CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL M MN'II I, IV 'u. PAGE A H WANTED F.U HOGS, MUTTON, REEK, CHICKENS, TCRKKYS, PICKS, GF.KSK, EGGS, HIDES, IUTTHK, AM) JACKRAHNITS... GIVE IS A TRIAL. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE GUARANTEED. PROM1T RE TURNS GULICKSON & CO. 1!)1J HM Front St. Portland, Ore. The Brnvt Ones, There never w hs n niniis( thnt eon' lonri n sirl who know flint sht hi. hulrs In her stm-klns. llo Sprite. (Ark.) Thomas Cut EASIEST THING IN THE WORLD CALL BLACK 303 FOR LIGHT OU HK VVV TRUCK SERVICE t v N'n. S1STM NOTUK KIR IM'ltl.H'ATION tVenr'nunt if Ihi lnfrrlr, V. S. l-aml Of. fi,-t At THe Onll,-. Oncn, .lnnu.iry SI, lu. NOTU'K hcrvbv atwn thnt , KPWAKt) I'AUSCIl if nttrnra, Otvtfon, who in Anrlt 4, 1914. tnmH llomt'tmil Fn.t-y N. Or.!?:1 for F'y NWl,. S.; NK't. SK', S.-tuifi IWn.lut'i 20 South. Kniw :'S Kl, WillaimtU Mm. Hun hit f tl.-.t miliar of inlt-mion to mk ( m.Vi This- Yenr l'nxf to rlnli!Uh chum to thv land nhovp !' Html, hrfo v Cli;rL A. Sh.T ron, It. S. Cmmts.HtoinT, at Fife, Orvvun, on thf 1Mb ily of Mar h. I'.V.M. ClHimttnt nnnit' m wiltiowiMn: John I.. lisixU, of IVy l.tiW. Orrwon : Cat vin U Shortnnn. K. X. I'n, h, J. J. KtHM-torry all of Barm-v. Or, .ron. II. FRANK WOOIH'OOK. HtSc K.'!ltri Morse Transportation Comp'y PRINEVILLE, OREGON j :f5SStSJK I MITII'K! I I United Artisans of Prlnevillo, As- sembly Xn. l;;s. will give a public damp mi roll 22, 1920. at the Club I Hall. The proceeds for the benefit of the American Legion In tho erect j ion of their proposed Coiiiiiuinity I Hall. Committees will Ho their heat to assure till a pleasant evening. Como ami bring your friemls. 154tc. IRELAND'S City Transfer & Express Auto Delivery to all Parts of the City and Vicinity Phone me fcr quick service at Hugh Lakin's Red 951 Prineville Machine Shop The Best Equipped Machine Shop in this part of the State. We are prepared to handle anything in our line promptly. Quality of work is the very best. PRINEVILLE MACHINE SHOP E. G. Hodson, Proprietor Prineville, - Oregon NOTUK OF FINAL SFTTI.FMKNT NOTUT is h rebv uivt n hy the umUrsitftif!, the AHmistnttt r of thv Kst:iw of Itontc.i, dts'tBM'tl, :o nit p'rt'ttn mtt rvttt i in nu Ri tt that h- h:ts t:tilr mut ft't-il with tht vv f iht C'U"ty Onirt of (.'rok C'.miny, Dnnnut. his ftnnl t!'inirmn: tif hi ai'nini-,t at ion -f hhuI tt-. uml the rmirt Imji n't Moni(:ty, hv Mh iny of April. Vx: nt M o'ekwk in thv foiVTi h-n. ;t the .entity c-U't r-mm in Pnn viUc. Oivvr.m a th timv nn.l pta.-c for hturiiitr and KttitiiiK saul final account, at which Mit time aiul i:vce any (nrsnn lrttirvttU in thf Ksiatt may apiH-ar an.l hje t tht-rrto. lted this Hth day of Krhnmrv, 1:?0. RKL'UKN POOTOM. Atliniatratnr of the Katute of Maria lRt"D Booton, Decoutd. '1 Don't Need to Tell You" says the Good Judge Why so many men are going to the small chew of this good tobacco. You get real tobacco sat isfaction out of this small chew. The rich taste lasts and lasts. You don't need a fresh chew so often. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put Up In Two Styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco Is Your Money Supporting the Government? At this critical period In our history our manufactururs are offering their mills and our young men are offering their nervlces to the United States government. Would you like to lo your share and help, by putting your money where It wlli support the new Federal Re.erve Banking System, which the government has established to stand back of our commerce, industry and agriculture T Ton can do this by opening an account with as as part of every dollar so deposited goes directly Into the new system, where U will always be ready for you when wanted. Member Federal Reserve System FIRST NATIONAL BANK The Journal does Modern Printing on Short Notice WEST COAST SERVICE At age 65, 54 out of every 100 men are dependent on children, rela tives, or charity, tor support, 10 are self-supporting, 4 moderately wealthy. The rest have died, mst of them with no estate. Is this not an eloquent appeal to every num to secure good life insur ance at once? West Coast Life, represented in Prineville and vicinity by D'My Hodges, provides in its liberal policy contracts for the needs of declining years and aid for loved ones after death, all to whatever extent the in sured selects. Tel. 164. ' Adv. No. 013409 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Departent of the Interior, U. S. Land Of fice fit The Dalles, Onjon, Februa?-y 12, 1920. NOTICH is h( reby Hv.n thnt WILLIAM ALLKN HAND cf Prineville, Oregon, who, on June 10, 1914, mndf Momfstcad i,try No. f'l&jott for Lots l-'l LV, N W'i, NWi, NK'i, Kj SW'4, SW'i .SK',!, Sii'n ;10, Township 15 South, Range is Last, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inU-ntiuii lo make Final Three Year Proof to cftahlih claim to the lnn.1 above described, b fore Luke M. Berhte!!. U. S. Land CommLss-r-ioncr at Prineville, Oiej,"jn, on the 3rd day of April, i'.l'H), Ch'i:n;:fit names as witriesr-iH: John R. H.-eese, Orviiie Yancey, Stephen W. Yancey, John Mit'.htJl, all of Prineville, Ore gon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, lilac , Register No. 020(34 NOTICE FOR PIBLICATIOS Department of the Interior, V. S. I.and Of fice at The Dallm. Oriron, February 3, 11'0. NOTICE is hereby given thnt JOHN N. SKKLAND who post-offu-e address is Culver, Oregon, did on the Mh day of Muy. luli), file in this of fiee Sworn Stutrment and Application No. 020654, tu purchase the 8Ei NK'i Section 18 Township 13 South. KnnKe IS East, Wilamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as mittht be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursunnt to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised at SMO.ftO the timber estimat ed 60,000 board feet at $1.60 per M, and the land 50.00; that said applicant will offer fin al proof In tuport of his application and sworn statement on the 17th day of April, 1920, be fore I-ake M. Bee hull U. S, Commissioner at Prineville. Oregon. Any person In at liberw to nrotest this nur- chase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time before patent issues, by filing a corrobor ated affidavit, in this office, alleging facta which would defeat the entry. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 14t5e Kc-itcr 0U7.-3-01S3S9 NOTICE FOR PL'BLICATIOV Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Of fice at The Dalles, Oregon. February 20, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given that FREDERICK W. FREUND of Prineville, Oregon, who on April 26, 1916, made Homestead Entry No. 014783 and on Aug. 14, 1915 made Additional Entry No. 015339 for NEt;, NEfi NW14, NEV, SW4 N4 SEVi of Section 82, Township 14 South, Range 18 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of In tention to make Final Three Year Proof to establish claim to the land above described, Tie- fore Lake M. Bee h tell, U. S. Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 8th day of April, 1920.. Claimant names as witnesses: Charles E. Valpey. Peter Matters, Charlea M. Crain, Webley Kyle, all of Prineville, Ore gon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 16t5e Register NOTICE OP 8ALE OF ESTRAY NOTICE is hereby given by the undersigned that pursuant to an order made and entered by the Honorable A. R. Bowman, Justice of the Peace in and for District No. 1 of Crook Coun ty, State of Oregon, on the 21st day of Febru ary, 1920, an est ray, to-wit : A com ing two-year-old red steer, branded with a B on the right shoulder, and with a crop off the left ear and a slit in the right, which was tak en up by the undersigned as an est ray animal at his place about the 1st day of September, 1919, at what is commonly known as the old Pitcher place, about 4 1-2 miles north of the City of Prineville on McKay Creek, will be sold at public auction for the highest and best bidder for cash In hand in the manner pro vided by law at the said Pitcher place at 2 o' clock in the afternoon of Saturday, the 13th day of March, 1920,, to satisfy the costs of tak ing up and keeping the said animal, including justice's fees, costs of advertising and such other costs and expenses as may accrue at said sale. Dated this 26th day of February, A. D. 1920. (signed) C. C. REYNOLDS 16t2c 01067 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Of fice at The Dalies, Oregon, Oregon, Feb. 17, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given that REUBEN D. GEORGE of Bend, Oretcon, who on October 28, 1912, made Desert Land Entry No. 010867 for SEVi Section 30, Township 16 South. Range 15 East, Willamette Meridian, has fied notice of In tention to make Final Proof by Purchase, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner at Bend, Oregon, on the 6th day of April, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses ; Bob Lisk, George D. Baker. Kepubication. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 16t5c Register STOCKMEN'S MEETING The annual meeting of the Maury Mountain Horse and Cattle Association will be held at Prineville, on the 3rd day of April, at one o' clock, p. m. This meeting Is for the purpose of electing officers and to take care of any other business that may come before the meet ing. DICK MULIIOLLAND, 16t5c Sec.-Treas. STOCKMEN'S MEETING A meeting for all stockmen in Crook county will be held at the court hoiiKe in Prineville on March 8, 1920, at 7:00 p. m. to form an aso ciation for the purpose of bettering the mar keting and feeding conditions of the stock in dustry of the county All stock men are re quested to be present. 16t2c Mftffl!wwi 1 & 1 mm ! i (i ilk. saA I ' " j l i : ': Si !i I? !l I Ik tvx wad 1 ! 1 1 i 1 is ' s ! 1 i is iWKk . WSL" Si I'M Mi;n 1 ' m iiMiHi . r ' LViM I " . 1 1 i 1 1 i ' .I . ..!),. T Ml, I .ii. ar 1 nr f ' M 1MSf. "TfV M. .i i It, . Liumum POURsI and haif monnd Urn umJor na . . vQoi-fl 'I I! I1 -. 1 "ill l j II " 1 i I Bill IHl.jr tfVSrj-i'vV mt vSV'l hinPi lip Pi I iy '.,! t , J ' 4 T)UT it flush up to Prince Albert to produce more smoke 1 happiness than you ever before collected I F. A. s built to fct your smokeappetite like kids fit your hands! It has the jimdandiest flavor and coolness and fragrance you ever ran against I Just what a whale of joy Prince Albert really is you want to find out the double-quickest thing you do next. And, put it down how you could smoke P. A. for hours without tongue bite or parching. Our exclusive patented process cuts out bite and parch. Realize what it would mean to get set with a joy'us jimmy pipe or the papers every once and a while. And, puff to beat the cards 1 Without a comeback I Why, P. A. is so good you feel like you'd just have to eat that fragrant smoke! R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Wintton-Salem, N. C C U A S. K. K I) W A K I) S I'hjslrlun anil Hurm-on Of fire 217 Main St. First door south Prluevillo Drug Company Office phone Blk 201. Res 106 1351 RID) You can't pull the tread off a Thermoid Tire CROLIDE COMPOUND the new substance in tire manufacture renders the tread texture cf Thermoid Tires unusually smooth and compact, thus insuring great vitality. The tread is as tough as raw hide, buoyantly resilient and absolutely impervious to oil and water. One Thermoid Tire will prove Its value. Guaranteed 6000 miles (Ford sues 7500). lsS rTHTLOs TIRES FOR SALE BV Clark's Tire Shop SCALE BOOKS Neatly printed and bosnd. Send (1.00 to tht Joarnal and oue will be matlM you, postage paid. ltl THK OCHOCO ARKET M IS NOW IttUDY TO S l-l'l V n n NKKOS l A 1,1, KINDS OK i it; st! isDcntni) me.ts FRUTS, V IXi IOTA Itl.KN, ASU PRODI i KlS HKASON F. T. COX riUMCVIM.E, OIUXiON Get the Top Market Prloe for YOUR RAW FURS Send Them To Write for Price List And Tag THE GOLDEN RULE FUR CO. 003 First Ave., Seattle, Wahd. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE BE1CVICK3 FRANCIS WILLI AMS-DURAND PIANO, VOICE, and VIOLIN East First Street H. P. Belknap L. V. Belknap BELKNAP & BELKNAP Physicians and Surgeons Office 122 Kant Third Street Prineville, OwRon Office phone 51 Residence ti At Masonic Temple every Sun day at 11:00 a. m. All welcome Sunday school for all under 20 years of age ot 10:00 a. m. -JUxnd i JK-hhr Has No Rqaal No Rival No Substitute IT IS TUB REST J. E. STEWART&CO illtHH(HOIWiH When writing advertisers, pleas mention The Journal. LAKE M. BECHTELL U. 8. CoinniliiHlonor AttorneyAt-Law Crook County Bank Building PRINEVILLE OREGON Do your eyes trouble yoaf Asa your glasses giving satisfaction or s) they need changing? If so, eaJl oa Dr. F. H. Day, 110 Hstn St., Prta. llle, Oregon. He Is pormaneaUy n cated at that address. lltte WE HAVE SOME BARGAINS In AGRICUIiTUR lt IMPIiEM KXTH FARM WAGONS WIRE FENCE ETC. FOR CASH COLONS W. ELKINS OREGON DAILY Mil DAILY W)o. DAILY AND SUNDAY Sc If )q don't Ret your paper rK nlnrly, phone Red 431 and we will Mnd one up by special mes senger. PRINEVILLE DRUG CO. Loral Agent HEFORK YOU SIGN a life inaur iice contract In any other com pany eicamine the superior con tract and low premium rates of Oregon Life. Sen. T. L. Qnlnn the local agnnt. 24tfe FEED DEALERS I when you wnnt pure cane STO( K MOLASSES In hnrri'Is, order from SHADY RROOK PKODUCTS (X)MIANY INirllmnl, Ori'Kon Pure, Hawaiian cane, heavy molttBBiiH, weighing nearly 12 pounds to the gallon, 950 lha of siifinr to tho ton, unual to corn or barley in carbohy drates and feeding value at hnlf tho price. Every barrel guaranteed nnd brandod "Shady Brook" buy no oth er. Aak Oregon Agricultur al College, Department of Animal Hanbanclrv. SIIADV BROOK PRODUCTS COMPANY 812 Board of Trade nidg., Portland, Oregon M rj''.'l,'W','''VWyn'I1l''JI:''''l iwmwnim Those baring eye troubles or ner vous troubles should call and see Dr. F. H. Day, 610 Main St., Prineville, Oregon. lltte