Journal Crook County COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER OF CROOK COUNTY FOR ALL CENTRAL OREGON CITY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CITY OF PRINEVILLE VOLl'MB XXIT. PRINKTI1XE. CROOK COUWIT, OREGON, Tlll'ftHIMY, MAT 87, 1020 NO. SI. N THOUSAND GALS. GAS COMING JUNE 1 A ear of gasoline, containing soma lA.oon gallons, wilt arrive, in I'rlne. vlllo uliiiiit next Tuesday, June 1, mid relieve the moHt serious nhorlBKH ever fell In thi) history til motor tran njnirtullon. Tnlny there la In llio blx tanks at llii local mu Hon, a mi p pi y of limn than kuI Ion, which la about throe days normal iupily. Yesterday Murages nl other deal ers wore allowed but twenty-five per cent nt their normal limamlit. unit today they ara being allotted fif ty per rent wlilrli will relieve the slt iiuiuin to a considerable extent. I'nlcss them la some unumiul dn luy in tlia arrival of tha next tank car, thi-rn should be a aniall amount yet on burnt In t)i tanks at the lo .1.1 Kluiitlard Oil Htatlon. Malinger i'Hin tn'l I urges tliat all customers use every earn trt conser ve supplies, ami that there will no doubt lii a scarcity of aiiijlli'i thru mil Hit. summer niul every care must bn taken for avoiding u u nereMsii ry waste of gasoline and like products. Mr. Canipbnll la to he commended on bia Mbln handling of the uiiuaual altiintloii, which haa prevented a ser ious tie-up of business In various liM"H, While the Kurd Motor Company la not the flrnt to discover this funl for motor rara, allll the public atation' ia the flrat ever opened to soil Beniol exclusively for motor car consump, tlon. Thla filling amtlon carries a supply of 25,000 gallon of benzol on hnnd all the time. To dale, aome gallons have been told anil used by car and truck drivers In De troit. 1'articularly during the recent strike thorn waa an exciiptioually large demand for this product. llcnzol has not yet reached the highest singe of refinement, and p re son t results are best when It la mix ed In eiiuiil parts with gasoline. Heat and cold also effect differently from giiaoline. Hut the Kord labratorles are doing a greut deal of experiment ing and soon hope to he able to refine it so t ti nt It can be used alone and un. dor all conditions, Of course, Its chief effectiveness comes from Its high cnmbustlve power, which Is be tween twelve and fifteen per cent greater Hi ;ui guHolliie. Kurd nff'cie.iii ntuui there Is no possibility of Itenzol ever displacing gasoline as a motor fuel, since It la a by-product of coke and therefore obtainable In limited quantities. vammctohy adorkhm (My K.Hlbcr Ailmtumn) Most honored Instructors, to you Ih dun our most sincere thanks, on thla night, the clime of our high school duys. Four parta of our i'H bus been large, and the training i given to us by you Is now highly ap- predated ii ml will be more so in the j coming years, when we have a broad-1 cr v i hi . hi niul a better understanding i of life, It hits been your untiring ef-1 forts niul willingness to help us that I have pliiced us In the position of grad.j miles tonight. AVe ni knowledge our; deep debt of gratitude to you for' your fostering cHre and patience, and j it Is with deep regret that we niw lake our final leave from you. Follow students, the time lias come , when we. as the class of 1B20 must part. Kur four seemingly long years; we have anxiously waiicu in iukov the close of our high school days and Hie beginning of sum. 'thing new. Much to soon Hint time has arrived niul now we'must part. I'orhaps nev er ugaln to meet as a class. The par Hug Is sad, but Joyful, and we are glad to have spent the last four years In companionship In Crook County High School. In the future, the memories of each d spent In this school will be of a very great pleasure to us. It is then as eiuh day Is rehearsed. Unit the .1..,. mil remembered most vivid ly.' The little Incidents of small con sequence at the present will linger In our mlnila and possess a sweater In terest. , . 11 Is In the future also that we shall have a greater appreciation of the school and ten. hers. The school - its Ideals, standards and records will be culled to our minds and be sKorluted with our successes. We will then understand what they so piiUcnt Iv tried to tell us ulhiul the world, that we might mi"" the. f ''""""1 bumps In the University of Hard .........bU .i nlonir iii life easier. i'i.ii.. i, ,,.i,l since the first day i.: i...,i. ...hiuii. have lolnod hands n,l gone along th. roail happily to Keth. r. O. yes, we have had our UV V, .,h ,i..uins. but we huve Hi' lie it)". i,ii . . . ...hort nn our troubles anil gime along as a oy and lion to ourselves, trying to 1 '"" .i...,. The rnail lias been enroot h and ensv' going up until tonight, but .. turned and WB BlUSt go up the narrow stony path alone. The question "What of Tomorrow Tta ...oU..i...l seriously. We may think that the future Is assured for ... h..t hw morn ng tilings may uo tirelv changed, and for thia reason i. i.'wnit Hint we have ourselves pre pared for B.inietlilng In the unknown. Success la what we are after and it is that we have studio", me last four years. We are now to start out In a world that was never bo full ... ....... .....tina us at present, in nnutlinl flf work to he accomplished was never so great at any time before the cause of. this being the fat re cnstructlon of til world which will ,n,a fnr Its completion, in ,iii. nr here and resnoiiBl Mil. I. nnw rantins UDOU Our BllOUl' dors, bet us all go forth from Crook r,.niv Hiiru School opiimiHii.-. rmlned and willing, to bring suceuj nl hnnnr to the class of 1H.0. i i linn for us to.sny go. AiihouBh we should like to lin n'r'n littlo longer we must piws on .nH lot the other clnsaes take our nlnces. With the wish that success imnor mnv over take eacn un n..o of von. we now bid ou final fnrowoll. ' i ,,1,0 in UT WKI,I,S N KV MOTOR VUE .i.....a,.,.,i irnllons of Benzol, a J' IVH lllliUDu'i" n , . liv-nroduct of coke used for motor tue , is now being daily extracted and refined at the Ford Motor Company s Blast Furnace Coke Ovens near De troit, Michigan. This fuel which is more highly combustable than gas oline, is now being sold at a public Station at the above named plant, and has proven highly satisfactory. The frlce at present is about the same as that of gasoline. HUH MIll'.RTV MOTORS MIS tiOVFKN'MKNT (TTATIOV A certificate of Merit, together with a citation by the IHrector of Air Service, War Department, has Just been received bythe Kord Motor Co., Detroit. The letter announces that the "Chief of Ordinance made similar recommendation and citation. It reads: "This company produced 3,850 complete Liberty 12 motors of un usually good quality. They also pro duced all cylinder, forgings used by all plants in the manufacture of Li berty Motors, and they Invented and developed special machinery and pro cess for Oils purpose. This plant was 100 per cent on war work." Itesldes the cylinder forgings, the Ford Company perfected and manu factured all the cylinders and all the bearings used in American made Liberty Motors. All war work handled by Henry Ford for the United States Govern ment was done at actual cost. Don't Overlook Llit.s Things. The yoetiK- fe'le- lu thinks that little things are not worth bothering about stands a slim cliuuce of ever having nny hlg things to look af!er. Big things grow from little things. The Uillest oiik :is once an senm. Pyramids of Egypt. Tlin. Kiryptlnn pyramids number 75 In all. and some of them are entirely In ruins. The group of tbee struc tures which Is most Important con tains the tlreal Pyriuiiid. named iiNo Cheops, after an Kcyptlnn king. It Is built of about 2,.mo.sTO blocks of stone. Short Story About Shellac. Shellac Is the Joint product of In sects niul plants and cornea from In dia. The lac Insect are iiliont l.i!". of an Inch long, a bright red In color They suck the Juices of plums, dl L'osl theni and exude them in the form of resin, which soon encases the whole Insect. When the young Insects Imve fvsmril out. the resin Is from the I. ran. lies, ground, washed, mixed with colophony and orplun nt, cooked slowly and drawn out Into the thin sheets we know as shellac. "1 The Fourth Trial. admit." said the .district attor ney In summing up. "ttist a man Is held to he Innocent until proved guilty, However, when he has been found guilty three times It kind of puts a crimp In bis amateur standing. Gen tlemen of the Jury. 1 thnnk you." Louisville Courier-Journal. Elements' Gifts to the Deity. There Is an old myth that recounts the offering made by the elements as gifts to the deity. The air gave a rainbow, lire a meteor, the esrth a ruby and the sen a pearl. The rain bow made a halo around the god. The meteor served as a lump. The ruby decorated his foreheiid and the pearl was worn upon his heart Revenged. The dining ear was crowded nod the conductor seated trie opposite a man wllh whom I had quarreled. Across from ns snt people who knew both of us and who knew of the quarrel, hut the supreme moment of embarrass ment for me came when the waiter, thinking the man was my husband, took up both of our checks and pre sented them to him for payment, Exchange. Origin of "Carpetbagger." "Cnrpethngeer" was the description originally applied to a needy political adventurer who wandered over th country pandering to the prejudices of the Ignorant in order to try to get into ofliee. He was so called because he was regarded as having only enough property to fill a carpet bag. When the Storm Breaks. Our observation Is that a woman can get very tired of a husband who thinks his mat inn In life demands more clothes than hers does. Dallas News. Medicine in Literature. Jnd Tonkin says that half the good a bottle of medicine does him is In the encouragement he gets from read lug the literature wrapped around It Ample Cause for Headache. Kddle complained of having a head ache untfl after the coal was brought In. then suddenly he felt better. When accused of having shirked he replied! I did have a headache. Just to think of bringing In all that coal would give any boy my size a lieadacbe. Mother. , "Love cannot stay at home; a wom an cannot Keep it to nerseir; ana mother Is always spending It, giving It away to her children." Macleod. Sheepskin for Sick. A sheepskin Is of great value to a person who Is confined to the bed. -Put under the sheet, wool side up. It is delightfully soft and restful for the patient. It Is well to have two of them, so that or.e can be In use while the other is being aired. To keep them soft and fluffy they should b beaten on the back never on the wool ' side. Redeemed Early Fa lure. Thomas Chambers, the noted mis sionary and preacher, was the despair ef his school teacher. Another fm jdous preacl er. Isaac P.arrow, waa s slow and quarrelsome that he wu coupted a disgrace to the school. PHONE Prineville, Ore. I E. STEWAR T&CO. A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE PHONE 2 11 Prineville, Ore. Re dl Goose Nature Last Sh O'.es Half the Fun of Having Feet is Wearing Red Goose Shoes 6, BP.O ( I CMiSX SCB40L I) Tarents will apreciate the nature last, in Red Goose Shoes No cramped up toes they allow the feet to shape as nature intended. . 1 lL VXT(lrs?E!Sr5l Children's Sandals Underpriccd, San dals in sizes 6 to 2, priced $1.75 to $2.35 according to size this price is very much under today's market value. 7 KM ssEsa 1 urn 1 1 J. E STEWART & COMPANY TELEPHONE 124 THIRD 211 STREET PRINEVILLE, OREGON