Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 15, 1920, Page Page 8, Image 8

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A I'M I, 1.1, Jfiao.
"Nothing wrong with our balance"
THE right balance of costly Turkish
and Domestic tobaccos, propor
tioned by experts that's why
Chesterfields "satisfy."
Every puff brings you the full, rich
flavor of genuine Turkish tobacco
and the lively relish of choice Domes
tic leaf.
Ard theblend the manufacturer's
private formula caw
not be copied.
Evey package enclosed
in glassine, moisture
procf paper that seals in
the Eavor. .
Amrni ml
vszr7 til ; .Wf.-
- Plea for Natural History.
We content ourselves with a knowl
edge of the tongues, and a little skill
In philology, or history, perhaps, and
antiquity ; and neglect that which to
a seems more material. I mean na
tural history. I do not discommend or
ieropite from those other studies; I
ahould betray mine own Ignorance
nd weakness should I do so: I only
wish they might not altogether Jostle
mna exclude this. I wish that this
light be brought In fashion among
la. John Ray (1R91).
Family Men Favored.
In one chemical factory In Switzer
land, which Is representative of other
fkemlcal and dye concerns, married
awn receive 10 per cent more a week
than single men engaged In the same
ccupatlon, and still above this mar
lied men receive 54 cents a week ex
it for each child under fifteen years
f age.
New Orleans Cemeteries.
Surrounded as It Is on three sides
hy the Mississippi and on the fourth
by Lake Pontchiirtraln, no wonder
New Orleans jnust bury Its dead
above-ground! Even a shallow graTe
becomes a well. The cemeteries, with
their wildernesses of stone and mar
ble tombs, are one of the sights of the
Many Countries Ahead of Us.
In normal tlmps Norway, Sweden,
Denmark. Holland. France, Relgium,
Switzerland, Italy, (Jermany, Aus
tria, Hungary, Spain and Portugal all
publish more books In proportion to
population than the I'ntted States
publishes, and their books have a
wider circulation.
Disappearing Lakes.
It Is believed that about 100 lakes
in the Tyrolese Alps have subside
and disappeared within the last century.
Explains Sodom and Gomorrah.
Bricks cemented together with dried
petroleum have curiously enough, been
found In large quantities In Nineveh
and Babylon. The oil-bearing and sulphur-Impregnated
shales of the valley
of the Dead sea, which are now being
developed, supplied the "brimstone
and fire" which destroyed Sodom and
Explanation of Dreams.
To see a funeral, a coffin or a corps
In one s dreams generally portends an
illness, death, or some grave misfor
tune. If the dream Is rather vague
and hazy, It may often be regarded at
a sign of birth or a marriage.
Nam Hard to Ascertain.
Gertrude found a cat and shortly
after a neighbor asked her its name.
"Oh, I don't know yet," answered the
youngster; "I called It every cat name
and It won't meow to any of them."
3 fcv't.
No sir-ee, bob!
No premiums with
Camels all quality!
y'OAMELS aualitv dIus Camels ex
V pert blend of choice Turkish and
choice Domestic tobaccos oass out the
most wonderful cigarette smoke you
ever drew into your mouth!
And, the way to prove that
statement t is to compare Camels
puff-by-puff with any cigarette in
the world! . . , . , ;
Camels have a mild mellowness diat
is as new to you as it is delightful.
Yet, that desirable "body" is all there!
They are always refreshing the
never tire your taste.
Camels leave no unpleasant cigaretty
aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odorl
Your say-so about Camels will be:
"Afy, but that's a great cigarette"
.-5v r
V' 'VV I Jt Cawwto fiid tvrywherr in teiantificulty ed
1 IL" Vift-Cs r-4-Ei-:,, Ufcr -if-PMcUm of 30 eaaret1t for 30 cnr, or fan pack
df f-' ' ik carton Wm tronfily rmcommentt t htm esrlon forth 'm
Ta, homot offlco evpply or when you travaL jUf; M
O . Wu.iton-S.lem, N. C. Urn O
- S'lt'-zX 14 k l I!
Reminded Him of Father.
A Battle Creek boy, seven years ohL
was run over by a train, but after It
hail paxNcd and when the bystanders
rushed forward to pick up the re
mains, the lad sat up. suulllltig a
little, and said he wauled his mamma.
His Injuries were trilling, and he proh
atilf Judged hy the notse that his dad
had been thrashing him agalu. iHt
trolt News.
Gearing Reversed.
I put a new rour axle In our ear
and wishing to take a ride I threw In
the reverse gear In back out of the
garage. To my surprise, the ear start
ed forward rluht Inward the end wall
of the garage. In pulling the nxln
In I had got the dry ing gear on the
wrong side of the drive shaft, so that
It reversed the gearing. Kxelmuge,
Impresslvs Potentates.
In no country In the world will one
find a more garish display III ll'o way
of dress tlmn III ImlU Ituth tn.-n
and women of the hl!irtt rank pie
sent ilia limit gorgeous pp4irnii'e
when they arv "all dnllel up" Mug
iiillreiit Jewels sr won. un.l no n.ysl
ruler In other lands run liw more
msguinVciit pearls than are worn by
sums of the potentates of India The
high and niltl.i) of the luiid preomil a
fearful stnl .indei'ful appeiifnnrs (M)
slate o.ih!.ii mid It Is worth golni
far to he present on au ovvveluu of
tills klud.
Over Enthuslaitie.
Once In a while you meet a friend
who Is so glad of a chance In help yon
out of trouble that lie is alinost will '
lug to help you Into e for the sake
of shmWue you.
Right and Wrong Argument
Argument Is good when II wek to
bring out facts. When 11 seeks the
tawdry glory of temporary inaaiery.
It is a wind mini the desert, neither
bearing rain, nor soothing the trav
eler. (exchange.
in Con lid-ncs.
The ancient (licks dedicated fhs
roe to Hai'iMici'aies, ilie lind of SI
leuce, nail uiirlnii.N of rovs were
draped over the d of rooms In
which debates or cni'tV' em-es were
taking plnee In t..;,i, ,t words
nhlch were spoken "nl r..u' under
the roe -were seer-! and to be
repeated outside, ll.n'e .mi ue nf
the term to deimle tmn'etliiug told In
Now, for lbs truth of things, tiln( no alteimiiiii j thing srs still
the same as they are, let the time ha
pa-l, present, or to come. Those tilings
tthlrli we reverence for nntlipilty
wlnil were Ihey si their llrst blrtht
Were they fnle?-Tllue cannot mnka
theui uue. Were they InieT-TIm
rnnnoi imike them mora true, The rlr
eiiinsliinei.. 'therefore, of time, In re
peel of truth and error, la msrsly
linpertlnetit. Julill Hale (lilUS),
Convertible Skstes.
A Cbleiig'su has Invented a con
.rlll.le skate. Which reminds ua
-ihougii ii ts Clothing appertaining
to the snhject-t!. you ever ntitlea
'. quickly s inn n soU-rs when his
wife siglus IiiiiiT The roiivurtlhla
skate Is ui.l new by suy manner uf
iii.'sns. HuffHlo News.
. In Quite To Many.
j ftpcech was given mini to cmicekl Mm
tllollBl'K but It Was n needless preent.
lion lu tunny cases. Boston Trail-
Strsnne Nsnim Pn.nlsr
II) Inillii names are l;le' h. clemTe
as a result of eonverslue to CIhim!
anlty. r'nr Instnnce. Sir. N.i-eirleked
becomes Mr. Servant of Jesus; Mr
Beggar. Mi Child of the Cliim-h and
Mrs. She Devil. Mrs. Happiness
Havoc ot Education.
I mil Hgulnsi all ediii'iiitiui. It makes
women eoueelied and unkind. And It
makes men dull snl im.IuiiiIc "r.l.
I crie Harrison In lll4 to Ijidy Dorothy
1 Nevlll.
rsm f ts l rt - i
a tie wnoie secret oc
A Better Tire
Simply a Matter cf the Maker's Policies
This you will realize once you
try a Brunswickthat a super-tire
is possible only when the name
certifies that the maker is follow
ing the highest standards.
For tire making is chiefly a mat
ter of standards and policies cost
plus care. Any maker can build a
good tire if he cares to pay per
fection's price.
!A11 men know Brunswicli stand
ards, for Brunswick products have
been famous for 74 years.
Formulas, fabrics and standards
vary vastly in cost. Reinforce
ments, plies and thickness are a
matter of expense. And these vari
ations affect endurance. It rests
with the maker how far he wishes
to gohow much he can afford
to give.
For there are no secrets nor pat
ents to held one back.
To ascertain what each maker
offers one must analyze and test
some 200 tires as our laboratories
have done.
Then it is a matter of combining
the best features and building ac
cording to the highest standards.
Once you try a Brunswick you
will understand how we have built
model tires, regardless o factory
Yet Brunswick Tires cost you the
same as other like-type tires. Our
saving is on selling cost, through
our nation-wide organization.
We realize that you expect more .
from Brunswicks, and we assure
you that you get it ONE Bruns
wick will tell you the story.
And,, then youH want ALL
Brunswicks. No other tire, youll
agree, gives so much foe your
Portland Headquarters: 46-48 Fifth Street
Sold On An Unlimited Mileage
Guarantee Basis
pgr Em
Cord Tires with "Driving" and "Swastika" Skid-Not Tread.
Fabric Tires in "Plain," "Ribbed" and "BBC" Skid-Not Treads
Central Motor Sales