Crook County journal COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER OF CROOK COUNTY CITY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CITY OF PRINEVILLE VOM'MH XX1T. I'lUNICVlLIJE. CROOK COL TV, OHMJON, Al'llll, iil, two. NO. 29 CULVE IN CONTEST w BIGGS CUP Two humli-i'il and fifty Odd fellows from I In' nix lulr" In ('mil nil Ore ton, wltnvund Itie contoat fur the ItiKKH run which wiik HtuKi'il In Hi la city (Saturday .venlng. rWmio (if the moat perfect team work ever wliiii'Hi'il In tint hlHtury of Cen Iral On-Kiiii f rnti-rti It low wild devel oped In t ho con (nut, each of the lod r'i in mMitltiK "I"' ili-Krim, teiiniH from Culver,1 Madru, lletiil and J'l liii-vllli! iiirtlcliutiiiK. , Culvnr i-Biilly won Dm cup. with Ili-iid piTliuim ai'cotid In team work, aliliniiKh tlii' J in I k'H niailii no neconil choice. HturtliiK at an early hour In the evening, the award of the JihIki'H wui not niadii until after daylight. Itcprcaetitatlvca were preaent from Terrebonne and fltdmmid lodKa, and hn prcaentatlnli of tho 25 year Jow rll to J. J. Mi Klfri'Hli of Terrebonne by lila homo lodgo u one of the nrlKhtrRt apota In the program, aa thla ceremony waa entirely a aur prlao to the rcccpltant. A supper which waa beyond the rapacity of the members waa served at the ilaptlat church haaeuient hy Kchekahs at midnight, and coffee and other retrcuhmont iclven tho men from a diatance at daylight. Judges of tho rerctmmles were, Warren Drown. Mr. Chin. True and Mr. Wm. Iluniihreya. They h greed that tho team work exemplified waa the heat they had.ever witnessed. E22 Barnes NEWS NOT EM E22 Botue very cold weather hut vlHltcd our vullcy the hint wek In liitt cold In tin- ilnv mid frccalhK of h night. Mr. Aula puimed UiimukIi llurncs with ii hunch of cattle thai wcrt go liilt to the luce country. Kd. HiiiIkuhk wua at the home of Mr. and Mm. II. (I. Itemaris lint week. C. ('. lllrdmitiR- who him h cn in 'he Izee country doing aome carpenter ing, vlalted IiIh family near llaruea In hi week. Clyde Itny and wife arrived at Mr. Slinona place luat week and shortly after were vlnlted by a very noisy crowd who enjoyed tho moat pleas ant event of the aenaon. Harry lliicklcnuin who hna been at the ! much all winter, la now em ployed at the (ieorge Kussell ranch near 1'rlnevllle. T. T. Atiutrong and I.em 1 1 nut on are lireaklnK colt h. Mra. Miiry Cox and aon Ray called on Mr. llaruea and family luxt week. Mra. Lot la Dennett of Heaver creek pent a few duya al tho home of Ci h nil ma Dennett. Ira Cox has been riding after cat tle. The Morgan and Cox freight truck went to Demi after aiipplloa Saturday. This being the first trip In three weeks m account of the bad rond condition. Don't say roads. We have no nutria, JiiMt ditchea, rocks and wash outs. 8omo people have a very bad fault of always fussing If the stage la lute, or an occasional mull suck Is bounced off by the way Bide and frantically slened by some Individ ual. Hut no one works the roads, or even fills up a ditch In front of their homea. except II. C. Nelson who haul ed a loud of chips from Ilurnes to Hear Creek to fill in soma very bad plaeea. Abo llacklomnn and his mother, Airs. T. A. Ilackleman made a busi ness trip to Prltievllle. Ooorge Tackmun and wife were callers at Dames last week. H. 0. Demarls went to Prlnevllle on liuslness. OVKItliAM) KOMI SKDAX HOM Weaver Melton purchased tho Ov erland Four Sedan Inst Friday which the Inland Auto Company received in the last shipment of Overlands. This car has been attracting much attention on account of Its beautiful lines. It is one of the flint of these cni'S to be sold In this part of the country. FUND EASILY KAISED Tho committee for raising funds! for the public camp ground was out soliciting 1u.Hr week, and met with j hearty support all along the line, j Nearly every one solicited not only responded generously, but seemed nnxioua to do so. i Prlnevllle will now have an up-to- date camp ground for auto tourists. It will tie located back of the Com mercial Club building, and will lso be extended along down to the wil lows back of the ball park. Among the features planned by the committee will bo a long shed, with tables and benches, three ovens, and water and lights. There will be a parking place for nutos, place for tents, and the ground will be beauti fied with flower beds and vines, and trees will be planted very soon The committee Is to be compliment ed on the efficient way it is handl ing the matter. PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWS NOTES IVTDKEHTI.NO ITI.MH I'ltOM Til E rot'NCER SET The weekly tests were given on Monday. Friday at 3 o'clock school was dls. missed for the week. Harry Templeton was absent from the 8th gfade several days last week. Mr. Ilubcock went to McMtnnvllle the hint of tho week and returned Hominy night. Dev. I'etello came up to the school and gave a fine talk. All the stu dents enjnvnd It very much. Moat of the school visited the Och oco l'u in titiiulay mid will lie very glad when It will b warm so they ran swim. The boating on the lake U fine, the only drawback Is that there Is only one boat. The report cards were Issued Mon day for the past month. Weldon Hyde has been absent from the 8th grade for several days. Tom Lafolletta was absent from the 4th grade a few days thls-weck. There has been lots of absences this week, Tho pupils that bring their lu'sehe are eating In the 4th grade room this week. Kvery day tho eighth grade has a spelling let to help the students pre pare for the stute examinations. Kugeno Nlcolal and Arthur Bott wlck of the third grade were perfect in spelling every day this last month. On the roll of honor in the third grade aro Dorrls Glilam, Leona Ger ardo, Eugene Nlcolal, Helen O'Ncll, and Ilertha Wright. Benjamin Putnam and Alvln Beck, cr are absent from the sixth grade this week. Freeman Cross waa the only ab sentee from the fifth grade last week. Kdyth Oray was absent from the aeventh grade last Tueaday afternoon. Miss Morse was absent from her post as teacher of the seventh grade Friday afternoon, and her room was dinmlHRcd for the afternoon. The seventh grade spent Monday working on monthly teats. The Journal aoea modern printing I'OhTMASTKIt VACANCY I AT Uor.KI'.TH The United State Civil Service Commission announced an examina tion to be held at prlnevllle, Oregon, on May 8, 1920 as a result of which It Is expected to make a certification to fill a contemplated vacancy in the position of fourth-class postmaa'er at Koberts, Oregon, and other vacan cies aa they may occur at that offUv unless It shall be decided in the Inter, ests of the service to fill any vacancy by reinstatement. The compensation of the postmaster at this office was $213 for the last fiscal year. Applicants must have reached their twenty-first birthday on the date f t the examination, with the exception that In a state where women are de clared by statute to be of age for all purposes at eighteen years, women eighteen years of age at the date of the examination will be admitted. Applicants must reside within the territory supplied by the post office for which the examination is announ ced. The examination Is open to all tit. Izens of the United States who can comply with the requirements. Aplication blanks, form 17&3, and full Information concerning the re quirements of the examination can be secured from the postmaster at the place of vacancy or from the United States Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C. Applications should be properly ex ecuted and filed with the Commission at Washington, D. C, at the earliest practical date. FORESTRY E22 NEWS NOTES Mr. Harpham of the Forest Service returned from Mitchell on Sunday evening after several daye spent in that section. He states that the road between Ochoco mines and Beaver Ranger Station on the Mitchell side (about eight miles) will probably not be open to auto traffic before May 10 or thereabouts, depending, of course, on weather condition. There is little snow on the summit but the ground all thru the moun tains country is saturated with water and for this reason mud will be a barrier for some .time. Several mllea of the road right of way between Mit chell and Prlnevllle has been cleared of trees and a good many stumps re moved. Considerable grading has also been done but until the road is in shape to place the steam shovel In place, the grading work will naturally not go forward as fast aa it will there, after. Meetings of the Badger Creek, Weat Branch and White Butte Cat tle and Horse Associations were held at Mitchell on Saturday, April 17th. The spirit of cooperation manifest at these meetings is very commendable Indeed, and each association will col lectively purchase salt and hire a range rider to place the salt in the troughs now being constructed on the range as fast as the stockmen can comfortably stand the expense. The West Branch association recently let I a contract for approximately four miles of drift fence which will extend along the west side of the new Prine-ville-Mitchell road from the summit northerly to the Forest boundry. Thit will complete a good fence entirely around the interior boundry of the range allotted to this association. Hangar W. A. Donnelly leaves for the Ochoco Ranger Station today, (April 22,) where he will make hia headquarters while fixing up the bad ly depleted telephone line along the new road between this station and the summit of the mountain. Lee Blevlns and family will occu py Ochoco Ranger Station after May first. Before the Day of the Auto. A camel with the neck and legs of a giraffe ranged the plains of Colo-' redo with the three-toed ancestor of the horse 1.500.000 years ago. Dally Thought Affection is the broadest basis of good In life. George Eliot PHONE Prineville, Ore. 1 1. STEWART & CO, A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE PHONE six Prineville, Ore. LEATHER COUNTER POCKETS SOLE LEATHER COUNTERS SOLID LEATHER HEELS SOLID LEATHER SOLES & INSOLES HnmKtv THE SHOE nonesiyfor service A study of the cut above will show why the Honesty Shoe gives such long service the very best stock used throughout.--There's no more serviceable shoe at any price. Carried in both Chocolate and Black, priced at $7.50. A Snap in Fancy Black Figs A special lot of fifty 25 lb. boxes that we picked up at very much under the market. While they last a 251b. box for - $3.75. GOODYEAR 'WINGFOOT' HOSE Fifty Foot Coupled Lengths $8.85 Less amounts, per foot, 85c Save Money ON Poultry Supplies BUY IN THE LARGER QUANTITIES Genuine Fnxtern Ojster She'l 25 pound lots. 0 100 pound sack O f Chicken Ji it ZeiO 25 pound lot f f .65 100 pound sack r 1 (liick Food & l.J 25 pound lot, 100 pound sack f w f s , , , 6.50 Scratch tuod 25 pound lot m f f l.bO 100 pound sack g 90 T.Kg Mush 25 pound lot, 95 100 pound sack if 5.90 CAR LOAD OF SPUDS We have just unloaded -a car of spuds Netted Gems there are very few spuds left in Oregon it will stand you in hand to buy your re- quirements now for table use and CuttheRCL You ran cut the high cost of liv ing by growing a good garden. Let us supply you with good reliable seed package or bulk. ? 3 VACUUM PACKED) BRAND j Has No Equal No Rival No Substitute It Is the Best 1 pound can - - - 60c. 5 pound can - - - $2.95 GOLDEN WEST COFFEE 5 pound can - - - $2.75 CAMP SPECIAL COFFEE 5 pound bag - - - $1.90 J. E STEWART & COMPANY TELEPHONE 211 124 THIRD STREET PRINEVILLE, OREGON