Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 04, 1920, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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rKl lTf jot tT.Mt,
At Your Service
The officers and resources of
this bank are available at all
times in assisting you to solve
your financial problems.
We do both a Savings and Commercial Business
Capital and Surplus $50,000.00
hown. ttffri)ir with th raU, In'tr!, psmU ( ,
tim. Mild wrr.. nntl, H4 tn imm of ynmr
fttilurr an tn tUt, ft 1 r will bs ntrC j
iMintl yna f.rUi-irfi tt din t,f mtil't 1
ln'MtM of. tfi'llndUfr.ry and ngilnai tb IniH 1 1
h vfofnr ilMrritwl t-rr -n. "d rttr-etin,T that
smm bw Milfl to satiafr mM I rtl, )uH n nt n4
! i t'-, roll ifiatti. In fan nnd sect". In
r'Miia, swrnriHriK tn U.
Thta ftummi n U ptit tlnhd ff a prin.
fnor than nin e-nn'lva wVa by o ttor of ,
th Hnti'rahl T. K J. Duff. Jcdr of th tal4
Clrn(t Toiirt of h Hint of Onon fr ft.', i
Crrk Couritr. marl nnd T.t r. lraln on tK 1
tth rty of fVmiW, A. P ni', th tit,'
of tha ft- puh'rttnn of thla mM ffamrrwrn. ,
brlnir (ha lat daf of January, ."', and tha
tint nf tb laat publf ation of lha imid Hans- ,
rnn twin on tha lt day of April, A. T.( !
!flt!0 All pfM-wia and paorn In VU i'twU
Ip may ho ard up-a tna nn(tmU H
tHrt attnytiry of th B'l-fa nf Omr b fr
Cmini, and attnTi'-y fr p'al tiff nay-ln t
rtMlna t I'HnwI'iP, Orf-yon, and wboaa P't
Off1w a'fdrroa la tV'tif-vlIlt?, nrn.
, Iaa of lat ptihllra'l. AnH' 1,
fHlirrMll W.T.f.ARO 1?. WTRT7,
j niittrM Aftrpnw of tha Sfatf of Or fl
fVr TyroV Cottntf,
foNffp A-l-'naa: ,
PHnavllla. OfK'fi
Oils, Greases and Accessories
Here are lomt of my prices cover
ing Ford repair work.
Overhaul motor and transmlMloa
$tt. 00.
Overhaul rear axle end drive
haft! 10.
Overhaul front system, I".
Overhaul steering ceiir. I" HO.
Tighten all bolts and nobs on cur,
Replace front spring, I1.B0.
Rellne tranamlaalnn bunds, I2.TS.
Grind valves and clean carboa.
Now la the time to have your car
overhauled and get It ready for yoar
spring and summers an.
Come to me and I will give you a
square deal.
L. V. SEARS, Proprietor
Hot Water Bottles
DurnlilR. Unlit and Hoat-rotalnlnR
A nm-rt iinil a comfort that will w-ar.
In dlffiTiMit BhupB and ali;"'
An a prm-autloii flKalnat
cohla, use a
"flu" and
1K Vll.mss ATOM I .Kit
Tor Hip noao and tlirout. Let ua bIiow
vou tlttt iminy advantagi'S of the Ho
NOTIff or fr'Kii pi pctiov or THB
K(lr In hfrwhy ylvt-n Ihul on th lth AJ
of Miirrh, Win, hftwprn Itw h"tif of $ oVWk
a. m MAil fl oVIfM-k n. m. of n4 Hal ft Rprlnl
rfllftn will bo hM In in( hy bi Crrwvo
trrlvndfin HUtrlrt f..f Um WW 'if A' r
tnlnmff whHh or nt hon-l of the Tltr!rt
In tli. am'ttnt of IHm.fimi m, with Intrwil
pot tn tr4 6 fwr ernt rnf unmim hll h
Ifsnr'l hy th lloM of th O'-hoo Irrlpullon
TllnlHrt to complete tht (tm and dbtrlhatkm
IT"!'"! of mM Ohoro Irrigation IHntrl'-t.
SiiIH rl-tl'n will U hrli nt th Orimn
Dulrd t Prinrvlll. Oron, thta 4th imr of
Kel.ruiirir. 1112(1.
ft. A. SOfinAU fS-r.tiirr
Ofhwo Irrliriitlon Illlrlrt.
NoTifp. or Hur.mvr mi.r
Pr virtu of an Mrrntlon In fororloitr duly
IhiimI hy th rlerk of th ClmiH Court of th
County of C ook, Htt of Ort-iron. rft-(l thta
StUh Ahv of Jnnnnry. 1121. In a rrrlaln artlon
In lha rirrult Court for th nM County and
Stutr. whrroln Illa Rratnmon. Plaintiff, ra
nivrrrd lii'lrmrnt airalnit Mm. T. N. Balfour.
John ft. Wlaon. Jimin A. WIIon. Alma Beara,
and thr uokntwn hrtra of laaae ft. Wilaon. de
rMmrd, Drfrndanta, for tha aum nf Nina Hun
drrd Twonty-On and 2 on hundrrdtha Dol
p.ra with Intoroat at tha rata of par wilt
prr annum fnim tha th day of Daramhrr.
ltllT toffrthrr with Nlnrty-FWa and no ona
hundrrdtha Pollara attornry'a frra and lha
further aum of no dollara coau, and mtrruln
Notlra la hawhr rlvMl that I will on Satur
day, tha th day of Marrh. 1020, at tha North
f'onl door of tha eoorlhouw In Prinrvllle, In
aald aounty. mt 10 o'rlork tn tha forenoon of
M day, aril at puhlir auction, to the hlitheal
hldder for raah. all rlirht and title that tha
ahnve naminl d-fendnnta or any of them hava
or had at the date of aald Judgment in tha al
lowing drtirrlhed property, to-wlt:
The Northeat quarter. North half of tha
ftoutheaat quarter. Southeast quarter of tha
ftoutheaat quarter, and tha Nnrtheaat quarter
of tha Bouthweat quarter of Sertton Five (61
Townnhlo Twenty-One (211 Rooth of Ranire
Twenty-Two (221 Eaat of the Wlllamett Mer
idian, In Crook County, Oregon,
JOHN COM1IS. Sheriff of Crook County
rtaled at Prlnerllla, Oregon, thla lth day
sf January, l""
By F I.OYD A. ROWELL, Deputy
NOTICE la hereby given hy tha underalgned.
tha Addminiatrmtor of tha Batata of John J.
Mrlirath. dereaaed, that ha haa made and filed
with the rlerk of the county court of Crook
County, Oregon, hia final accounting of hia
adminiatration nf aald Eatate and that tha
court haa aat Monday, tha fifth day of April,
1920. at 10 o'clock in tha forenoon at tha Coun
ty Court room In Prineville, Oregon, aa the
lima aad plaea for hearing and aeltling aaid
final accounting, at which time and place any
peraon Inlerratrd in tha batata may appear and
object thereto.
Dated thla 2th day nf January, 1920.
M. R. ELLIOTT, Adminiatrator
IStSp of the Ealat of Jonh J. MrGrath,
. Pcccaaad.
NOTICE la hereby given-by tha underalgn
ed. the. Adminiatrator of the Etl of John L.
Mnntromrry. deceaaed. to all peraona inte rented
In aaid Katate. that he haa filed with tha clerk
of the County Court, hia final accounting of
hia adminlatratlon of catate and the court haa
! act Friday, the lth day of March, 1920 at 10
o'clock in the forenoon, at the County Court
room In Prineville, O egon, aa the time and
; place for hearing and aeltling aaid final ac-
1 counting. At which time and place, any per-
, aon inU'rcfttcd in axid Katale may appear and
. object to aaid final accounting.
I Dated thia IHth day of February, 1920.
I InUlmtnr of tha Katate or John J. Montgom
' cry. Deceaaed. lotoc
la tha Circuit Court of lha StuU of Ormma
for tha County of Crook
Crook County. Oregon, a public eorponiti..
Plaintiff, Va.
John Daniela. D. H. People., J. C, Cochin. H.
Karl Croaa. J. F. Wiloorn, Ellen E. Ko.
Francla P. Egan, Geoma F. Utlei L. M. Mil
ler, R. L. Kltchlng, 1. Fred Myarr. tigerge
George Roba, Sarah Doraey. and all panma
unknown owning, or claiming to own, nf
right, title or interaat In tha real proirty
hereinafter deacrlb.d. Defendanta
To J.ihn Diiniela, J. C. Corhln. Ell. n B. Kg-
an Francla P. Biran, George F. Utliy, I. Fred
u..r Sarah Tloraey. and all nvraont unknown
owning or claiming to own. nny right, tit!
or Intereat In tha real properly lieretuaft-r
Seacrlhed, Greeting
GON, You, and ench of you, ara hereby noti
fied that Crook County, Oreg'm. la the owner
nd holder of Certificate of Tax Delinquency
Noa. B17, BUI, Baa. P, B44, B4R, B4. BIT
B4, BR9, rl4, B12, B. BR, and B. laaued
en tha nd day of January, Jf17, In the total
aum of Three Hundred Eleven and 73-100 Dol
lar! (H11.7S) tha aald anm being the amotintu
then dua for delinquent taxoa for tha year
1914, upon real property aaaenaed to you and
of which you are tha ownera, aa nppenra nf
record from the ajweaamcnl rolla now In tha
fcanda of the aharlff and Uit collector of the
County of Crook, State of Oregon, which gnld
property ta located In the aald county and atata
nd ta particularly described na followa, to
gether with the namea of the resooctlv own
an of each parcel or tract of land, tha eorrea
pondlng mimbera of dcllneount certlflcataa aa
foreaald, and the amounta dua on the an d and
day of January, 1917, tto-wlttt
BIT airalnat John Danlcla for tha REVi SWV
of Section Two (), and the "in,
SWVi NEV, and the NWV4 PBvJ or Paction
Eleven (111 In Townahlp IS S"iith, Pni'
II Eaat of the WlllnmctU Meridian.. 110.(10
BAl agnlnt P. H. People for the N"- NEM,
the SWV, NEV, and the NB", NWV4 of
Section 1 In Townhlp U South, Range 1
Eaat of the Wtttnmette McrMian fafl.HS
BM agalnat J. C. Corbin for tha SW14 NW
of Section Eleven (111 In Townahlp 1 South
Range in East of th wWamctto Mertd.
Ian '
B4D amlnat FT. Earl Croaa SW'4 NEV,, SEV4
NWVi. NWU SEV,, and the NE", 8WM
of Section B In Township Sixteen (10) South
Rang It Eaat of th Willamette Merid
ian IM.7
R44 agalnat J. F. Welborn for th SW of !
Section 84 In Townahlp it South, Rang It
Eaat of the Willamette Meridian 127.61
BIS agalnat Ellen E. kigan for th NH BK of
Section Hi In Townahip It South, Rang 20
Eaat of the Wllametta Meridian 117.0
B agalnat Francla P. Egan for th SW14 of
Section ID In Townahip 10 South, Ram- 20
Kat of the Willamette Meridian SS3.M
B47 agalnat Gorge F. Utlay for th S'4 of
the SE4 of Section li In Townahlp 16
South, Range 20 East of the W'ilamlt
Meridian ... 117.00
BID aralnat Mra. I.. M. Miller for a tract of
land On feet by l'-'O feet tn Section S4 in
Township 10 S'tith, Rang 28 Eaat of th
Willamette Meridian I17.0
nr,l auninnt R. L. Hitching for th SWU of
Section 2 In Townahip 18 South, Rang It
Enat of the Willamette Meridian .2Mr
B64 aealnat I. Fred Myera for th NW4 NE
E'. NWV, nnd SW4 NWM of Section 21
In Townahip 21 South, Ranu 24 Eaat of tee
Willamette Meridian $:ll.T0
B12 agalnat George Roba for Iota 1, 2, 8. and
4 In Block 2, Paulina Townait 821.28
B2 agalnat. Sarah Doraey for T,ot 4, Block 18
In Monroe Hodirea Plat of Prineville.... 8.20
B8 agalnat D. IT. Peoplea for l ot t In Block
2 o fJohnaon'a Sub-Dtvlsion of Prin
vllle 8 .2
B9 agalnat D. H. Peoplea for Iota 21, 22, 1H,
and 24 In Block 6 Noble Addition to th
City of Prinevill 8 HI
And you and each of yon, the snld John .
Panic!, J C. Corbin, Ellen E. Eimn. Francia I
P. Eean. Georj'e F. Utley, 1. Fred Myera, Snr
ah Doraey, and all peraona unknown, owning
or rlalmlng to own any right, title, or Inter
eat In the aald above described real property,
are further hereby notified that Croolt County,
I Oregon, will apply to the Circuit Court of
j the State of Oregnn for the County of Crook
for a Juderoentt nnd decree foreeloitniT the
lien of the enld delinquent tag cartlfica'ea
airnlnat the property above described, and you,
and each of you, are hereby aummoncd and re
quired to appear herein on or before tb trd
dav of April. I9v0. anid date being more than
alxty daya from the date of the first publica
tion of this Summon aa ordered by this eourt
exclusive of the d"y of said first publication
and the time prescribed in tb order fo- pub
lication for your nppeamnce herein, nnd defend
this auit or pay th amounts due as abov
By virtue of an execution in forecloaure duly
Usucd by the clerk of the Circuit Court of the
County of Crook. State of Oregon, dated thia
6th day of February, DI20, tn a certain action
in the Circuit Court for the aaid County and
State, wherein Crook County Bank la corpor
ation! re-covered judgment against George B.
Taylor. Mrs. George B. Taylor, Aletha Taylor,
and J. K. Kennedy for the sum of HI 100.00, to
gether with interest on Jf.00.00 at 8 per cent
from January 10. 1917, Int. on S500.00 at 8
per cent fiom February 28, 1917, int. on 8.100
at 8 per rent from April 14, 1917, Int. on 8100
from May 31, 1017, Int. on 8100 from June 28,
1917, Int. on 8200.00 from July 28, 1917, Int
on 81200.00 from Aug. 2,1, 1917, together with
IHOO.OO attorney 'a feea, and the further ate. i of
Dollar, cost, and accruing Cw.
NOTICE la hereby given that I will, on Sat
urday, the 18th day of March, 1920. at the
..North fiont door of the courthouse in Prine
ville, in aaid County, at 10 o'cock in the fore
noon of said day, sell at public auction, to the
highest bidder for cash, at! right and title that
the above named defendanta or either of them
have or had at the date of aald judgment in the
following described property, to-wlt :
The Southeast quarter of the Northwest
quarter, the Northeast quarter of the South
west quarter and the North half of the South
east quartr of Section Twenty-two (22) ir
Township Eighteen (181 South of Range Sev
enteen (17) Kuat of the Willamette Meridian
in Crook County, Oregon.
Sheriff of Crook County
Dated at Prineville, Oregon, thia 9th day of
February, 1920. By Flody A. Rowell, Deputy
Tlio complete Electric Light and
Power Plant
w Keonomical in operation runs
on kerosene, gasoline or gas.
lafjr-. TUB UlaMOND BBA.NU. yk
l.aillel Asa year irmgaiiu Bar A
Mile la Krd and Uold metallic
bona, aaaled with Bin Rlbbu.
Taksaiattaa Buy f yoan jr
irrngwHS. AKlOTUlil.4'U&TKgif
lAMONO IlKANn, rU-lAlaiM
yaan known u Bv, Satot, k'wn Renior
a. V
SCRATCH PADa Different aliet
and quality of paper. Just tht
thing for your deak or pocket
'for sale at The Journal office.
imMil iWBri ?m?t
iS"-'' x,'i- .-a -
tZ j.-j"VjJ
Give Your Family a Home of Your Own
Material and labor available now for spring building start now
and avoid delays coming later aure on account of the great volume of
Our free plan books offer many suggestions r fullof splendid pic
ture of Interiors and exteriors we can redesign any plan to suit.
Hpc I's'Tmlay Xo Obligations to buy
f.-v -lsStt
. .r -.-'.lit
. ''IT 'IF-'.''-
OP HOMES AND ) "" S ',? Z'' 1 1
Try a little old Classified Ad in the Journal
Famous For Its Marvelous Motor
It Will Be a Chandler Six
If You Ask Chandler Owners
IF by chance you aren't convinced that the Chandler
is the greatest of sixes, compare them all. Check
the Chandler against other cars of similar size and
type that list at prices ranging hundreds of dollars
See for yourself how much more the Chandler
offers you in real motor car value, in excellence of
mechanical design and construction, in actual per
formance, in extraordinary economy of maintenance,
and in the beauty and comfort of its bodies.
Or ask Chandler owners who have owned other
cars. They will tell you why they like the Chandler
better. They will tell you how it serves them so well.
If You Don't Want to Wait THis Spring, Order Now
Sven-Passeneer Touring Car, HS9S Four-Passenger Roadster, tlS9S
Four-Passenger Dispatch Car, tl97S
Stven-Passenger Sedan, S289S Four-Passenger Coupe, f 2795 Limousine, S339S
UUtrictf. .. - CWjiJ)
INLAND AUTO CO., Prineville, Ore. i