IIiriWDAT. JITV 22, 1W. crook cocxtt jocral r(fe .1 WU NEVILLE CITY RAILWAY Time Table No. 5 BTtectfve 19:01 A. M. Huuday, Feb rMT irao H'eat Bound Motor Motor No. I P. M. 7:40 7:66 1:1 1:10 Prlnsrte Jet 1:15 Eaat Boaad Mixed Motor No. I A. M At. frlMtllU 1:11 At. WHtoa 1:1 At. MoCallUter 7:01 Ar.O'Nell Till I. Prlnerl Jet 7:41 utlom Lf. Prlnelll Lf. Wilton Lf McCalHattr Lf . O'Nsll ar UlrODI No. I P, M. No. 4 P. M. MUed No. 1 A.M. 1:11 1:10 1:41 1:01 C10 Motor No. P. M :4I 10 :ll :4I 1:41 The City 8. A. Lytl of 8uple was a Prlut flllt visitor Friday. C. C. Berkley, of Hay Creek, was a Prloerlll vltltor Friday. J. 8. Well of Powell Bull was a Prlnevllle visitor Tuesday. H. P. Altatock, of Portland, vu in lb city Friday on bustn. acroropanlad Mri. Wilson and Mar Jorla as far at Tha Dalle. CommlMlonar Lutby wit a Prlne vllla visitor Wedntsdar. J. Floyd Huston was In town from bis ranch near Illd last Krlday. Miss Cecelia Pae of Coeur'd' Alene, Idaho Is In Prlnevllle visltln fi lands and relative. '. Dr. H. P. Uelknap mad a trip to Paulina to visit Mrs. Walter Mor ris wbo I seriously 111. Marlon Taylor of Post was In town Tuesday. Ha Is a rancher In that MM-tlon of tba country, ' f Mr. Prank Winer and child ran left for Portland, where tbny expect to reside for. tha summer. ' Mrs. William Trelcbel I spending, several days In Bend this week visit lug friends and relatives. Mrs. Coryell arrived yesterday from Portland to attend her mother, Mn Carr, wbo has been recently Injured. Mrs. Spencer of Portland, repre senting lb Burrows Adding Machine Co., was In the city on business Tues day. Warren Brown left Monday for Bend where ha will attend to the work in the County Clerk s office during Mr. Haner' absence. Mr. Ilaner left Tuesday evening for Ha 1 m where he will attend tha Elk's Convention. Martha Olllett left Saturday even- In- for bur home In the valley. She will visit Dayton, Oregon, ber former borne, and also at North Bend, whore ber parent are now located. Mr. Gllletl will teacb In the North Bend High School this coming winter. Bruce Price of Powell Butte, was Bill Ireland and wife and son left a Prlnavlll visitor Thursday. ihla week for the valley and way I points. They drove through in th I Kurd. George and Crystal Stearns were In town from their ranch Thursday. J. B. Miner a real estat agent of Mr. Earl Brent left tbia morning I frii Jnhll ttiv whwr ha will AttMflri to day. P, Chltwood, aid family, of Gris tly were In tb city on business Thursday. Frank Merrill of Summit Prairie was a buslneaa visitor In Prinevilla Saturday. Peter Paul and family of Powell Uutlo was a visitor at tba County Brat Saturday. William McCormnck, frum bis ranch near Bend, was In town Thurs day on business. Joe Hardy, general pasienge agent for the O. T. was In tba city Tburs dsy, on business. . Shorty Pucnmoll of the Baldwin Bliaop and Land Co. of Hay Creek, was In town Monday. John Harper, from the Powell Butte country was In town Saturday Crops are tine, he aays. Mr. and Mr. Harold Towell left last week for Portland where they expect to make their borne. J. D. Scheel, of Portland, repre senting the Kent Shirting Co., ar rived In Prlnevtlle Saturday. W. B. Rucaull and furullv and Lot Pearce spent Sunday In Madras vis iting the parent of the latter. duys. D. M. Clark of Madras and Joe j Kerrln of Paulina each purchased Bulck Blx of week. Henry Howard, this Italian "City of Crime." The only town in the world which ran boast of melrir more criminals ihan law-abiding folk I the Itsllan oily of Artena. which is known as tb City of Crime. For several hundred years nearly every criminal who has escaped prison or done time In Italy has emigrated to Artena. and today practically every Inhabitant of flw place la a criminal or tb child of criminal. Now tar t tk Claaalnad Ad NOTICE TO CREDITORS A party, Including Mr. Mlllicatt Mrs, Jordan and several others re turned from East Lake where they have been for a few duys. W. J. Hughes Is successfully locat ed In Pendleton, making Round-l p saddles. He says I'rlnevllle news is ery welcome aud acceptable. Mr. E. J. Wilson returned Sat urday evening from Hurmiaton, Ore- yon where ahe has been visiting Mis l.ouiaa Payne for several days. Mrs. Floyd Howell and little duughter, Dorothy, left for Portland Btndsy evening where they expect In viail relatives for some time. George Reams and wife and son, Donald, left Wednesday morning tor 8tfplt- "where they expect to remain for several days, tor a vacation. Jay H. Upton and Dr. Rosenberg left Tuesday evening for Salem where they expect to attend the Elk' con vention which is being held there. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Kelly wero In Prlueville Wednesday afternoon on business. Mrs. Kelly has been in Portland for the past two months. Notice I hereby given that tbe undersigned haa been by the County Court of Crook County, Oregon, duly appointed executrix of the eatate of Henry W. Carlln, deceased; and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same duly verified, to said exe cutrix, at the law office of M. E. Prink, In Prlnevllle, Oregon, within aix months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and Published tbe first time this 22nd day of July, 1920. MARY E. CARLIN, Executrix of the Estate of Henry Carlln, deceased. 46-51c. "TrTTI'tl IT T TTaT TWrmrWTt T --Trrrgirrg grr urn re gm wnmrrrsrr5 We Have Just a Few More Days to Move Out We Quit Business July 3 1 st Here's a Big Buying Opportunity. They Will Soon Be Sold and Gone. We Have the Following: NOTICE OP SHERIFF'S BALE 3j virtu, of an execution duly lenietl by the clerk of the circuit court of th county f Crook, iim of Oregon, dated thU mb day it July, 1D20 in a certain action in th circuit nurt for tlx uid county and aim, wherein Tliomaa r. Burria, u plaintiff, recovered Judgment acainet Wlllard Coinitta and fcditli ColpltU. defendant., tor the .urn of Nine hundred Eighty-eight Doilan, tovether hh One Hundred lollere attorney frea and tb. further aunt of Fifteen and no hundredth dullan eoeta and arcruinit tnu. Notice b lu-rrbr liven that I will on nV.unhy the 2 let day of AuKiut, 180 at th. north frnnt tor of the court bouae in Prinevtll in laid county, at 10 o'clock in th. torenoon of uid day tell at public auction to th. bifheat bid der for caeh. all the right nd title that the hove named defendant., or my ' them have, or bad at date of aald Judgment in tna follow. Inn dearfibed property, to-wit The eaat half of the aouth-e.it uuartei of aertlon two, the northweat nuarter of tbe northeaet Quarter, th. north half of the north weat quarter and the eouthweU quarter of the northweat of Section eleven, and tw eaat hnlf of the nortbeaat quarter of Section ten, all in Townihlp eighteen. South of Rant t.venty fiva, Eaat of th. WillarnetU Meridian, Ore gon. JOHN COMBS, Sheriff. Dated at Prlnevtlle, Oregon. July 20th, 1C0. By R. L. JORDAN, Deputy. 4f-f8c. Florence Knox and baby returned to their home, at Post after svoral j Charles W. MoClure arrived here day vlalt with friends In the city. Tuesday afternoon, with a new Franklin car. Mr. MoClure I the Franklin agent In this part of the world. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 1 2 Inch Mitchell Wagon Oars. 1 Jambo Hay Back J 7 Tooth Ganfcn Cultivator. 1 Wheel Barrow. I Wheelbarrow alfalfa seeder. 1300 Pound Binder Twine 120 Pounds Assorted bolts. 49 Singletree. 5 Two Horse Evenera. 8 Three Horse Ererjer. Steel Hay Carrier Track. 1 Four Horse Evener Steel Ban Door Track. Manila Rope. 150 Pound Chick Mash. 100 Pound Egg Hash. . 400 Pound Granite Grit. SO Pound Calf MeaL 4ft Gallon Machine Oil. 3 IS Foot Hay Nets. 1 Tongue Truck tor 7 toot Bvrlng Binder. A big line ot repair tor Deerlng Mowers Binder and Header and Hay Rake. A VERT COMPLETE LINE OF A I TO ACCESSORIES INCLUDING AUTOMOBILE TIRES AND TUBES PATCHES AND REPAIR OUT FITSTOOL SETS, PAINTS AND POLISHES, SPARK PLUGS. WATER CANS, LUGGAGE CARRIER RACKS AND AUTO SPRINGS AND TIRE TUMPS. EVERYTHING AT BARGAIN PRICES. WE MOVE OUT ON JULY 81ST, AND QUIT BUSINESS. IF TOU WANT ANT OF THESE ARTICLES, COME AT ONCE. - Collins W. Elkins li r l m Elam Faught was In town Friday oil bl way to the Bryson place on Bear Creek where he will assist In baying. I Vernon Bell has been In Prlnevllle ' several days visiting his mother who has been seriously ill. Mr. Bell has Mr. Custer returned to Prinevlll Friday morning from Portland and ether point in that part of the country. Gertrude Elliott of Portland, ar rived In Prlnevllle Wednesday to visit with her relatives, Mr. and Mr. Joe Lister. Ila Huston returned Frldny even ing from Astoria where she has beon Visiting Naomi Smith, a telephone operator there. Albert Nobie of the Beaver Creek ection wa In Prlnevllle Saturday. He report good hay crop In that -part ot tbe country. Virginia' Pancake left Friday morn Ing for Portland where she will Join her parent. Bessie will follow later In the summer. .' Herman K. Allen, republican nom. luee' for County Commissioner, was attending- to business matters In Prlnevllle Monday or this week. C. J. Johnson and family arrived Monday from California where they Lave been visiting tor some tlmo. Beatrice will return In about two week. William H. LewU, Sr., of the Puget Bound Bridge and Dredging Co. ar rived in Prlneville Tuesday, whore he will remain tor a short time look ing over the Ochoco Irrigation Pro ject. . Clark Morse and McKinloy Kane went to Madras Sunday in a truck tor the purpose of moving a load of household good to Prlnevllle. Mr. Kane's mother erpeots to make her home here. Elizabeth Burgett returned to her home in The Dalles, after spending the past two weeks here, visiting trienda olid relative. Miss Burgett FOR SALE One folding cot, suit able for when you go camping, a snap. Ada B. Mllllcan. 4 i-46p. hten employed in the Mum Hard ware ot Redmond tor severul months Dr. J. E. Else of Eugene passed through the city on hi way to Crater Lake for a vacation. Dr. Else la tho Instructor of Pathology In the Med ical Department ot the Universlt of Oregon. R. E. Simpson arrived from Cal ifornia Monday, but left the same dny ou a fishing aud hunting excur sion to Summit Prairie. Mr. Simp son Is a brother-in-law of Lake M. Eechtell. Mr. John Combs and Floyd RoWell will arrive Thursday morning from Portland where they have been for tbe past week in regard to the Jones rase. Ralph Jordan has had charge of the office during their absence. Mrs. Wilson and daughter Mar Jorle, left Thursday morning for Hermlston, Oregon, where they will visit friends. Mrs. Wilson will re turn In a few day, but Marjorle will ba a guest at tha home of Mrs. Louisa Paine for about two weeks. A bridge party was held Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wil liam Stanton which was enjoyed by everyone present. Among those who attended were, Mrs. Brink, Mrs. Ted Carlson. Mrs. T. J. Mlnger, Mrs. Collins Elkins. and several others. A delightful afternoon was spent In playing bridge after which light refreshments were served. FOR SALE 1917 Maxwell Car in first class running order. Two new tires. It you are looking for a snap come to the Journal office and come quick, as this will go In a hurry. 45tfo. We handle Maz da Lamps of all kinds and sizes Why man ve made this cigarette for you! ;fi:-.5-T'- . -v-'.rn "ft "V ' 1 -JtL jfeva-jH ft g . Haysuprz" . Ai.iTP" PEERING BINDER TOR SALE If taken at once you can get tlii machine for $150. It has only cut ton acres of grain and is In the very best of condition. Inquire ot Rus sell at this office. Des Chutes Power Company Prineville, Ore. . oWX i ieave no unpleasant cigareuy aner jf'S ---c- taste; no unpleasant bigaretty odor! CAMELS fit your cigarette de sires so completely you'll agree they were made to meet your taste! Unique flavor, fragrance and mellow-mild-body due to Camels qual ity and expert blend of choice Turk ish and choice Domestic tobaccos are a revelation! You will prefer the Camel blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! With Camels vnti ran crothelimit , --V-'i5l, J ttii'ivt!! without tiring your taste. They SfJ To get a line on why Camels win ;-'liV . a. J you so completely compare them i) Y - AVW-vJ ..cr r .:u t. . UUil-lUl-UUlt Willi elllV UlgeUCtlC in Cames are old ei-ervieAere i - . J S'SrSsa; the world at any price. You 11 pre- ,nrf-..i.e-pper.cover.tfo.r- 'CI uauij LJ wupuilJ Ul pvmiui"Ji ton. We strongly recommend ppJowien',;oL'r R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N.C I