MAIM 'II 4, IIK20. Pmt CROOK CO. HIGH SCHOOL NEWS HOY CI.AHK, Keillor lll.ANt UK ItOUKIX, AmUtntit Nmiiik Kvrnltt Kor IIIk Mwt Hulnctlon of official ami drawing up of n schedule of event for the un xi mil irl-rounty incut to be held In Kcilmnml Saturday, Muy 15, wm completed recently at a mooting of Ihn executive board of the ('mitral Oregon Hrhool Day aiuoclatlon In Kiulmnnd. J. Alton Thompson of fiend, president, Paul IrvltiH of llod iii.iikI, secretary and J. 10. Myers of I'rliii'Vlllit worn thn ninnitiini of tht) board In attendance, It la expected that the meet and dorlnttialory contest will lie tint blg Kent event of tlin kind ever put on In Central ()nKon and a new feature la tu hn Introduced In tho awarding of tnodnlN. First In luu-lt event will Iid of gold, whllii entrant plac Iiik "cond will receive ribbon. C.ui tciinntn plnclng third will incur point hut will hn awarded no token for o lacing. Mr. ThmupNon, who la In Reneriil chtirKO of thn meet, la determined that the. event ahnll he run off in rapid fire order, and he. Ilovf that (ha entire track and field program ran h completed In an hour B"d a half limtoad of the four or five hour sometime taken In prevlou meet a, The event will be as follow: 60 yard dnah. hlrb school; CO vard dash, grades; 50 yard dnah, midget; 100 yard dah, high school, 100 ynrda, rrndrra; loo yarcla, niidi;eta; Jnvelln throw, hli?h acliool; mltn run. hlKh ai-heol; hi!h Jumii, hlnh acliool; high Jump, prndca; 75 yard low hurdlea, grades; 75 yurd low hurdlea, mldptnta; 120 yard high hurdlea. hint) acliool: 440 yard dnah, high acliool; 220 yard low hurdlea, high acliool: shot put, hlith acliool; 220 yard dnah, high school ; runnlPK hrond Jump, high wlitiol; running hroad Jump, grade; dlacua throw, high aehool; polo vault, vrndea- nolo vnult. high aehool; re- lay, midget; 8S0 yard relay, high aehool: sso yard relay, gradea, Off'rlela lit tho meet Will Include ibe following: Officer of tho Day, I'util Irvine; itss'stunt. J. K, Myera, .1. Alton Thompson: Record keeper, Curl A. Jrhraon of llond; Time Keep, era, Hllev Took, Madras and I). 11. I'e Mile nf llond and 1 M. Ilnchtell of I'rltivllle; Rtarter Mr. J, F. Homh; Hi'iitnnt Arthur Michel. Princliinl flahrlel of Minima; Judge for gram m dl-'aion of field anort. H. W. Ilnbrnrk, PrlnevlHo; John Tuck, Hed tnond and O. Jenaen, Madrna, 8. W. Moore will prealdn at thn hlh "ti"nl dechireninrv context while H C. J"h""i nf Il-iid. R K. Kvbiih. ,,f i.ri..n..i' . and Vra. I Milan Wiitla will be presiding officer, with Ma'gnr et Kollv of Hedmond, Krnm l.alrd of I "ffora-m count v and Kd'-n Mw of f'r.iok roiitv will have charge of tho preliminaries, K. K. Kv.m of PrlnevlHo will have barga of nil competition on the ten ! court and Daisy Leonard of Hed mond will aupervlsn tho typing and atenoprnphy conti'sls. before Urn referee blow hi whiatlo, Kedmond madi) another basket, l'rlnovllle lnat by ona point In tha declalon of thn official. HlKh HcIkmiI Night at MwtliiK Uiat Monday night tha student at tended thn revival meeting In maaa and Mr, McCullum delivered a very good aermon, which waa well choaon for the occaalon. All preaent enjoy ed thu aermon and expreaaed their In tention of going every night. The high aehool orchestra furn lulled tha tntiHlc for the alnglug. A very good vocal aolo waa rendered by Mra. Chi. Klkln. I'erwmiil Mention Mlaa Myrtle Mater I back In chool after a aevere attack of the flu. Ki le Uiughlln I hack after couple of week' vlalt at hi home near Mit chell. Vera Dunham la In aehool aguln af ter miming her mother, who ha been very 111 with the flu. Robert Chamher la hack again, having recovered from the flu. A few day ago Veronica ISreen hud the mslfortuno to her collar bone. Orvll I uvea la on the aick Hat. Kuth Mulholland and llyrl Davie have been upending moat of their time touching In the public aehool. Zemin llemlrlckaon ha been filling a vacancy In the public aehool teach ing force. J II n lorn (Jive Hobo Party Thu Junior CIiimm waa the hoHt at a II ilio Purty given at the high aehool February 28. Anyone who dealred to como waa Invited to attend. Ilohoa wero there from every part of the I'. 8. and from ome foreign countries, from the 1kiIb cf Home of them, a the 1'nlted Htalea would heaitate to claim them. Laura Nelson and LpwIb Dlahnmn won tho prize for the beat hobo rtiuko-up. All preaent were fined for having a'te -ded a hobo gathering. Hefreahmenta, conal.ttiiig -.if h it wel'-P-a a fl buna wero B'-rved to all preaent, and everyone voted the af fair one of the heal given by tlia high acliool thla aeuBon. An ndinlaaion of ten cent waa charged all who attended and alt the procoeila worn turned over Ij tha Ar menian P.cllef Fund, the drive for which la now going on. The Juniors are to ho congratulat ed t,u tho BUceetfB of the affair. Camp Blind Construct ramp ahed 12x32 feet where designated, with S Inch poata. set 8 feet apart on center, and 6x8 Inch plate, braced both ways with 4 Inch brace ecurely nailed I with 4 20d nails In each end. Hoof to be hip and t on slope of 1 1 'A de gree and extend over plate 3 Inches. I Itaftnrs, 2x6 Inch and aheathed with I 1 Inch Bluff and ahlngled with first I (iiality cedar shingles. Painting and Htulnlng Paint or ttiln roof of alt structure green I and all exposed part of structure I chocolate ataln aa directed by com Unlitee. Whitewash aoulh side of 'club bouse In color directed by com . tnlttee. Heo ala.i "Addenda." i Headway Clean up roadway from Main street to paiklng ground nd clear out and grade roadway from alley along east lino of lot 1, 2, 3, 4. lllock 1, O. W. Col. Add., 16 feet wide as directed, well moot lied and ready for travel to hall park. Clean up Clean up entire un-oc-cupled portion of club ground, rnke clean and remove all dead grasa, rub- bluh and left-over materials. Ke i move surplus dirt along south aide of ' fence t.i fill In alley and roadway, and leave all roads and alleys In a thoroughly clean and neat condition. All removed material such as fene lug and merchantable lumber to be ' neatly plied where designated and to belong to club. Clean up rubbish on north portion of club ball ground nnd remove all rubbish to outside of city. Inrinnerator Construct Bheet Iron circular Inclniiorator 3 feel In diam eter and at leaat 3 feet high, at place designated, for burning rubbish. All to he pent, uhatiintinl, and to ! of wt Ion of Committee. Addenda Painting and staining The following sign to be painted and erected as decided upon by the com mittee: One lgn at each toilet; One larce sign at entrance, reading "Pub lic Camp Grounds"; One, "Please Hiirn Vour Hubblah, Inclnnerator Heret" Ope sign "Parking Ground. " LAKE HARES FINAL F.EFortT Tfl VILSOH Retiring Secretary Says Or ganization of Official Wash ington Is Poor. Powell Butte 8 fW" XKWS NOTES Athletic ItaHVet ball season ended Friday night when C. C. It. S. was defeated j at Hedmond by a score of 28 to 27. ) TiU mivi C. C, II. 8. a tie with, Ilend for second place, as the Hend .in s dfnted nt Madras luat Frl-! day night. The Madras aehool by I winning tho championship of Central Oregon will receive tho banner which la awarded tho winning team by the f' nr schools and 's entitled to -ilnv in the tournament at Salem, with the i champions of tho other nine districts with all expense paid. This will bo for tho championship of tho state. Wo wlar. Madras the best of luck, though wo would have liked to bog the C. C. it El. the representative of Central Oregon. tliifket KiiTl at Hediiioml I nl Friday night the C. C. II, S. banket hall team with several cars of rooters went to Hedmond to play the deciding game to Bee whether we would get to play MadniB again for the championship of Central Oregon. Tho Junior and Senior girls of R. II. S. played a preliminary game which was won by the Senior girls. After this game the boys came on the floor and after a few minutes warm hid up the game was called nnd start-, ed off with lols of pop on both aides. PrlnevlHo made the flrHt basket, and It was soon followed with one for Hedmond. Tho playing was fust and showed good team work on both sides. Hedmond had tho advantage of the tip-off. We don't know wheth er the certer Is 6 ft. 8 in. or 8 ft. 6 In. 'hut he always managed to get the ball lo his man. The first half end Jit It to 10 In favor of 0. C. H. 8. The second half started with a rush, each side determined to win. The score Htnyod pretty even all the time. When tho time was up the geore was 27 to 26 in favor of C. C. H. S., but Mct'nllum (ilve Dinners Hev.MeCallum was host for a de llchtful dinner at the PrlnevlHo Ho tel luat Monday night for Gone Miller, Orde-i .Mills. Glen Stanton, Krlo I aughlln and Oicar Houston. Tues day night he gave a dinner for the glila. Iinoii Pie Tom Jacobs in Science: "Men are descended from monkey,." Mr. Davis: "Yes and some have not descended yet." Erie I. aughlln: "Wine, women, and song are tho ruination of men." So he has cut out singing. Prof. Harrington: "Music hnth charms to soothe, the savage beast." Wallace Cannon: "Yes, that's why they put a brass bund around a dog's neck." Miss Cramer: "When did you start having trouble with your Latin H 'j V" Hoy: "When I quit atudylng." Miss Hull, In Domestic Science: "Marjfrio, what la pasteurized milk?" Marjorlo: "Why, that is milk that comes from cows that have beoft fed on pastures. Mr. Kvaiisf "Tip-toes, please;" Toddv A.: "What does 'flunk' moan?" Jimmy N. : "Oh, that Is a mistake on tho part of tho faculty." The Monthly Society Program The monthly program was given on March 3. The folowlng numbers were rendered: Instrumental duet, Mr. Glllett and Mike Trnpman. Vocol Solo, Wallace Cannon, Mandolin Solo. Edna Wllholt. Trombone Solo, Wlstar Rosenberg. Vocal Duet. Blanche Howoll and Madge Rowell. Instrumental , Duet, Zonda Hen drlcksnn and Vera Hendriokson. Violin and Mandolin Duet, Vulnia Shnttuck and Pauline Wlndom. Vocal Trio, W. Cannon, W. Rosen berg ,K. Clark. Piano Solo, Eleanor Euston. NPH( IFICATIONS FOB AUTO CAMP (iltOlM) IMPROVEMENT The specifications for the Improve ment of the free auto camp grounds to bo furnished the traveling public by tho city are as listed bolow, and a copy of them may bo seen at the Of fices of the Inland Auto Co. The time Our the closing of bldB has been ex tended to March 20. , Fence Construct ornamental wire fence four feet high from southwest corner of club houso to north side of alloy; posts eight foet apart of sound Junipor. Construct gateway at en trance of alloy with two wire gates, name design us fencing, with hinges and catcheB complete. Make gateway Water Take water from south of design furnished by committee, side of club house to point near cen ter of grounds, furnish all pipe and hydrants with hose bib and Btop and wnste complote. Place one-half yard of fino gravel around hydrant. Ovens Construct three ovens of brick, tile or stone 4x4 feet outside, rising 2 feet above ground level, with sheet Iron top and two lengths of 6 inch stove pipe well set In mortar. Sheet Iron tops to be supported by substantial bars 1 foot apart. Sheet Iron fronts to slide up and down. Toilets Construct two dry toilets 5x5 feet of rough lumber, Joining the club houso. where designated, of 1x8 Inch rough lumber free from loose knots, battened throughout with 1x4 Inch battens; roofs to slope one way and extend over sides I inch and bat tened the same as sides. Vaults to be 8x5 feet and 4 feet deep, seats as directed. Toilets to be framed on 2x 6 inch timbers and Bet on heavy tlm bors to prevent settling. All to be equipped with hinges, doors, locks, and Jambs complete. Phil Unison of Redmond, visited among Powell Hutte friends over Sun day. The little daughter of Lee Hobhs Ib quite 111, Dr. Ilosch was culled to see her. , Miss Edith Hales was tho guest of M-s. Arthur WurzwcJer several days lust week. An"t Surah Zell came out fr-ni Prlno-!lle to 1 x;1( rf(r the Henry Kdw.vda family, a-ifl they could do nothln;: else but improve under her good ere. J-ick LaMon nnd M'ss Ethel Wat- n came out from Redmond Saturday night to attend the social at Miss HusBott's school. Mrs. llert Reynolds and Wy, of Redmond, spent the week end at the K. A. HuK'e-tt home. J. A. Hlrgs. well known Powell Hu'te rancher. !s quite 111 with the flu. Dr. Ilosch. the attending phy jilciiin. snys that with car", he will get along all right. Mrs. Ripgs Is a nurse and that insures his good care. The .!(. Mncoau family are all down, but thanks to their good neighbor, E. 11. Williams, they are being enied for. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fischer and in f int son Lyn, have been quite serious lv ill of influenza, Dr. Rosongerg of Prlnevllle made several visits to them before he could pronounce them all on the high road to recov ery. Dr il. P. Belknap was called to the Clarence Ferguson home, where ho found all down Bick but Clarence. The family are all improving now. The pupils of Miss Bussett's school gave a unique entertainment and shadow social at Shepard School house Saturday night. The proceeds to go to the Armenian Relief Fund. Big. hearted Dan Horrigan was there a'd by "bidding up" on some of the follows best girls' shadow, was the means of swelling the amount to 32.50, which wus more thnn twice the quota for this district. Mrs. E. B. Williams, who has been seriously ill In a Portland hospital, of pleura- pneumonia, is reported as Improving nicely, and will soon be Mile to come home. Her baby, Chnrles Edward, is doing fino and Daddy Williams longs to Introduce him to his Central Oregon home. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Scheurer have moved to their new home at Powell Putte, recently purchased from Allan Wilcoxon. Frank Foster's family are now at their Powell Butte home. They re cently leased their Prinevllle home to Dr. Horace Balkuap, and will re main at the Buttes. Mr. and Mr,s. Carl Lundqnist are having as their guests their son Bruce and his bride, who was Miss Oakcs, of Terrebonne. They were recently married at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Charley Johnson of Alfalfa. Mr. and Mrs. Davenport of Prine yille, visited with the C. M. Charl ton's last week. James Griffin Is hauling wood to Prinevllle. Good wages are made at wood hauling, while present prices prevail. Wood is now $10 per cord. E. L. Iverson were business visit ors at Redmond last week. Sheriff John Combs was among the visitors from Prinevllle at Com munity Hall dance last week. Powell Butte Sorosls Club held a business meeting at Community Hall last weok. Washington. Official Washington " combination of political caucue, lrawlngroom and civil service bureaus" conialnlug "taiemncn who are poli tician and politician who are not statesmen" I poorly organized for Its Uk which "fewer men of larger capa city would do better." Such Is an epitome of the view of Franklin K. Lane, retiring secretary cf the Interior, expressed In a character istic parting rcpoit to the president on the occasion ol leaving public life Monday after more than 20 years' err Ive the hint seven In the cabinet. "Washington," Bays the retiring sec retary, "Is rich In brains and character. It Is hoiHt any commercial standard. It wishes to do everything that will promote the public good. But It Is poorly organized for the task that beloncs to It. Fewer men of larger capacity would do the task better. ! Ability Is not lacking, but It Is press d to the point of paralysis because of an Infinitude of details and unwlll- 1 Ingncss on the part of the great body of the public servant to take respon- j BlblMty. "We could save money for the gov- j ernmeut If we had more discretion as i to how we should use that given us. For the benefit of the civil servants i there should be quicker promotion or discharge and a sure Insurance when disability comes. Fr the higher ad ministrative offices there should be salaries twice as Mgh as those now given and they should be made to feel that they are the ones responsible for the work of the department." TW3 PARIIAMEHTS i FCTICED FOR IRISH London. By tho provisions of the new Irish home rule bill, two parlia ments will be 't up one for the north and the oth."- for the south of Ireland; the nortiw.n to consist of 52 members and the southern of 128 mem bers. The repres'entation in the Im perial parliament would be 12 for north Ireland And 30 for south Ire land, necessitating the reapportion ment of Ireland, which Is provided for In the bill. The northern area would be com posed of the counties of Antrim, Ar magh, Downs, Ftrmanagh, London derry aud Tyr-ue and the boroughs of Belfast aud Londonderry. A "council for Ireland," composed of 40 members, half of whom would be selected by each of the parliaments. Is ala provided for In the bill. The. legislative powers of the new council would be only those granted It by the two legislatures, but the framers of the b!i! hope It will form a nucleus around which wouUt be built one pai liament for the whole of Ireland. CREDIT RESTRICTION DESIRE! Birds Enjoy Much Sunlight. - The Arctic tern enjoys more hour of sunlight thnn any other creature on the globe. The sun never sets during Its stay at the northern nesting grounds, and during the stay In the south it lias two months of continuous sunlight, and practical daylight for be tweon six and eleht months of the ear. . Conservative Policy Urged By Banks, According to Federal Report. j Washington. Early ending of the,: general expansion w hich has char-1 acterlzed war and immediate post-war periods were In a statement j summarizing February business con- j (Hdons issued by i!;e federal reserve board. The upward movement of prices, so far as the board could ascertain, gen-; crally had not met with any check, j Financial and banking authorities ( everywhere were aerted to be look-i Ing more seriously at the general Bit- j uatlon In credits and beginning to i urge the adoption of conservative pol- j Icles. While the review asserted that j this could not be accepted as meaning ; that the "orgy of speculation" had j been absolutely checked, there was said to be the Indisputable evidence that; banks were exercising a "greater de- j gree of discrimination and Judgment in complying with the demands of their customers." SELF : LESS : NESS Wins SELFI8H:ES8 Is conquered when West Coast' Life application Is signed V 7TC The fellow who "kicks" against protecting his own old age and his family with life Insurance oaually "kicks the bucket" prematurely. Then, society "kicks through" with the necessary expense and a purse for the widow. DON'T BE SELFISH STANDARD RATEH Hl'PKR-HERVICK West Coast Life, San Francisco ItKHT FOB ALL THE WEST Central Oregon Agency H. H. Wilcox. DOLLY HODGES Irfwal Manager, l-rineville, Orcfron Telephone 164. CASH FOR FURS I pay the highest market prices for furs of all kinds. Send in your furs by mail or parcel pQst to RAY PUTNAM P. O. Box 312 Prineville, Ore. From B0SB3 to RAZOR STRAPS, TB'ES THESE! Oregon la tha best plaoe In the world for oommerolal growing of roses. Razor straps manufactured hero are na tionally advertised and sold. Oregon manufacturers of carbon paper, drag sawa, rubber heela, stoves .brooms, f limit are, oo ugh drops and other oommo- dlties make their pro duo ts so good that the world asks for Oregon-made. assoolated Industries of Oregon jMSoatea Aspirations. The chief use of ony man to thi world Is the influence of his aspira tions. Not achievements alone can de termine a mnn's value to us; but the vision of the Ideal hich he has and' jrives to us. In words, on canvas, in marble, In stately piles of architec ture. Solon Lauer. Liquor Moving Is Legal. Washington. Liquor owners may transfer their stocks legally fri-m one dwelling to another only when there Is an actual change of residence and then only under special permit, accord ing to an announcement by the inter nal revenue bureau, issued to correct published reports that owners of two or more dwellings might move their stock from one to the other unhampered. Japanese on Increase In Hawaii, Washington. The Japanese popula tion of Hawaii has increased from a handful 30 years ago to 120,000 per sons, Governor McCarthy of the terri tory told the senate immigration com mittee. He asked that congress co operate In Americanizing the alien population of the Islands, declaring that orientals constituted more than 50 per cent of the total. Where Some Men Fai. Moreover, some men :,rive sc much intention to their principles they don't have time to do real work. Dallas News. Very True. That a man may be "down" and no' nit is also true of the match player in i;olf. Boston Transcript. To Improve Chinese Tobacco. ElTorts are being mnde in China to eiprove native tobneo by plan'lng vmortcan s il mid teaching moderr, ipthods of cr.ltivnfion. No. 010871 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Of fice, The Dalles, Oregon, March 2, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given that CARL R, A. BREEDE of Suplee, Oregon, who on October 20, 1912, made Desert Land Entry No. 01876 for W4 NWV4, Section 24, Township 19 South, Range 28 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice f intention to make final desert land proof, to establish claim to the land above described be fore Charles A. Sherman, U. S. Commissioner at Fife, Oregon, on the 15th day of April, 1920. Claimant names aa witnesses : Gideon Perkins, J. W. Perkins, of Fife, Oregon: Ellis Laughin, Fred Walker, of Su plee, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 17t5c Register ORDINANCE NO. 268 An Ordinance vacating a part of Prineville Heights addition to the City of Prinevilie, Ore gon. WHEREAS J. W. Boone has filed with the Common Council of the City of Prineville, Ore gon, his duly verified petition praying that the hereinafter descibed portion of Prinevilie Heights addition to the City of P-ineville be vacated, and it appearing to the Council that the petitioner is the sole owner of all said por tion of said addition, that the same is free from all incumbrances, tha no lots have been sold, transferred or conveyed therein, that no alley, street or road has ever been improved, openedup or traveled therein, that no other person owns any tot -or parcel of land in said addition adjacent thereto, that said portion of said addition ties within the corporate limits of the Cty of Prinevilie, Oregon, and that it is to the best interest of the petitioner and to the public that said portion or said Prineville Heights be vacated, therefore, THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF PRINE VILLE DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : Section 1. That all that portion of Prineville Heights addition tojhe City of Prineville. Ore gon, according to the plat and survey thereof now on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk of Crook Connty, Oregon, and as appears of record in Book 3 on Page 36 Plats of Crook County, Oregon, which portion is de scribed as beginning at the southwest corner of lot 12 in Block 1 of said Prineville Heights sddition, which point is 98 feet north 89 de grees 56 minutes west and 233 feet north from the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section thirty-two in Township fourteen South, of Range sixteen East of the Willamette Meridian in Crook County, Oregon, and running thence north 774 feet ;thence south 89 degrees 66 minutes east 1400 feet; thence south 774 feet and thence north 89 degrees 56 minutes west 1400 feet to the place of beginning, be and the same is hereby vacated. Section 2. That the County Surveyor of Crook County, Oregon, be and he is hereby di rected to make the necessary notations on the original plat of said Prineville Heights addi tion, upon payment of the statutory fee there for. Section 3. This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its approval by the Mayor. Passed by the Council March 2nd, 1920. Approvedby the Mayor March 2nd, 1920. D. F. STEWART, Mayor. Attest i P. C. GARRISON, Recorder.