Page S CltOOK COUNTY JOTO-IAl Crook County Journal BY GUY LAFOLLKTTK Entered at tha poatotfica at Prina- nua. Oregon, aa aecond-claaa natter POLISHED EVERY THTRSDAY Price 11.00 per year, payable atrtct- ln advance. In caae of change of Id rest pleaae notify ua at once, glv- ig both old and new address. flffS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES ' NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES iN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES more pleased to visit Prtneville. Some little time ago, when the Cross place was picked as a place for a landing field, it was the Intention to have this field immediately put In shape f.r that purpose and also to have it put on record as a registered field, up to the present time nothing fur ther has been done. Now is a good time to "Lock the Ram," even though the"Horscs have been stolen". Inverse Ratio. Jud Tunklns 1 mM,vd that a the mntents nf a piu-knn,. crow xmaller the bragging on the label get bigger. Prineville is In very bad need of, n airplane landing field. Up to the present time the machines have been ; sing the 80 acre tract on top of the; grade, known as the Cross place, but the serious accident, which occurred i Saturday evening fully demonstrates! that it Is not in any way fited for such a purpose.' The ground is too! oft, and thetract is surrounded by Juniper timber which makes a sue-' cessful take-off almost impossible, as a plane cannot attain the nec essary speed in soft ground to elevate It to a sufficient extent to clear the urounding timber. The owner of the unfortunate machine explained fur ther that an airplane could not raise successfully from a warm field and pass over brush land without encoun tering a cold wave, or air pocket, which Invariably draws the machine down. If we are to use this field, let us put it in such condition that an av iator will deem it a pleasure to visit as the same as tourists do our camp ground, or do we want to sit down and let it put itself in shape?. If we alo we will not be visited by these air planes in the future, for our neigh boring towns will build a field suit able for an aviatirs needs, thereby attracting the attention of all avia tors away from us. SMI we let them do this? No! Let us, as citizens and residents of the city of Prineville. tart now to prepare an excellent airplane landing so aviators will be Our News Section EDITED AT HOME Did you ever stop to think that we specialize on Groceries? Our close study of the grocery bus iness offers you a better assortment of slock at Prices That are Right. Give us a trial. MICHEL GROCERY COMPANY AKTHtil 8. MICHEL 8YLVAIN" O. MICHEL Price Quality Service ill th . i i l Irirst Annual HELD AT INTER-STATE FAIR GROUNDS JULY 2, 3, 4, 1920 PRINEVILLE Why the Cleveland Six is Multiplying its Friends The Cleveland Six is making new friends every day, thousands of them every month, because it brings them so much more than they had even dared to expect, so much more of the pleasure of driving, and the ease of driving and of the comfort of riding. The motor of the Cleveland Six designed by the Cleveland company's own engineers, tested in road work and engineering shops for three years before being offered to the public, and now built in the company's own great factory is something new to countless thousands of motorists who prefer the light six type of car. They have never driven behind just such a motor as this. The wonders of its pick-up and flexibility are exceptional and the brakes sure. Low underslung spring construction and soft restful cushions give the Cleveland unusual qualities of comfort. Since first sent out on its journey into the big world of motordom, last July, the Cleveland Six has made friends, and multiplied them. Thousands of owners know what a good car it is and they tell their friends. When You See and Drive the Cleveland Six, You Want Id Touring Car (Five Passengers) $1385 Roadster (Three Passengers) $1385 Sedan (Five Passengers) $2195 Coupe (Four Passengers) $2195 (Prices F. O. B. CtevcUnd) . . H. W. HOWARD Formerly with Inland Auto Co. Prineville, ...... Oregon CLEVELAND AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, CLEVELAND, OHIO Bucking Contest Steer Roping Bulldogging . Fancy Roping Steer Roping Wild Horse Races Relay Races Roman Races Running Races Indian Races Indian Dances Indian Parades And Everything to Make a Real Round-Up For Particulars, Write W. o RAY MANAGER Prineville. Ores on MONDAY, MAY HI. HW.