M KC II 4. IIKiO. f ROOK mi'STY tOt RSAl Castor Oil for Botuham. In 'le Of iHilllliMIll ix.lxtf.lnn dorYr I from enlini; K-,ll... i -getiibies or frol! nnd moot eommon with nmiied (rood ine inort i.rr.illvc remedy la H K,MM.r oih !.... or lor oil. I, ,, !- :v. , oiiL-kly. :, one of III.' efTeet. j or the polluting (,, p;ir,,yXp tie KmIIii. N, mid v lien Ihix hi. taken plure 1 1 lie oil will do no good. snip if Floor 160 years Old Still Good. Whri mi old lioiii' In I'lke rounty, l'eim-ylvun;ii. wiih t'l-n ilo'vn It wiik found tic liof.rK of i'ii pine. 1fl year old, were ll!l (food, tiiyn the Ann '.cim Ton Klry Miiiriizlne of S'ali liiU'ioii. Tin- kI.i- amazed the enrpen- f 1 a. f'M j i.ir nil' fiiniiKH wcrf iwn leer w lue ;''! an lin n ami a quarter tlih k. II : it- I S ! ! I PrimeviMe jl I J I I 1 HI 111 II II I IT I I I !M, j STANDARD FLOUR II 1 E-l-MMHBl-kaM III j "EAT MORE BREAD" I CLASSIFIED ADS WANTKD I'lowlng. Have Fordaon tractor and want Joba by the acre. vnn uiid A- C-aaot, Prlnoville or Bond, 1 HAIK OroRon. I5tfc FOR 8ALB OR TRADE Good firm mAKTr.n r,.,n .. tractor. What h.v. yon to trada? WS.WnS " R. L. Schoa, Prlnerlllo, Ore. tfo J"u""t' urrlc WANTKD Ofiicrnl furm work for CLOHINO OUT U. 8. Harneaa. New man with family. Would work BreechlnR barnoaa reduwd from bIiirIo hiindcd If bettor offer, Ad- 1(6 to 158. I bar only II aaU of (lr ss r. E. II. care Journal 15l4p tola new bnrneaa left, baring told - eeta to Crook county farmers. IJST liro bluck cow. Branded Leather baa advanced 13 cent, a XL on Mt- la family milk cow pound elnce theae bnrneiia war but la dry now. J. E. B. at Journal bought and tbe price baa dropped "tti(:o- lotfc 15 per aeL R. L, 8cbce, Prlne- n-nv-L-u 1Z ; . villa ftnurnn ari 1 'IANO 1 UN Kit Howard Soulo, of Villa, Oregon tfo portld and The Dallea. Expert FOR 8ALR Four blocka eaBt of the piano tuner, will be In town for a Public School, 1-2 half acre of Im- f,!W dya beginning the flrat of proved land and with new 6-roora next weok, for aome apeclal work, bungalow. Will aell furnlahed or Anyone wishing tuning done will nnfurnlahed, Inquire at Journal of- please phone their orders to the flee. lStfc Prlnevlllo Hotel. Mr. Soule does all of my work and Is a Specialist. FOR SALE One Ford touring car J. FELLOWS, body complete with top and wind- ahleld. One Ford Delivery, panel Ii. P, IUM'KS KtiOS FOR HATCHING body. One Ford Expreaa body. Central Motor Sulci Co. 15tfc . .... From flrat pen, $3.00 per IS, aec- FOR SALK-Simator Side seed oats 1st on(l Pn. $1.60 per IS. Hena range prlie at both Prlnevllle and Red- from 200 to 240 egg capacity. Cock- mond last year, at 4o per pound, erelafrom prise winning Barred Rocks Early Java Seed Wheat, took first f Portland shows. Address Mrs. Roy; prize at both fairs. Clean aeed at MeCalllster, Prinevllle, Oregon. 5c per pound. Samples at the Journal office. J. L. Gibson, Pow- DENTISTS ell Butte, Oregon. 14tfo -., ; ; OR. H. O. DAVIS Dent 1st. Nea FOR SALE Fine female shepherd , ., . . ... pup. Five montha old. pnrenta are ",od6r" ,hop' ln Kl"n , good heelers and herders. Address n' P. E. II. care of Journal 16t4p DR. FREDERICK McK. INOERSOLL FOR SALE One team mares, wt. Dentist, Crook County Bank Bldg about 2200, six and aeven years Prlnevllle, Oregon. 43tfc old, very gatitlo. One team S year old mare mules, unbroken. Chas. ATTORNEYS Palmer, Roberts, Ore. 15t3p FOR HALE One organ, cost new WvlDnf,?.naWpRTD,',t;rlCL A $175. Will sell for $50. Call at ?fBS,k B" 225 D. Street. E. A. Davenport's B"dlng. Prlnevllle, Oregon tt re8l(lu"ce' lct4c H. R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law WANTED Court House St., Prlnevllle, Ore WANTED TO BUY Small modern OPHTHALMOLOGIST borne. Some cash. Inquire at Journal office. W. B. R. 12tlc DR F. H. DAT Physician, optha- WANTED Woman to do housework. "Iv'nH"'' mV'J Phone Mrs. Sam Roknolds call for S02f,1n. ?T,HtT,Wt" Mrs. F. L. Reynolds. ltitfc "7 " i " ,m-; ! l?A t T , Evenings by apointment. 610 Main The Journal aoea modern printing st- Prlnevllle, Oregon. 87tfc Horseshoeing. Acetylene Welding ItODY WORK ON AUTOMOUILES General Auto Repairing. WM. LOFTHUS, PRINEVILLK OR Fourth Street, Opposite Postoffloe. I'l Mills I lnnr 8 Blacksmithing Whistling for Wind., Everybody is fHmlllar with the old suprrstltlon of snllorn that, to hrlnit a favorable breeze, tliey muNt whiHtle durlnic Ibe calm. From' the remotest times there seems to have prevailed a belief that libation or sacrifice would plnrate the storm spirits and Induce them to permit the vesesl to proceed unmolested on Its course. Itussinn sailors have been known to pour out meal and water over a rocky promon tory la order to obtain a wind favor able to their designs. One of th Family. We hnd a beautiful outdoor wedding for our sister on a September morning. Elaborate floral arches, altar, etc., had been arranged. Our guests were as sembled. From out the bouse came the procession, the minister leading, the bride and bridegroom with their at tendants, when to the merriment of all, our family dog joined In the proces sion, walking along BlowJy as the rest, and he laid down by tbe altar during the ceremony. Chicago Tribune. You Can't Beat These Prices in Cen tral Oregon 1 Buick Bug $ 350.00 1 1916 Ford ' 300.00 1 1 91 G Ford . 350.00 1 1917 Ford 376.00 1 1916 Ford roadster 340.00 1 1918 Hup 1,000.00 Other Good Buys on Easy Terms Ed McGilvray Opposite Post Office In Fact, Generally. A "lentW my 1 1, n I eliolcra eel-ma j look like ii eotnma. l-olbly, ,ut when : they Si t lino h tiinii'n K.vHti-ni they are apt to pin Hit- fiim! prlol to lila - i kUeliee, Quebrache Bark Valuabl. O'l'I'T'i'lio bark, one of thp chief export of tin- Argentine, will tan leather at Ii'iixt three timet a fast as 'he Imrk of tlif; oak or the lieinloek, 'ind In Hum (.n years fort lima have been mud,. ,y Investing In qu--braelni iind.. Nearly lmd.iKH) tons of ibe wood, or the dry extract, are aent to the l.'nle, suites mid Europe an iiuiilly. Tlie growili of the tree is of Hie slowest, and It-Is estimated that l.KH) years Is required fur It to reach maturity. The Buddhlit Printer. In mnny of thi- monasteries of Sibe ria the Buddhist monks print books In a manner which has been handed down from generation to feneration. Movable type Is not used, but each page is carved upon a solid wood Idock, and thus whenever a new hook Is printed entirely new blocks huve to be tuude. Whip Is Bridegroom's Wand. At Swedish weddings, among the middle and lower classes, the bride groom carries a whip. This Is an em blem of bis authority In the domestic circle. Causes of Memory's Stirring. "How I love the smell of a wood tire." Is a common exclamation. Now, there's nothing delightful about smell of wood smoke, but, oh I the memories. The lavender sprigs In grandmother's bureau drawer did much toward keep ing her memory green. Returning sea sons redolent with the fumes of flow ers and fruit are responsible for many u homesick hour. U V "2U Acs. unless the bundle is The Hlnlicst Prices Ever Known That's What You'll Gel from "SHUBERT" WE WANT 'E.'-l NOW-ANO WILL fAY THZ PRICE TO GET Ea COYOTE Hon f-r. c4 (30.00 to 25.91) 22.00 to 18-00 1 16.00 to 14.00 1 12.00 to 9.00 12.00 to 7.D0 Opn H& ??.0Q io I8.1V1 1 16.00 to 14 OA j 13.00 to 11.00 j to 8.09 110 00 to 5 00 MUSKRAT Spring I 8.00 to 7.00 Ota 50 1 5.00 lo 3.75 1 150 to 2J5 100 to 2.00 Winter 6.50 to 5-S0 5.00 to 4.00 1 3.50 to 2.75 1 50ta 1.75 1 2iOJa ISO MINK Fine, Dark 1 30.00 to 25.00 1 20.00 to 16X0 1 15.00 to 12.00 1 10.00 to &50 1 10.00 to 6.00 Usual Color 20.00 to 16.00 15.00 to 12.00 1C.D0 to 8i0 8.30 to 6.50 8.00 to SiX) Coast 1 15.00 to 12.00 1 11.00 to 9.00 1 8.00 to 7.00 6.00 to 5.00 1 6.00 to 4.00 These extremely high prices for Oregon Furs are based on the well known "SHUBERT" liberal grading and are quoted for immediate ship ment No. 3, No. 4 and otherwise inferior skins at highest market value. Ship your Furs now- when we want 'era. Youll get "more money" and get it "quicker" too. SHUBER RETURNS WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY SHIP TODAY AND KEEP 'EM COMING FAST SHIP Alt YOUR R)RS DIRECT TO A. 13 . S H UB ERT THE LAR6 EST HOUSE IN THE WORLD DEN.ING EXCLUSIVELY lit AMERICAN RAW FURS 25-27 W. Austin Ave. Depti937Cliicago, XJ.SJa A Classified Ad brings quick results. 20 Horsepower at the pulley 12 at the drawbar Performs a great variety of work. Hence, more economical than lower price tractors not built to give you this all 'round, every-day-in-the-year service. For plowing, cultivating and other field vrork, the Cietrac pulls big loads and is economical to operate. For b;-!t work, is easy to place in position, easy to keep lined up and, there's 20 horsepower at the pulley, with governor speed control. The only Tank-Type tractor having roller bearings in track-wheels. Motor is dust-proof. Air for carburetor is clari fied by w.;ter. Nt)v tantype, S inch Tride, sir.gle-groutcr track. Clctn'.c is the tractor you have always wanted. Let us put this tractor through its paces on your own place, doing your u'.:i work. Seeing is believing. No obliratiun. Maker & Cornett PRINEVILLE, OREGON inc. tagged to' Shubert'