AlltIL 13. I. (HOOK OOCJfTI JOURNAL Fa 1 b BnM In Joy Giving. U'Ih'Ii you ' got "lurlwl la Joy giving li' la kwp II up. Th frl llml yon glv Joy hrlnir rawM ilnii fur your iiihkIc tow-h miiiamly lii'forv you Tli rviiinilng IioiiiP.I of Inning gn-n Joy km-) yuut tiiiiJiml ullli I lit Ili-Hlm ul Jny giving. Ho you Jnal illrwi tf twlnrgliig irwiia thai ihmtigh yini mluUivr to ymir fal lows. Ami ymir own Joy liii-rvanwn wltt) vii' h turn axprwaalna tit yur good will. Tli yy giving linlill grvwe up on you did yoa would be parfartly ,,,,,. ralil without III rtiaurw uf blp mg nttivrt Bailtr day It' rl j..y. 4)rlt. Too Deep lot Hint An I i lor, gfrttr nulling In AO fntlmmn ol Htm, uiuttHred la hltnaalf, "Hiiro, li t lung today mid to morrow I It'i g good wwk work for uy (lv iik'II ' Mure of II ytl Tlis ny' tiilgliiy dm-p, to li sunt," Than hi tudili'iily lil'l') "hurt ; tint, look-, lug iii lu ill oltlrvt on watvu, In eg plnlniMl: "Hud luck to ni. sort, If I ilon I liolave aoim-liDdy's ml off Hi oihr mid of Ibis lino I" Cvngri gif tloiinllMt. Vara Crul. Vera ('rug bat I he uiilijim record of having Iwi-n twlia cnplnrcil by A marl, all fi.rcaa our In ism wln-n we al war Willi loiiin mm agnlti III IUU wlion w r liol al war Willi M-lsi tlouvvi-r, all' we aat'iu to dv lth it afn-r h gut II l io give II riai-k agiiln, an II rltlgona pmtialily. 't'l lltilv worrli'il al Ilia vli'lanlturli-e of war. Iriiiviil, I h) liav rto'ahily nilwtl a alalua In buiiiit uf Ilia uulilt dffiiilra of Vara tui agalnal Ilia grlngiHia. wlilib aliow llml tlivy fwl liny era aUtiqnalrly urulocletl. NOTICE TO CRKIHTOR8 HtSnl'dla KV TIIK ANI'AI, aTATB MUST OK TUB ToUio Marine & File IrtHurnnce Company, Ltd. ,,f Totaio. In l)i ICmull of Japan, bit th Hurt! I I' a I ft I ' i !!!' I. iMI. .,.,. I. Ho. litiifu 1'oiMUiii.o'oiif U( III HUH ,.f llMfaiitl, pMlaUrt'll Itl l; . I aultal. Am-tUllt "f drii KIOUl I MII.IHMI l Incom. v, i.rniiilutii rilvd during ,l . S.II"M).i3 M r.'.r..t. dividend Illl4 rent tr.ivil iImioim ih r.. . I2M'3 17 liLiu. tiinii uihf .t'liri.. f- .niril liirli. III r I II7,V47 T..l 'B. nnn IUlMt I" Y,i In."- t'ft'il duilill III :uii'a iniii't'iii ,,,,f.... ta.Ul i';U...'li. ami mIhiI'H ttlil 4.,fil II- r ?.! It 'I luM.-a lit IN01 .infill l" 4II1IHM , ,, .. .i.i ..( lf i.ilir i'l..ll- SltiJ :.:iltll l" hulll Ofllt .. l,li .4.r ..9 I..I.I f .(..wdililf" .' " I t" I .I" ArU. I' .nvrr'M itu nit p-on li" I 61 11.111 Ml .;..n t.f mil. k n.l tHt'.tU non.d ntkt iai g.lill.Uiio I if. ll'l U' lKl lih. IO, 1 (,-. ttiiUt., III OtUlH ,( tlll'. l..n wrlllpn .ll fu.l'll.l.f 5,1 nun u.i t -l and fi du nd r. , ,,a I.1KS iw 1'.,it u udmlitnd In ,n gl.lit.nis mi l.l.klllllr.. i ililiw fur ! un ) 40.ih3ji An',tnl t'1 rifd ,rrii,iinii n f,miit'io' rH . . . . i riiT-.''! 1 , other ll,.b.tlil. .vu J 'L.tAl luhlllllv, kiluIV f , ,,h.i .i.a ai.iVHi.s7s ti Il.t.liM la rna 1u Hi trar. i iiriiilulna rilvd during In ... :;.. ii'. I ,, Mid dtlrln lh .... '.' nm: I ,,..r ,urr4 durln th r... I.SUtl TliklO MAKINK.A IIKC INK. 10.. I.ld. AI'I'l KTliN tux. iln (.'jiutori rrnlfnl iiufiiy Cur Mrvti: UlANk K. BM1TU. N"li I rwrbr lrn that Ih andnln4 ha ba pMlnt4 ailmlnUtratrl of th lai uf lilrdrkh Knn,mnn( drma4 by th riiunly Court nf Cmuli County, Ort'ann, and all rrvdllor of aald dVread, and all pvraoiu having lalm alnl th a Id aaUta, arat nrrant Hi aanw ttllb pmpr voucbrr y th an,tralnM t th o'fk of L. M. Ilrhi1l. Cn.h Aunly Dank Duildlng, In rrtnvlll, Oraon, within all month from th data of th rirt publl, alU.n of thl not Ira. 1.I1K.I.1.A KOOI'MAN. Admlnlalratrl of lb Kll of DWdrleh KIIOI'MANN. dWnuwd I.AKK M. IIETCIIKI.U Altornry lor admlnlatratrli. t2ttc. rriM bfnr II. C, Rlluv V. . CommUilonar, I at !! 1,4, Urraon, on th loth day at May, IWttt. I lllalmaht nain a wltnwaujal y rank K. irpnlr, of Hmd, Oraon ; Char- I 8. Marrin, of Hnd, Oraaoa :Martln K. A. (irabowrr. of Hoticrl, Oront AUxaniMrr Am- ni'iM, of K.,hri, Orifon. II. I HANK woonr-ocK. ' 21tCp. rVUtr. I I4MT NOTICR rOK PLR1JCATI0W Daoartnwnt of th InUrtof. V. S. Land Of' fir at Th llallM, Own, Marrk It, IV20. I HVriCK la brrl lva that I AKTIIUtt LANK ' I f Pact, Omron, who, on May 14, mad i Hirnimumd Kntrr No. 14iM7, for V.'t, SK, m. id. w gw rm. II, hK rwtioa u, Townahlp 14 Smith. Hang II Eaat, WlllanwtU Mvridian, ha fl)d notle of Intwntlon to niak final Thr yar I'mof, to aatabliah rlalm to th land abor drarribd, brfor Lk M. Barh tsll, U. 8. Ommlulomr, at Prliunrllla, Ongoa, IO tlw tth dan of May. IV20. Claimant nam a wltnr I Charl L. Koaa, Aiutla Klr, John K. Knmt all of frlnwlll. Oman, and Thomaa H. Coa aor of FuaL, t)rgnn. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, lotte iUUtT MITIt K FOR HI IIMCATION IWr1mnt of tli Inurior, V. R. Ind Of fli. at Th lalla, Orr,..n. April Slid, 11120. Nutlr I hmht ln that CIIAIII.K.H II. HOWB of Rliri. Orrnn, whu, on April lh. IIII, mail llnmnlrad Knl r. No. 014712, for NW4 HW4. HHWtf. Hrrtkm I, NKVi, N'4 NW',, UK '4 NW'i, grtl',n 12. Townahlp 17 Boulh, Ran I7-Kat, WlllamHt Mrlrlan, ha fllrd notlr of Intanllon to mak final lhrt yt-ar I'rrKif, to etahlih claim to tht land al, dMrrllHI, hrfor LaV M. Rti-htell, U. K ( ,.mmiwl.'M'r, t Prlnavlll, Oragon, on tlw I ,lh ilnv rf M. J. I -ij. Clalwinnl Tt'-Kt i. rn,r frnnkk Mining, Krnmt E. Klrod, Arthur jin, Ju J, Ilowa, all of Rbrta, 0-fin. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 22tfe. Rgltr. WE HAVE ROME BABOAIlfl In AGRICULTURAL IMPLRMKNTS FARM WAOONS WIRK FENCH Km FOR CASH COIJJ.NH W. EL KINS Motor Trucks CHRIHTIAJf HCIBNCE 8KRVICEH At Maaonlc Tempi ry Sua day at 11:00 . m. All weleon Sunday achool for all andT 10 yftcrg of ! ot 10:00 . m. NOTK'K TO ( HXDITOKH Nutii- I hrrrhjr glvrn oy th umlniln4, lhadiiliitlralrlK of Id ralaU of HurU-y Kaun. rtVra, ttrrnl. to all crrflilora o aald draa rt, and lo all jirntoiui having cialma airainat aid aalal. to prnt th ftam. with th pro prr vmj hrra to the undrriHnl at th offic of M, K. Klliott, In I'nnnill, Orrgon, within tiu monllt fiom lit dat or tlw flrat publtra tton of thw noti. I)aid and tnibluhd th flrat tlma, April 1, fnv. y.VVIK 8AUNDF.RS. Adtnlnuilrairlg of thw mat uf llarlry Saun dara. drraad. Iltoc H. P. Botknap " L. V. Belknap RKLKNAP A BELKNAP Diyairlana and Surgeoaa Office 122 Eaat Third Street PrinerlUe, Oretroa Office phone II Realdenca II The growing cogt of labor, the general Improvement In roads - every where, the Increase In construction work, and the growth of long distance cartage, are Increasing the necessity for motor trucks of heavy tonnage. Where capacity loads can be maintained, the large truck gives the largest output per man and the lowest ton-mile cost. The Denby 4-ton truck Is designed and built to give the greatest "pos sible results to make it pay the owner maximum dividends. Nothing has been left undone that would Increase Its reliability, its road-abillty and Its economy In fuel, upkeep and maintenance. Two of these trucks are running 24 hours every day, hauling lumber for Redford Brothers, Into Redmond to the Tum-A-Lum yards there. The second of these was delivered last week after the first had been In cm year. All Denby supplies and parts' are now secured Immediately from the factory franch, 10th and Davis Streets, Portland, Oregon. Call on or write us about these trucks, one of the four tons capacity. Tbom fcATtaf ay tmkMM tt M rou trombkas shomU sail aadl Dt. ! P. H. Day, 111 Mala St. PrtasrUin, , Oregon- lUtt NOTICK FOR I'l lll-ICATION Iviuirtmrnt of tli Interior. U. 8. Land of fir, al Th Hallc. Orrmw. Marrh 22nd. 120. Nollr ia hrh l"-n that JAMKS A. W.ACKKTONE of Bnd. Ommn. who, on March I tth, 191. mad llomaalrad K.nlry, No. 011'VIV for North-' wal Uuartar, Kllun 92, Twnhip l-rkmth, Rang IV-KjuU Wlllanwtt Mnhlian, ha fild j nntlr of inlantioa to mak final thraa yrar l-roiif. to Miabliah tlalm to th land abov daa-1 LAKE M. BECHTELL V. 8. Oommlaaloaer Attomey-At-Laiw Crook Conaty Bank BaUdlng PRI NEVILLE OREGON Newell Motor Sales PRINEVILLE, OREGON S- 1" HARDEMAN We have for your seledion the largest and be& stock of Mens' Hats ever shown in Prineville. You ' will find pur goods , equal to any city, and prices below those of any store anywhere. Fall prices will be high er than are now effedive. All our hats are made on the Coasl. See our window display. Robinson SMILE AT MILES Get you there and bring you back with a smile itt Auto Supply Go. 1332 Van Ness Avenue CHANSLOR AND LYON CO. Pacific Coast Distributors Largest Distribuors of Auto Equipment In the World. . Central Motor Sales Co. , Prineville, Oregon 1 " ft t i J ' ;-