TWICE A WEEK -v a n . tl ot o UTsnnT k won ex v journal COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER OF CROOK COUNTY FOR ALL CENTRAL OREGON CITY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CITY OF PRINEVILLE PRINK VIJ.LK CROOK COUNTY, ORBOON, MOM DAT, JVSE 2t, IfttO. NO. 8. VOLl'MI XXI. THE EAGLE TO SCREAM IN PRI Groo NEVILLE ASSOCIATION TO BE ORGANIZED ON PERMANENT BASIS I'liinl fr lh largest celebration by many odds ever staKd In dim part of die slate have reached a point where success tit every feature It HtnureA. Hurting thn f n n- 1 1 1 . the nulutu "Htg Nolwi" will bo heard for muny mil" on the morning of July 2, at o'slock, and from tliat hour until the evening of III fourd) things will hilipi'ii every minute. A iiiBilHl train carrying the crack ttaupln baseball team and several hundred fana will arrive over die City of Prlnevllln railway, and a prugrimi which provides for contin uous enterlalnmotit down town, wldi a Hound-Up program during the purl of the afternoon on July 2 and 3 with other parta of the day ((Won up to real old time baseball will he like a tfcrnc ring circus. marling on Jiilv 2, followliiie the fhrly morning "Bin Noise" will ho band concerts starting at J: 30 on the streets and at the city park, clos ing at 10;0 Immediately after which there will he an address by a man of considerable eminence at the park, which will continue for thirty mln tili'a. Kroni 11 until 12 there will be .,.. aiifirta ktiA hmir will be riven for lunch, when at 1 o'clock j aharp there will be a street parane of rharactera from the Hound-l'p which will terminate at the Oregon Interstate Fair Orounda at 1:30, at -which hour the actlvltua there will commence. The program will con tinue there until 3:30 and at 3.45 a ball game will itart on Davidson Field between the rrlnevllle team and the Shevlln Hlxon team of llond. The game will be over and the Fenders defeated by 6:30 at which hour atreol apnrta will atart and con tinue until 6:30. In the evening var ious forma of amusement will occupy the visitors until the program of the following day, which will be aa buey aa the first. The ball game ot July t will be with the fast Antelope team, which baa a good record thla year. (Contlnuod on Page 1) Taylor's Singing Band at Chautauqua Splendid Musical Organization Comes on Fourth Day with Two Concert . , 3 TV. i . j ft 1 "1 J So successful have been the Cbau tauquas In Prioevflle that aa organ Izatlon is being perfected to provide for the selection of talent and all other matters that are required to make the annual event a success, and at the same time prevent conflict ing interests in the matter ot these -very satisfactory events. Incorporating under the name of the Crook County Cooperative Chau tauqua association, the plan la to have an organization that will be pre pared to sign contracts for future chautauquas on their merit, to stage them year after year in the manner and at the time most appropriate, and all other matters that are of interest to this feature ot the com munity life. Members are nrged. everyone who is interested being eligible to sign. and cards for that purpose being av ailable at the offices of Mr. Bowman, Mr. Wirtt and Robinson ft Clifton. The Wast Coast Chautauqua -which closea today, has been most satisfac tory , and a large audience hag bees present at every one ot the 'program thus far. The local representatives ot the West Coast people have been very agreeable and those who have had to do with the management are ready to state that they are very well plead ed with their service. Moves of a like nature as the one that is being taken by this commu nity are formulating in Bend, Red mond and Madras, and with these four communities pooling their In terests, it is quite likely that better terms can be had than might be pos sible otherwise. Life, action, volume everything that goes to make popular musical programs of the highest type Is to be found In the two concerts of Taylor's Singing Band, on the fourth day of Chautauqua. Tlu-se nine mnslcal artists have established a gmnine deputation to the Cbautaoqua field. Fer several years they have reclftpred one of the biggest ucceseg among musical companies on Eastern circuits. EveTy member has a splendid voice and their vocul numbers and choruses are rendered with life and dash and real artistry. On their band Instru ments they are genuine masters. Vocal and Instrumental solos, duets, quartets and ensembles, make up the particularly attractive musical entertainment of the two big concerts. i, BULDS BUK HOC8B f 4. , -s; ' V-.-- '- John Elliott Is building a bunk house on his ranch north of town. He is planning on bumper crops this year, and the bunk house is intended to house his harvest hands. THE BIG ELLISON-WHITE CHAUTAUQUA WILL BE-IN PRINEVILLE JULY 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 AND 10 "Chinese Mark Twain" Ng. Poon Chew the Noted Chinese Journalist and Statesman Possesses Great Fund of Humor WILLIAM J. BRYAN Ng Poon Chew, who Is to lecture on the third night at Chautauqua, Is per haps the best known man of his race In America. He founded the first Chinese dally paper In this country and is an authority today on all matters pertaining te Chins. His discussion of the Shantung problem and the many big Issues now pending la the Orient will be of unusual Interest and value. He Is a brilliant peaker, a natural orator and a humorist of the most delightful type. His keen wit has earned for him here and abroad the name of "the Chinese Mark Twain." . SHAW McCIUjOUGH Rev. Patterson conducted the wed ding ceremony for Edwin L. Shaw and Anna McCullough on Saturday. The wedding took place at the Pres byterian parsonage. The couple put one over on their friends as the cere mony was originally planned tor Sunday. Mrs. J. T. Ireland and Mrs. R. D. Ireland were witnesses to the wedding. Mr. Shaw was formerly employed in Prineville by the Power Company, but is now working in Bend. The bride is very well known In Prineville, having attended high school here during the last year. She is Past Grand of the Lookout Re bekah Lodge. The couple left on the Sunday ev ening train tor Bend. LEGION CON VENTION HELD AT ASTORIA THIS YEAR A. W. BATTLES MARRIED IN PORTLAND Asa W. BattleB, the well known County Clerk of Crook County, and Leola Estes, who has taught in the Prineville Public Schools for a num ber of years, were quietly married in Portland Saturday morning by Rev. "VanNuya. When Asa announced to his friends that he waa going to Port land for the purpose ot attending the Shrlner's Convention only, they smiled up their sleeves and watched the Portland papers. The announce ment ot the wedding cjime in Yester day's Sunday Oregonlan. William B. Follette, State Commander ot the American Liglon attended the groom. Miss Estes and her mother have been in Portland several weeks. . .. . v - The Second Annual Convention ot the American Legion for the Depart ment of Oregon, the greatest event for ex-service men Bince the war, will be held at Astoria July SO to August 1st. Each Post in the State Is entitled to a delegate for each hundred men on its membership roll and Crook County Post will sent two delegates, save Asa W. Battles. These delegates will be elected at the July meeting of the Post. All members ot the Le gion are Invited to attend, and are urged to do so If possible. Among the features planned tor the occasion is an address by Gover nor Olcott, a salmon barbecue, box in match, annual ball, annual ban quet to delegates, excursion to Sea side and Clam Bake at that plaec concerts, and a spectacular pyrotech nical display, a reproduction of the "Battle of the Argonne." And many other events. WILLIAMS' MALE QUARTET Opening Chautauqua Attraction Offers Two Programs of Splendid Music The Donnelly brothers moved to the ranger station up Ochoco the last of the week. ' Williams' Male Quartet, which comes to Chautauqua on the opening day, has been given this place of prominence because of sheer worth. Four young men, filled with life and enthusiasm, brimming over with music, constitute thla splendid company. For several seasons they, have been singing together and their record Is one of continuous successes. They sing all manner ot songs and sing them'welL, Their programs have sparkle, color and variety, featur ing solos, duets, instrumental numbers, pianologues am' coBtutoe selections. No matter what sort of music you like, you will And gon.etbfng to please and delight you In those two programs by the Williams Quarteti t , ,