PAGE t A I'll i i. in. iifjn i nooK corem jocks ai. Crook County Journal BV GUY LAFOLLETTE Entered at the postotflce at Prlne rilio, Oregon, as second-claas matter. I HUSHED EVERY THURSDAY Prlco $2.00 per year, payable ttrict ' In advance. In case of change of . I dross please notify u at once, gty i if both old and new address. flUS HAFER REPRESENTED FOB FOREIGI ( ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO I RANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES that can he Issued under the 4 per cent limit,- but will leave an annual surplus to be expended for other alate highway purposes. No direct tux on property is required, and no increase either in auto license toes or gas tux. A tabulation, showing these reve nues and the payments on interest and principal, has been issued offi cially by the slate legislative commit tee and published in the official slate pamphlet now being mailed to all registered voters. AUTO l.H'KVSK FEES riilXEVU.LE CITY RAILWAY Time Table Xo. 5 Effective 12:01 A. SI. Sunday, Feb ruary 20, 1020 West Bound Stations Motor Motor No. 5 No. 3 P. M. P. M. Ly. Prineville 7:40 4:45 I.T.Wilton 7:55 6:00 Lv. McCalHstqr 8:10 6:15 Lv. O'Neil 8:20 6:25 A r. Prinev le Jet 8 : 3 5 6:45 East Bound Stations Mixed Motor No. 2 No. 4 A. M P. M. Ar. Prineville 8:35 6:65 Ar. Wilton 8:20 6:40 Ar. McCalllster 7:05 6:25 Ar. O'Neil 7:55 6:15 It. Prinevl Jet 7:40 6:00 Mixed No. 1 A. M. 6:16 6:30 6:45 6:00 6:20 Motor No. 6 P. M 9:45 9:30 9:25 8:45 8:45 i No Increase In auto license tees 1b required in order to pay the Interest and .principal of all state highway bonds that can be issued under the pending 4 per cent, constitutional amendment that will be voted upon at the May 1 election. Neither Is any Increase required in the gasoline tax. Nor is any tax on property In volved. Revenue from the auto license fees and gss tax at present rates will be ample to care for both Interest and principal of all the bonds that cun be issued under the proposed 4 per cent, limitation. The present road bond ing limit is 2 per cent, of the asses sed value of property in the slate. The increase la necessary In order to make It possible to complete the main state highways -within the next few years, instead of waiting Indef initely for their completion from an nual revenues. By issuing the bonds, the roads can be provided for use while the auto license fees and gas taxes are being paid. Needle of Anc n Djy The needles llinl have cuuie doua lo u froiu ancient Kgypt are very ! ciitirxe, but It Is certain thai liner 1 tietdieit iiiiiNi have livm made 10 make ! I he delicate 'embroidery produced' by j Ihooe people. Judging by (he dwterlp- i lions of embroidery lu Honwr. the ' Greeks also must have had very On needles. QTRADIN0URTOWN4 XO TAX INCREASE No direct property tax whatever is required for the state highway bonds to be issued under the constitutional amendment to be voted upon at the election May 21. The measure is for increasing the state road bond limit from 2 per cent to 4 per cent of the assessed valuation of property with in the state, thus making it possible to issue sufficient bonds to complete the main state highway,. Principal and interest for these bonds are financed entirely by the anto license fee and gasoline tax, without any necessity for increasing either the license fee or the tax above the rates now being paid. At pres ent rates, figuring only on a small In crease in the number of autos for the next few years, the revenue from these sources will not only take care of interest and principal of all bonds Cannot Be Silent. A polllleluii must often talk and act before he has thought and read. Ue may be lll-iufonued regarding a question, but speak he must. Mac-aulay. STNUPflS OF THE ANYCAL STATE MENT OF THE , Union Assurance Society,1" Ltd. In thf slate of Orrion on th thirty-firm tiav of DocomtHT. unit. m;ul.' to ilv In surance conimiwvioner of the tnte of Ore puiMunt lo law: Income. .Vet rrmiumi reclvetl during the year 1..1!W.7:tii .VI Inirrral. liiviiVuds and rente, received tturiim the year... :,0.lTl.tl1 income from other ,ourcs re ceived during the year ftl s:tn 'fi Total income . . . .Jt.'Tti.ittL' 7n lMmrciiientK. Xet lnsca paid vlurins the y,ar ineiiniiiiK adjust ment ex Penses t VJ cminiseio!: ami saiarie paid during the' year 4:31.03 .t Taxee. licenses and fees paid during the year !i :.;;il lit Amount of all other expendi tures Total expenditures M..T4:l.:.'Tt 1! AnHetN. Value of stocks and bonds owned imarket value! .... .l,T:i..'Vo nt. Cash In banks and on hand... 4-H.U7S3I Premiums in course of Pollec tinn written since Septem ber .10. 1RIB 2U.Su Hi" Interests and rents due and accrued l.l.s3.0l) Reinsurance recoverable on paid losses 4"..,7t..t Total assets 1:li;,o':;.:.':i Total aseeta admitted In Ore Ron -.-i3tt.ll2.J Liabilities. Gross claims for losces unpaid,! 177.4-1 no Amount of unearned prviliiums on all outstanding risks... 1,2114.71007 lue for commission and brok erage a.770.nn All other liabilities 2S.01.ViO Total liabilities 1 1.4 1 M.lll il 11: BnalneMi in Oregon for the War. Xet premiums received dur ing the year S 42,fiMiHT l.nsaes paid during the year. . ln.7o;, 3 l.oa-s incurred during the year 17. WJ .v, I'MON .NNl-R.tM'e StMIKTV. Limited A. H. WRAY. U. 8. Manager statutory resident attorney for aervke K. S. Menefea, m Egyptian Barber, The ordinary village barber of Egypt hears a certain resemblance. In no far a his profession goea, to the bar ber-surgeon of ancient times In Eng land. He Is authorized by law. after having passed an examination, to per forui vaccinatum, application of leeches, cupping. Simula dressing hut h forbidden lo order or prescribe med icines. , Our News Section EDITED AT HOME Did you ever stop to think that we specialize on Groceries? Our close study of the grocery bus iness offers you a better assortment of slock at Prices That are Right. Give us a trial. MICHEL GROCERY : COMPANY ARTHUR S. MICHEL Price SYLVAIN O. MICHEL Quality Servia Locating His Capital. My little brother Jimmy was walk ing uptown one day. He huppened lo have some money In a certain hank. While punning 11 he suddenly remark ed to me: That's where my money u tied up " htcam American. FOR STATU RKPRKSEXTATIVK I hereby announce myself a can didate tor re-election to the office of State representative subject to the approval of the llepubllcun voters In Crook, Jefferson, Grant, Lake, Kla math and Deschutes counties. It renominated and elected to fill one of the two places for my fourth ses sion I will continue to serve each of the counties of the District to the best of my ability. DENTON O. URDICK. (Paid Adv.) State Representative. Your Money lll'YS too I'KIt CENT VAM'KM If you trade with us. You pay for no clerk hire or city tux. We have mm". Your cost Is the lowest whili-"ln price plus our mall per cut piof't Our Interests are mutual. HOMER NORTON Post, ----- Oregon VOH SHERIFF I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for Sheriff of Crook County on the Democratic Ticket, aubiect to the annroval nf the voters at the primary election, tt O. H. OLSON. FOR COUNTY CLERK I will be a candidate tor the nomln Ination of County Clerk on the Demo cratic ticket at the Primary election May 21, 1920. Paid Adv. IStfc ASA W. BATTLES FOR HIRE HUDSON SUPER SIX RFASOVARI.K RATES OV SUNDAY EXCURSION'S TO THK lAM THKATFR An IUWKR PARTY CAU.H ANSWERER PROMPTLY "Doc." MA J. W. RAREY UEADUAROTERS CENTRAL MOTOR KALES CO. Phone Red All We handle Maz da Lamps of all kinds and sizes Des Chutes Power Company Prineville, Ore. FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT I will be a candidate for the nomin ation of County Superintendent on the Republican ticke t at the Primary election May 21, 1920. Paid Adv. 18tfo J. E. MYERS I 'OR KM Kill IF I will be a candidate fur the nomin ation for Sheriff of Crook county on the Republican ticket, at the primary election, May 21, 1920. l'ald Adv. 1 Hlfc JOHN COMBS. FOR AHHEHHOR I will be a candidate for the norola. ntlon of County Assessor on the Dem erratic ticket at the Primary eloclioa May 21. lt!0. Paid Adv. K'tfo II. A. FOSTER. PUT ON Firestoiies ALL ROUND ' .That's the best advice we can give the man who. wants longesl mileage and most riding comfort. THIS IS THE FIRESTONE YEAR . No other tire is mak , ing such extraordi nary mileage records. We have all sizes Cord AND Fabric Lakin H'dware ; "Where it Pays to Trade" fwmm