CROOK CDC NTT JOURNAL Watch Thursday's Journal For a Bunch of ID) oaiFg amms Such as have never before been offered. The values in ever' case are standard and the prices rediculously low. It will be your loss if you fail to get in on these latter-end bargains. CORNETT & GO. The Scrrice Of The IMPORTED BELGIAN STALLION ROYALISTE DB TEF No. 8,021 and 81,180 can be secured for a few select Bare by aplytng to John Ron, Fair Grounds, Prineville, Oregon. Arran gements tor holding Bare can be made. He Will Make Good Vote for Fred Lockley for Secretary of Stats He has made frequent visits to our country and Is thoroughly familiar with our resources and needs. For many years he lived In Eastern Oregon. He stands for Economy and a Square Deal. (Paid adv. by Fred Lockley, Portland, Oregon.) OREGON IS BACKWARD IN STATESCH09LS Washington Pays $30 a Year For Education of Each Child; Oregon $11.85. "It Is the question of the undermost aa against the uppermost, property values ever human values," said M. H. Marvin, a member of the Washing ton State Industrial Welfare Commis sion, who made a plea at the Portland hotel recently before the Portland Ministerial association for the state two-mill elementary school measure, which is to be voted upon May 21 at the primary. He continued: "The church has made mistakes, brit this is one place where the church must not err. You must get behind this measure so that the child of the poor man can have his or her deserved opportunity in life. Oregon Is face'to face with a crisis in its educational system, that. If not met, will put It back toward the dark ages instead of In the light of the twentieth century which It should hold. It is one of seven states which still holds to the antiquated Idea of district school tax ation plan. It mutt get out of the rut In whlf h It finds Itself today and place herself alongside the other 39 or forty states and make the tax Mr Service WINS Confidence The spirit of the west It the spirit OF WEST COAST SERVICE It is virile and aggressive. In In cludes strength and a healthy en thusiasm. Above all other things Service is the dominant factor. The WEST COAST LIFE has a special service for every life Insur ance need. STANDARD RATES SUPER SERVICE "Tor-fX Excerpt from the Report of Insur ance Department of Oregon, Wash. Ington and California. "As a result of this examination the company It found to be sound, aggressive and responsible. Its attitude toward policy holders has been liberal and conscientious. Its officers are men of standing and ability. Its schools equal throughout the state. "Waahlngton today pays per year t.10 for the education of each child within Its boundaries. I am told you in Oregon pay toward this great work for the voter of the future only Ill.sJ, It Is time for a Changs and I, from your sister state, urge ou to announce from your pulpits, from the housetops if you pleas., the benefits of this measure, aud I hope' It will be voted la by a big majority." Rev. W. T. McElveea of the First Congregational church of Portland, i also made a strong plea for the meaa- 1 ure and declared that It was not only a problem for Oregon to solve, but "a national oae, to handle this situa tion which Oregon now fares, namely the education of the Illiterate, of which there are today In the United Stales. !tt millions," said Dr. Mc Elveen. , "Labor counts on the church In this crisis," said the speaker. "Oms n is behind the times in her educational eystem and every 'tightwad' cltiten In Oregon is to blame for this situation which we now must face at the polls en May 21. ' I "Do you know how Boston Tsch ! handles br students? They hare one j teacher to every six. students. Oregon has one teacher to every 64. How's that for a contrast? Isn't It about time you and I went to the polls and voted for something new' In this state? I I think so." Mrs. Alexander Thompson and Mrs. S. M. Blumauer also made striking ' addresses to the ministers on this measure, being followed by President ! Campbell of the University of Oregon, i who pointed out the necessity of aid- I Ing the elementary schools, that the j higher educational institutions would have a basis on which to wcrk, a groundwork on which to build the citl sen of the future. ! The ministers endorsed the measure . unanimously. i Indian Silk. There are l.lMM.ntM r.'u In India engaged In the production of tlk. Cnterplllnrs and , moth of the I- b-rry silk Induxlry of India are entire ly domeMtlrated creatures. Or Treasure. Those who marry for pixliienn may repent for pleasure ! Cartoons Msga-slne. Dogs Taxed Aceortlr t. tit. In some of the rltlea of Europe a dog la la ted according t. ta else a little tax fr i Utile dog and a Mg tag for big dog. Whtrt He Slips. The nnvi who thinks he knows every thing alwsys gets Into difficulty when condition require him to verify his Information. ANNUAL STATEMENT, DECEMBER 81, 1010 ADMITTED ASSETS Real Estate Owned . S Loang on Real Estate (secured by pledge of property appraised at 13,700,000 ! Collateral Loans 78,453.20 Loans to Policyholders Premium Notes and Policy Lleng.. Bonds and Stock Owned 2 Net premiums outsanding and de ferred . Interest due and accrued Cash In Banks and Other Assets In office 055,424.50 46,960.00 769,678.75 61,669.61 1,175,216.11 226,601.34 42,406.90 174,474.29 77,667.40 Total Admitted Assets $4,698,252.10 LIABILITIES Reserve on all outstanding cles ... : poll- Reserve for losses Inenrrerf Interest and premiums paid In advance .. . .. . Reserve for Taxea Payable during 1920 All other Liabilities Capital Stock $260,000.00 Assignea surplus (De ferred and Annual Dividend Funds).... 163.816.61 Unassigned Surplus .... 100,906.23 Surplus to Policyholders $4,063,3243 66,014.60 19,617.48 41,612.66 18,169.79 CHILDREN'S RIGHTS UPPERMOST! STATE One Hundred Schools Closed In Oregon Last Year Due to Teacher Shortage. I Total 104,722.74 14,689.262.10 INSURANCE IN FORCE PAID FOR BASIS-$39,558,1 66.00 INCREASE MADE IN loio In Insurance In force...i.w.i'111, in Admitted Assets . 4 $4,690,478 18.46 per cent In Unassigned Asset's"'.".'." W W per cent 63,225 111.63 percent -" v. Such a company with Bngtnegg enough In force and covering a large enough territory to give It the benefit of the law of average without adding new business can go on and on and pay every loss end ev VXSSA clalm 18 paid- GeDU,ne 0,d " - " West Coast Life, San Francisco p ; CENTRAL OREGON AGENCT A j ' TELEPHONE 164 , H. H. WILCOX, General Agent. v DOLLT HODGES, Local Mgr. Every community needs toachers. In every locality are many persons who would make good teachers but who do not enter the profession. Also in every community there are teachers who are planning to leave and go elsewhere to teach or to enter other professions. " Why? Salary partly, but mostly because the teacher , like the prophet, Is without honor In his own country. Making the home schools safe for I uuiuo Miciii win ui) to soive me j teacher shortage. There must be good 1 V. .. . I - . 1 wvumubo uie uvea money, mere must alto be sane protection against ths spoils system. It is an old story In many communities for a new super lntendent and his assistant to find Jobs for their friends at the expense of local teachers, or to belittle then so that they must resign In self respect. , Does the community know shout It or do anything about It? Do the patrons of each school know the ma teria:! of the teaching force? if they have an up-to-date, accomplished, gift ed teacher, will they encourage her with salary lnoreases and back her against unfair discrimination? How many good teachers have left the community, and why? That will tell the story. How many young peo ple who would make tine teachers are doing something else instead? Keep the home fires burning until all the' cumbering dross and all the unfairness which is driving tome teaching talent away from home is burned up, and then see how rapidly the teacher shortage becomes a thing of the past. Oregon can remedy har condition by voting "Yes" for the 2-mill Elementary School bill, popularly known as the Children's Bill. Ukrainians Aid In Kiev Occupsuon, Warsaw. Uknluian Infantry Joined the Poles Is occupying Kiev In force That Dempsey Serial "DAREDEVIL JACK" Let's go! See the First Episode Tonight or Tomorrow Fcrlttri.s -il ronc "Z Efivititt will,. Docch Magneto The Supreme Farm Engine fiSUL: fim'-JiYfT THE famous "Z" Eii'na and the Bosclt ln'lt ton- sion. oscillatinrl mntin.-fi combine to muke t!io one SUPREME farm engine. j Cell ?n. " ' tne f"5"'1 f combination FAIRBANKS. MORSE J WITH DOSCH MAGNETO. 5 W. ar.Cw tialry assisted in delivenng maximum engine service h) a nearly Bosch. w . r., fuw,w sit r. is. rnrtory. T. J. MINGER Wednesday and Thursday Remember DON'T CHANGE YOUR HUSBAND For Senator ' or aD stranglr?"1 MeM ,n " kn" "untr, .mDi1 IZ W8nt m!ln ,wh0 6U reults? I ask the voter, to fora-et 0?e"on 8nC ftnd 6le0t the ma.n be8t '""W to Wp eiS I think I have demonstrated tha t I can help you. JAY UPTON. , Prinevllle, Oregon. Republican, for Senator, 17th Senatorial District. Paid Adv. , f .late Saturday.