap
batter and why It Is (oarantaad for
ona yaar longer than any other mod
ern typewriter. Daed la an tha prin
ciple Institutions of learning la Aav
elca. ,
Dlstrlka tort
104 Oak 8k . Portland, Oragoa
olsbevik Cpmmanders Order
ed to tmn-e for Nego
tiation Viiih Poles.
Indon. The fluaalan aovlet gor.
rnni'-nt ha accepted Poland a pro-
poaul for an armiatlce and baa order-
1 all bolahevlk commandera In the
field to arrange for negotiation! to
hat end Immediately, a wlreleae dla-
patcb from Moacow elated.
Ruaala's reply to Poland's applica
tion for armlatice negotiation! brlnga
eight a poailble aolutloo of one of
the moat aerloua crla-a wblcb Europe
aa had to face el nee the conclusion of
the armlatice with tha Germans la
November, lll.
Tbe official world of allied Europe
baa been atlrred to Ita depths and un-
dlagulaedly alarmed over tbe aweep of
tbe soviet arm In through territory
held by the Pole to the very bordere
Poland proper, with a menace to
Waraaw and tbe virtual wiping out of
Poland aa a nation looming op to tha
alllea aa poaaibllltlen if meaaurea were
not taken to head them off by giving
fflclent and apeedy aid to the War
aaw government
I . v
Opposite Masonic Temple
All Ford Work Done on Contract Price.
Auto Repairing and Ignition Our Specialty.
Ed McGilvray, Prop.
Phone Black 181
X s s I
wea fa iiraaaauiiW'el'I
I .'VP, -.-v- . " '
tfr?7' ',-v,., 5v
Yes Sir-
:JIM J We made this ciga-
zrri rette t0 meet Jn
V U your taste! TjP
rti-'t. ', i. I' .in "s.
AMELS have wonder-
ful full-bodied mellow-
mildness and a flavor as
refreshing as it is new.
Camels quality and Camels expert
blend of choice Turkish and choice
Domestic tobaccos win you on merits.
Camels blend never tires your taste. And,
Camels leave no unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste
nor unpleasant cigaretty odor!
What Camels quality and expert blend can
mean ro your satisfaction you should find
out at once I It will prove our say-so when
you compare Camels with any cigarette
in the world at any price 1
C,ml ara aoM i.w.ryiiier to aaaforf paokaifea of 30
liTrJ'l". to, 20 centi; or (en pac.-. 1Mb in a f';--
piptfconnd carton. W tlronely) recomimind (h,. otttoa for U
. bom or ofica tupply or when you trtvl.
' Winston-Salem, N. C
If You Have
Come In and try bo me of oar lav
teat arrival. In confection. We alia
to carry the cholceet candle to be
had and yau can't beat the qoallty
. of our ice cream or fountain drlnka.
07-11 Mala M.
Agrmej Oregoalaa
Loa Angelea. A' sharp earthquake
ehock woke Loa Angelea at 4:12 Mon
day morning. Report to the telephone
and telegraph companies snd to fire
and police departments Indicated It ap
parently waa felt chiefly at Loa
Angelea and In a lesser degree at Ingle-
wood and Redondo beach, the former
about twenly-two miles distant, both in
a southwesterly direction.
A second and much lighter stock
was felt In Los Angeles at 8:SS a. m.
Immediately following tbe first
shock there was a wild exodus from
hotels and dwellings.
Half-clad people rushed from tha
buildings, seeking refuge in parks and
open spaces, and fearing to return to
the buildings for their clothes.
The second shock, coming when
many people were at last sitting down
to breakfast, caused another rush for
the streets.
It is reported that the Los Angeles
county court bouse Is so damaged from
shocks since July 16, culminating with
Monday morning's temblor, that It will
be torn down.
Haul Your Wheat By Truck.
; ; ! - J rT- f i CALL
345 W. CSt.
Phone 296 - PrinevUle
Railroad Officers and Union Labor
Leadera to Teatify,
Chicago Sixty-four railroad officers
and union leaders were subpenaed to
appear before the federal grand jury
In connection with a probe of the un
authorized walkout of railroad workers
here In April.
Among those for whom subpenaa
were Issued were John Orunau, presi
dent of the Chicago Yardmen's asso
ciation, and H. E. Redding, head of
tha United Englnemen's association.
These two organizations were formed
at the time of the April walkouts.
Others Included were R. J.' Brooks,
Portland, Or.; Ira E. Thomas, Salt
Lake City, apd C 8. Christopher, su
perintendent of terminals of the Chi
cago, Milwaukee ft SL Paul road.
Rationing of Gasoline Considered
Washington. A gasoline rationing
system to ha applied throughout the
entire United States la being consld
ered by big refiners. The rationing
system Is designed by the refiners aa a
last resort to curtail consumption and
keep the price from being forced to
more than 40 cents a gallon, govern
mant nfftelala here have been inform'
ad by the representatives of the re
finers. ,
Water Power Act Being Drafted.
Washington Regulations for the ad
ministration of the federal act opening
up the country's vast water power re
sources to private development 'are
now being drafted. As soon as they
are completed the water power com
mission, composed of the secretaries
of war, interior and agriculture, will
hold hearings on them.
Award Will Cost S. P. $17,500,000
San Francisco. An increase of ap
nroxlmately $17,500,000 will be added
to the payrolls of the Southern Pacific
railroad as a result of the awards of
the railroad labor Board, according to
an estimate made public by that com
Greeks Take Adrlanopls.
London. The Greeka have occupied
Adrianople, according to an announce
ment made in the Athens newspapers,
and forwarded to the Exchange Tele
Tum-A-Lum Lumber i
Lumber Lime
Lath Plaster
Shingles Cement
Yours For Service
Fcurlanlcs -iJctic
"Z" Engine vsiili
Bosch Magneto
t r.
The oupreme
Farm Engine
THE famous "Z" Engine
and tKe Bosch High ten
. .11 .. . . . !
sion, osculating magneto
combine to make the one SUPREME farm engine,
on us en3 see the result of this newest combination FAIRBANKS
MORSE "Z" WITH BOSCH MAGNETO. 5 We ere substan.
tially assisted in delivering maximum engine service bp a nearlrp Bosch
Service Station. 5 Prices I Vt H. P., $75- 3 H. P., $15.00
6 H. P, $400.00 all F. O. B. Factory.
"Fm here to Tell You"
says the Good Judge
That you get full satis
faction from a little of
the Real Tobacco
The rich taste of
this class of tobacco
makes it last longer
and cost less than the
old kind.
Any man who uses the
Real Tobacco Chew will
tell you that.
Put up in two styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
. W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
graph company.