Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 21, 1920, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    MOXDAV, Jt'XK ai, Wart
rK 4.
The City
T. H. Brennan and W. Smith were
over from Paulina on Thursday.
Mrs. Fannie Kane returned to her
home at Madras on Saturday.
V. F. Freund was a business visit
or in town Saturday.
Homer Norton of Post was a cal
ler In Prinevllle Saturday.
E. N. White Is attending to busi
ness interests in the County Seat to
day. Myrtle Lister has recovered from
here reeent operation for appendi
citis and is up and around.
Asa Y. Battles left Friday night
?. take in the Shriners Convention
In Portland,
L. J. Ogden left the last of the
week to take his sheep into the
mountains tor the summer range.
Warren Brown made the trip to
Metolius and Madras Thursday, Mrs.
Thompson accompanying him.
George L Brazee was a visitor at
the County Court House lust Thurs
day. His home is at Powell Butte.
Grover Prine and wife are among
the Powell Butte residents attending
the Chautauqua.
r"- MeKinnon has been employed
.' : !: .is a driver for one of
.,o -rucks.
Combs left last night for
Iv rtland. He is taking a vacation
for a few days.
E. S. Dohbs Is visiting In Port
land with his daughters for a few
Fred T. Foster was a business
visitor at the Journal office Satur
day. Jim Dixon came In Sunday from
Fort Klamath for a visit with his
Prineville friends.
E. J. Wilson, wife and daughter,
Marjorie. are In Portland for the
Shriner Convention.
F. M. Wood and wife of Paulina
are among those who went to Port
land for the Shriners celebration.
Mr. and Mrs. Biggs left yesterday
to take in all the sights in Portland
during the Shriner Convention.
Joe Smeltzer Is now chief cook at
Mrs. Thompson's restaurant. Jot Is
a very good cook, and sure looks the
part. . .
Peter Magers and Chester Starr
were in Prineville Thursday from
-Howard. Mr. Starr transacted busi
ness at the court house.
Miss Clara Short, who has been
teaching in Harney County this last
year, has been visiting in Prinevllle
for a number of days.
Mrs. J. A. Peck of Culver, and
Mrs. Frances Peck of Hood River,
were in Prineville Friday on a busi
ness trip.
J. Warner. Who haa hum malrfn
a business trip of several months
lltv l I m . -
Races, Bucking
duration in Portland, returned to
Priuevlll Friday.
F. W. Furst and George A. Bright
Vnited States Foresters from Sum
mit Prairie, made the trip to town
Saturday for supplies.
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Milllirn
spent Saturday In Prineville on busi
ness connected with the gale of their
valley land.
Dr. Tackman has purchased
used Annerson Six which the
land Auto Company has been
The Misses Esther Adamson
aml Leola Clark lett Saturday evening
for Portland where they will visit
for a short time.
Mrs. Henry Koch and daughter
are attending the Chautauqua from
up Ochoco. Mrs. Koch manages the
telephone station at Ochoco.
Mrs. Dale Jones of Coleville. Wash
Ington, is visiting her father. S. S.
Brown. Her two little daughters ar
rived with her.
Mr. Frank Merritt and Francis
Connell came in Friday to get Mrs.
Merritt. who has recently returned ;
from visiting ner moiner m me vui-
I). P. Adamson. wife and daughter
Ruth left Sunday night for Portland
where they will attend the Shriners
Convention that is betn held in that
place. r
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ross. G. M
Cornett and Zoe Maison left Sunday
by Auto for Portland, and the de
lights of the big convention. Mr.
Ross drove Pat Kelley's car thru. .
Vernon Lister arrived In Prine
ville this morning after attending
school at the university of Washing
ton. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Lister, are in Prineville to meet him.
Shelby L. Wiggins and E, H.
Lonnsbury. Traveling Freight Agent
and General Freight Agent of the
I'nion Pacific Railroad System, spent
Friday in Prineville. They are
both regular visitors In ths city.
Ross Daniels, who lives In the vi
cinity of Culver, called at the Jour
nal office last Thursday and paid
his 1921 subscription to the Journal.
He stated that the recent rain assur
ed the Culver country of a good crop.
Van Puett was in town from Paul
ina last Thursday and Friday, hav
ing his car overhauled. Mrs. T. N.
Balfour who has been making a visit
at the Puett home, returned to Prine
ville with him.
Edgar A. D. Lafollette and Clara
P. Cross were married at Weiser,
Idaho, on Wednesday, the 16th 'day
of June. They will be at home to
their friends at Durkee, Oregon, on
July First.
W.' A. Barney and wife left Sun
day for Portland to visit sometime
with relatives and also to attend
the Rose Festival and they will re
turn by way of Hood River and visit
there for a short time before return
ing to Prineville.
Arthur Michel left Saturday by
Auto for Portland. Mr. and Mrs
Horses, Big Parade,
11 r'mm:::
J. I!. Rosenberg accompanied him
on the trip. To take In everything
put on for the benefit of the Shriners
is the aim of the Doctor.
Violet Lister, who him been atten
ding the University of Washington.
Is staving over In Portland on her
wav home to be In thitt city dnrlt'
the' Shriner'a Week, She attended
the Battles Esles wedding on Sat
urday., Flovd Rowell returned from Port
land Sundav morning. He appeared
before the Grand Jury In the Joncs-
London ' prohibition violation cas
Warren Yancey, who was also a wit
nes for the government, returnee
this morning. i
The million dollar rain cheered up
the farmers so much that they de
cided they could celebrate just as
well as not. and aa a result the
Chautauqua programs, especially the
evening numbers, have been well at
tended by out of town visitors
Mr. G. H. Nye arrived in Prinevllle
the last of the week from Lebanon,
whore he has been residing for the
nast vear. He expects to be here
Attending to Interests In this nart of
h(J nnntrr tor ,bout week and
win jn r(,tunl to Lebanon. He
formerly resided in Prineville.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mi'Neel, nee
Tillie 7ell, have been visiting In
Prineville the last week with the
parents and relatives of the latter.
Mrs. McN'eel was a member of the
C. C. H. S. graduating class of 1920,
and her wedding occurred recently.
Mrs. McNeel Senior is also visiting In
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gordon and in
fant son returned to their home at
Madras yesterday. Mr. Gordon has
almost entirely recovered from the
attack of Spotted Fever which has
kept him confined to Prinevllle for
almost two months. Mrs. Esther
Morgan made the trip to Madras
with them.
Dr. Horace P. Belknap returned
Friday from Nampa. Idaho, where
he has been conducting sergical op
erations. Dr. Belknap is becoming
well known in the state as a surgeon,
and also conducted operations in
Portland during his absence. Mrs.
Belknap accompanied h'ra on bis
Prineville won from Redmond yes.
terdayon DavUuton field to the tune
of four to three, in a ten inning
The result of yesterday's game
makes the future of Prinevllle't
team look a little more rosy, and in
interest . in the Prlneville-Maupin
game scheduled for the Fourth
will perk up from now on.
The following is a summary of the
plays, taken by inning:
First inning, Redmond; Lee singl
ed. Weigand struck out, Holloway
out, Ellis to Shafer, Dizney struck
First inning, Prinevllle; McCall
singled. Bowman out, Collins to Diz
;: : r
Come and Help Us
Patriotic Speaking
ney. Bechtell out. throw to Collins.
Through double, McCall oft to third. '
Second inning, Redmond; Meade, '
out, Ilechtoll to Shafer. Butcher
threw out, Holloway out on error by '
Klli. Neal out, McCall to Shafer.
Second Inning. Prinevllle; Klliaj
walka. Medley hit by pitched ball,
snarcr out. Lee to Dlxney. Mason
atruek out. Ireland out, fly to Mead.
Third Inning, Redmond; Collin
singled. Lee Btifo on Infield error. ;
Wolgand struck out, Holloway struck 1
out. Collins out stealing third, Ire
laud t; Heelitell.
Third Inning. Prinevllle; O'Nell
struck out. McCall doubled. Bow
man sate on Butcher's error. Mc
Call scores. Bechtell out, Meade to:
Duuey. Kills safe on Butcher's er
ror. Bowman scores. Medly out,
Collins to Diiney.
Fourth Inning, Redmond; DUney
out, llechlell to SlialVr. Meade out,
flv to Kll s t.ti-i..r iioiiM"d. steals''
third and horn with Holloway at
Hie bat. hoiioway airiaea out. j
Fourth Inning. Prinevllle; Sharer j
out, fly to Dlxney. Mason struck
out. Ireland nut. I.oe to lliney.
Fifth Inning. Redmond; Neal out,
O'Nell to Shafer. Collins singled. Lew
out. O'neil to Duuey. Weigand mil.
Fifth inning, Prineville; O'Neil j
safe, error by IMr.uey. McCall out.)
Neal to Diitney. Bowman on, error
by Butcher, heelitell struck out.
Kllis out. Collins to Diznev.
Sixth Inning, Redmond; Holloway
singled. Dlxney out, fly to Mason,
Mason doubled Holloway at socoad.
Meade struck out.
Sixth Inning, Prineville; Medly
out. Collins to Dizney. Sharer out.
Mason out.
Seventh Inning. Redmond; Butch
er walks. Holloway struck out
NVal singled, scoring Butcher. Col
lins singled, scoring Butcher. fly
out to Bowman. Weigand out, Mc
Call to Shafer.
Seventh inning, Prineville; Ire
land to Dizney. O'Nell out. Lee
out. Collins to Dl.ney.
Redmond. 8; Holloway out, O'
Nell to Shafer. Dizney out, O'Neil to
Shafer. Meade struck out.
Prinevllle, 8; Bechtell singled.
Ellis walked. Medley struck oat.
Bechtell scoring. Mason struck out.
Redmond 9; Butcher singled. Hol
loway singled, Butcher out stealing
home. Neal out, O'Neil to Hhuter.
Collins out, Ireland to Shafer.
Prineville, 9; Ireland fly. out to
Butcher. O'Neil out. Neal to Diz
ney. McCall Biife on Butcher's error.
Bechtell flew out to Weigand.
Redmond, 10; Lee safe on error
by Shafer. Weigand struck out
Holloway out, Ellis to Shafer. Diz
nev out, Bechtell to Shafer.
Prineville, 10; Kllis, fly, out to
Lee. Medley safe on error by Lee.
Shafer safe on first, Medley scores.
Batteries; Redmond, Collins and
Neal; Prineville, O'Neil and Ireland.
Charles C. O'Neil who pitched for
Prinevllle came back In fine shape,
striking out ten, this Is the first
game he has played for a number
of years.
Dot Medley, who played left field
was formerly captain of the Univer
sity nine at Eugene, and played ex
cellent ball, though he has not been
! In a game since last Fourth of July
- - Be On Hand
Chautauqua days are Just ahiad They provide for you
and your family a week supremely worth while in every
respoct. Noied lecturer., musicians and
bring to you a six days' program of Elllson-Whlts qual
ity whoso value cannot be measured by money alolio. in.
cost Is small- the dividends big.
Look !!
Three Entertainments.
Six Splendid Lectures
Twelve programs of Music.
Twenty-One Attraction.
Loosen !!!
Buy that season ticket today. II. C. of L. ha not touched
It It la still $2.76 ls than U cents apiece for attrac
tions worth manv times that much It save you a flva
dollar bill over buying single admission.
Eight pago newspaper-program now being dltrlbuled.
See that you receive your
JULY 5 - 6
Nellie Lincoln, Plaintiff, vs. Willis A. Lincoln.
GON, Yon are hereby required to appear an
anewer th complaint filed against yon la the
above entitled court and cnuee on or before the
aiath day of July, 1M0. and If yon fail as to
appear and anewer, to wit ; for a dacraa that
the bonda of matrimony now eilatlng betweee
- Watch Paper
- 7 - 8 - 9 - 10
you and the plaintiff ba dteeolved.
Thla iummone la publUhed by ardor of the)
Hon. T. E. 1. Duffy, Jude of tha above entltl.
ad court, made on tha lttb day of April, 11.
which uld order preacrtbed that thla auinmona
ba publUhad In tha Crook County Journal, a
weekly netrepaper of senaral circulation, print
ad and publlabad In Prinevllle. Crook County,
Oreion. for a period of all eoneeeutlve week.
Dated and public had tha ft ret time Um fat
day of May, WO.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
10t7e. Prinevllle. Owe
For Full Program