Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 11, 1920, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    ttlAIMII 1 1, twin.
ciutox. ci;.vn jovma
Vug S
chego; i;e;vs'hotes
of general weeest
Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
Plans are under way for a rpcrgan
h (I merchants' siotoeialloii at limn!
I'l'inlji'ton will hold It third annual
automobile show on Murcli 11, 12
and 13,
Tho lallea city physician ruports
Unit smallpox Is allowing n teiemy
to liicr n.
Tim HU'J l roll fur Clatsop county
toluis l,CI8,7!;".fifi. t!i lm;cHt In the
hi. 1 ry of tint nullity,
W thin ill) il:iy H (iiiiiimny will begin
drUllnit for oil In Clatrop county, u.
coriliiij to r. II. Kil'f, un oil oxpurt
of Oklahoma.
liiiiiiJnn county holds llio record mo
far fur llio number uf lloennod liy
the county, llofl il'.g.i U'lu hig tli coutt
ty Ho nut; tuKs.
A lU'W bk Kill! i! advinoln;? tin)
nillilinuiil of H Ml h thort i pan) tn i"i
a tluy, wim announced by the n mill
owut ra of HenU.
deerim A. Urlst-op. who hnn bee n su
perintendent of tin' Ashlumt schools
for nliiu years, lnm been reelected for
two year term.
Itoseburg will bo u stopping place (or
aircraft which It In aliened will noon
bo plying between Han Krauelsco, Port
Uiul ami Hcattln.
Tho Ashland Canning company clos
il a moHt mii'ci'ihful season with a
total pack exceeding that of any pre
vloim year anil valuiMl at (38.500.
County Agent Bi'dtt of Clackamas
county announces that the last carload
f eggs shipped to ths New York mar
kat netted tha producers &5 centa.
All high acboola In Southern Orogon,
xcopt Kugeue and Koaoburg, bare
withdrawn from tha Oregon Stata De
bating league became of tba prava
leuce of Influonta.
Burglars entered tha hardware atore
of Wardle t Campbell at Carlton and
aecurcd about $145 worth of pocket
knlvea and razora. Klfbt dollura waa
takon from the till.
A contract ha been signed at Saletn
whereby lloury I lleuta of Aurora, will
aell his entire crop of bops for the year
1820 to an English firm at a stipulated
price of 87 cents a pound.
In the blKK't day'a catch of tha
past year, 104 offending motorliits
ware arrested by I'ortland police one
day lent week on various charges of
violating the traffic lawa.
The Baldwin ft Swope Construction
company, recently organized at Hood
River, has been awarded the contract
for building a new achuolhouae at
Moslor to be 00 by 70 foot
Mra. Earl Stilt, who wan burned
while atunlng a fire In the kitchen
range with oil waul.-, died at Lebanon.
Bhe waa the Kngliflh war bride of
Earl Hlltt, a young overseas aervice
The 1919 census of the Umatilla pro
ject, Juit published by the reclama
tlon office, ahowa that the total value
of tha crops grown during the year la
ever $600,000, averaging almost $75
par acre.
One hundred China pheasants from
the Simpson pheasant farm at Spring
field were released on the HlOOacre
Cartwrlght ranch adjoining Harris
burg, which baa been made a stale
game reserve.
Tha city of Roseburg, through Ita at
torney, B. L. Eddy, filed with the Ore
ion public service commission lta brief
opposing tha proposed Increase In
rates sought by the Douglaa County
Water A Light company.
Remonstrance against the paving of
Kailroad atreet waa made at tha
jneotlng of the Albany city council by
butting property owners and may re
sult in the former decision to. pave
tha atreet being rescinded.
The best Jersey bull that $1000 will
uy Is to be purchased by a group of
dairymen In the Alsea valley in west
ern Denton county. This action was
taken at the close of a three-day ex
tension school held In Alsea.
Five more allowed members of the
L W. W. were indicted under the
criminal syndicalism act in the f,lnal
report of the Multnomah county Feb
ruary grand Jury, returned to Presid
ing Judge McCourt Saturday. 1
State Treasurer Uoff has increased
the appraisement of the estate of C.
O. BlgoloW, who died a few months
ago In Josephine county, from $110,713
to $40,71-. inheritance tux on the
estate as now appraised will total
$475. '
From an assessed valuation of $29,
$54,209 in 1900 to $312,671,785 in 1919
U tho record of Portland, as disclosed
In the tar rate sheet for Multnomah
county for 1020, bused upon the 1919
assessment and tax roll, and issued
by Henry H. Rood, assessor.
Senator Chamberlain, Senator Mo
Nary and Representative McArthur
have telegraphed the Albany post of
the American Legion that they are
In favor of the proposed bonus bill for
ex-scrvtce men or similar legislation
In the intercut of tho former soldiers.
( Approximately IfllO real estate dal-
era In OrKou bate filed application
j for llceiisea for 1020, according to a
: report pu purnd by O. V, Joliimon. who
la lit i lmrn of the ral (statu ill u, I
went of the liitoii'iiiK-e ('oiiiinlHMloner'
office. ,unt y.-nr the applications for
license totaled I5:i!l.
I Twmitylwo alli'Kit violations of
federal prohibition law are Included
i In the final report of the November
! term federal (train! Jury In Portland,
. which was dlM liar.eil Hutimlay. fiend
etltiK Us report to Federal .Juilp.e lli-iin,
i llio Kriiuil Jlirorn returned 37' true billn,
five not trim bills and four secret.
Thirteen districts In Yamhill cuutity
were represented in a meeting ut Mc
, MliiiivHle for the urbanization of the
Yamhill County l Korum, the
object of which Is the "fiva and open
illiiiio hIoii and ac iou on ail public
ipienliniia." It Ih i, oil pin-Dunn ill char
acter, yet political d'Bciiitaion will be
A tun iluys" fair for the year 1!)20
and ultliiialrly a J' - Kate are uml'T
conslilerallou by H'D stit'e fair board,
and It la rxpeciod that some action to
this end may be In the near
future. Tim report of the fair board
shows that all linicbleiliiena has been
paid and there remains In ihe treasury
a Hinull li.ilancfl.
V. W. Cryder, for six years super
vlsur of the Uuiatllla national foret,
with Ilea liiuaru rN In Pendleton has
beeu niitiicd auperliileudent of the
Muilieur forest and will succeed Hup
I urvlsor C. J. JJIiiKbum, at Joba Day,
on March 1. . C. Kulius of Walla
Walla, aupervlaur of the Wemiha for
est, will have charge of the Umatilla
j nwerve after tho change.
The machinery for the first unit of
the Astoria Flouring Mill company's
new plant Is said to be working per
j fuclly and is now grinding at tha
' rata of approximately 1400 barrels of
: flour daily. Within the coming few
' weeks this output will be increased
j to over 1900. The machinery for the
. second unit ahould be ready for op-'
! peratlon in about 30 days. )
j With $1200 Indorsed by tha school
j directors of Umatilla county as tha
I minimum salary for teachers and a
' strong sentiment among them for tha
: two mill tax levy for school purpoaea,
two steps toward better local educa-'
tlonal facilities are believed to have
been taken. The directors have
! agreed against competitive bidding
; for services of tuachora within the
: county. !
Titles Involving five sawmills and
I logging equipment, together with 160
1 acres of tlmljer, passed from the Grove
: Lumbar company to a Roseburg com
pany composed of Charles McKlhinney,
R. L. Whipplo and Krnest Whipple. A
I large amount of lumber also goes with
the mills, and tho total property is
worth approximately $50,000, It is said.
The sawmills have a capacity of 15,000
feet daliy each.
A member of the legislature of 1919
cannot legally be named master fiah
warden, according to an opinion by
' Attorney General Lirowti, given at the
' request of Slate Game Warden Shoe-'
1 maker. The 1919 legislature, Drown'
j points out, permits increasing the
1 salary of the master fish warden, thus
raising a bar to the naming of a mem
' bar to that post. The same condltiona,
1 ha saya, obtain in the positions of
deputy fish and game wardens.
Members of the atata irrigation se
curities commission certified to $40,
jOO worth of bonds issued by the Enter
prise irrigation district In Klamath
county and $106,000 worth of bonds
authorized by the Grants Pass irriga
tion district In Josephine county. The
Enterprise district comprlsea approxi
mately 2400 acres, while In the Grants
Past diatrlct there are Included 8000
acres. Development work on both pro
jects la in progress.
A. determination to get better dairy
cowa through the organisation of a
Jersey bull association, the elimina
tion of rodents and vermin, the pro
duction of better crops through soil
improvement, constituted the program
jf work adopted by the Nashville com
munity farm bureau which organized
at Toledo. The women's meeting, pre
sided over by Miss Lane and Miss Biles
of tha Oregon Agricultural college, was
well attended. Home demonstration
work was new to the Toledo ladles.
Tha State Taxpayers' league which
held a meeting in Portland denounced
the united land Mid labor league as
socialistic, undemocratic and a menace
to the stale of Oregon. Attending the
meeting were representative men from
all sections of Oref-on, and there was
it considerable sprinkling of members
of thel legislature. The resolutions
adopted: Indorsed 1.26 mills tax bill
for support and maintenance of Ore
gon Agricultural college, University of
Oregon and State Normal school. In
dorsed suhliors', sailors and marines'
nulhiKe tax educational bill. Indorsed
4 per cent road bonding amendment
to the constitution. Indorsed 2 mill
;ax bill for support of elementary
.chools of the state. Indorsed plan for
.lividod session of the state legislature,
vlnptod resolutions denouncing Land
mrt Labor party and Non-Partlsau
asne, and outlined plans to oppose
i. m throughout the state. Adopted
solutions opposing attempt to repeal
6 per cent limitation amendment to
;j coaii.Ututlnn ,
R. P. Ripley, for many years presi
dent of the Kaula Ke, died at Santa
P.arhara, Cal.
Two sets of delegates were elc-tH
to the ".ilao mtlotnil 'on
by the Souili Carolina republican state
convention. J
Money In circulation In the t'nitnd
States on February ain iuntcl to $5,
MO.oiiii.niiii, an Increase of $i2u eo'
In one year, the treanury departm-jut
Oklahoma delegates ep ctel to the
national democratic convention at Han
Kraiicliuro were pledged to support
Senator Rebert L. Owen of Oklahoma
for the democratic presidential uonilim
alien Karl MureesH, a motion picture ncter.
was Instantly killed neir Los Annul'
when lie Ml 7e0 feet from mi airplane
on which be wan perfoiming in the
makliiK of a comedy.
James I'ery and Prank Johnsci.
representatives of the Y, M. ('. A.,
were the Aniericiiim klil'd In the re.
coolly reported attack by Turk'.st bri
Kinds on a convoy of Ari'-ricio reliof
miMilies near Alniav In !-'. i :ti, the
state department wan adv.pcd.
( opinions In Mexiea we-e d"f.erlbeI
as "Intolerable" by (leii n liobert
Lee Howxe, comniander of tint LI Paso
district, when he teirtifM before the
senate nub committee inv i t u' i. the
Mexican i 1 1 1 ! i i j n at Kl p.-ci. Tux.
Net sales of boss, sheep and catt'e
sent to the Portland alockards by the
Lane county cooperative shipping as
sociation doriiiK the year amounted to
$104,076. Sixty four carloads of stock
were shipped.
Postmasters are to be appointed in
Oregon as follows: Wayne E. Klllott,
Veneta, Lane countx; Charles W.
Sharpe, Camas Valley, DoukIos county;
I'ercy E Allen, Elsie, Clatsnp county,
and Mrs. Marie W. Havlll, Hoff, Clack
amas county.
, Ry agreement with the state, the Pa
cific Livestock company will put on
the market 10,000 acres of Harney val
ley land, and first choice will be given
soldiers and sailers. They will have
90 days in which to take up the option
of aettlement
Grasshoppers cannot be classed as
squirrels, noxious rodents or predatory
animals under the Oregon laws, and
consequently county courts are not
authorlxod to appropriate money for
their extermination, according to an
opinion by Attorney-General Brown.
Poultry schools are to be establlBhed
tn Wasco county by the Wasco County
Poultry association according to plans
formulated by the executive committee.
It Is planned to have six schools In
various parts of the county which wlli
be Instructed by prominent poultry ex
perts. A record price for standing timber
was offered at the government sale of
10,000, 000, feet of white pine on the
Klnmath Indian reservation, the high
bidder, I, II. Larkey, bidding $6.33 per
1000 feet, and $2.82 per 1000 feet rental
for the Kirk sawmill, where the timber
will be manufactured. , '
If you want a Car or Truck, see" us
We have today:
1 1920 7 - passenger Haynes
1 1920 5-passenger Cfcrevrdlet
12 1-2 - Ton Denby Truck
1 Used Ford Touring Car
1 Used Chevrolet Touring Car
Our stock of Tires is com
plete.and all new goods.
Buy gas at our 5-gallon
pump and save time.
Large storage space in
our new fireproof gar
age. Give us a call.
Twn Kangaroos Scarce.
A knn;:nron n-!th twins Is one of the
rarest sluhts of Austrnlin.
Make Concrete Buoys.
Floating mooring buoys have been
made of concrete by un English Inventor.
"Red Tape."
The expression "red tape" originated
In the fact that tnpe dyed crimson Is
commonly and largely used In public
and private business in tying up pa
pers, hence it has come to refer to ex
cessive formality and routine in busi
ness transactions.
Japanese Handmade Paper.
Hnndmnde paper . is produced Id
Japan princlpal'y by farmers as a sec
ondary occupation which they can pur
sue m seasons when there Is nothing
to he done In the fields. There are
no fewer than 60,000 families engaged
in this industry.
Pacific International Pavilion, North Portland
75 Bulls and 25 Cows
This will be one of the greatest sales of the breed ever held in the Northwest under
the auspices of the Northwest Shorthorn Breeders Association. Leading breeders are
consigning some of their best bred animals and if it is good breeding and individuality
you want, you will find it at this sale. Rangemen have never had a better chance to
get the kind of bulls they need on their herds than this sale presents. Send to the sales
manager for a copy of the sale catalog. It will be ready to mail at an early date. Study
the breeding represented and plan to attend this sale.
Nez Perce, Idaho
Sales Manager
Carlton, Oregon