MAIN II i, llrllO. PAGE I American Itfe, Legion News 'VS..V v , lir, J. . lioHi'tiliiTK. CiillllrililnliT, H ii HultlcH, A cl J II 111 II t, K. K. llocUiher, Treasurer. I Meetings First Monday each month al Court IIiiiihh, l'rlii"vflln. i tt:-lr hrarts fur thin little lady who 'iiih ( diiim no fjr Im niuko her honm j her. Crook County Post No. 19, Amcrl run l.i'iilon, lii'lil lt i.' htmim-sit ini'.-tliiK Iuhi M mil iy iiikIii. with tin' Im'mI ultttiMliiiii'i' ever hml allien thin pOHt Will flll'llli-ll. One of tint main topics of the v'ii- I II K WIIH till) (llHI IIHIllllll Of till' ill ' If II II (I for CoiiKri'MK to ihhiih h $50 Liberty IIoihI to every irx-m rvli'ii iiuui or worn nil for 1'iirh iiiontli of - it 1. 1' 'ik tint wiir. Tim secretary kui Instruct Ml to write to Him (iri-Kmi n-'n rf i.mi ' lives In CoiiKri'HH hiHiHiliiK Unit they II III il't till I'llUHK. Ili'V, Sli l'iilliim. who Ik i'0"ilii'llriK revival meeting III I'lllievllle, visited tint iiiiM-tlim ii n 'I kiivo u short talk, which was of vmi nnii h Interest to lliii l.i'Kloii tut Mr. MrCulltitn served In France tin thn Chiiilulii of one of the lurKi'itl oiiciiiiipinents of soldier ovur thi'ni. Heal chow, rniiBiMllln of Mh'-iIIr wclnles, coffee, cookie hiiiI pickles, wim heartily disposed of liy thn mem ber. Thin mix-tliiK win ono of tin- best ever In-lit liy thn lonil Post and thn ironiiicm are hrlKhl for thin font to become thn bent In Ci'titrul Oregon, If thn attendance keep up ii h well anil liitorivtt continues In thu inoi-t Iiikh, which are thn firnt Moiuluy of euch month. IAiijt service man who has not yet received hln Oregon modal can secure tho same by calling on George Nleo ll or lr. Rosenberg, and bringing with thi'in thnlr discharge from the SCVlco. Soldiers, auilori and marine who served In th world war will have pri or rights of entry on thn vast North I I'lutlM and filionhono IrrlKnt Ion proj I IM (H III WVOIIlillK l) llll Opened i:p m-xt J inoi.tli, Hi'ci'tuiy I. u n ii announced, fol i I T ing )iihhiii:i ty connics 'if thn J iliil resolution giving honorably dls I dunged service men a preference, ! nrhl 'ii oliliiltiltiK lutiiln uuili-r thn hiiim xtruil net, tlmt first application of thn provisions of thn resolution would Im upi'lled to thn Not III I'luttn m il MhoNhonn district. 'I III' Nlll'tll I'lHltl) will lid Opi'HCll to entry l.y cxservlce tni n on March f, ami thn KhoHhonn project on Murrh III. Thn rlisht of priority In fuvor of f.ninnr Mi rvti'u iih'ii will bo in forcci till iliivR. uftir whli Ii rmiiulnliiK InudH will li ttvulluhlo for public entry. Thn Attlai r ar- ifo!i!:; ! !! -n i iiil "' ii t, tVi iiiKht of Hiitur- III, th" l-l" 'I V: n'll till! IT I'.'IIH (if ti'i h it-i to thn AiiH'rlcim l wS' n In !!'! f -.cilon ,f ih(.)r nn.)i :i 1 Community Hull. All thn legion nvn ii t'.lii of !li' country urn cxti'tt nd t.i turn out for thin (n'caitiii, and mil n v will In- h" f' "in ' r i i' .mi hi 'I other l'i;.rt!"i In Central )rt?oii. j Cnoil miMd'vl' hi a and coffee, Vnii. nindo ru'o, Ire creuin and punch Will ) In thu luill 'or.s.ity. I'rr.' will be Klven f(,r :ho in 'it daiic'TM and evnr1' bod can rxm-'i n pjund tlmn with the i Ari'auna und l.-K'.'.m priwiit to lnn k mi Ho- d ime It will mart at Niiiu iiharp. Tnke N"t'!. if9 ADD TO I.KOIOX - ,Adl KVe HH A n u in t. r of l.eKlon nu n and their Imly filcndH turned out Wednnmluy UiKllt to welionie Herb llaiullloti mid IiIh bride, who la a ljidi;luii girl, to I'rlnnvtlln. 'I'll In wan a coiuilet aur priHii to thn youtiK coupln, who uppru i late thin visit very inuvh. Tim crowd arrivtid ubout nlnht o' clock and inaile thnlr preannca known by neri'iuiilliiK thn houin with lungs that thn aoldlera aatiK when In France and llnlKlum, and which were famil iar to thn lirliln. Thu vlalton were then admitted and Bpent an unjoyablu 'hour vlaltliiR. Thn brldu cannot apeak EiikIIhIi, ' hut Home of thn ovnraeaa men who worn prcient talked with her, and ihe told them of her difficulty In Ki't tliiR to her domination because, ahe could only apeak French. The crowd left early, and all who worn prenent Inft with a warm place m Norma or thk aini-al ktatk mt or TUB Western Union Life Ins. Co. tit apnkn. In til mt'0 of Wahlnirton. ori tin Ilnf)r flr.l il nf l...;nl.. r. HUD. rr nil" lit il'. tnmirifr.f'. rrfntimi'iir wf uitl ittt .if '(r-Kf.r.. pi.rmmi'1 lb law. I clll. Airi'einl Ait rapllal mOx-Ii fald uu 2lrf. IKKl on TeI irmlurn throm for tl'ii )I" t IM72..V.H :.J llit.-i..ii rli . f.-i,.l ni,1 fntn rw."iv. fl'in v Hi. ,nr ... 273..Vrf) 13 lie .'lorn .ii'i-r if ii r- our : f: M l'i -i-Hf H.1 H 1 II ttn Toii iii""n. ti.7HI.nmKu llllrurMinrnl. J'Hiil for lr.-n. .i,'!ia wn in. wiaiuII:' iii.'I H'U ; Mirtfr j i'mIm ib.'I f iiiimj atei h ihrliiK II'. H'-mr (.'i.iiiiioM.i.i.i Mii'l mmlttrl'K imIU 6'jrlnK tl'. i mar Tlt'ii ll'-n. anil U-9 paid it'irln Hi v.r Areii'inl of nil other xpm'lt. furl 122.4 ID .14 Ifl.lHH) till 53 1121 70 4H 2HJ , HI IMH S3 ifeejeculcist lis built When the talk turns from politics to railroads, and the traveler with the cocksure air breaks in with, "There's an awful lot of 'water' in the railroads," here are some hard-pan facts to give him: American railroads have cost $80,900 a mile roadbed, structures, stations, yards, termin als, freight and passenger trains everything from the great city terminals to the last spike. A good concrete-and-asphalt highway costs $36,000 a mile just a bare road, not count ing the cost of culverts, bridges, etc. Our railroads couldn't bo duplicated to day for $150,000 a mile. They are capitalized for only $71,000 a mile much less than their actual value. Seventy-one thousand dollars today will buy one locomotive. English railways are capitalized at $274,000 a mile; the French at $155,000; German $132,000; ' even in Canada (still in pioneer development) they are capitalized at $67,000 a mile. The average for all foreign 'countries is $100,000. Low capitalization and high operating effici ency have enabled American Railroads to pay the highest wages while charging the lowest rates. Qfiis advertisement is published by the Shsociation of Railway Gxccutives Thou inirint Information nnerntnf tht rallned tituatif May tbtaitt liliramrt by writing to Tht Atseciatin tf Railway Eitcutivti, il Broadway, Ntw York ...WW ... i ir-. FORESTRY NKWH XOTKH On February 11 the President ap proved an addition to thn Kor ;it on the ciiKl end of Maury mountain ern lirucitiK four aectlona. Tula land In cludea lw-:i or tliren aprlne. very val uable to Rt'M rlllH'll, ii h well !1B COl'.Hid eruble timber and Rood prima land. A fence will goon be completed around theae aectloiiH lo Include them with thn run re already fi'ticixl. When this fence Is finished the entire unit of the Korent embracing, the Maury in luntal'if) will be elicloged by fence. Tim carrying capacity of thla ratiKn. la eatlmnted to be about 3,000 head of ca;tle and hotaea. With better man agement of thla range the carrying capacity ahould Increase to near 4,000 head. KupervlHor llarphnm returned a few day ago from Baker, after an ab aetice of a week, where he attended a Joint meeting of Oregon, Waahington and Idaho Koreat Hupervlaora. This waa the firnt meeting of "eaat aide" aupcrvlaora ever held In the north west, that la, aupcrvlaora In charge of the territory easterly from the Cas cade summit. It waa felt by the For est Service that problems within the territory represented were so decid edly different from those westerly from the Cascades that the meeting aa fully justified. The principle sub jects of discussion were along the line of correlation of fire protective plans between the different Forests rather disregarding division lines be tween such forests, and Improved methods of handling stock on the for et range. As a token of the spirit In which the foresters were received at Baker, the following letter has been receiv ed by Supervisor llarnham from the linker Commercial Club. "We wunt to express to you our ap preciation, speaking for the people of linker, for your attendance at the meetings held by the Foreot officials of Washington, Oregon and Idaho, who met here last month. It was a keen pleasure to have you with us, ' even If it was for only a few days, ! and we sincerely hope that your stay j here and the meetings held are en joyable and profitable. "If you got half as much out of thn meetings as we people In linker did, you were well paid for the time, spent here. "Our national forests are one of our lurgest asseta and we want to work with you In increaslong the ef ficiency of the Forest Service. We sincerely hope that at some not too distant date we may again have the pleasure of meeting and entertaining your association in Baker and hope that at any time your business calls you this way you will drop In and see us so that we may become better ac quainted and develop a greater mut ual Interest in the work in which you I are engaged." Total SinUlur-l . ., II. 070.7. 12 A !. Valu of tal owned mnrkt valiwi f 41.473.4 Vlti of M"i k omi oomtfl (mail', or Minorilzi.-a iui H!1'I1J I.o-iii. on niortKNi. Mrol (rollat- ra). tic. l.ltMOA 49 Pr. uihirn rot"a arit liolt'-y loans fill.77H 4 Cfiah In bniki ami on !:it'l.. 412.1:15.04 N-t urn o i.TtHj awl r!el,.rrd pfinluma SI. tan 29 li.l-r'-m ami ranta clua arid ac- '-r.J'l fill Iroi fifl (Hhr aanttl lnt) a.hB4 5H Toial i at. 1711 427. 18 Total anri a'lmlttfd In Or- "0 4.70.427 1 lull. Ill Ira. Nat rrer'M .S3.Z4 STS.1S riruaa cliilrt.a for li.Mfi 17.2Hi;:t9 Ali otte r lluuilitltl 314. .fOf) .13 Total llaMIIII. arfltialva nf caiotal atoi It of 42im, SlI.rtriD.1 17.DA lliialncaa In Ori-aon for the Year, Ori'M prr-mlntna racetvrd dur Ina lha y-ar A at H t 2 27fi 7l Ufa lawiit lytaaoa iialtl durltia Ilia tl.ath rlalma IfHi rca $47.- ri74 40: dlaabllllir H.17 2.1 47.S11.SS WKKTKKN IMO.N I IKK INKI KAXE CO. K. I.. Huttar. I'n a. II. r. TOWSI.E7, Aaat. 8M. Statutory reaidanl aitorMji for sanies' C U. Hulaa Barnes NEWS NOTES Build WITHOUT WASTE STb and you Write for Catalog" of Economical House Plans OA Von have seen the p"'' of "od Jf lumher wasted in 47 V building the old WaV CIIMlnir t7r.i wood as you need It That was the expensive unneces sary thiriB in building that we have e llmimited In this better home that comes to you IT TO PIT ATOI K MUX The other big thing Is labor. It Isn't tbe putting In place that makes build ing -:;. :.-.-:-.'2. It's the fitting, the measuring, and the following the plan the hand sawing that results thnt costs money. All that, we have eliminated. You can build It your self with unskilled help. 5Q2Btoofynft & Some snow fell In our section the first of the week. Lem Thurston and Mr. Keeth brought a large bunch of cattle up from Prlneville to their ranch near Barnes. Contractor H. C. Nelson was a bus iness caller at Fife the first of the week. Mrs. F. A. Hackleman has been visiting at the Jageye ranch. Albert BirdBong and Mr. Carlin were on the Creek last week. T. T. Armstrong had the misfor tune to break his gasoline engine and has been pumping water by hand for a large number of cattle. Harry Barnes Is hauling hay from the B. G. Demaris place. Dr. Wm. Tack man was a visitor at his ranch near here last week. He returned home early in tbe week. Both Dixon, on bis way to Prlne ville last week, had the misfor tune to break his car, and bad to leave it, going on to town with Geo. Tackman. Eggs are 40 cents per dozen in Bend, wheat 4 1-2 cents per pound. Hens will have to scratch if they pay for their own living. Harry Hackleman went to Prlne ville the first of the week. , BAL1XK DANCE Bowkers' Orchestra of Portland furnished the music for the balloon dance held under the auspices of the Athletic club last Friday night. The hall was tastefully decorated with many colored balloons, and late in the evening these were released and cap tured by the dancers for their amusement. Ben Birchdorf and family were business callers at the store in Barnes. Morgan & Cox returned from Bend last week wittb 2800 pounds of gro ceries for the store. Archie McFadden is at Fisher Lo gan's for a while. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express out heartfelt thanks tor the many kindnesses of friends In the Illness and death of our father and husband, T. F. McCal lister. MRS. T. F. McCALLISTER and family CAR OVERTURNS AT TOP OF GRADE NEAR TOWN A car driven by Mr. Carno ot Bend and carrying the school teacher of Al falfa (Miss Beatrice Bullard) and an other lady, was overturned at the top of the grade last Saturday morning. The three occupants were pinned be neath the car until the arrival of men In another car, wlro released them. Miss Bullard, who was the on ly one of the party Injured, was se verely bruised about the face and arms but Is not considered in a ser ious condition. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE One cow, 6 years old, fresh soon. Inquire J. R. Luckey, Prlneville. 17t3p FOR SALE CHEAP One 130-cgg Mandy Lee Incubator, Inquire J. R. Luckey, Prlneville. 17t3p FOR SALE 7-room house, barn and 12 lots in Newsom Addition to Prine villo. Inquire of Fred Grimes, per sonally, or call 5B583. 17t4p FOR SALE One piano bench, and 1 cook stove No. 8 Inquire Mrs. E. E. Evans. . 17tfc. FOR SALE 160 acres of timber land on Grizzly mountain. Will tnke $900 for a quick sale. Fred Grimes. 17t4p FOR LEASE John Davin ia back from California and is ready to lease his land, so if you want to lease any land see him at Paulina, Oregon. 17tfc FOUND On tho street a machinists hammer. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this ad. Inquire at this office 17tlc. OCIIOCO MIXES CLOSING The Ochoco Mine Company is clos ing up its business. Unpaid bills should be presented to the treasurer of the company as soon as possible. FLOYD ROWELL 17tlc Sec.-Treas. laAviaviajmisraiM jw s "t m ..t i . , m h At At i v. w raTnmw in mi m m jai jai m m m wt m n The Line Supreme We are now able to make deliveries on the following makes of cars: PEERLESS CHALMERS MAXWELL CARS MAXWELL TRUCKS VELIE i We carry a full line of fabric and cord casings: Red Top Fisk Brunswick Lee Zig Zag Goodrich Goodyear In our Used Car Department we have: 2 Ford Touring, 1 Ford Roadster, 1 Ford Bu 1 Baby Grand Chevrolet, 1 Hudson Super Roadster 1 Grant-6, has just been overhauled. WILL ARD STORAGE BATTERIES' W. J. HUGHES, Auto Top Repair Department wax The Central Motor Sales Company BRENT & STROUD, Proprietors PIONEER GARAGE CO. Bend, Oregon, Distributors