IM IWDAY, JI I.Y 1. If20 crook oocvn joi rma. Pa 19 CLASSIFIED ADS run ialji KOIl BAl.B One Farquher 24-41 hmi (I feed, time slacker and elKht horse sterna engine. Cooti ruu- ... nliiK order, inquire Journul ufflea. 31-40. KUH KALE -Two ynuiiK Jersey cowa well brwl, excellent condition, will ! fresh Noon. I'rliHii reasonable, Cull at JouniHi office. aiMfp J-Oll BAl.B -1 McCormltk mower. 1 Dine cultivator, 1 wukoii, Wrii llolloway, i'rllmvlllti, Ore. 3fM0p FOK 8AI.BOne doxan Black Mlii orca chickens, also on silver laced Wyandotte rooster, inquire Jour nal office. 89-40c. KOIl BAI.K-Kocklng chalr. Crux rue beds, heater, rana:e, dining room chain, cenlur tahlt-s, dishes, cooking ulnslls, one big stone jar, una churn, broiler. wringer, waau tub and cloth"! banket. 417 Went 7th Street. 40-4 lc. ion 8AI.H One range, cine dlnliiK table and one lame run, see Mrs. Dr. Horace IMknap, city. 40tfc. ton BALE 1,00 pounds of White Clover Reed. All cleaned, ready for market. Inquire of Journal of floe. tttfe. rOR BALE On leather couch, one I ladles writing desk and book ease combined, tor sale at a sacrifice. I Call on or addreas Mrs. C. i. 1 , Johnson, city. tttfe. TOR LEASE Joho Davln la back from California and Is ready to lease his land, so It you want to laae any land see him at Paulina, Oregon. 17tfc WANTED WANTED Cattle t will trade my 7 -room modern house, A 1 1-1 lots best location In Prlneville. Bee my axont, Ochoco Realty Co, Journal Office. lOtfe WANTED A woman or girl during the month of July. Inquire Mr Harold Buldwln. Call 423. 37tfc WANTED Timber fallors, must do tin- ftillliiK. bucking and limbing, furnish own tools and file own snws. Will pay $1.10 pi-r thous and. Also nwil carpenters. 37.00 per dny. Ilrooks-Hcunlon Lumber Co., Ilend, Oregon. SHIP VB YOUR WOOL We do cleaning and carding for comfort ers and mattresses. Manufactur ers ot pure wool bats. CRYSTAL Bl'RINOS WOOLEN MILLS, Port land, Oregon, mills, 700 Umatil la Avenue; office, 802 Spalding Building. 26tf. NOTICE My books hare been lft at J. E. Adamsons for collection F. T. COX. 22tfc. -iCPORe' YOU B1QN a life Insor ance contract la any other cobs pany examine the superior con tract and low premium rate on Oregon Life. dee. T. L. Qulnn the local agent titfe CALL KOIl. COL'NTY WARRANT All general fund warrants regis tered previous to April 18, 118. with registration Nos. up to and In- ludtng No. 7(78 and payable at the fflce of the County treasurer upon presentation. Interest on same ceases after mis date. Dated at Prlneville, June 24, 120. ' A. R. UOWMAN. 38-40P. County Treasurer KOK RENT Home Hospital for rent see Jap Ireland. 26tfc. NOTICE RtnpM will Ka rtoBAd burins' the program of the Chautauqua. The afternoon city delivery will go out at on o'clock only. Those luvta are trsehlss at vows ttwiMssj shovM H as mm Dt. r. B. Day, 1 Mala It, rriMsrUlt, Oregosx. UMa WANTED Plowing. Have forjjson tractor and want jobs by the acre L. A. 0 asset, Prlnevlll or Bend. Oregon. 16lfe WANTED Renter tor 1700 acre ranch near Paulina.. Address John Davln, Prlneville, Oregon. 21tfe NOTICE TO CREIIITOIW Notice Is hereby given by the un dersigned the administratrix of the cut ate ot Francis L. Cruln, deceased, to all creditors of said deceased, and to all persons having claims against the said estate, to present the same, with the proper vouchers, to the un dersigned, st the office of M. R. El liott, In Prlneville, Oregon within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated snd published the first time, the 3rd day of June, 1920. CLARA B. CHAIN Administratrix of the estate of Francis L. Craln, deceased. S3tSo. NOTICE or lALg Or MCA I, ESTATE IN THE COUNTY COURT Or TUB STATE Or ORKUON rOK CROOK COUNTY. In th Sutter of tlx estate of Neal A. Thomae. Deceased. Notlrt I hereby given that under and by virtu of an order of to County Court of tht State of Oregon fur Crook County, mad and nterd on th 12th day of June, 1020, th undersigned, aa administrator of th estate of Noil A. Thorn. deceased, will from and af. t.r th 17th day of July, 1020, Mil at private sale, th following described reel estate, be lonirlnf to th estate of Neal A. Thomas, d- tawd, to-wltt Lota two and throe, th aaat half of th southwest quarter th watt half of th outhat quarter, th aouthweat quarter of th northeast quarter and th aouthenat quart er of th lurihwat quarter of Sfctina Bl, In Township Twenty. South of Banc Twenty, Cut of the Willamette Meridian, In the county of Crtxik and atata of Oregon. Bald aal win be mao fur rash In hand bid fur th aaat may be addraaaed to the undersigned at Redmond, Oregon i. A. WILCOX. Admlatatrator of th aeUW of Neal A. Thonua, IKaed. IMtc. SIMM NOTICE FOR PUHLICATION Department of th Interior, U. S. Land of- fire, at Th Dallea. Omron. J una 17th, IVJO. Notk la hereby (Iven that 8AHAH E. OULFLRIHCH Widow of Charlaa Gulflelarh. decaaaed, of Kend, Omrim. who, on July t(nh ISIS, mad Hunwataad Entry, No. 01(20. for EVi. Se tlon IS, Townahlp SW-Suuth. IUus 17-Eaat, Willamette Meridian, haa filed nolle of In tention to make final thra year Proof, to alabliab claim to th land above deaerlbed, befor H. C. Kill. U. 8. Comralaa loner, at Bend. Oreaun, on th lid day of Auruat, 120. Claimant names aa wltneaaca: alrlrk H. Coffey, of Bend, Oreaon ; Oaear l.areon, of Bend, Oreaon i Henry Btelnkamp, Brother. Omron i John H. larael, of Mil- Iban, Oreson. H. FRANK WOOICOCK, M-47p. KebrtT. BAY! Read that motorcycle snap la the Ochoco Realty Co's ad. It must be taken at once. LOST An automobile crank on W 6 street. Kinder please leave at Prlneville Machine Shop and re . celve reward. 89-40p. ATTORNEYS WILLARD H. WIRTE District Al torney. Office Crook County bank Building, Prlneville, Oregon tl M. R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law Court House St., Prlneville, Ore OPBTHAIJrlOLOODJT DR F. H. DAT Physician, optha- mologlat, neuraloglat. Specialty of eye and nerves. O lasses fitted. Hour 10 to 11 a. m.j S to I p. a Bvenlngs by spointment. 110 Mala 8L Prlneville, Oregon. ITtfc The Journal doea modera pruttlnr j Do your eye trouble youT Are '' your glasses giving satisfaction or do , they need changing? If so, call oa .Dr. F. H. Day, 610 Main St., Prlne- Ivllle, Oregon. He 1 permanently lo cated at that address lltfc. SCRATCH rACeV Different alses and aallty ot paper, jaat Ut , thing lor your desk or pocket i ... , for sal at Th Journal ofBo. DR. H. O. DA VIS Dent 1st. New aiodeni shop, In Kamatra Build IM. : Th Journal ooea modern printing B short notle. ( LAKE M. BECHTELL V. S. Coramlaaloner . . Attorney-At-Law . Crook County Bank Building PRI NEVILLE . . OREGON SKIll NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Department of th Interior, U. 8. Land of- flr. at The Dallea, Oreiton. May ISth, IMS. Notlc b hereby len that ROY V. ALLEN of Hay Creek, Oreaon. who, oa May tSrd, 1917, mad Hotneatead Entry No. tlllll, for NE'ABEK BVtNE, Sen. -SWNWH. A BWf, Section 10, Townahlp U-South. Rani 17. Eaat, Willamette Meridian, haa filed notlc af Intention to mak final thra year Proof, to atabllah claim to th land abov dcaeribed, ba for H. C. Ellia, U. S. Commkaioner, at Bend. Oreson. on th 14th day July, 1010. Claimant namaa aa wltmaaaa I William MrCormark, of Dearhutea, Oreyon, Geonra Stoko. of Bend, Oreaon, Hugh 1. El liott, of Bend, Oregon, William Marc hand, of Hay Creek, Oregon. H4wp. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Keglater. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notlc la hereby given by the underalgned that he haa made and filed with th Clerk of th County Court of Crook County, Oregon, hia financial account and petition for dia ehary of W. J. Mctilllvray and of himaef aa Admintatrator of the Eatat of Charlotte g. McOUIvray, dereaaed and that aaid Coat hat at Monday, th 12 day of July, 1920, el hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of aald at h Couny Court room In th Court Hoaaa at Prinavlll. Oregon, aa th tlm and place for th hearing and aettlement of aaid Final Account, at which tlm and plac any pcraon lntereated in aaid eatat may appear and ob- ect to aaid aettlement. Dated Ihla 7th day of June. 1020. IVAN V. McQILLVRAY, Aa admlnlatrator of th ealate ot Charlotte E. McOUIvray, deceaacd. , S5-43. H. P. Belknap L. V. Belknap BELKNAP BEtKNAP Phyalclans and Burgeons Office laa East Third Street Prlneville, Oregon Office phone 61 Residence SI OHAS. S. EDWARDS Physician and Surgeon Office 217 Main St. First door south Prlneville Drug Company Office phone Blk 201. Res 108 CHICHESTER SPILLS VlLdTT-N. 1 'B IMA HON If BRANIlL Jtv tllI ASK janf MfTuggtn tot Fx itbM-tr IMaUtiond BiiiV il In Kfd .Dd ilold mctaiUcWv ies. tswltxi trTtH. lilt RibooauVT mar known u 8k, BKist, -y ktUtm 010204 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interor, U, S. Land of- flea, at Th Dallea, Oregon, May 28th, 1020. Notlc la hereby given that MARTHA F. WEBBER of Bind, Oregon, who, on Auguat 4th, 1910, mad Homeatead Entry,' No 010294, for NVfc- NW, 8ction 28. NV4NE ENWli, SWUNWU. Sec. 20, SEUNEU, Section 27, Townahlp 10-South, Range 10-Eaat, "Willamette Meridian, haa filed notlc of intention to mak final thra year Prooff to eatabliah claim to tha land above deaerlbed, before H. C Elite. U. S. Commlaalonar, at Bend, Oregon, on th 14th day of July, 1020. Claimant name aa wltneaaeat ' Percy H. Blacltaton, Harry Evana, Auguat Robert Johnaon, Charlea S. Marrln, all of Bend, Oregon. SSUwp. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, . Regiater. 021701 ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United State Land Office, The Dallea, Ore gon, June 14, 1020. Notice la hereby given that DA NT 4 RUSSELL, INC.. ahoae uoHtoffice auMreaa la care of Matt Clark IUfi-17 Railway Exchange Building. Portland, Oregon, did on the 14th day of Juna, 1920, file in thia office ita aplicatlon to aelect un dcr the provisions of the Act of Congreaa ap proved June 24th, 1014, (88 Stat. 887), the following deaerlbed land. N, NWSW EUjSW'4, SE, Sec, Ei. Sec. 8. NH, SWV4SWW, Sec. 17, Nj SW14, S'jNEW, SE14, Sec. 18, T. 12 S. 17. E.. W. M., Embracing 1610.47 acrea. Serial 021791). Any and all pei'aons claiming adversely the lnnda described, or desiring to object for any reason to the finnl allowance of the selec tion, should file 4helr claims or objections in thia office on or before the 10th duupf Aug- ut, 1U20. NOTICE ' The City Police Instruct erery property owner to have his premises cleaned of all trash, weeds and rub bish by Tuesday evening, June 2tb If not cleaned you will suffer a sev ere penalty. K. w. Breese, 39-40C. City Police. FTRAYH TAKEN CP The City of Prlneville has taken ud the following stock. 2 bay mares branded on ngnt nip. 81iod all round. One baa star in fore head. One wire cut on trout foot. Both have saddle and harness marks on sides. Both bad baiters on. J9tfc. R. 8. PRICE. Marshall. 021 117 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Isolated Tract.) Public land sale. Department of the Inter ior, U. 8. Land office, at Th Dalles, Ore gon. May IS, 1020. Notir at hereby given that, aa directed by the Commlastoner of the Genera) Land Of (lee. under proviaions of Sec. 2466 B, 8.. lureuant to th application of JAMES H. PROSE ' Serial No. 021137, we will offer at public sal, to the highest bidder, but at not lea than 14.00 per acre, at o'clock, A. M.. on th 10th. day of August, next, at this of fice, th following tract of land: EttSEK. See. 4, T. 14, 8. R. 10, E. W. L (Contain ing 80 Acrea), Th sale will not be kept open, but will be declared cloaed when thos present at the hour named hara ceased bidding. Th per son making th highest bid will b required to immediately pay to the Receiver th amount thereof. E! Any person claiming adversely th above- deaerlbed land am advised to til their claim or objection, on or befor th tlm desig nated for aal. L. A. Booth, 17.46c , Receiver. Aleifii 43 A Car of Proven Superiority . Mechanically and In outward apprranre, the AJlnt 43 stands superior in the liifht weight, medium price clattw. By actual Umt, with yountelf at the wheel, you can prove to your aatlafaction tltat th new Alien will most fully meet your social and bunineMs needs. Engine Continental, Red Heal; Starting and Lighting, auto light, two unit system; Ignition, Connecticut system; Cooling thermo Syphon; Lubrication, pressure- splash; Clutch, Borg t Berk single plate dry dJitc, drive, full Hotchklns a drive; fuel system, Stewart Vacuum f uel feed system. Top, one man top, Standard equipment. Starter, double bulb hcetd lamps. Klaxon horn Stewart SpedomeU-r, Boyce Moto-Meter, Extra tire rim, ventilating wind shield, robe rail, tool kit, tire pump and Jack. .. i PRICE F. 0. B. BEND 8169 5 Central Motor Sales Co. PRINEV1LLE, OREGON I ASSOCIATED WITH THE PIONEER GARAGE OP BEND fff-fww-iw. mwmmmmm mini ii, NOTICE OF PINAL ACCOUNTING Notir la hereby given by the undersigned, the administrator of th estate of Annie L. Wright, deceased, that he haa mad and filed with th County Clerk of Crook County, Stat of Oregon, his final accounting of hit administration of said estate, and that th County Court of aaid County and Stat, has set Monday, the 10th day of July. 1020, at IS o'clock In th forenoon, at th County Court room In Prlneville, Oregon, as th time and plac for hearing and aeUling the aaid Baal accounting. Dated and published first time, June 17th, 1020. W. J. WRIGHT, Administrator of th Estate of Annl L. Wright, deceased. LAKE M. BECHTELL, Attorney for Admlnlatrator. 17-40. OiOOIl NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION (Isolated Tract) Public land sal. Department of tb Inter ior, U. S. Land office, at Th Dallas, Or, son. May t7th, 1020. Notlc hereby given that, aa directed by th Commlaa loner of th General Land Office under provisions of Section 1405, R, S. pur suant to th application of CHARLES RUBERQ Serial No. 020031, w will offer at public sale, to th highest bidder, but at not lea than 14.00 per acre, at 10 :!0 o'clock A. li on th 18th day of August, next, at this of flee the following tract of land: SVjSWfc, R. 16, Eaat W. M., (Con "Thia tract b ordered into showing that th greater mountainous, or too rough Sec. 22, T. It. S. taining 80 acrea), the market on a portion thereof it for cultivation". The aale will not be kept open, but will k declared cloaed when those present at th hour named hav ceased bidding, - The person-making the highest bid will b required to Immediately pay to th , Receiver tb amount thereof. Any person claiming adversely th abov described land are advised to file their claims or objections, on or befor th tun desig nated for aal. L. A. BOOTH. 87-4(ip. Receiver. W J eaj aj syi WE HAVE BOMB BARGAINS In . AGRICn.TTJRAIi IMPLEMENTS FARM WAGONS WIRE FENCE ETC. FOR CASH . OOLUNS W. EIJKIN9 PART OF YOUR SALARY should be- put in the bank each ' week, and you will find, hav ing once acquired the saving ( habit, how quickly the money accumulates. Every man who has to make his own , way in the world and every woman wage earner should open an account in the savings bank and make it ar ule to save gome portion ot their earnings. CROOK COUNTY BANK x H. FRANK WOODCOCK. Register. v u SOLSByDtKJQGISTStVtltWSt