MAY . rs 20. CROOK COUNT! JOlUNli UNIQUE AUTOMOBILE ATTRACTS ATTENTION i.. - i ' ' 4 - vKi fc&fiKrj Will Be Aged Llr.cor Th.n. A jiiK or J m ii' ii I it nun Ml nl i IVimsylvanls fiinnlinu-o by iimn- Hilt Ish ullicers In 1TTS cum" into ihr pi m-sslnn of the W sli'i' liiMituti". I'm vcrslty of IVtmylitln. nntl niter ! Iii): UihhI mill ilu' is'iiii'iti "uis'.'.l by llit tncinl'i ri of ilu1 I'Hiuil of iimn sccrx In IS.i'.' wIumi ilio linllilhiii iIi'iIIi'iiIimI, WHS Ni'll It'll. Mill) Mill II'M he oHMitl hsuIii mull the com un ry ovlolinillim In l!'!'.'. This unique bnmi'-niaiiiifiiftiirmi automobile Is attractiiiK much ulti nllna whenever seen In the streets of London, driven by Its builder. A window Flmde on a roller is used to keen the engine warm. The body Is of hardwood ami pictureMniely carved and ileoorated. "" " SHORT ClBGUiTS CAUSETROUBLE Average Automobile Driver Knows Little er Nothing About Electricai System. HOME MADE AIR PUMP IS VERY CONVENIENT Use Ore of Engine Cylinders as Compressor. USUALLY AWAITS CALAMITY Operator Should Familiarize Himself With Wiring on Hia CarInstruc tion Book Will Help Solve Puzzling Situation. "The avernze driver knows nothing about electricity, as applied to the au-j tomobile,' and so is unable to tell when j the ignition system is functioning; properly," says a well-known motorcar : authority. I "He is afraid to experiment and be- j lieves in letting things alone until something happens. He then Iookj over the system for the tirst time, and, of course, does not know whether the wiring is right or not. I have re peatedly pointed out cases of worn In sulation among other troubles about which tlus operator seemed entirely lost In one case the spark was jump ing freely from a distributer wire to a piece of metnl nearby, and he pointed to it as evidence that he hud a good spark evidently accepting it us a mat ter of course that the spark should jump where It did. Watch Chafing Wires. "Even If the operator understands nothing of the nature of his ignition system he should, at least, familiarize himself with the positions of the vari ous wires, tlieir colors and general condition. Here the instruction book will be a great help. Watch particu larly for cases where one wire chafes against another or some piece of metal. Such places should be protect ed with electric tape, or at least sepa rated so that no short circuit may oc cur. But the high tension or secondary (vires may develop a short circuit where least expected, so that it would he well to go over them occasionally to see that no leakage takes place. This is particularly true during rainy weather. The moisture Is drawn in by the fan and scattered around under the hood. Hunting the Trouble. "Wires which did not leak current before will short-circuit during a wet spell. The best method Is to run the engine and to trace along each wire, lifting it away from any place It may touch so as to see or feel If the cur rent is leaking through the Insulation. Where a leak is noted the place must be taped. "A more puzzling problem occurs where all the wires from the distrib uter pass through a metal tube. There is always a possibility of a short cir cuit from the wires to the tube as the tube is always grounded. Proceed as follows: First, find out if the current enters the suspected wires. To do this, disconnect the wire at the distributer end and hold It near its contact, to see if spark jumps. If no spark Is seen the trouble is not in the wire, but In the distributer. If a good spark occurs at the distributer but none at the other end of the wire there is a short in be tween. The wire must be pulled out and a good one substituted, although the old one may be made serviceable again." Tires May Be Quickly Inflated Whll on Road by Employing Method De scribed Illustration Gives View of Connection. Inflating tires quickly While on the road may be accomplished by the well known method of uing one of the-engine cylinders as a compressor. T take the place of the spark-plug on one cylinder preferably the one In the rear make a connection for the air-hose as follows: Use a nipple having the same thread as the spark-plug, and on this turn an ordinary pipe coupling. The spark plug Is turned Into the upper end of the coupling. This provides a means of tapping the coupling for a side outlet. Into I - l -.'P J fV- Jifb TO r,T3m, i ue rxSit-'tajT C. eo roe t. vawt -C.INOC HtdO How Seeds Are Distributed. Arums i ho most einlous inoihuils of ii il'stt'iiiutliin are those scctH i!iMi are caninl tlirmigli the air on villus, such as the iiiiipio, which hit wo wings, mill llie oiiliilpii, the elm, I o ;ii!i ami I he pine. Tlit se seeds iln '.it ihip IlKi'r wlms like hints, but t.'l'ii,l iilii.joilier upon the force nf !n wind u curry ihem iilonir. Oilier !, Hi m:.. senls are Ihe mllkweoil, tills, le iiimI i!:h ili'1'"!!. "Haik, Columbia!" 'Hall. Columbia," wim written by Joseph llopklnson, April, ai, titw. when the fulled States whs throat, enod with a war with Kruno. It whs composed to the air of the "Presl- !!' March" for a young actor mill singer In Ihe Philadelphia theater, and became at mice hlirhly popular. THE MOTOR INN AUTO REPAIR SHOP Oils, Grease and Accessories General auto re pairing, Gas, Oils, Tubes and Acces sories. Exclusive Agent for Racin Horseshoe tires and Tubes, Reasonal le prices. L. V. SEARS, Proprietor We handle Maz da Lamps of all kinds and sizes rW' '-rv Si t Record for Potatoes. The department -of agriculture ny i that the weigh! of the largest potato ' recorded In their utile Is ltwn sev en and eight pounds. There may have been larger ones produced, bill Ihe department ha "n record of them. Netted Gem SEED POTATOES E. L. Payne Protect School Books. Cover the children s sohoolhooki with either stiff paier or cloth mi they will last the year and be in con dttlon for the next In the family whu will need to use them. Tri-State Terminal Co. Prineville, Oregon And Sometimes an Auntydotel It sometimes happens that Hi man who dotes nn girl finds marriage an antl-dote. Cartoon Magazine. Des Chutes Power Company Prineville, Ore. Witch Requires Little Oil. It takes only oiie lenili nf a drop nt oil to keep all of Ihe liliu liliiei-y of Ihe w at i'h In good running order for a year. How to Be Happy. To be happy with a Iiii-I.mikI s wom i;n must learn lo be happy wlthuut him a good deal of the lima, Cllicln nail i;iniilivr. Cmeison Amended. If a man linen anything well, the world will beiu a path in Ills door union he liiippi'iw to he expert la raising kunk It'iaton Trnnerlit The Completed Connection From a Cross-Section View. which are fitted a small brass cock, a hull check-valve, and finally the hose connection. When It becomes necessary to pump a tire, connect the hose with the check valve to the cock, turn the valve, and let the engine run. P. P. Avery, In Popular Science Monthly. WATCH OIL CONSUMPTION Use of an Excessive Amount Mean That There I an Expensive Leak Somewhere. Keep careful track of your oil con sumption, as It means better efficiency of your engine. If you find you are using n excessive amount It means that there Is a leak which is expensive, or that the engine is sucking It up Into the combustion splice, which means carbon and all the troubles which may follow. CHECK AUTOMOBILE THIEVES Metal Curtain Drawn Over Windshield and Locked Hinders Driver . ?r?JFrom Guidin9 Car, I Ji metal cuWn drawn over the windshield, blocking e ,vlew ?Le driver, Is a new means dt "stratlng' the automobile thief. This cimiut 1 looked In nlace when the car Is left, and the thief undertaking to drive If . . : , : . i a , otr wonio nave ereat uiukiuu u guiding the machine. ",n--. liw ... .. "-i! Lightweight Pistons. lightweight pistons hove an advan tara over those more massive by bar- . Ing a direct influence in lessening the pounding action on the crank pin and aft bearings. MEWS Every truck owner should have a monthly cost sheet, summary ol costs or whatever he wants to call it. t When you grind in the valves, clean the stems of a foreign matter ana make them bright and shiny. , There is no need to tell tae old drlv er that railroad tracas snouiu ixs crossed diagonally to ease the Jolt. ... Frequent removal of the core of an air valve will generally Impair the holding ability of the small rubber washer, , ;? . ' . --'.. A mistake frequently made, espe cially by new car owners, Is to adjust the brakes so tightly that when applied the wheels slide. """xi"- 2. There are several causes of oil col lecting on the points of the spark plugs. One of these Is the use of too heavy a lubricating oil. . . The primary current should never be run through the master vibrator coil when the secondary circuit la not in use, a this will ruin the unit. , ; . i i - It 1 very Important that regular inspections should be made of the leather coverings or "boot," . which protect the unlversals and other parts, (HANDLER SIX Famous For Its Marvelous Motor See How Chandler ChecKs With Hig'h-Priced Cars THE Chandler Six throughout its seven years of production has been distin guished for its many distinctively superior features of design and equipment which are used also on the highest priced American cars, and not used in any considerable degree by cars now priced hundreds of dollars higher than the Chandler. See, then, how the Chandler checks with ten of the best-known high priced cars in these features selected as being characteristic of high-grade design and most efficient service. Superior Chandler Features and the High-Priced Cars that use Them ONE PIECE ALUMINUM MOTOR BASE, which ties the frame of the car together at four points, thus providing a stiffer frame as well as a more rigid motor mounting. Also used by Packard, Loco mobile (Bronze), Mercer, Winton, Flat, Brewster, Stutz, Pierce-Arrow. SILENT CHAIN DRIVE for Motor Shafts. Also used by Winton, Packard, Cadillac, Brewster, Fiat, Mercer. TORQUE ARM OR TUBE. Also used by Pierce-Arrow, Locomobile, Brewster, Winton, Cadillac, Packard, Stutz. ANNULAR BALL-BEARING TRANS MISSION. Also used by Winton, Stutz, Pierce-Arrow, Brewster, Cadillac, Flat, Locomobile, Packard, Marmon. ANNULAR BALL- BEARING DIFFER ENTIAL. Also used by Marmon, Stutz, . Plerce-Arrow, Fiat, Brewster, Packard, Locomobile. ANNULAR BALL-BEARING REAR WHEELS. Also used by Packard, Stutz, Locomobile, Marmon, Plerce-Arrow, Fiat, Mercer. . . HIGH TENSION MAGNETO IGNITION. Also used by Locomobile, Mercer, Fiat, Brewster, Winton. THEN, see how these seven cars sixes which max be considered competitive to the Chandler do NOT check One car, listing at $2978, checks with Chandler in only one feature One car, listing at $2195, check with Chandler in only two feature Onecar.listingat $2685,check wlthChandlerln only three features One car, listing at $2045, checks with Chandler inonly two feature One car, listing at $2400, checks with Chandler In only one feature One car, listing at $ 1945, check with Chandler in only one feature . One car, listing at $2250, does not check with Chandler in any feature Not a single one of the aeven makes of medium-priced Sixes referred to offers you High Tension Magneto Ignition. The Chandler offer you Bosch, recognized the world over a the best Ignition system. Only one of them offers you the silent chain drive, although another one of them in its higher-priced model ($3450), Incorporates this feature. These Statements are Facts and they Give You a Few of the Reasons for Chandler Leadership Th. apedBcatloa dt quoted is ub.Untuited, In erery Instance, by the manufacturer, of th. cr. referred to. SIX BEAUTIFUL STYLES OF BODY Seven-Passenger Touring Car, tms Four-Passenger Dispatch Car, S207S Tour Passenger Roadster, IIWI Seven-Passenger Sedan, $2995 , Four-Passenger Coupe. S289$ Limousine, $3495 t . All frtctt j.o, b. CUvtland, Ohto) H. W. HOWARD, Formerly with Inland Auto Company CHANDLER MOTOR GAR COMPANY, CLEVELAND, O.