, MAY 17, 1080 crook eorm ournal ; re 7. 1 1 . 1 ) Mm. -A mfcmxm xtea'ft ' M if - n t . m N WANTED Ranter for 170o ' iUi " ii i tou' .,i uiiaiasaaaaaii THERE HE STANDS! GRAND old "null" Durham. He belongs In this country's I fall of Tunic. Can you think of a more familiar figure? For over half a century Bull has been part of the landscape; the tobacco he represents has made millions and millions of friends. You can roll fifty-thrifty cigarettes from one bag. ..'..' GENUINE; oorrv . ' r I 1 A LiVU IKJI M II II II nn II I I I I I rvl LZS KZJ UX lain TOBACCO C (ft I lf jii?ili''A' CAT Am hcb yen m a a . a i With HU. paper yon can roll the best "Bull" Durham cigarettes. - FOR HIRE HUDSON SUPER SIX REASONABLE RATES ON HUNT) AY EXCURSIONS TO THK DAM THEATER AND DINNER PARTY CAM A ANSWERED PROMPTLY "Doc." MA J. W. RAREY H EADUARQTER3 CENTRAL MOTOR SALES CO. Phoa Red 641 Every Man Wilt Mivt Onel Sedentary workers hoc who sit at their work especially mlfftt not that If they have the luihlt of crossing mpir M'(ts. tneD cwal brvak thein elves of It, they should have clean duster, or a mnruiiil of aoft doth, and lay li on the under leg. That at mice atop the shine and wtsu tbat follows "crossing.- And. as a duster la not always at hand, and "crossing ia always a temptation, beat to rot tha crossing hahlt clean out. A real and most saving economy. London Answers Proof of a Proverb. Clothes do not make the man. If they did there would he ninny mure good men. Buffalo Enquirer. Tomato Plants Cabbage Plants Ochoco Warehouse Company C H A B. 8. BDWARD8 Physician and Burgeoa Offlee 817 Mala St. First door foutli Prlnerill Drag Company Office phono BIk 101. Re IOC CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE WANTED Cattle I will trade my 7-room modern house, ft 1 1-J lots best location in Prinerllle. See my agent, Ochoco Realty Co, Journal Office. iotfe FOR SALE Thoroughbred O, A. C. white leghorns, very rigorous, splendid record. Eggs, $2.00 for 15, and $8.00 per 100. ALICE DAY PRATT, Post. Oregon. 22t8c FOR LEASE John Darin is back from California and is ready to lease his land, so it you want to lease any land sea him at Paulina, Oregon. 17tfo WANTED WANTED Plowing. Have Fordson tractor and want Jobs by the acre. L. A. Oasset, Prlnevtlle or Bend, Oregon. IStfe WANTED Clean cotton ran at the ranch near Paulina.. Address John Darin. Prlnerlll, Oregon. lltfe NOTICE My books hare been left! ai j. k, Adamsons for collection. K. T. COX. I2tfc. EFORE TO0 8ION lit Insos sncs contract la any other aoav pany sxamlns tha superior eon tract and low premium rates of Oregon Life. e. T. L. Qnlna, the local agent Jitfs ATTORNEYM WILLARD H. WIRTZ District At tomey. Office Crook County Bank Building, Prinerllle, Oregon tf Prineville Employment Office GEO. J. RIBELIX, Proprietor Telephone Black 341 231 Mala St. sL R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law Court House St.. Prinerllle, Or OPHTHALMOLOGIST OR F. H. DAY Phyalclan, optha-! mologlst, neursloglat. Specialty 1 of eyes and nerves. Glasses fitted. ; Hours 10 to II a. m.; I to t p. m. Evenings by apointmeot. S10 Main ' St. Prinerllle, Oregon. Ktfci DO four AVM frnilhltt .nnl AM! our glasses glring satisfaction or do they need changing? If so, call on i Dr. F. H. Day. 610 Main St.. Prtna. ! rille, Oregon. He is permanently lo-1 caieu ai mat address litre. SCRATCH r AX. o Different sixw and quality of paper. Just the thing for your desk or pocket, (or sal at The Journal offlce. Tkoa taring ay troukU at Bs roas troihUs ahoald aQ sag a Dr. F. H. Day, lit Mala It, PrtaerlU, Oregoa. llttt LAKE M. BECHTELL C 8. Conunlaaioner Attorney-At-Law Crook County Bank Building PRINEVILLE . OREGON DENTISTS OR. H. O. DAVIS Dentist. Nes odera shop. In Kamstra Build tag. H. P. Belknap L. V. Belknap BELKNAP A BILKIAP Physicians aad Bnrgeoaa Office taa East Third Street Prinerllle, Oregoa Otfle phona tl Residence II CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES At Masonic Tempi erery Ban- ' day at 11:00 a. m. All welcome ' Sunday school for all under It years of age ot 10:00 a. m. 4S WE HAVE SOME BARGAINS la " AORICTXTTRAIj IMPLEMENTS FARM WAGONS WIRE FENCE ETC FOR CASH COLLINS W. ELKIN9 a Irt kn"w rB and we wlU en.Wvor to fUl them. GIVE US A TRIAL Horseshoeing, Blacksmithing Acetylene Welding BODY WORK ON AUTOMOBILES , General Auto Repairing. WM. LOFTHCS, PRI SEVILLE OR Fourth Street, Opposite Poetofflce, At Your Service The officers and resources of this bank are available at all times in assisting you to solve your financial problems. We do both a Savings and Commercial Business Capital and Surplus $50,000.00 CROOK COUNTY BANK PRINEVILLE, OREGON WANTED VEAL, HOGS, MUTTON, BEEF, CHICKENS, TURKEYS, DUCKS, GEESE, EGGS, HIDES, BUTTER, AND JACKRABBITS GIVE US A TRIAL. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE GUARANTEED. PROMPT RE TURNS . GULICKSON & CO. Established 1913 109 Front St. Portland, Ore, II It s i t n EASIEST THING IN THE WORLD CALL BLACK 303 FOR LIGHT OR HE IVY TRUCK SERVICE "Shun-Pikea." Not nil dii'ti)ii;irics contain the wonl "shiiii plke." hut It was In com mon ue In tills country a 'century ago ani tliro'vs an amusing lifilit "n the character of some of our thrifty an cestor. A "shun-plke" was a short byroad that loft a turnpike on one side of n toMt'ite and joined It ngnin on the other. Youth's Companion. Morse Transportation Comp'y PRINEVILLE, OREGON Tm. O ... D.ih, I When pmnt linn spalteivd the win dows. It may lie removed with stVel wool more quickly mid easily than with n coin, a putty knife or other de vices whirh nre often tried. IF THE STATE UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE AND THE STATE NORMAL hare for many years spent less money per student in training Ors- gon boys and girls than is spent at any other state institution. The present coBt at the State Univer sity is $203 a year; at the College It is $180. But even before tha war, when money would buy twice as much as it buys now, the aver age cost at all other state institu tions was $325 a year. In additi on. THEIR BUILDING INVEST MENT IS ALSO VERY LOW At the State University It Is at present $322 per student; at the Colleee. $300. But in stnta tutions elsewhere, statistics show me average to De ' 1995. Theo are convincing nmnh of onnnn. ical administration, but the thren institutions can no longer give sat isfactory training tn tha ber of Oron Boys and Girls (5, 400 In full time courses alone.) - vt ouiiu fc. On Mar 21 the Hlirher Education. al relief measure will appear on mo nauot. ou are urged to pre serve the OualitV of Mirhe eAm- tion by Toting for it. IRELAND'S City Transfer & Express Auto Delivery to all Parts of the City and Vicinity Phone nae for quick service at Hugh Lakin'a Red 951 w f jit i aoif !t saaasso Prineville Machine Shop The Best Equipped Machine Shop in this part of the State. We are prepared to handle anything in our line promptly. Quality of work is the very best PRINEVILLE MACHINE SHOP E. G. Hodson, Proprietor Prineville, ... . . Oregon Is Your Money Supporting the Government? At this critical period In our history our manufacturers are offering their mills and our young men are offering their iierrices to the United States government. Would you like to lo your share and help, by putting your money where it will support the new Federal Reserve Banktng System, which tha gorernment has established to stand back of our commerce, industry and agricultural Too can do this by opening an account with as as part ot erery dollar so deposited goes directly into tha new system, where It ' will Always be ready for you when wanted. Member Federal Reserve System FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jtmai Qtttoa , ' wtwwwwwostss