Arm i, 2i, 1 1)2. rruHm tn'vf whim. Tiik City i'nk MuIIiiiIIuiiiI f Kiilin-tn wrs visiting lili funiily In iTliievlllr Tu. -dig-, Hen. Tone cuitin In from Rlntr Tuesday. V li visiting with rlo- tlV'S. J. N. Williamson returned Tuctduv morning from tniHlncn trip tu I'ortlaml. V. W. Mif iffcry of I'ow. ll riull Ml B llUMilll-HM VlHllor III I'rlllfVlllf Tuesday. John Mllllurn of Unhurt brought hi mother tu town to vllt relatives Tuesday, , K. It. I'rle nnil ('. W. Kellev rum In from Tout on Momluy to attend to bimliii'M matters. O. II. Gray, who live In the I'osl country m Imslm-H vlitltur In town on Mondiiy. Mr. F I). Wllliolt entertained last Hunilhy wlili a tilrthiluy dinner In honor of her mother, Mm. 1 IMl lou. J. It. Ilnrvey, who Im hn awuy on a IniHliifM trip lo thn Valley and' f llii r points, nluimd Tutwluy nu i u III. Carey Htearns arrived In thn city Momluy from I'orllnnd where he I j working for thu Wlllurd ('nmniiMliu Co. Hit U hero In th ii Interests of, that concern, j II. W. Illrhi, traveling passenger agent for thn Union 1'nclfli!, and Hhel hy I,. WIkkIiin, traveling- freight ok lit. were In the city Tuesduy, attend Ink" to uiattnr hero. Lake lWhMI celebrated lila rec cont birthday l.utt Sunday with a din ner at III home. Mr. A. Crook. Mr. and Mr, G. N. Clifton, and Mr. Ilni'htoll Sr. wore guttata of tho octa alou. Wataoit P, Davidson, prsldent of i ha OrnKon and Western Coloniza tion Company, arrived In Prlneville tha laal of thn week, and left with U. K. Jnhnaon, local manager, tor Burns on Company bulnna. I herewith aiinouucn niyuelf nu a candidate. for thn nomiiiiitloii for the office of Kepreanntutive for the Twenty-flint ri'preaoiitatlve tllatrlct, aubject to the will of the legal voter of th Hepiililleaii pnrty. If nominat ed and elected I will devote every en ergy to eruriig the Irrigation and good road Icgltilutlon ao iieceasury to the auccwK of this district. It. J. OVEIITURP. Paid Adv. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SAUK 83 head of Hamboulet Grade sheep, 29 head of Iambi in the bunch. $12.00 per head. See .- WM. GOI.D80N, Mndraa, Oregon. 26t2c. - FOR SALE Pure Bred Alrdale pup. Apply W. I). KK. telephone 8f52, city. 24tfe. FOR SALE Houaehold furniture, table, chairs, stoves, dreaaeYi, bedsteads, mntraaeaa, pillow and other bedding. Also, lawn mower and garden tools, cheap for cash. Mn. Kutej, 148 Main St. Prlneville Oregon. 2ttlp. FOR BALK Team flllya, well mat ched, 4 year olda, weight about 1360, a snap, see Jack Meyers, Powell Butte, Oregon FOR SALE One leather couch, one ladles writing desk and book case combined, for sale at a sacrifice. ' Call on or address Mrs. C. J. Johnson, city. 26tfc. WANTED Piano Tuning. Mr. How-! ard Soule of Portland and The Dal les, Expert Piano Tuner, will be here soon to do tuning and repair ing for me and is available for ad ditional work. This is Mr. Soule's third annual visit and he will be In Prlneville regularly each year; Those who appreciate supelor work should avail themselves of his ser vice as he is by far the best who makes Eastern Oregon, Orders may be left with me. J. Fellows. letso. 61530J NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tha Interior, U. 8, L&nl of ficii, at Th Dalles, Oregon, April 29th, 1820. Notice b hereby given that ' , HAZEL M. KINCAID willow of Roe co H. Klncald, of Prlneville, Oregon, who, on Aug. 2nd, 1916, made Home ' toad Entry, No. 01 6808 for Eft NW, NH iW14, Section 14, Townihlp 18-South, Range U-Eait, WlllametU Meridian, hai filed notice of intention to make final three year Proof, to ' ' aatablUh claim to the Jand above described, be fore Lake M. Bechtell, U. S. Commissioner, t Prlneville, Oregon, on the 15th day of June, 1920. ' I Claimant names as witnesses! . Orval Osborn, Floyd James, John Kemmllng, B. L. KIdwell, all of Prlneville. Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, SCttc. Register. roit ItKI'HKHKNTATIVK j - 1 . ....... .... ... : . - .. . , ... TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY MMIP V8 YOt'R WOOI We do cleaning and carding for comfort er anil mattresses. Mannfnrtur. it of pur wool hat. CKY8TAI, lil Ki.VUH WOOLKN MH-I.B, Port land. Oregon, mill, 70 Umatil la Avenua; office, 802 Bpaldlng Uuilding. 2&lf y()U HUNT Home Hospital for root see Jap Ireland. 26tfc. H)U OUST ..HUPKHl.VIEXDR.NT I will he a candidate for the nom ination of County Bupurlnteriiluut on lh Hiipuhllcan ticket a' tho Primary election, Muy 21, 192'). MART V. CIIAItr.TON. Paid Adv. jMfo. "A technically trained man with buinrs Judgment." Vote for IIHEA I.I'I'KJl, Republican nomination for Public Hervice Commlialoner. Paid Adv. .Best A BARGAIN . HE BKiGKS BARGAIN YET A splendid Phonograph with deep tone and the following records; 40 10 Inch records 8-7 inch selections and 12-6 inch selections. The whole outfit goes for $20.00 if taken at once. Why pay more? Come quick. SOME BARGAIN 83 head of Ram boulet sheep, good condition, can be turned for mutton it you want to. $12.00 per head takes tho bunch if you are quick enough. -DRESSER -Three large, drawers, and fine bevel glass, tor ..."..$12. 10 Dozen 1 quart Economy fruit , Jars cheap. IRRIGATOR'S Level and tangent, like new, dirt cheap. SMALL Air tight heater,, fine tor V tent 01.00 TWO Baby chairs cheap. ONE Oliver typewriter, as good as now, has to be sold at once $30 LOt.T One black saddle horse with tight saddle mark. Spot in fore head and white hind foot, weight about 10C0. Dought from Henry Heelmle i,t pr:ng. Ifi'ike to ride by timer Angell. Reward. (24 f'-r liia recovery, U. 3. Oam & Son. 2St2p. ,OTK K TO TIIK I'lT.UC Deglnnlng next Saturday, May lit, obligation incurred for the City of Prlneville Ity, must lie ordered by Requisition, duly coiintersgned by a member of thn Knllwny Cmatnia slon or by the Priiievilie Station Agent. City of Prlnevlllii Ry. C'imtnlaaioii, ' CHA8. 8. KDWAItDH. 26t2c. Treasurer. Who Im Daredevil Jack Look out for Daredevil Jack. Oscar lliiHton 1 f t Tuesday niitht for a short bulnei trip to Portland. Ce-orge Dee of was attend ing to biiNiiu-H in Prlneville Tuesday. TALK TO I H ABOUT THOHE M'OXDERH L CANADIAN PACIFIC LAX!) 3 WE A RE THE Farm 0 ACRE IRRIGATED RANCH I 1-4 MILES FROM FRINEVTLLE, VERV FINEST OF NOIL, ALL FENCED AND CLEARED, 40 ACRES OF FINE RYE BALANCE READY TO SEED. OWNER SAYS TO Tl'RN THIS AT ONCE PRICE WILL HE GIVEN ON APPLICATION PER SON ONLY (DO NOT PHONE FOR PRICE) VERY SMALL AMOUNT DOWN, BALANCE MOST LIBERAL TERMS CITY HOM 4 ROOM HOUSE, LARGE LOT 80x170 FEET SACRIFICED AT $0601325 CASH. BALANCE TO SUIT; THIS PLACE NOW RENTER FOR $10.00 PER MONTH FIRST ONE HERE GETS IT Timber WE WANT 100 TIMBER CLAIMS, IN OR OUT OF THE GOVERNMENT RESERVE WE HAVE A CLIENT WHO DESIRES 500,000,000 FEET OF GOOD PINE, MUST BE PRICED RIGHT AND SITUATED SO AS IT " COULD BE POOLED WITH OTHER TIMBER CLAIMS RUNNING 2, 000,000 FEET OR MORE PREFER ED GIVE FULL PARTICULARS AND LOCATION IN FIRST LETTER OR CALL AT OUR OFFICE, 433 MAIN STREET. "PHONE 611. IF YOU WANT TO RENT YOUR HOUSE, LIST IT WITH THE OCHO CO REALTY CO. IF YOU HAVE ROOMS TO LET, THE OCHOCO REALTY CO., CAN FILL THEM FOR YOU. 433 MAIN STREET. , We have over one hundred house ou our lists ranging in price from $14JOO to $10,000 and can get you Just what yon want: Our Us tings con tain modern homes at ball the price It would-cost to build, drop In our of fice or call us by phone and we wilt be pleased to show you the best on the market for the least money. WE WANT YOUR HOUSE ON OUR LIST, IF IT IS FOR SALE, WE CAN SELL IT; WHY? . ' THE OCHOCO REALTY COMPANY KNOWS HOW I 611 If you have anything to sell, we can turn it COUNTER THE OCHOCO REALTY OF PRINEVILLE We sell the earth from a town lot to a township rank Iteink" was atlKiiilinx to buRineu In Prlneville Monday. John Hopper enme In to ee the people of Prlneville Monday. Mi. W. wns a hu:n(s cal ler at the J.itirnal office Saturday. W. B. Morite of McKay wa a buai na visitor In Prlneville Haturday. 8. A. Lytle wa a bu:iie visitor in Prlnevillo Monday. Line in Kylo wa here Saturday from h!a ranch at Robert. Bru-e Crav w In town M mday rrcm hin ranch at Poat. Joe Bryo!i fame In from hi ranch at Robert Tuesday. if"X Hititon was attending to buai nea in Prlneville Monday. A. G. Brown spnt Monday in the city looking after busines. Prttnlift I'llzer was a busineH cal ler from Grizzly Saturday. Charles Palmer of Robert spent ih,. wepk end In Prlneville. This Wee! Wanted ! HOUSES FOR SALE We have a lUt of fine modern homes for sale if you are looking for a home come to Che Ochoco Realty Co. 433 Main St. If ycu vtr.t erjlfcirg, ve cen SWAP WILL TRADE Goo,d buggy and double harness, also gentle driv ing horse, what have you? IRRIGATED 40 acre tract, close In, to trade for city property. FULL Blood Shire Stallion, regis tered, 8 years old, weighs 18-10 pounds, will sell or trade. Reg. by Albert Moore ft Son. Piano Player, Just like new, with almost 30 musio rolls, sell or trade 4 Head of young cattle and one -"-tarn goad, milch cow, If Interest ed, see us. - ONE Good seven room moderm house to trade for cattle. ONE Fine residence In Eugene tor Prineville property see us at once about this. HOUSEHOLD Goods to trade for sheep. SutoXuh ioj epuj oj, S3SHOH CO. T Al Jone and xin were attending to business in town Saturday. H. Earl Cros was In Prlneville last week looking after business. Arthur Wuriweiler was In town Tuesday from his ranch at Powell Iluttes. George W. Well of Powell Butte ws a buslne caller In Prlneville Saturday. John Raglin was In Prlneville looking after business Interests hist Saturday. E. L. Iverson of Powell Butte was a visitor at the Journal Of fice Tuesday. T. K. J. Duffy came over from Bend Friday and had Harold Maker re pair his car. W. A. Hand wa attending to busi ness interest In Prlneville axveral days last week. j Frank and Dick Long, of Powell Butte, were business visitors In Prine ville Saturday. LOCAL AGENTS. get it fcr less COLUMN 711 NOT1CS to rt RLICATIOS Department of the InUrtor. V. a Lend f fke et Lekeriew, Dnm, April 2, 19SU. Notice i her-br irlvon that AR'Hml.' A. McKAOYEN of ltsmi.ton, Ongon, who, on . 21. 1914, nxd. Homestead Ktltry No. 0;IS fur H'jNK.I N',8Ki. 8r;,4SF.'4, See IS. 8W..8WV,. tlf SWU. Section 17, Townnhlp 21 S. Ran Si. Willamette Meridian, ties fiM notlra of ta tetition to make three rear Proof to eatablW claim to the land above aVwrlbrd, before Cfcaa. A. 8brman. U. 8. CommlaMnrr, at Fife, Ore gon, on the 2ttl riUf of May, 1K!I. ' Claimant names ea wilnewea: C. C. ted, of Ha me., Oregon I Calvin Shrrmaa, of Bamc. Oreiron. I'erry Croaa, ef Hamilton, OreKon: RU-t.ard R. Rhodes, of Hampton, Oregon. JAMES P. BURGESS. JSlSe. KegUter. NOT1CK OP SHERIFF'S SALS Br virtue of an exKutUm duly issued W the clerk of the Circuit Court of the Count of Crook, State of Onicon. dated this 28tk Uy of April. l'.'2u, in certain action in to Circuit Court for the said County and State, wherein Crook County Bank. (A Corporation! Plaintiff, recovered jurist .mmt against Georra B. Taylor. Mrs. Geo. B. Taylor. Althea Taylor and J. . Kennedy, defenilants. for tha suai of Thirty One Humired and No 10D D'Ilars to gether with interest on t.'.DO at I pr cent fross January lotb, 1917, Int. on IS00 at t per eeat from February 2th, 1917, Int. on ISOO from Ap-il 14th, 117 at S per cent, Int. on SI 00 a". I per cent from May Slst, 1917. Int. at per cent on SIM from June 2xth. 11)17. lnt at I per tent on 1200 from July 28th, 1917, and ha te wt at 8 per cent on 11200 from August 2Srd 11U7. together frith Three Hundred and N 100 dollars attorney's fees, and the further sum of coats and ace ruins coats, leas the suae of One Thousand Dollars, received ca Marsh 13. 1U0. Notice is hereby given that I will, on Sat. ardaj, the ztth day of May. lfl'-'O, at Me North front door of the CourthotM In Frhw ville. in said County, at 1 o'clock In the fore poon of said day, sell at public auction, as the highest bidder for cash, all right and title that th above named defendants or any of them, have or bad at date of said Judgment ks the following described property, to-wtt: The NWV.NE14. Seetioa Twenty-one (2B) 8WV4NW, Section Twenty-Two. (22) in Ta. Eighteen (18) South of Range Seventeen (17) East, and the SENE V NE14SEV4 Section Four (4) NftSWK Section Three (3) in Ta. Fourteen (14) South or Range Seventeen (17) East of the Willamette Meririaa in Crook County, Oregon. JOHN COMBS, Sheriff of Crook Count. Dated at Prineville, Oregon, this 28th day ea April. 120. By FLOYD A. BOVTELL, Depntr. 25tSe. CITATION In the County Court of th Stat of Ore gon for Crook County. I In the Matter of the estate of Neal A. Thomas, . Deceased. , To J. A. Willeox, administrator of the, es tate of Neal A thomas. deceaned. A. L. Thomas heir at law of said Neal A. Thomas, deceased, and to alt the other heirs, known and un known, of said decent. Greeting. In the name of the State pf Ortgon, you are) hereby cited and required to appear in the County court of the state of Oregon for Crook County, at the court room thereof, in the court house, in the city of Prineville, Oregon, on the 12tb day of June, 1920, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of said day, then and there to show cause, if any be, why the following described real properly, t? longing to the estate of Neal A. Thonas, de ceased, to-wit, Lots Two and Three, t t? east half of the southwest quarter, the west half of the southeast quarter, the southwest quart er of the northeast quarter, and th south east quarter of the northwest quarter, ail in Section Six, in Townshln Twenty. South, of Range Twenty, East, of the Willamette Merid ian, in Crook County, Oretton, should not bo sold to pay the expense of administration, and the claims against said estate and ail aucb. costs and legal charges as may accrue. This citation fat published in the Crook Coun ty Journal for four full and consecutive weeks as per order of th Hon. N. G. Wallace, judg of the County Court of the State of Oregol for Crook county. Witness the Hon. N. 0. Wallace, judge a the County Court of the Stat of Oregon ta Crook County with the seal of said court al fixed this 23rd day of April, 1920. SEAL. ASA W. BATTLES. 25tSc Clerk. Look out for Daredevil Jack. HELP GIVEN BY O. A. C. TO THE OREGON VAKMEIt in grain raising, dairying, horti culture, stockraising, poultry pro duction, and other branches of ag riculture, have Saved Oregon More Than Higher Education Has Ever Cost from its very beginning in Oregon. The College has reduced cost of production, improved quality of product, and helped keep down the pests of farm, garden orchard and field. , Like The State University And The Normal it has helped bring school, bu! ness and home into vital cut and has helped demonstrate -n:t Higher Education is of Direct help to the Country Districts but higher education in Oregon id crippled by great Increases In at tendance, by lack of buildings, by the fallen buying power of the present millage support, and by the failure of the millage support to grow. Tou are respectfully urged to vote for the new millage support bill on May 21, the Higher Education al relief measure. E. T. Slayton a prominent stock man of Crook county was in towo Saturday attending the stockmeal meeting. Anna Evans entertained her class at school at her home on April 26th. the party was In honor of her 11th birthday. Mrs. Wm. Mllliorn returned yester day from Bend, where she has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs, Maude Pollard. Mrs. P. E. Long, of Powell Butt was looking after business interests in Prineville Saturday. 1l Jk,