APRIL W, I WW. CROOK COUHTl JOUR A... o W o How much should I give to make this a better world? A CERTAIN man in New York filled out his income tax report. It showed an income so large that his tax was 53. And his total gifts to church and char ity for tho year were $148. Think of it thousands spent for luxuries and pleasure for himself; and $148 to leave the world ajittlo better than he found itt Most of us do better than that; but not so very much better. Our average daily gift for all church causes is Ir.rs than we upend for daily paper lens than a local telephone call ( less than a third of the day's car far less ihan 3 crnts a day No wonder that 801 of the ministers of America are paid less thnn $20 a week. No wonder that the church hospitals turn away thousands of sick people a year. No wonder that China has only one doctor for every 400,000 people. No wonder that every church board and charity society is forever meeting deficits, forever passing the hat. It Isn't because we are selfish ; it isn't because we don't want to help. It's just because no one has ever put op a great big program to us, and asked us to think of the work of the church In a systematic businesslike way. The Interchurch World Movement represents the united program of thirty denominations. They have surveyed their whole Uk, no business could have done it better. They have budgeted their needs; no business could have a more scientific budget. They have united to prevent the possibility of waste and duplication. At least a million dol lars will be saved by the fact that thirty individual cam paigns are joined in one united effort. And they come to the men or women who love America to you this week asking you to usethem as thechan. nel through which a certain definite part of your income can be be applied to make this a better world. Only you can determine what part of your income that should be. Ir's a good time ritht now to answer that question. We're posing through the world just once; how much better will the world be because you passed through? Unlttd Financial Campaign April 25th to Ma 2nd INTERCHURCH World Movement of D&rth America TV pmhllnHhn rUt tivnUtimnt it mmJi ptuiU, tknuk At cpmHf tf thirty Viaitj. "It Will Surprise You" says the Good Judge When you learn how long a little of the Real Tobacco Chew lasts. How long it holds its rich tobacco taste. The real satisfaction. The money saved. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put Up In Two Styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco r WE HA VI SOME BARGAINS la AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT FARM WAGONS WIRK FENCE BTO. FOR CASH COLLINS W. KLKIttS CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICE At Masonic Temple every Baa day at 11:00 a. m. All welcome Bandar school for all ander It years of age ot 10:00 a. m. H. P. Belknap L. V. Belknap BELKNAP A BELKNAP Physicians and Surgeoae Office 123 Kaat Third Street Prineville, Orena Office pboos SI Residence (I Jrvn havhie era treaties at Mf roas treaties saoald eaU sad sea Dr. P. H. Day. IIS Mala BL, rnaenue. Oregoa. IMSS LAKE M. BECHTELL U. B. Commlaeloner Attnrney-At-Law Crook County Bank Building PRINEVILLE . . OREGON WANTED Cattle I will trade my! 7-roonj modern honse, A 1 1-J lots best location In Prinerllle. See my axflnt, Ochoco Realty Co, Journal Office. 20tfc WANTED Renter tor 1700 acre ranch near Paulina.. Address John Darin, Prinerllle, Oregon. tltfc NOTICE My books hare been left at J. E. Adamsons for collection. V. T. COX. 22tfc, WANTED A man to grub and plow 10 acres of land within li miles of i'rlnevllle. J. R. Dennis, Bend, Oregon. 23t4p. Prineville Employment Office GEO. J. RIBKLIN, Proprietor Telephone Black 241 231 Mala St. Let as know your aeeds and we will endravor to fill them. GIVE US A TRIAL KOK SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION j 7UlOt&)tMtt& Saturday. April 24th at Hamilton studies the following bouaehold Koods: Chiffloneer, Sanitary Couch, Heating store, Kitchen Cabinet, chairs, tables end other articles. Also some dishes and 22 i Remington Repeating rifle. 24tlp. i BEFORE TOU SIGN a life Insur ! anee contract In an? other eoav i pany examine the superior eon- tract and low premium rates ot Oregon Life. See. T. L. Qulna the local agent litis 8 rtua It Some 8peder. Slrliia. our brightesi atar. Is called s fixed itar, but It appears to more about an Inch In a century, which nieaua. (-ormiilf Hiik Its dlntanre from tbe earth, that li Is moving at the rate of l.OuitMi tnlli'K a day. DENTISTS OR. H. 0. DA VIS Dent 1st. Nea modern shop, In Kamstra Build lag. DR. FREDERICK McK, INGERSOLL Dentist, Crook County Back Bldg Prinerllle, Oregon. 43tfc ATTORNEYS WILLARD H. WIRTZ District At torney. Office Crook County bank Building, Prinerllle, Oregon tt It. R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law Court House St.. Prinerllle, Ore OPHTHALMOLOGIST DR F. H. DAT Physician, optha mologlst, neuralogist. Specialty ot eyes and nerves. Glasses fitted. Hours 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 p. m. Evenings by anointment. 610 Main St. Prineville, Oregon. S7tfc Do your eyes trouble yon? Are your glussi'S giving satisfaction or do they need changing? It so, call on Dr. F. H. Day, 610 Main St., Prine rllle, Oregon. He is permanently lo cated at that address llttc. SCRATCH l'AIio Uifferent size and quality of paper, Just tht thing for your desk or pocket tor sale at Tbe Journal office. Farmer's Hard Luck. Enrtli in 1 1. iii r peninsula Is so 'ilii'l linn, tlrkle her with a hoe mid he l- ti!ili ;ih ii Inn-vent, hut there re kin,e : iinl.iiekx. II seelllH. A uin-r don it nt Au Tniln put out rnb :i!.'e one yenr. unil jjrew perfectly iivi'loi i. mils weiliitiK, every one 'lien flrf'V pollllllll (,r Icks. hut dfiR- ne li,. next eiir the piece whs :.- like ciii-iimt limil iifiiln. and It U.r :i.-r III! H. II will to ClCUII Ollt . i, !.,... I i nil t News. Difficult Transaction. " "When a man marries for money," said Miss Cayenne, "you may expect complaints from everybody concerned of hiivliig gotten the worst of tbe bargain." MB. FARMER As you know that you can pump water from river or creek without tbe use of power with the Hill Hydraulic Ram. This la the only ram that works suc cessfully In larger size irrigation purpose as well as the small size. I absolutely guarantee the eucesaful operation of every ram I sell. Why not Investigate before the irrigation season starts. T. J. MIXGER Dealer In Fairbanks-Morse gas ollne engines, irrigating pumps, and irrigating pipes and domesU le water systems of all kinds. O H A 8. 8. EDWARDS Physician and Surgeon Office 217 Main St. First door south Prinerllle Drug Company Office phone Blk 201. Res 100 Th Nw IPair -Simply turn tksjumett Th OH Wait Lugging sraUr ram or hinm Which Method Does Your Wife Use? Do you let her "lug" tons of water every year while you use tractors, seeding machines, cultivators and other improved machinery to do your work 2 Isn't she entitled to the same modern conveniences in the homethatyouhaveonthefarmS GOULDS Pumping Outfits tisvc patron mine wstr tt ithin ths 1 meh o 1 1 er horn. I T h y an nsds Id two caoafitiesi 10 mnd 966 tallon per hoar rnl Id IS tlifTsrcnt comtiinsitiona to mewt vr rs quiratnent Therw arw tlectrlc-motor-drtTn outtt for dir.t and sitemating currents, alto for tha honw-hfl-htinii syatero currant. And thara it a aaaollna-atirina-drirtn out fit for thoae who hava no alstric current ani labia Tha "Ht-Spacd'' Pump is aotatr- It runs ao moothlv tntt at tan feet roo eaa't haar m aoand. Its nimplMty rnakaa pnasibka aa aacapttonalt low prka. Dot't dtlay. Com ia md wt u mm Investigates the HILL HYBAUUC RAM for irrigating T. J. MIXGER, CLASSIFIED ADS FOR 8AI1E FOR SALE One Ford touring car body complote with top and wind shield. One Ford Delivery, panel body. One Ford Express body. Central Motor Sales Co. lBtfc B. P. ROCKS EGGS FOR HATCHING FOR HIRE HUDSON SUPER SIX REASONABLE RATES ON SUNDAY EXCURSIONS TO THE DAM THEATER AND DINNER PARTY CAM.B ANSWERED PROMPTLY "Doc." MA J. W.RAREY HEADUARQTERS CENTRAL MOTOR SALES CO. Phone Red 641 Fram first pen, $3.00 per 15, sec ond pen, $1.60 per 15. Hens range from 200 to 240 egg capacity. Cock erelsfrom prize winning Barred Rocks of Portland shows. Address Mrs. Roy McCallister, Prineville, Oregon. FOR SALE Thoroughbred O. A. C, white leshorns. very vigorous splendid record. Eggs, $2.00 for 15. and $8.00 per 100. ALICE DAY PRATT. Post. Oregon. 22t8c FOR LEASE John Davin Is back from California and is ready to lease his land, so if you want to lease any land see him at Paulina, Oregon. 17tfc IF THE STATE UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE AXI) THE STATE NORMAL less WANTED WANTED Plowing. Have Fordson tractor and want Jobs by the acre. L. A. Gasset, Prineville or Bend, Oregon. 15tfo WANTED Clean cotton rags at the Journal Office tt have for many years spent money per student in training Dra gon boys and girls than is spent at any other state institution. The present cost at the State Univer sity Is $203 a year; ai the College it is $180. But even before the war, when money would buy twice as much as it buys now, the aver age cost at all other -state institu tions was $325 a year. In addition. THEIR BUILDING INVEST MENT IS ALSO VERY LOW At 'the State University it is at present $322 per student; at the College, $300. But in state insti tutions elsewhere, statistics show the average to be , $995. These are convincing proofs of econom ical administration, but the three institutions can no longer give sat isfactory training to the vaBt num ber of Oregon Boys and Girls (5, 400 in full time courses alone.) unless they receive more support. On May 21 the Higher Education, al relief measure will appear on the ballot. Yon are urged to pre serve the quality of higher educa tion by voting for it. Horseshoeing. Blacksmithing Acetylene Welding BODY WORK ON AUTOMOBILES General Auto Repairing. R M. LOFTHUB, PRINEVILLE OR Fourth Street, Opposite Poatoff lea. raasesreirco:M: 1 II 2H! WW At Your Service The officers and resources of this bank are available at all times in assisting you to solve your financial problems. We do both a Savings and Commercial Business Capital and Surplus $50,000.00 CROOK COUNTY BANK PRINEVILLE, OREGON WANTED VEAL, HOGS, MUTTON, BEEF, CHICKEN'S, TURKEYS, DUCKS, GEESE, EGGS, HIDES, BUTTER, AND JACK RABBITS... GIVE UH A TRIAL. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE GUARANTEED. PROMPT RE TURNS GULICKSON & CO. Established 112 100 Front St. Portland, Ore. EASIEST THING IN THE WORLD CALL BLACK 303 FOR LIGHT OR HK IVY TRUCK SERVICE Morse Transportation Comp'y PRINEVILLE, OREGON wi9w-twwtwwtvsa$easas IRELAND'S e City Transfer & Express Auto Delivery to all Parts of the City and Vicinity Phone me for quick service at Hugh Lakin's Red 951 Prineville Machine Shop The Best Equipped Machine Shop in this part of the State. We are prepared to handle anything in our line promptly. Quality of work is the very best PRINEVILLE MACHINE SHOP E. G. Hodson, Proprietor Prineville, - - - - Oregon Is Your Money Supporting the Government? At this critical period In our history our manufacturors are offering their mills and our young men are offering their iierrices to tha United States gorernment. Would you like to lo your share and help, by putting your money where It will support the new Federal Reset-re Banking System, which the gorernment has established to stand back ot our commerce, industry and agriculture? Ton can do this by opening an account with at as part of erery dollar so deposited goes directly into the new system, where it, will always be ready tor you when wanted. Member Federal Reserve System FIRST NATIONAL BANK OaWBaafMMBaftCaraSjagftg? asaBpFrrW "J W "J WW w ' gfsssssscsssssssaress 4