PAGE ritooK ivcxri joi'RNA., I M A IK II 4, IIIJD. The City P. II Rnauitl u-ne ill PrlllKVill liiKt Wonduy. E. B. Wade of Suploe was In town j yesterday. j R. B. Hynes was up from Portland ! last Friday. j A. Hernnrd came in from Suploe last Friday. H. U'indom was in town Monday j from Culver. j Frank Way was in town Wednesday , on business. j John P. Hopper was In the city on j business Saturday. W. A. Freeman was in from Suploe j Sunday and Monday. j James Robertson of Antelope was caller here Monday. 4 . ' s " R. B. Cross did business in town' , i,..:,, .,.., ,,i i,v riiui.. i the first of the week. I ... .. . , , . . 11 t O Neil, who is a local man and very J. R. Luekey was transacting busi-; Wt, known in Cr lok ,., y. ness in the city today. j Aa vml wiU no,u.0 , s machine Is Charlie Richard of LaGrauile was attached to a harrow and it is an in a Sunday visitor here. j expensive piece of machinery, be j cause it win wear lor years, u win j prove very useful to any farmer who ! nwiix an alfalfa fir nr.iss ranch, in Dr. Van Waters came to rrineville , that you are saving one operation by from Portlnnd yesterday. j C. B. Todd was visiting in town i from Barnes last Sunday. I Weaver Melton received a visit . from his mother this week. j Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bloom visited ; iAl.itiva in Rend Friday. i W". F. Mason was tending to busi ness in the city Monday. The picture shown above is an al l which trr.vels diicctly behind the liur falfa and grass seeder. This machine row- This "oe.ler is new In this part of th? cotictry. tilth. imh It has bom: i.p t it ! ia e:isl for a good many years and no doubt will be of great benefit to the farmers of Crook county. tf yon wish to see this machine g: to (lie I. akin Hardware a.s lie has one for domonstruticn. Mr OWuil has only a i. w i f tiles.- machines on hand using this machine. I ' ' ....... tcr see him or leave word at the i ue nincnwie consists oi a ioim nop- . per which fastens to a harrow and is iVunty Hank, because tlio few operated by a rod attached to a wheel j he has are not going to last long. Grover Price was in town Sunday, i Kred Smith of the Post country ' , , . . , . ... tr:i:is:ie;ed business in town lust Krl- Frank 0 Connor is m town vtsmiig , .. via i . JackDeeotGrUriywM.busineMjn"wy- , , M,s. Kllis McKinnon was In town Tisitor In the city Saturday. O. B. Gray of Post vsited in tow.. Ross R. Bussett of i'oweu uuiie iras in the city Wednesday. Frank O'Connor arrived in the city Frank Broderick registered at the J Monday evening, hotel Monday from Ashwood . Mrs. Max Wilson is visiting her sis- R. V. Reld and Earl S. Richards I near Redmond, fame over from Spray Sunday. James Sirtt of I'pper Ochoco. visit- N. Paulson of Calgary. Alta, is reg- j in town Saturday, istered at the hotel this week. j Hugh Lister, countycommission(r O. Hasslacher of Portland was in is iu town thla wwk' j Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Smith return- town last Sunday and Monday. v. T. Davenport from the Ochoco ed from Seattle yesterday, where they Andrew Barnard was in town Sat- Mlnea. was in town last week. j have been spending the winter with .rday from his ranch at j sheriff Combs attended the Powell - Sms E. S. Turner and wife of Portland Butte dance last I riday night. I hp ,g gUd t get whtre ,he gun irere Prineville visitors last week. T. H. Brennan and Carl Miller were shines once in a while and he finds Richard Mulford came over from , in to" Monday from Paulina way. many Jobs of painting and papering , . ,nino. n...i: waiting tor mm. wnicn snows mat tw will h services at the Cath-i acting business in the city Tuesday. olic churrti Sunday morning at 9:00. Floyd Rowell returned from visit : city. The first of March was properly ushered in as moving day. Kay Put tok possession of the I.ukiu property, which he recently purchas ed. The Lukin family moved into the Winnek house on 3rd Street, and U. A. Newell moved into the house va cated By Putnam. Prineville is alive. He says there Is no pluce like Prineville for him. ing in Portland last Friday morning. C. H. Dealy and Lee Dealy of Alfal fa are transacting business in the city this week. S. E. Roberts, sheriff of Deschutes county, was a Crook county visitor last week. Dolly Hodges is up and around again after being confined to her bed by sickness. A marriage license was issued to T. W. Abel and Lillie Parry both of this city, on February 26. We are glad to report that Mrs. W. S. Hyde, who was threatened with pneumonia, is now recovering. Mr. Chapman, representing the Kilham Stationery Co, spent a day in Prineville last week calling on the trade. Frank S. Glover, special agent of the Fire Association of Philadelphia Insurance Co., visited the Prineville agency Monday. Gertrude McCarthy, who has been ill with the grippe, at the home of E. S. DobUs, for the last week and a half, is able to be up. Ray Putnam, who has been in Port land as a witness in the Crook county bootleeging case, returned to Prine ville last Friday night. Mrs. E. S. Dobbs returned from Portland Monday morning. She has been taking a little vacation visiting her daughters in the city. Tax notices for 1919 have been sent out to all taxpayers of Crook county, and the sheriff's office is very busy gathering in the shekels. E. R. Laughlin came in from Mitch ell last Friday to do business in the county seat. His son, Erie, who has been making a short visit at home, re turned to Pijineville with him. Doctor Belknap reports only two more new cases of the flu. Frank Mertsching's child and Orvil Hayes are the new cases and they are not serious ones, as yet. Sgt. Lloyd B. Hainline has filed his honorable discharge from the Medical Department of the U. S. Army with the county clerk. He is working for the State Highway Department. Mabel Slayton is very ill at the home of her fother, Ed. Slayton, who brought her homp last Sunday morn-: ing. Mrs. Slayton is also ill and Mrs. Esther Morgan is at the ranch nurs ing them both. I Mrs. Gould arrived last Saturday 1 from Bend to make a week's visit with her daughters, Mrs. C. A. Paul j and Mrs. Ray McKinnon, who has : been sink for the last few months, but is now improving. j Frank Broderick, former student of the Crook County High School, arrlv-! ed in Prineville Monday evening from j Bend, where he has been working for j the past three or four months. He! left for Portland Wednesday. j Mrs. Sarah Snoderly, who was taken to Portland on the bootlegging case, came horns, being discharged from the case. The authorities held that she had nothing to do with the ; milking of the moor'shine, therefore they turned her loose. ; P r. Johnson returned frftn Eu- Lookout Kobekoh I.ok'e will init- genf but Monday morning. He has i ;ate tonight at their lodge room oven been vlBltftiK his dauRliter. lv-srel, I (he CMioco Itoonniig house. A short ! who tUlr-niling the U. of 0. Mrs. pocial hour will follow, and refresh-, Johc.snn did not 'otnrn wflh him butj ments will he served. All Rnbekaha : will remain at Eugene Indefinitely. I are Invited ti oltond and all members Frs". ' savs he is going to bach for on the team are requested to arrive i 41 while. on time. Ray McKinnon came into town ; from his ranch Tuesday to visit his j wife. j Frank Foster came in from Powell j Butte and spent Sunday night m town. L. A. Newell returned from Port land Sunday. He reports a fine au to show. Mrs. F. D. Scammon is in town this week on business and visiting with friends j Lee R. Kelly and R. M. Nedrow j of Bend spent the night of the third In town. j L. A. Gasset and wife of Bend ; came o Prineville Sunday and stay- j ed overnight. j A. H. Callahan registered at the ; Prineville Hotel last Sunday from j New York City. Harold Moore and Edgar Peterson ; eame in from Powell Butte Wednes- j day on business. j J. L. Gaither, district manager for ; the telephone company, spent Tues-1 day in Prineville. Herb Angell returned from Port land Monday. He had been in attend ance of the auto show. Mrs. R. H. Powell has been nursing the little daughter of Judge Duffy, who has been quite ill, but who is re covering. J. R. Newell, H. W. Wylie and E. F. Morgan of Portland registered at the Prineville Hotel Wednesday of this week. Mrs. E. H. Kurtz of 487 East 34th Street, Portland, was called to this sity by the sudden death of her fath er, T. F. McCallister. There will be a St.Patrick's Dance .4 t..k Unit nvf WaHnAaHav b IUD UOll UCil f, night, Marcn l(. music win De iur nished by Mrs. Horton of Bend. The Armenian fund is slowly grow ing. The people from the country are responding well to the plea for funds to help these unfortunate people. Mr. and Mrs. Kurtz came up from Portland to atend the funeral of Mrs. Kurtz's father, T. F. McCalister. Roy McCallister and wife were in from the ranch also. V. R. M. Moore, advance man for Famous Players- Lasky Corporation who handle Paramount-Artcraft pic tures was in town yesterday, looking over this territory. Mrs. Ada B. Millican is gaining considerable recognition for her work along literary lines at the University of Oregon. She is spending the win ter at Eugene. Tom Sumner was here from Ante lope to attend his brother's funeral. Pat Kelly expects to start for home from New York next .Saturday, ac cording to a telegram received In this city. Mrs. Etta Belknap Is slightly im provi"g in Portland. Sh" wns mov ed tills weok f'-om the honnllal to the horec of Hazel Sullivan. 393 Itoss St. She is "still under the care of a spec ial nurse. PK1NK.VII.I.K M.. l'lh: Conspiracy to manufacture wine was admitted by Charles Kirshner of' Prineville in Federal court. He must I serve 20 days in jail and pay a 40u fine. Fedeal Judge Bean decided. -- , Oregon Journal Mar. 3. i Trace Origin of tht Jag. Dr. Clarence True Wilson, who ha looked it up, says that not one case of drunkenness due to whisky or spir its occurred in the world previous to 1100 A. D. Noun did not get drunk on whisky, he got drunk on wine. The F.eyptians got drunk on wine and beer. Alexander died drunk and he had never heard of whisky. Egypt and Home went to the dogs on wine and hrvr, not whisky. Every de nunciation of drunkenness to be found In the Bible, and every case of drunk enness told of in history, refers to wine und beer drunkenness. If you want a Car or Truck, see us We . have today: 1 1920 7 - passenger Haynes 1 1920 5 passenger Chrevrolet 12 1-2 - Ton Denby Truck 1 Used Ford Touring Car 1 Used Chevrolet Touring Car A CAR OF HAYNES IS COMING! Our stock of Tires is com plete and all new goods. Buy gas at our 5-gallon pump and save time. Large storage space in our new fireproof gar age. Give us a call. NewellMotorSalesCo. Prineville, Oregon F. S. Towner was a business visit or In Prlnevlllu Suturday. John Davln has returned from Cal ifornia and is going to his ranches near Paulina. Roy Moffltt wag In the city Satur day and reports that almost everyone is sick In his neighborhood. Marian T). Calavan and m cic In Prlnevlllu Monday on busmen. Elmer S. Turner, feld r or 'na tive of the Salvation Army, w..s : Prineville over the week end. ('has. Fobs of the California Trojan Powder Co., was in the city looking over the Ochoco project last week. Peck Crvlghton of Bund was lu the city Monday. The snow has fallen most of the lime since Friday, but has melted u fast as it full. Reports from the For estry office Indicate that then) hn been but little snow fulling In tho mountains, ANNUAL SPRING SALE OF S h it it Hi Cattle on Pacific International Pavilion, North Portland THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1920 7 5 Bull s and 25 Cows i This will be one of the greatest sales of the breed ever held in the Northwest under the auspices of the Northwest Shorthorn Breeders Association. Leading breeders are consigning some of their best bred animals and if it is good breeding and individuality you want, you will find it at this sale. Rangemen have never had a better chance to get the kind of bulls they need on their herds than this sale presents. Send to the sales manager for a copy of the sale catalog. It will be ready to mail at an early date. Study the breeding represented and plan to attend this sale. HARRY C. CRANKE, FRANK BROWN, . Auctioneer Sales Manager Nez Perce, Idaho Carlton, Oregon AAULjanuKja. J 4.11. jut. HI -IJI, .Ul li.ll JUL l.'L JU.jmLJJl.Jul Mi li!Ll.!Ll,:i 11,11 JIM, ll.X Ji,X lilt Ml lYtJVH Hlt H'C JJT lWXJL iMAWli ML luf I