r age n CROOK COrNTT JOPRNAL tiu'rhday, Jn.r t, lino. Order It Today In Sanitary Vacuum Packed Cans "Tastes Better Goes Farther" i " V..::iT EDWARDS COMPANY ' Portland, Ore. We handle Maz da Lamps of ail kinds and sizes Des Chutes Power Company Prineville, Ore. OREGOMJULY JOURNAL DAILY SOc DAILY AND SUNDAY 85c It ;h doat get your paper re alwly, phone Red 4X1 and we will end oae ap by special am eenger. PRINK VUXE DRUG CO. Local Agent AUTOMOBILE SPRINGS Big Line Made by the Vulcan Spring Co. A better spring than cornea on Your Car For All Can COLLINS W. ELKIN8 ' FEED DEALERS! when you want pure cane STOCK MOLASSES In barrels, order from SHADY BROOK PRODUCTS COMPANY Portland, Oregon Pure, Hawaiian cane, heavy molasses, weighing nearly 11 pounds to the gallon, 860 lbs , of sugar to the ton, equal to corn or barley in carbohy drates and feeding value at half the price. Every barrel guaranteed and branded "Shady Brook" buy no oth er. Ask Oregon Agricultur al College, Department of Animal Husbandry. SHADY BROOK PRODUCTS .. COMPANY 812 Board of Trade Bldg., Portland, Oregon OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readers. Ths Dalles cherry harvest la under way. By a vote of 11! to T3J Kugene vot ers have recalled School Director K. R. Bryson. Visitors can reach Craier lake In their autos as the road to the lake rim was opened Saturday. A. H. Lea has tendered his resigna tion as secretary of the state fuir board, effecttve July 1. Three men have been arrested trr fishing lu the north fork of the Molal la river, a closed strain. September 19 and 30 and October 1 and 2 have been selected as the dates for the Grant county fair. Chief of Police Christensen of Eu gene has filed a cult charting L. R Eumunson, an attorney, with criminal libel. The First Methodist church of Al bany is out of debt now and held a mortgage-burning ceremony Sunday morning. A birthday party given by Lucile Torbet of Albany was unique in that every child attending had the whoop ing cough. The tenth musical festival and con vention of the United Swedish Singers of the Pacific Coast convened In Port land Saturday. While the Mosler cherry crop will be only half as large as last year, it is stated that the fruit will be of ex cellent quality. The census bureau has announced the population of Eugene as 10,593. This represents an Increase of ISM, or 17.4 per cant The new concrets bridge at The Dalles, across Sixth street. Is nearing completion and will be open for travel about August L Governor Oicott has appointed R. M. Fox as a member of the state board of forestry to succeed G. M. McLeod, who has resigned. Good catches of salmon have been made by the gtllnetters during ths past week In practically every section of ths lowsr harbor. W. G. Beattle, ' superintendent of schools at Cottage Grove, as resigned to accept a position on the faculty of ths State Normal school. The forest service at once will erect an office building and storeroom at the Three Rivers ranger station Bear Hebo, In Tillamook county. The sum of $1750 was paid by B. M. Halbert of San Angelo, Tex., to William Riddel t Sons of Monmouth, for a two-year-old Angora buck. Carlton grange has decided to es tablish a gasoline station tor the mem bers, who are going on a card system In order to relieve the shortage. The ballot title for a measure initi ated by W. D. Bennett of Portland to curtail the authority of the public service commission has been prepared. Professor George F. Skyes of the department of zoology, Oregon Agri cultural college, has been elected sec retary of the Pacific Fisheries society. Mrs. George Bates, for more than It years a resident of Bend, committed suicide at her home by taking poison. It Is believed that ill health caused the act. Arthur E. Holgate of Corvallls, who was wounded in battle near Caotlgny, also at Soissons and the Argoaae, has been cited for gallantry by bis division commander. Lane county post of the Ameiioan legion Wijl nv'kn &U cffnrt j. Ih- t1 convention of the legion at Astoria to elect Kugene as the eating place for next year. The Oregon Normal school at Mon mouth opened Monday morning with an enrollment of 440 and In all prob ability will reach 500 before the end of the sessloa. The predatory animals office of the biological survey is making an effort to organise the farmers of Coos conn ty for the purpose of exterminating moles and other rodents. The Hood River Anti-Asiatic assool atlon has approved the action of Gov ernur Stephens of California In asking the state department to cooperate In the exclusion of Japanese. According to Frank U Calkins, as sessor, one-third of the special -school tax levies voted In the various school districts of Douglas county are void because of failure to give proper notice. Voters of the Klamath Irrigation district have ratified the proposal to enter luto a contract with the federal governim-nt for the expenditure, o' J225.000 for the Improvement, of the Klamath project Irrigation system. The strike called recently by the clerks' union of Rend was ended by the I), nd merchants' association when an agreement with the union was signed which amended the contract previously submitted by the clerks so as to elimi nate a clause calling for the closed shop. Central Oregon's first woman Held forest employe arrived in Bend Thurs day to take a position as lookout on Paulina peak, over the rim of New berry crater, In the Dcjtchutes national forest. She Is Miss Virginia Barry ol Lewiston, Idaho. Five more De Havlland airplanes to be used In the forest patrol have ar rived in Eugene from Mather field and will be permanently located there. Six will remain at the Eugene base, al though only two will be used dally In actual patrol work. Those fine old times "when wilder ness was king" w ill be rejuvenated in reminiscence when the foundere of Oregon, otherwise the Oregon Pioneer association, opened Its 48th annual re union at .the Portland auditorium, Thursday afternoon, July 1. The port of Astoria commission has awarded a contract to the Wellman Seaver Morgan company of Cleveland, O., for four electrically operated carj handling wharf cranes for 181, HO. The cranes will be installed on the new port terminal pleY No. I, which is now under construction. At a cost of f 15,000 the Bend Water, Light Power company has completed the construction of a reserve plant two miles up the Deschutes river. The reserve plant is capable ot supplying the city of Bend with 1600 gallons of water a minute, double the amount consumed In the hottest weather. Governor Oicott has received a letter from Herbert Siesholt of Allentown, Pa., urging the executive to use bis influence In obtaining the enactment ef legislation which will make it in cumbent upon all citizens at the United States to wear red, white and blue ribbons on Armistice day, November 11. Governor Oleott hss recommended Colonel Creed C. Hammond of Port land, Major Eugene Mosbberger of Woodburn and Major Heary 0. Miller of McMlnnvllle for membership In mil itary committees under a new law ap proved June 4. The recommendations have been sent to Secretary of War Baker. .. The state highway commission baa filed condemnation proceedings In cir cuit court at Hood River to aeeure a tract of land lying below the Ruthton hill grade of the Columbia River high way. The additional land, It It said, Is needed at a dumping ground and to protect the grade of the road at the preelptlous point. To co-operate In effort! te rid their community ef Canadian thistle, farm- era residing Tn the vicinity ef Grand Prairie grange hall seat ef Albany have formed a Canadian Thlttlt elub. Each member la pledged net enly le rid his ewa land ot thistles but te report anj person he knows ef who lett the thistles ge te teed, H. J. Bankey, representative of the British colonial office, la In Bend la the eoarae of a three months' tour ef the United Btateet. He It visiting all centert of the lumber Industry to gain a knowledge ef American milling and logging methods In the hopes of apply ing tome ot them to mahogany ex ploitation In Africa. Plenty of prectpltatllon In the Ore gon country hss obviated the neces sity for Immediate operation of the forest patrol airplanes nn-1 It la prob able that regular schedules will not be maintained before July 1, prior to wlilrh time timialln'lnn of radio equip ment on the planes which have ar rived at Eugene will be completed. Three of the 445 accidents In Ore gon Industries fir the week ending .Inn i4 were fatal, according to re ports received by the slate industrial accident commission. Workmen who lost their lives In Industrial accidents during th week were: J. Klelty, la borer, Portland; J. W. Deal, laborer. North Portland; L. W. Green, auto me dian I q, prJift.nA. U. S, POPULATION IS POT AT 105,000,000 While You Are PORTLAND'S GUEST Visit Bush & Lane Piano Co. A welcome In terms of good music on fine Instruments awaits you. Your favorite musical compositions will have an Intense appeal, you will find when played upon our t'lrl(lit Planoa Grand Planus Player Planoa Pliimojtrailis mill ilun'l forget He are lleenrd lleiliiini'ters Omni It la our pleasure to plnaxe you Busli & Lone Piano Co. liroNiiway at Alder Portland Oregon Estimate is Cased on the Population of Cities Al ready Announced. j Washington. The population of con tinental United Suites is estimated at 105.OUO.000 by J. A, Hill, chief statisti cian for the census bureau. Ills calcu lation Is based on the combined popu lations of 1406 cities aud towns for which statistics have been announced. The Increase over 1910 Is placed at about 13,0uo,000, showing the growth of the country, has not kept pace with previous decades. Almost complete cessation of immigration during tbt war it the chief reaton assigned for the falling oft In growth. Otber sug gestions were the two Influenza epi demics, return of aliens to their native lands and deaths ot soldiers abroad and at home during the war. The aggregate population ot the cities and towns on which the esti mate was made is 41,029,354. This it an average gain of 26 per cent, com pared with 35 pur cent In the previout decade. WANTED VKAL, BOOM. MUTTON, HKEF, HICKS". TTatftKYH, DIM 'KM, GKKNK, ROOH, WD KM, nUTTKK, AM J.( KRABHTTH... (JIVK VH A TRIM.. IIIOHKHT MARKKT PRICH til AIUNTFKD. PROMPT KB TIHN8 GULICKSON & CO. Kstabltshed lull lot) Front Hu Portland, Ore. .' Vices' Surnames. In sei'iv pu.ts or Si i.thiiiil Hie fish ermen r .e'iien'l) call lln-nixelvt by their lv. I ii;iimnes. Thus Jainee Smltl. !iiar.-t' Mif)- Green. He eallt hlnieif. ' ' e in hmilncsa affaire, Jii"t 1 '.Veni ' Admiration. He Is a v.tj uiilii,i man who sett his heart lipm: being admired by tin multitude, or artecm a innenil mid tin distlngiiMiltig Hpiiiic Hinimg men. R I i'Ii a re, Steele Man and Work. It Is far belter In give work which It shove the man iluin to educate the men to be Hlmve their work. Itusklo, Fr ..'' tc W,'nm Cnlifui'hiH . if the iierlor mntl lie mil gnu in Ins rntidtirf. he will not be renii,.( irii. nor will Ms lenrn. lug be miIIiI It.- ruled by fidelity ind ilnierlty. line? not s friend Inferior lr voumelf If von err. fear not te re fiinn. Chinese Cilcs, translated by lie". tavld ...Hu Topsy Turvy Bird. The fluniiii.'M. beeauxe of the shape of Its bill. Is obliged, in feeding, to turn Ita head upside down, In order to take In a Hub. Syrian Carnm : uiUr. Hyrliiu giii'iii" ,'uf moat ee eeini'il of the vi.rli-tle 0. those stones On Hand For When writing advertisers, plena Mention The Journal. To Keep American Ships on the Seas For the first time since the Civil War we have real merchant marine. It cost us $3,000,000,000 to get It. The farmer, manufacturer, laborer every American la Interested In holding our position on the seas. As a first step In this direction It Is necessary to modify those articles of existing commercial treaties which have operated te thwart the upbuilding ef our merchant marine By giving the notice of termination for which the several treaties provide. This action It directed In the constructive Shipping Bill aow before Congress; Which declares It te be the policy of the United State! te do whatever may be necessary te develop and en courage" a merchant marine. This policy deserves the support of every American, Lacking tblt support the present effort to maintain our merchant marine may suffer the fate of many ineffective attempts of the past. , Send for a copy ef "For an American Merchant Marine. Committee of American Shipbuilders M CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY Immediate Delivery We have on hand the following Cars and Trucks upon which we can give immediate delivery 1 - 7 Passenger Chandler 1 - 2 1 -2 Ton Republic Truck 1 - 1 Ton Republic Truck We expect a carload of Buicks in a few days. Also On Hand Used Worm Drive Ford Truck Used Denby Truck Used Buick Roadster Run 5500 miles H. W. Howard BUICK & CHANDLER CARS - - - REPUBLIC TRUCKS Cor. Second and Main