AI'IUI. lti, lo,. Tag 4 IKOOet CXiUNTY JOl K.AL TheCity 0. W. W ell visited tn th city Sat mrday. Otto Hodges la visiting with rela tives here. S. B. Ellis whs business caller in the city Saturday. John Crimes ws a business caller In the city Saturday. F. E. La tier left Sunday for Port land on business trip. J. E. Fuller called on the merch ants of the city Saturday. S. L. Reynolds attendiug to busi ness in the city Saturday. Will Foren and family moved Tuesday into the Clark, house. W'm. Davis, of Pry Creek, was In Prineville transacting business. Ir. R. D. Ketchum and family of Bend were in Prineville Sunday. Warren Down spent Sunday look ing over his Powell Butte Ranch. Albert King of Mitchell was a bu siness visitor In Prineville yesterday. E. E. Laughlin a farmer of Paulina was a business visitor in the city last week. The new Tum-A-Lum warehouse has been adorned with a coat of yel low paint. H. J. Lister, county commissioner was in the city from his ranch at Paulina Saturday. Miss Alma Nichols who lives near Opal City, spent Saturday night with friends in this city. W. B. Morse, a rancher on McKay creek was attending to business inter ests in the city Saturday. - John E. Williams will preach at Grimes Chapel Sunday. May 2. at 2:30 P. M. Everybody Welcome. E. E. Laughlin was in from Paul ina to spend the week end with his family who are living in Prineville. Charles Wheeler, who makes his home at Roberts, returned Tuesday morning' from a business trip to. Sa lem. Ed Fischer, a young ranched from Bear creek, was in Prineville the first of the week making a visit to friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Johnson, Ilia Johnson, Mrs. J. M. Street, and Eva Street spent Sunday visiting at the B. L. Kidwell ranch. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Barnes of Cul ver spent Saturday and Sunday visa ing with Mr. Barnes' mother, Mrs. E F. Barnes, in Prineville. The high school tennis court has been cleaned up and marked, and the pupils are busy practicing for that feature of the Redmond game. . - S. A. Lytle, district chairman of the Salvation Army Drive in the Su- plee country, was in Prineville I day to secure supplies for the drive. A. M. Byrd, formerly editor of the Central Oregon Enterperise, has been elected manager of the Geryais store at Gervais. Oregon, about ten miles north of Salem. The Howard Drug Company has replaced the high step in front of the store by a slanting approach, which will improve the entrance to the store very much. The Carnation Club spent an en joyable afternoon last Wednesday with Mrs. P. C. Garrison. The after noon'was spent with needlework and a general social time. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott who have been living in town for some time, accompanied by their little daughters Helen and, Maxine, left Tuesday morning for their North Fork Ranch. Attorney Skipworth has Just re ceived the latest information rela tive to Government Insurance, and advises that he will be glad to assist all ex-service men in regard to insur ance matters. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Elwee, who have been visiting at the F. A. Hack leman ranch at Barnes, left Tuesday night for Alaska, where Mr. Elwee will take charge of a fish cannery. Mrs. Elwee is the daughter of Mr. Hackleman. Eric Gordon, one of the surveyors on the highway work, came down with spotted fever last week.- He was moved to the Summers home last Sunday, where he is being cared for by Mrs. Esther Morgan. Mrs. Gor don arrived the first of the week to be with her husband. Warren Parsons of Albany was In the city Friday greeting his friends on his way to Paulina where he will visit with his grandfather, John T. Faulkner. Mr. Parsons, during the war, belonged to the 69th Artillery, and was a mess' mate and friend of Asa Battles, County Clerk. Ernest Gibson and Sibly Towner arrived in Prineville Tuesday mon ing with two Ford tucks for the In land Auto company. These trucks were shipped from Portland to The Dalles, where they wore taken in charge by the Inland repix Natives. SUNDAY, MAY 2 Matiste, "The Douglas Fairbanks of Europe." in THE ' vv VAV'p. V Corned; m tl V Bob Wiley Is visiting in town this week. John Galther made the trip over tern Bend Tuesday. Charles Houk was In Prineville Monday from Gristly. Ben Tone of Sisters arrived yester day afternoon by auto. Herman K. Alleu, Powell Butte rancher, was here Tuesday. Orin Mills came In from Paulina to attend the Elk Initiation. O. B. Iloldernmn came in from Post yesterday on business. John Grimes was attending to busi ness in Prineville yesterday. C. Sam Smith was In town today attending to business interests. Robert Demaria was In the city on business Tuesday, from Post. F. E. Watson of Fife came In to town Tuesday on a business trip. A. D. Lowrey of Ashwood spent a few days In Prineville this week. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cla bough on Saturday, a daughter. Max Wunweiler came over from Sisters on Sunday for a visit here. Mr. and Mrs." A. McGibson of Bend spent Saturday night in Prineville. R. A. Brassfield of Alfalfa was a business visitor in the city Saturday. Van Morse of Bend was saying hello to friends in the city yesterday. Edwad Meyers came in the first of the week from his rauch at Paul ina. Grover Blake, of the Forestry De partment, was in Prineville yester day. Caleb Davis, a rancher of the Post country was a business visitor Tues day. There will be services at the Cath olic Church Suuday, May 2, at 10:00 A. M. Chas. A. Sherman, V. S. Land Com missioner at Fife, is in town this week. Henry Bernard was doing busi ness in Prineville the first of the week. - S: L. Jackson was in town Tuesday on business. His home is at Grand view. Sam and Marion Smythe of Ash wood registered at the hotel on Wed nesday. . Roy Enther of The Dalles was here on business Tuesday and Wed nesday. Fred Anderson, cashier of the Mit chell State Bank was in Prine'ville yesterday. G. C. Blake and A. King of Mit chell registered at the Prineville Ho tell on Monday. A strike of gold and silver ore is reported on the Geo. Russell ranch east of this city. Elvin Kuhn came to town from Su plee last Saturday on business, and remained over for the week end. A. A. McFaddyen arrived in Prine ville to spend a few days in town. He is a prominent rancher of Hamp ton. Judge Wallace returned from Port land Tuesday, where he has been at tending a meeting of the State High way Commission. Mrs. W. R. MeCormack of Deschu tes has been making a several day's -visit with Mr. and Mrs. Columbus Johnson of this city. : Mrs. Jesse Vancy and daughter, Ruth, returned to their home here last night after making a visit with relatives in Idaho. j Henry Howard returned from Mit chell Tuesday and left again with S. J. Connelly of Richmond for Ante lope. He returned this morning. j FORMER PRINEVILLE GIRL j MARRIED IX CHINA MARCH 27 A letter received by Prineville friends, announces the marriage of Miss Van Gesner Tye, daughter of N. A. Tye who conducted a store In Prineville many years during which time Miss Tye was born here, as well as a son, who was named Leland Stanford Tye. The young Tyes are registered with the American Consul as American citizens, and are proud of the fact. N. A. Tye and Brothers conducted a store at 15 Pottinger Street, Hong ivong, unina where Mr. Tye would no doubt be glad to greet any of his Prineville friends who happen to be in that city and think to drop In and have a chat with him. The marriage occurred March 27 and photographs of the bridal party were sent here. HENRY BEARD IN ACCIDENT Henry Beard fell thirty feet off a rimrock on the banks of the Deschut es river Sunday while on a fishing trip with Frank Benefield. After his fall, Beard rolled over a rocky path for more than fifty feet and was close to the water's edge when pick ed up by Benefield. He was uncon scious. Benrd sustained bruises about the face, head and body, which necessi tated the taking of several stitches. --Iledmond Spokesman. BIG PICTUF FEATURES COME 1 RINEVILLE I .ST A number first magnit' played In I ever shown traded' for I the Lyric th The picti 1 qualify, an should be 1 munity. v menta of ' There a: any prfc no higb photoplays me of jvhich lie before t Jutland, w , mor r if tl; - the . .1 in 1 the an the 1 be are :on of( j est hat om-nce- lem, j 1 at be A BAND OF ELKS ! NVADE CITY LIMITS By special dispensation, Bend lod ge, 11. P. O. K., arrived Tuesday in full force to supervise the Initiatory rites for a class of local aspirants to this order. The merchants and other business houses of Prineville co-operated In decorating their displays with the colors of the order, which are purple and white and nearly all windows on Main Street were stenciled with a welcome sign, and In other ways the visitors were made to feel at home. At ":30 In the evening, everyone having arrived and made themselves known, the local members of this organisation Joined with the visit ors In a parade, assisted by the lo cal hearse and a couple of very lively ' corpses, and entertained the onlook ers by BinglnR Hull. Hull, the Gangs all Here," and In other ways convey ing the Impression that thuy were Jolly good follows. The parade was followed by the initiation at the Club Hall, where 28 candidates were initiated Into the fellowship of the order. The uewly elected members seem to be very glad that tbey have Joined the order, but are reluctant to discuss the ways and means. a SPEED IJM1T TO KK F.NFOIU hl L. M. Bcchtell, city attorney, wish es to' warn all automobile drivers that the speed limit of 15 miles an hour In the city streets will be strict ly enforced, and all offenders will be j heavily fined or given a Jail senten ce. ' There ha been lot of speeding j done on the city streets, aud on ac count of danger to pedestrians and children who stray into the streets, tn is ordinance will be strictly enforc ed. WATER IX OCHOCO DAM NOW K3 KKET IX DEPTH Water in Lake Ochoco raised .5 feet during the twenty-four hours ending this morning at 8 o'clock, making a storage dep- th of 48.4 feet or an actual dep- th of water Just above the dam of 83.4 feet, which means that the storage water now available totals about 17,000 acre feet. ; ALL BASEBALL FAX'S i SHOl l.D UK OCT FRIDAY A baseball gamp is to be played on the public school grounds Friday af ternoon at three o'clock between the Hih School team and the town team. If enough good material is present, a team may bo organized for tho city for the coming ball season. PIRCHASF.S MOKE TIMBER ! G. M. Cornett, who recently pur i chased the Smith Brothers Mill on McKay Mountain, and who has oiuco , acquired a lot of timber In that vl , cinity, purchased the B. L. Kirtwell . limber to use In his milling opera . tions. The deal was closed lust Mun ' day. NINE Mil. EH rOMPI.ETE!) OX ( HOOKED Kit Lit ROAD The Crooked River Highway work is coming along In fine shape and Just an additional mile has been finished up this lust week making the northern end of this highway completed for about nine miles. The big steam shovel has been moved. up as far as the Hoffman ranch, where it Is now working. SITPKR AT I'OWELL Bt'TTK An entertainment- and supper is to be given tomorrow evening (Fri day,) at Powell Butte community hall, by Mrs. Arthur Millner, the pro ceeds from which are to be used In securing a much needed clock for the Edwards School where she Is teach ing. NOTICK TO THE Pl'IlLIC Beginning next Saturday, May 1st, obligations Incurred for the City of Prineville Ry. must be ordered by Requisition, duly countersigned by a member of the Railway Commis sion or by the Prineville Station Agent. City of Prineville Ry. Commission. CHAS. S. EDWARDS, ?5t2c. Treasurer. The City Paul Lynch, bookkeeper of the Wheeler County Trading Co., was in the city yesterday. E. B. Williams was here from his place near Powell Butte Monday looking after business. Clarence Fergueson came In from his ranch on Bear Creek and roports that the stock are doing fine. John Sundquist was in town yes terday from his ranch near Grizzly and reports crops looking fine. Miss Bernlce Bennett who waa op erated on for appendicitis some time ago is reco- ng very rapidly. Judge w . J. Puffy eama over for the F Ittatton Tuesdny. Ho returned nd Wednesday morn ing. . Harry position where fc eral ye' Otto Bruce day t a ver .in has resigned his I 5 First National Bank I eon employed for sev- I Lee Llppincolt and! otored to Bend Mon cer, and they report PUBLIC SCHOOL NOTES Weldnn Hyde returned to tlin Mh grade this week after sevritl dns Sickness. Clara Cross has returned In tho 8th grade after several week's lib-j en re. ' The monthly testa wer.i given Friday. : The pupils who bring 'heir lunrlij are eating In Mli Nelson's roem. The track work started this week j in earnest. Several boys are practl-j cing hard and there will be a good showing torn tho Public School this, year. j The declamatory try-out wl'l be given Friday afternoon at the school, j Kuln Noble of tho 8th grade spent Tuesday In Madras shopping j Several students are pniclli'liu J tennis for the track meet. i Mary Long has returned this week to the seventh grade after a short absence. 711 NOTICK rOR PUBLICATION Department of tht Interior, U. 8. Land of fic at Lakevtew, Oregon. April M, l:o. NotU- to hereby given that AHftmiAI.O A. Mct'ADYFN of Hampton, Orva-on, who, on Feb. 18, IB14, made HoniMlmd Kntry No. QUI for BVjNKi, NSSK',. SKV.SKI,. See. IS, SWV.SWi,, K'v KWI,. SectH-n IT, Towruhip Jl a Kant II, Willamette Meridian, haa f nutlet of In tentlou to mad thrva rear Proof lo establish claim to th land above described, before Chat. A. Shatman. U. 8. Cocnmlasoner, at r'lfa, Ore gon, on th S9th day of May, IV.-o. Claimant Dame aa witness : C C Lffb. of Bame. Omrnn : Calvin Sherman, of Harm, Oregon, Frrr Cruaa, of ! Hampton, Oregon; diehard K. KhouW, of Hampton, Oregon. james p. . Register. NOTICK tIP HHKKIKP'H BALK My virtu of an execution duly toautd by th clerk of th Circuit Court of th County uf Crook, 8tat of Oregon, dated thla gala., day of April, lJ0, in a crUin action In th Circuit Court for th aald County and Stat, wherein Crook County Rank, (A Corporation) 1'lalntiff, recovered Judgment agalnal linirg B. Taylor. Mrs, Geo. B Taylor, Althoa Taylor and J. K. Kennedy, dt-fendanta, for th aura of Thirty One Hundred and No loo Dollar to gether with interval on liuo at per cent from January loth. 1117. Int. on 1600 at I per eent from February ISlh. 1D17. Int. on I IKS) from April 14th. lull at a tier cent. Int. on too at 8 per cent from May Hat. IK17, Int. at 8 per cent on I'M rrum Jum 2lh, 11)17. Int at per cent on IJU0 fium July 2Hth. 1017, and in. term! at 8 per cent on Hi DO from Auguat Uri 1917, together with Three Hundred and No 100 dollar attorney' feea, and th fuuiiei ium of cota and accruing coata, lea tli aum of One Tliouiand Dollar, received on March 13, 11)20. ' Notice to hereby given that I will, on Hal nrdiiy, th i'Jlh day of May. 11121), at the North front door of th Courthnu In Prine ville, in laid County, at 10 o'clock in th fore ftoon of aaid day, aetl at public auction, to th higheat bidder for caah, all right and till tliat th abov named defendanta or any of there, have or had at dau of laid judgment tn th following deerribed property, to-wll: Th NWWNKK, Section Twenty-one (21) SWi(,NW Section Twenty-Two (22) in Tp. Eighteen (18) South of Rang Seventeen (17) Eaut. and th 8Ki,iNK14. NKi4SEVi Section Four (4) NV,SWV4 Section Three, (S) in Tp. Fourteen (14) South or Rang Seventeen (17) Fait of tli Willamette Mcrtriaa in Crook County, Oregon. JOHN COMIIS, Sheriff of Crook County. Dated at Prineville, Oregon, thia 28th day of April, 1020. By FLOYD A. ROWKLL, Deputy. 26tSe. CITATIOK In th County Court of th Stat of Ore iron for Crook County. In the Matter of the eatate of Ni-al A. Thoman, Deceased. ' To J. A. Willcox, adminiatrator of th ra tal of Nenl A thomaa, deceased, A. L. Thomaa heir at law of aald Ncal A. Thomaa, decerned, and to all th other heirs, known and un known, of aaid decent, (freetintt. In th name of th Stat nf Orison, you arc hereby cited and required to appear in the County court of the a late of Oregon for Crook County, at the court room thereof, In the court houae, in the city of Prineville, Oreiron, on the 12th day of June, 1920, at th hour of two o'clock In the afternoon of aaid day, then and there to show cause, if any ther be, why th following- described real property, be longing to th eatate of NeaJ A. Thomaa, de ceased, to-wlt. Lota Two and Three, the east half of the southwest quarter, thewest half of the southeast quarter, th southwest quart er of th northeast quarter, and th south east quarter of the northweat quarter, all in Section Six, In Township Twenty, South, of Range Twenty, East, of theWillamatte Merid ian, in Crook County, Oreiron, should not b sold to pay th expenses of administration, and the claims againat said estate and all such coKts and legal charges as may accrue. This citation I published in th Crook Coun ty Journul for four full and connecutlve weeks aa per order of th Hon. N. G. Wallace, Judge of the County Court of th State of Oregon for Crook county. Witness th Hon. N. O. Wallace, judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Crook County with the seal of said court af fixed this 23rd day of April, 1920, SEAL. ASA W. BATTLES. 25t5c. ' Clerk. LOST One black saddlo horso with light saddle marks. Spot in fore head and white hind foot, weight about 1050. Bought from Henry Seeliale last spring. Broke to ride by Elmer A11ge.ll. Roward, J20 for his recovery, H. S. Cram & Sons. 25t2p, WANTED Good photographs, with-; out mountings, nothing smeller! than 2 1-2 by 4 1-4, of tho fallow-! Ing: Cattle and Sheep, Scenic won-, dors of Crook county, will pay well ' for sumo, Inquire at 427 Main St.! Prinevillo, Oregon. 251.1 p.! FOUND A new automobile sldo cur tain, owner may have siime by paying for this ad. Inquire Jour nal office. 2r,tlc. Edna Lytic was absent from the eviinth grade this week. Neldn Ncwsotu wn nl"Hl from tho seventh grade Friday. Violet Crane was the new pupil of C't- 4-th grade Hub wck. Several members of the ever-th grwde were di8Uilnt'd tl 3: .10 fir netting 100 In spelling. A number of pupils of Hie "III grade will enter the division for the declamatory contest. The seventh grime tra'ter ha of fered half a day holiday lo all pu pils who get. 100 In all lessons for the next two weeks. Vera Willioit wu iibsn.t from tho seventh grade this week because of a cold. Mits llnlvomen, Ihe sixth grade teacher wa absent Friday nnd Zomla Hondrlc kson stitmtHtited in her plice. Miss Morse, the seventh grndn tcher. wits absent Tutfduy and Zcmla took her place. KLVA W II.1IOI I' WIXH TIUZK The prlie of 5.00 offered by the Lyric Theatre for tho best fssny on Charles Oli-kens' story "Tulo of Two Cities," which was recently shown her) tn the movies, was won by Elva Wilholt, who la attending C. C. II. 8. FIRST IIAITIsT CIII'IU'II "Somebody's Knocking" will be the subject at the evening service trt eight or lock. The Juniors meet at seven o'clock In the buaeuiont of Ihe church. Tha Seniors meet at the samu hour up stairs. If you will come at ten oclock In the morning, you will find tho Bi ble School In spslon. A dally vacation hlbla school will be conducted thla summer by Mlas Estes and Mrs. Hancock, who will go to McMlnnvllle In May to take spec ial training for the work. ( III IU II AXXOl'Xt KM K NTH rrlytrliin-Mft!ix1lrit Sunday School at 10:00 A. M. Preaching and Divine Worship at II and 7:30. Th family hour every Wednesdny at 7:30. A cordial In vitation la extended to all not wor shiping ulsewhnre. HKHOIATIOV Whereas, the University of Ore gon, the Orerioil Agricultural Cullegn and tho Normal School have been for ced to turn away more than 3.000 prospective students. Including many fx-servlce men, 011 account of link of room und oilier facilities to tako ram of them, attendance) at thean institutions having lurrausrxl out of nil proportion to the present uilllugi) for their support, and Whereas, these Institutions being the head of the public system nf the State of Oegon, are of Inclct.! Mo benefit to the young men ai d men of Oregon and especially the- - ser vice men of tho State, and in f.-t 1 ro esneutlnl to the : t : and woll boing of the State at huge, and Whereas, there appears on the bal lot at the May 21st election a bill for the relief of Ibis situation, known as "The Higher Kducntlonnt Tax Act," which provides for 1.28 mills for the further support of the Uni versity, the College and the Normal School. Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, by Crook County Post Number 2l nf Ibe American legion, that this pout NOTE "Spoclal" or "Super-Special" productions are the "laat word" In motion pictures. The world's greatest film producers, stars, di rectors and authors give their best. On those productions money is laviBhly spent and the result Is tho absolute top point In picture perfection. No theatre can show these pictures at a twenty-five cent admission aud live, so It haa been decided to concentrate them at the LYRIC at the lowest possible admission (Sue Below). Such iu-por-features as "Treasure Island" "Dr. Jokyll and Mr. Hyde" "Why Change Your Wife," "The Toll Gate" (First Hnrt Special), "Evory woman," "The Copperhead" "On With the Dance," "The Sea Wolfo" etc., will be shown at the LYRIC. Tho above Is a part of the advertisement which was run In the Sunday Orogonlan, April 11, 192 0, by the Columbia Theatre of Portland, the admissions being charged at the Columbia, the same as will be charged at tho LYRIC here. These big Super-Features will be Bhown at the same time and somo of them here before the big thoatres In Portland get a chance to exhibit them. Under the new arrangement the people of Prineville will got a chance to see pictures that otherwise would never be shown here on account of the enormous cost In the rentals. These costs have not been eliminated altogether but have been reduced enough so that with the proper support of each and every person In - Prlue villo who believes In high clnHB pictures, we will be enabled to suc cessfully put on these "Supor-Speclal" Productions, Lyric Theatre t K. C HUSTON, MnunKer In tht) charity homes, In tint Cho rus, and In the dark haunts uf the city's slums- people t-itll.-d her She never knew any other nanin, One night mi author found her among (lie drub derelicts uf u po lite, court. He took her iion-o and she met Ills fiancee Til EN! ! NAZIMOVA THE BRAT From Jlie fnnious play of Maude Fulton by Kanimova and Charles llryaiit. Anil presented by Hull ard A. Rowland ft Muxe! Kr ger, Hlrected by Herbert 'Il.tchn. Ilurgnlii dity at tha Moving, V ItlDA V AND BATl ltOAY April 31 and May 1. Music lly Peerless Jafz Orchestra SATURDAY EVENING This Is a special production not ordinarily ahowo at regular ad mission, to do this we must lxo your co-operation, go on record as heartily In favor of this act, aud pledges Us support In every way possible, and urge that every friend of education ill I'rouk County, volu fur this Act aud Induoo others to do so. Appovetl by the Tost, at a regular meeting held on the 6th day of Apr ! mo. CROOK COl'NTV TOST NO. 29 The American l-eslus. TOO LATETO CLASSIFY FOR SALIC Olt l.KASIC- 98 acres ua der th Ochoco Irrigation District. 40 acres In live, balnnco ready for crop, Alfalfa seed and si ud outs 011 hand, this laud will bn sold or leiised on easy terms If taken at once, for Information cull on U. j F. Johnson, Prineville, Ore. It-o. . HIIIF t'H Vol II "WOOL -Wo do . donning and curding for comfort I era and mattresses. Mnnufuctur 1 ri of pure wool bats. CHYriTAL. KI'UIMirt WOOL FN MILLS, port j hind, Oregon, mills. 7 HO Uniatll- l?t Avenue; office. 802 Spalding ' Hull. ling. 2M, FOR HKNT limn Hospital for rst see Jap Ireland. Zfilfc. FOR BALK -Three hundred fin f-nce posts, II. (1. Foster on Jap I Creek, went of Prlimvllle. Alv) d-irk mnreoolt. ten months old. 2fllp Oil ItH'NTY . NtTKIti.VI LNDK.vr I will be a raudldato for the Hum iliation of County Snperliiteinlent oa tho KepubllcAii ticket at the I rimary election. Mny 21. 1920. MARY V, CUAItl.TO.V. Paid Adv. 2' tfo. . "A technically trained man with business Judgment." Vols for RHKA LITER, Republican nomination for Public Bervico Commissioner. Paid Adv.