Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 29, 1920, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    TIlVIWDAY, 4TLY 20. 1030.
V 1
crook rocxTT jocrx al
Eighth. To Issue Ubula beariug ' mission may duternilue should be'lo include Individuals, partnerships, ; of their dutie aa In bis judgment
Dim of tbt many measures to be
voted upon by th people at the No
vimbtr election, la that providing fur
tit creation of a StaleMurket Dlrec
tur. Thl bill waa Initiated by the
Btatt) Taxpayers' League. Tbla mat
ter will bav th attention ot the
voters In November, and wt glv tba
full text of tba measure:
"Ha It enacted by tba people of the
slut of Oregon:
Boctlon 1. Tber la hereby cre
ated (be Stat Market CoiuiuImIoii, a
tata organisation for the following
purposes, to-wit:
Flrat. To act aa advlaer for produc
ers, consumers and dlatrlbutors, as
sisting them In economical and effi
cient distribution of tba products at
fair prlee.
Second. To gather and disseminata
Impartial Information concerning
aupply and demand, prevailing
prices and commercial movements, 1
including common and cold storage
of any product.
Third. To promote, assist and en
courage tb organisation and oper
ation of cooperative and other asso
ciation and -organisations for Im
proving tb relations and snrvlcts
among producer, distributor and
consumers of any products, and to
protect snd conserve tb Interest ot
the producers and cousumers of product.
the seal of tba State Market Commit- submitted to them for consideration
siou on requat of the producer, pack- end avtiou. All ruloa and regula
rs, manner or distributor, for any tlons for th government snd general
associations and corporationa or
their agenta or employe).
When the singular I used the plu
product, for which state labels have I administration of public markets - rai la also Included. Whenever tho
not othrwlM been authorised by law j tubllehed by munlcipalitiea, or othor
under such rules and regulations as
th Director may deem necessary and
to charge for such labels such fee
as In th Judgment of th -state
market director may be proper.
Ninth. To act on behalf of the
consumer of any products In conserv
ing and protecting their Interests In
evefy way.
Tenth. To Improve, broaden and
extend In every practical way, th
distribution and sal of any Oregon
products throughout the market of
the world.
Eleventh. To promote In the Inter
ait of the producer, th distributor,
end consumer, economical and effi
cient distribution and marketing of
all or any agricultural, dairy aqd
farm produce produced, grown, rais
ed, manufactured or processed within
th Btat of Oregon, to assist muni
cipalities, other political subdivi
sions, corporations or voluntary -sedation
formed within lb Stat
of Oregon In establishing, organis
ing and administering retail and
who I mule markets, and providing
rules for their management and op
eration. Twelfth. To gather snd dlsemiuat
through a monthly bulletin, Impat-
Kourla. To foater and encourage tit Information concerning th sup
cooperation among producers, dis- j ly, demand for, cost of production of
tributora and consumers ot any pro- prevailing prices of, expense of dls
ducls'ln tb Interests of tb generul tnbuilon of, commercial movements
public. j In lutrastat and Interstate commerce
Klfth. To foster and snooursgs th '. of any products, including quantl-
atandardlslni, grading, Inspection,' tics thereof In common or cold stor-
laoelliig, handling, storms and sale
of any products.
Sixth. To act a mediator when re
quested b either party or a an ar
bitrator when requested by both
purtles In any controversy or Issue
tbal may aria among produoera, dis
tributors and consumers of any
Seventh. To certify tor th protec
tion of owners, buyer, or creditor,
when so requested, warehouse re
ceipt tor any product, verifying
quantitlu and qualities thereof, to
take from any common or cold stor
age warehouse, wbstber privately or
publicly owned, seal and certify when
requested, sample) ot any product,
ud to charge (or luch services fees
sufficient to make tb service at
least self-supporting.
Thirteenth. To supervise all co
operative associations existing under
the laws of the State of Oregon and
In this respect the State Market Com
mission I directed to require such
associations to submit, and such as
sociations shall submit, not less fre
quently than semi-annually, and as
often as the Stala Market Commis
sion may require, report upon forms
to be prepared by the State Market
Commission which shall contain a
complete statement ot the business
of such association; to cooperate
with aucb associations for the correc
tion of any detect In respect to their
organization or operation and In this
rtepect to place before th directors,
or members, or stockholder thereof,
such facts aa the State Market Com-
(Ubllc or private corporationa with
in tba elate of Oregon shall be sut
milled to the State Market Commis
sion, and before the aame shall be
come effective they shall bear the
approval of the Director under the
seal of the State Market Commission.
fourteenth. To keep the producers
and consumers ot the State of Ore
gen Informed of the aupply of, de
mand for, and In what market pro
ducts can most advantagously be dis
posed of or purchased.
Fifteenth. To cooperate with the
Hureeu of Markets ot the United
mutes Department of Agriculture
and the officials of the Oregon Agri
cultural College, In tb securing of
Information and the compilation of
statistics and dissemination of In
formation provided to be obtained
and disseminated In this act.
It shall b within tb province of
the But Market Director, herein
after provided for, to determine and
decide, when, where and to what ex
tent, existing conditions render it
necessary or adviaable to carry out
any or all of the provisions ot this
set,, except, those provisions which
sre mandatory, and he Is hereby
grunted power and authority to carry
out any or all of aald purposes.
Section . This act shall be
known aa the "State Market Com
mission Act"
The following terms used In this
act shall, unless a different meaning
la plainly required by th e a text, be
construed a follow.
The "Commission" shall be th
Slate Market Commission.
The "Director" shall be the State
Market Director himself personally
or hi duly appointed and authorized
The word "Product" (hall refer to
th agricultural, dairy and farm pro
duct, grown, raised manufactured
or processed within the Btat ot Ore.
The term, "organization ot produ
cer and distributor" shall Include
all corporations, societies, aasocla
tlona and organisations ot producers
and dlatrlbutors, cooperative or
otherwise, formed for th purpose of
facilitating th marketing ot any
such product.
A "person" shall be understood
Let fs get acquainied.
i Know the fun
of having feet
Look for our
message next week.
masculine Is used, the feminine and
neuter are Included.
Section S. The Stat Market
Commission shall consist of a gov
erning body of one person, to be
known as the State Market Director
hereinafter referred to a the Direc
tor, who shall be appointed by the
governor of the State of Oregon, and
of a secretary to be appointed by the
State Market Director, as hereinafter
provided, and these two shall per
powers of the state market commis
sion and shall admlniater the provi
sions thereof, admlniater oaths, cer
tify to all official act, and do all
proper act to carry out any and all
of tb purposes hereof.
- Section 4. The Director Is hereby
vested with full power, authority
and jurisdiction to do and perform
any and all things which are neces
sary or convenient In the exercise of
and power, authority or jurisdiction
designated and conferred upon him
uuder this act.
Section 6. The term of office of
tbt Director shall be four years, or
until his successor be appointed by
the Governor, and the annual salary
of the Director shall be Forty-five
Hundred Dollars ($4,500). The first
appointment of Director shall be
made upon this act becoming effec
tive. The Governor may remove the
Director and appoint hi successor
at bis pleasure.
Section 6. The State Market Com
mission shall have a secretary who
shall be appointed by the Director
ond hold office at his pleasure, and
shall perform such duties as he may
prescribe. The annual salary of the
secretary shall be Thirty-six Hun
dred Dollars ($3,600.00).
Section 7. The State Market
Commission shall have a seal bear
ing the Inscription, "State Market
Commission of Oregon" which seal
shall be affixed to all such lnstru
mcnts as the Director shall require.
Section 8. The salarlea ot the Di
rector and Secretary shall be paid
monthly In the same manner as are
the salaries of other state officers.
The salary or compensation of all
other persons holding office or em
ployment under the Director shall be
fixed by the Director and shall be
paid monthly In the same manner as
ere the salaries of the state officers.
All expenses ot whatsoever nature
Incurred In carrying out the provl
slons of this act shall be audited by
the Secretary of State and paid from
the funds herein provided for In the
Br.rae manner as other claims against
the : State are paid, after approval
thereof by the Director.
Section 9. The Director shall not
engage In other business during bis
term of office, but shall devote his
whole time, attention and abilities to
the; duties of his office. The Direc
tor shall not hold or own any stock
or Interest whatsoever in any pro
duce commission business.
Section 10. For the purpose ot
carrying out the provisions of thia
act there la hereby appropriated out
of the moneys In the General Fund
In the State Treasury, not otherwise
appropriated, the sum of Fifty
Thousand ($50,000) Dollars, or so
much thereof as may be necessary,
for the period of time beginning with
the date upon which this act becomes
effective and ending: on the thirty
first day ot December, 1920. All
tees, charges and coats collected by
the i Commission under the provis-
sion ot thia act shall be paid into
tho state Treasury and by the State
Treasurer placed to the credit ot the
general fund and any such payment
or payment, when so made, shall
constitute and be considered aa and
are hereby made an appropriation of
such sums or amount from the Gen
eral Fund ot the State for the pur
pose of carrying into full force the
provisions of this act.
Section 11. The Director shall
make, and submit to the governor, ou
or before the first day ot December
cf each year, a report containing a
full and complete account of ' the
transactions and proceedings of the
State Market Commission for the
preceding fiscal year, together with
such other facts, suggestions and rec
ommendations as may be deemed of
value to the people ot the State.
Section 12. The Direcor, before
-i tering upon the duties of his of
fice Bhall take and subscribe the
otth required by the Constitution
nnd give a bond win good and suf
ficient sureties to the State of Ore
gon In the sum of Five Thousand.
Dollars ($5,000.00) conditioned tor
the faithful discharge ot the duties
of his office.
The Secretary shall subscribe a
sin liar oath -and give a similar bond
in the sum of Four Thousand Dollars
The Director may require of the
oflcers and employees, not herein
before specifically provided for, such
bonds for the faithful performance
Section 13. Th Director may
make investigations concerning th
separate amounts of products held
in common or cold store se In this
State. In connection with such In
vestigation the Director shall have
the right to require common or cold
storage warehouses and common
carriers to submit, and they are
hereby required to submit upon de
n.and from him, reports upon forms
to be prepared by the Director; to
Inspect the books and records of
common or cold strage warehouses
and common carriers for the pur
pose of determining and publishing
the kmounts of product held In
storage snd the Director la bereby
empowered to issue subpoenas for
the attendance of witnesses and the
production of books, papers, ac
count, document and testimony in
any such Investigation so made by
Section 14. The Director is bere
by empowered to employ an attor
ney and to tlx bis compensation, such
employment to be either upon salary
or In connection with particular ser
vice to be rendered, a the Director
may determine.
Section 15. The Director I here
by empowered to open and main
tain an office or offices at such place
or places In the State of Oregon, as
he may determine to be best suited
for the fulfillment by the Stat
Market Commission of the purposes
of this act.
Section 1. Any person who
shall by any act, either of commis
sion or ommisslon, violate any of the
provisions ot this act such person
shall be punished by a fine of not
less than fifty dollar ($50.00), nor
more than One Thousand Dollars
t $1,000,001, or by imprisonment in
the County Jail for not less than ten
days, nor more than one year, or by
both such fin and imprisonment.
Section 17. Justice Court, Dis
trict Courts and Municipal Court
shall bava concurrent jurisdiction
with th Circuit Court of sll irons
cutions arising under this act. TBa
L'istrlct or county attorney Is author
ized to Institute prosecutions for
violations of thia act by Information
or the same may be Instituted by
indictment or by complaint verified
before any magistrate.
Section 18. The Director and th
employees under bis supervision and
control are bereby forbidden to dis
close the name of any person, firm
or corporation, coming nnder th
jurisdiction of th Director, except .
only when such person, firm or cor
poration I nnder Investigation by
the Director for having violated or
has been charged with or suspected
by tb Director of having violated
any of the provision of this law. -
Notic is hereby given that th
undersigned has been by the County
Court of Crook County, Oregon, duly
appointed executrix of the estate of
Henry W. Carlln, deceased; and all
persons having claims against said
estate are hereby required to present
the same duly verified, to said exe
cutrix, at the law office of M. I.
Brink, in Prlnevllle, Oregon, within
six months from the date of the first
publication of this notice.
Dated and Published the first tlm
this 22nd day of July, 1920.
- Executrix of the Estate of Henry
Carlln, deceased. 45-618.
There are more than 1,500,000 DeLaval Cream Separators in use
in every country where dairying 1 practiced the world over, many
thousands ot which have been in use five, ten, fifteen, twenty and
twenty-five years, and the number of which is far greater than that
of all the various other kinds and makes of cream separatlrs com
bined. '
There is no other farm or agricultural Implement or machine of
any kind the character or quality and superiority of which has been
a fully tried and proved by the test ot practical experience as the
De Laval Cream Separator, or which enjoys the universal en
dorsement of its multitude of users in as great a degree.
Nor is there arv other farm or agricultural machine the use of
which is so important as that of the cream separator which either
wastes or save product, and either helps to improve or impair the
quality of the product every time milk ia put through it, twice a
day every day In the year.
In any circumstances see and ..try a De Laval machine, not one
of five or ten years ago, but one of the latest improved machine of
today, before. deciding as to the purchase of .any other separator.
This Is something every De Laval local agent will be glad to afford
any prospective buyer the opportunity to do which costs nothing
. and may ave much.
No more conclusive argument can be made In this regard than to
state the tact that ninety-nine ou t ot every hundred buyers ot
cream separator who do give it a trial buy th De Laval and buy
It knowing that they have made no mistake in doing so.
Lakin Hardware
SEPT. 16, 17 & 18
$1,500 in Purses
Bucking Contest.
Bull Dogging & Roping.
Racing, Relay Races
Chariot & Roman Races
Cow Girls' Relay Race.
Fancy Rope Spinning.
- For further particulars write
Bill Ray, Manager, Prineville, Ore.