rage 10 KttOK CXIl'.Vrt JOl'BNAI MtlM'll 4, 10U0. jvwil rhnrter amendments: RESOLUTION HE IT W5SOI.VEO BY THE COl'NCIl, OK I THE CITY Of 1'KlNKVILl.K. OKKtiOM, that the following proposed amendment, to the char ! ter of snid City be and the same hrrt-by are j pronged for ut.mKn to the leal wter. of htf.totVre ,ulhoril, mA iwvrr by .ml Oily also to fanm and sell dirrvt ae sa.d I ity M a spev.al be there- of prineville and is not to I emmdenrd af- I bond , i the city in an m..ut. m on Mom.ay.the 1Mb day of March. I WO. a , o, imirhtwlnw, in Mld ; leB tffr cr, of tht .rw v NOTICE OP SPECIAL ELECTION SECTION 2. The Omnoil of the said City of provide for th colleetitm of the same. To PrinviMe is hertby di rev ted to levy a i,vtat 1 provide for the construction uf cr pool, sep N0T1CE b hereby given that a iria! elect- , tx in addition to all other tae authorised by j tic tank and dit-ual plnnts within or with ton will be held in the City of Prineville on the City charter or any amendment thereto, ; out the city for sewerage, touvther with mum M.xnrUu I ho iftth iImv tt Man h- l0. at which ' .i i t ir i.,nt tr. v tk mt.l r-r.iititr nit th I .Mil. Mir th.-rvtrt and t nmviil ft.p I ha there will be mbmitted to the leu I voters for bond autlxtri ed hy thu amendment and on 1 nient of real pnierty benefitted thereby for their adoption or rejection the following pro-1 and after one til yvnr from the date of the! the construction and maintenance thereof. To iniiuance of such bonds, much further levy a apply what t known as the Bancroft Bonding may be nccewaa:? to provide a stinking fund suf- ! System, same brine Sections SJ6 to SifSS of ftvient in amount to pay such bonds at matur- Uml's Otvgon Ijiws and stihurqueut amend ity. menu, to the construction of any main or Int SECTION S, The indebtedness nil horiied hy , teral newer nr disposal plant and provide for this amendment to the charter of the City of the aneimnt and colttH-tion of su-sviurenU Prineville in addition to all indebtedness ' artwinnt real property bvni futed thereby. And aenerm tthliKHtton mount not to exreed 'eeted by any limiu of indcbtednena in aatd ( ten vr cent of the asm-Mod value of all prop- charter or e'scwhere. ' 'rl" wittnn the city, for the construction of SKCTION 4. All iart! of the chnrtei' of the main and Inderal newern. nd nil appurtrnam--City of TrinrvilW and all ordinance or twrta ' ea tturetiv same to mature in not to exceed 'J& of ordinance of (mid City in conflict with the; yeara and to bear not to exceed iix per cent provi!i(ns of this charter amendment are here- inUrrt. To determine what real P'oierty U by mo'tifietl or repealed a the case may require benefitted by any newer or Utterul aewer, and in on.." that thu amendment may be in ef- j to determine the amount eat h lot or frarthm fTt. lt "r Varrel of real prtMH-rty tthould be a- KKSOI.VKO KUKTHKR that this retolution I csed for any or all sewer etuist uetion and for proved charter amendments ttubntittcd to ( fi and collect such assestimenta. To provide the voters by the Council be filed wi'.h the Ke- for a survey, plat and map of a sewer syntem cordrr uion its avirval by the Mayor for sub- I for the city and to adopt nd appnw the niiK n to the tevaJ voter of said munlciiHty ! same or any n rt theref. To add h, chanuv. for their rejection or approval to be. voted on at : eetrict or abulia), su.'h survey, plat and map i a siH-cial election to be held ther'in. and which or any iwrt the eof. To construct nnd exteml i said jtiH-cial election i hereby called for Mon- lattcral aewem in any port of the city and a' dty. the 1 5th day of Mreh. li'-'O, to be held i srsa, fix and collect the cost thereof fr.m the .m by !aw in ich cae made and providinl ( real proietiy benefit tl thereby. To do and KKSOIA tl' r'CKTHKh thst a copy of this; perform every act and thinir necessary or pro- f resolution be forthwith m.n it approval trans- j per fo- the construction and maintenance of mitted to the City Attorney who shall within ( sewer system for the city of rrineville, with five .It duy thereafter pnwide and -eturn to j all neeesary appurtenance thereto, and to the Recorder a ballot title for such measure to : provvie for the aieement of the coal thereof be voted on at said election as by law provided, 1 to the lands benefitted thereby, fix. determine or in the event the City at this time has no ; and collect such aaemrnta and to sell any City Attorney, t r in rnse of his absence fnm . retil estate upon which tlelintiuent assessment! the City, that a copy of this resolution be forth- , are unpaid and execute conveyance under uch with upon its approval by the Mayor trans- ; aal miited to said Mayo , who shall within five kI i KKSOI.VKO Fl'llTHKR that this residution da-s thereafter provide and return to the Ke- i for pnped rha ter aniendmenta itubmitteil to tordtr a ballot title fcr such measure to be the voters by the Council be filed with the Ke voted at j-aid election ns by law providtd. 1 conh r u-n Its approval by the Mnyor for inib- KKSOl.VKO r TKTUKi th.it the Recorder minion to the leiral voters of said municipal' be and he Is hereby instructed and renuind to ; ity f.ir tbrir re.tevtion or appntvat t be vut ri'b i,'-h this nsoiuiion in full contauiini the 1 d uiH-n nt a snei'ia) election to be held there- hen inabove pminvse! charter amendment and In. and which said sjvecial election i hereby the ballot title and number in full in thei called for Monday, the IMh day of March, ll'-it Crook County Journal and in The Ctntra! Ore- to be held as hy lnw in u.n casea made and iron Enterprise, same b.'inn the official City p-ovidcl Nexvapapers. one or oftener within tlie ten ft .'.SOLVED FURTHER thut a cooy of this I Irti days immediately preceuina the s;ccial revolution be forthwith upon its approval trn election at which satwe are to be voted u,Hn. , mitted to the City Attorney who shall within !.K IT H'RTHKR RESOLVED that Monday, five l5t days thereafter provide and return to the 15th day of March. IMu, betxvetn tlie lenl the Re-. enter a ballot title for such measure to vxtir.i? hours of siid day is hi reby detisnateti be voted on at said election as by lnw provided, as the time for holdmit said special election, ; cr in event the City at this time has no City and the basement of the Court Home ts here- ! Attorney or ii case ot his a hue nee from the 1 . ... V.. . .,i y desiirnated and appointed ma the polling- ; city, that n copy of tlm resolutmn be forth- Pr.nev.lle W asco County Oron -Ped , u . fay tnmmiu Bern it r and Ma tha Oil let t are hereby ai- ted to said Mavor who shall within five IM pointed judyes and Nora SUarns and Dolly d.iys thereafter provide and return to the Re Hodjcta are hereby appointed clerks for said! com fcr a ballot title for sun measu e to be in this reolutiin provided: CHARTER AMENDMENT SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS BY THE CITY COUNCIL AN ACT To amend an act entitled "An act to emend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the City of Frtneville. Crook County, State of Oregon ; and to repeal an act entitled "An act to incor porate the town of Prineville, Wasco County, Oretton," approved October 2S ISSO: and to re peal an act entitled "An act to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the town of Prineville, in Wasco tnow Crook. County, Ore tton.' approved October 23, 1SS0, and to tepeal all acta or part of acta in conflict herewith."' approved February 14. 1SST ; and to repeal an act entitled "An act to amend Sett ion 11 of an act entitled 'An act to incorporate the town of Prineville. In Wasco County. Oregon, approved October I88t." filed in the office of the Sec retary of State February IS. ttW." approved February 16. lfiW. and as subsequently amend ed by an act of the legislative assembly of the State of Orejron. approved February 12, lt03. and filed in the office of the Secretary of State February 13. lit3. and subsequently am- ( ended by an act submitted to and approved by j the voter of said City at an election held there in on November 16, 1915. and j subsequently amended by an act submitted to and approved by the voters of said city at the special elect ion held thirein on September U. HM. and as subsequently amended by an act submitted to and apprt veJ by the voters of said City at the special election held therein on December ID. 1H1L and as subsequently amended by an act submitted to and approved by the voters of said City at the special election held therein on September 23, HH8, and to amend all othe. am endnunts thereto enacted by the Legislative As sembly or by vote of the people. BS IT EN ACT Ei) BY THE PEOPLE OF THfe, CITY OF PRINEVILLE that an act en titled "An act to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the City of Prineville, Crook .County. State of Orearon : and to repeal an act entitled "An act to incorporate the town of October 1880; and to repeal an art entitled "An act to amend an act entitled "An act to inrc- porate the town of Prineville. in Wasco trow Crook t County. Oretron, approved Octo ber 23. 18S0, and to repeal all acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith," approved February 14. IS87 ; and to repeal an art ent.tied "An act to amend section IT of an act entitled 'An act to incorporate the town of Prineville in Wisco County, Oregon.' app oved October 23, lSJt filed in the office of the Secretary of State rehruary 18. approvea reoruary io. , as subsequently amended by an act of the legislative assembly of the State of Orcpon, ap- J .wbA Phnnrv t' ltioa and filfd in the of- ' fice of the Secretary of State Feb uary 13. 1103, and as subsequently amended by an art submitted to and approved by the voters of said City at an election held therein on Nov ember 15, 1915, and as subsequently amended elect km. Passed by the Council this 2nd day of March, J 1120 by the foitowin vote: J YEAS: 6 NAYS: 0 i Submitted to the Muynr March 2nd, 1920. Approved by the Mayor March 2nd. l'J20. ; D. F. STEWART. Mayor. ; Attest: P. C. GARRISON. Recorder. j t BALLOT TITLEi j CHARTER AMENDMENT SUBMITTED TO liiE VOTERS BY THE ClTY COUNCIL AN ACT To amtnd the charter of the City of Princ- bv an a t submitted to and annroved by Uie vl nui.ta vy me 'Ku.t vottrs of said City at the special election held rwtu Februaiy lb, Ic'jy and ail suuttuutnl thin on S..tPmher 11. 1916 and as auhse- : K-nur.aa; tmnio enactea ry me ix.tur voted at said election as by law provided. RESOLVED FURTHER that the Recorder be and he is hereby instructed and required to publish this resolution In full containing the hereinabove propesed charter amendment and the ba'fot title and number in full in the Crook County Journal and in The Cent al Ore nn Fntirnrise, same beinjr the off trial City Newsi'sper. onre or oftener within the t n iltli days immediately preceding the special electron nt which ame are to be v(ited uiMin. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Monday, the 1 "th diiy of Mnrch. i:20, between the leit- vtfin' hours of said day is hereby desiifimt cd r the time for hhlinir said siiecial election nrd the btwemcnt of the Court House is here by deitivnntetl nd ajw'tittd as the ixillintr place for said 'eel ion nnd L. C. Perry, fieo. L. Be - and Msrtha Gillett a e hereby appointed quentiy amended by an "act submit t to and j c-r by vote of the people by adding thereto vw and Norn Stearns and DUy Ho.1 - k- .u tM ...J ntv mt ft... in0r. ; Chapter All proviuii.ji icr a oond is--ue oi noi ial election held therein on December 10. 1917. 1 wi whuh to redeem the and as substeuently amended by an act sub-: .oatin injeuta..,. U said Cay ol a,on.M mi'ted to and aiprved by the voters of said j maiely IrO.OuO to absorb the discount on said City at the spwial election held therein on Sep- lionaa ana lo PviJe for the f.rst y.ars inur rib or, a .11 Mho am. tst tatreon. pro vi Jinn .- r the iJ..rk. I ;.a endments trertto enacted by the Legislative AR- seanbly o by vote of the people be and the same hen by is amended by adding thereto Chapter XII to read as follows: CHAPTER XII. SUCTION 1. For the purpose of procuring re h;rly np'v-int'd clerks f r said election. Pfwsed hy the Council this 2nd d.ty of Mir h. 'W. by the following vote: YEAS: 5 NAYS: 1 Srhmitted to the Mnyor Mnnh 2nd, 1920. Approved by the Mayor M rh 2nd, l'20. D. F. STEWART, Mayor Attest : P. C- GARRISON. Recorder. (BALLOT TITLEI AN ACT To amend subdivision 19 of Section 25 of l.:r a tax levy to pay the principal and inter est thereon. Khi YES lul NO. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF J. ,1,U i,;.la fA poHum .nrl .ti' lltE. Uf riiIIN&Vil,L.C. UI-'U". the present outstanding floating indrbtednes the following proposed amendments to the char- chapter V of the charter of the City of I'rine of said City areregating approximately eighty j ur if Ka;u City be and tne same mreby are viiv tmutv, by the Legislative Assembly and l..,t.,.t rA flv hnH.-f finiia a . S;0 .nitOi uroivstd for submission to the legal voters -f mmved February 16. lHUit and all subseiiuent saitl LUy ai a sjwcuii e-etuon w u wiu v, amen intents thento enatted by tne ietnsiRiure. M'.nday. the liih day of March, l-'20, as in or Dy Vl)te f t,e people by authorising the this resolution prsvidt-d : Cc-Lmil to construct sewers. aAfcss p operty CHARTER AMENDMENT SUBM.TIM) IO bone fitted Iht reby and issue improvemc nt bonds THE VOTERS hi 1r C11Y COUNCIL AN ACT To arrtnd Subiiviion 19 of Section 25 of Ua s coa-;.irisd ot items nereinatter set iortn, eacn and a'l of v'Hi.-h items are hereby exnresiy val idated, and for the purpose of absorbing the dlsM-unt cn the bonds to be issued thtrefor as hereirifttr prcvided, which discount will ag Kregate appnximately seven thousand dolla s iT.odyt and f'r the purpose cf raLsisr an ad 1 rf annxim:! f-tfe thousand . Chanter V of an oit entitled An a t to amena dollars l",000i for the purpose of paying the an an entitled ah aci 10 .dcrnwr me voj first ytar'i inltrtst on the bord? hereinafter provided fcr, the said items of indebtedness, discount and interest being as follows: Registe ed warrants outstanding (in which sum. is included approximate?y $10,000 for completion of tne City Railway, aiproxi mately $3,000 for surfacing and grading streets, 81.000 for attorney's fees in the case of Johnson vs. City. $00 for city's share nt concrete bridge and the resirue for general city expenses I for approximately in pi.ymtnt there fo , or to issue bends of the City in pin nr in whole for the cost thereof in an aiwunt not to exteed ten per cent of the asses-ed value of all taxable propel ly within the City. lt.2 YES. luj NO. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED HY THE COUNCIL OF THE ClTY OF PRINEVILLE. OKECON. that he following proposed amendments to th i har- of Prineville, Crook County, Stale of Oregon ; and to repeal an act entitltd "An act to incor porate the town of Prineville, Wasco County, Ortgon," approved OUobcr 2:1, 18SU; and to re peal an att entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to inco porule the town of Irinevit'.e, in Wasco (now Crook I County, Ore- ter of said City be and the same hereby are gon.' approved October 23, 18M0, and to repeal ;in,t)(,ucd for submission to the legul voters of all acta or paru of acts :n conflict herewith," gajd Ci.y at a special election to be held on approved February 14, lhT; and to repeal an Moriday, the 1,1th day of March, 1120, as in art entitled An act to amend Section 17 of an r..,:L'iior nrVidd: jy .... fc $31,000.00 : act entitled An act to lniorprrate tne town ot CHARTER AMENDMENT SUBMITTM) IO Warrants not presented and endorsed for ! Prineville, In Wasco County, Oregon.' anp oved THE VOTERS WY THE CITY COUNCIL gereral city expenses in the sum of ap- ! October 23, 1880," filed in the office of the Sec- AN ACT pr.?:imately 1.800.00 ! ntary of State rtbrunry la, 1891," approved to amend Section 25 of Chapter VII K.-,toK rivon bv th- dtv to the Crook ! february 16, and as subsequently amend- Df an m t entitled "An act to anv-nd ed by an net oi tne icgimauve ajweniuiy oi me an act entitletf An act to incorporate me t-iiy j State of Oregon, aptrovea February 12, 1'.Mj3, 0f prinLville, Crook Coun'y. State of Oregon; I and fild in the offiue of the Secretury of aD(j to rt.pt;ai an act entitled "An att to incur- State February 13, 1903, and subsequently am- iori4te the town of Prineville, Waaro Coumy, ' ended by an act submitted to and approved by Oregon," approved October 2'i, 1KK0; and to re- the voters of said City at an election held there- pea an entitled "An act to amend an act County R-.nk as follows: S"00 for street imprr-vemcnts : $-1,000 for money borrow c! o ''tnnict Crooked Rive Bridge and $6,000 tc fund amounts due Bank by City ;.rior to l'Jl5, in the principal Bum tf 10,500.00 N-ic irtven bv the City ;o First National Bank one-half thereof for street improv-e j r ra v remainder to fund amount due 1 bank by City prior to 1915 in the prin- inai un of 6,000.00 j Ot:tttanding certificates of indebtedness ! f- r u:st of buiiding Railway 3,750.00 Interest on rails purchased by City . 2,250.00 iiis.ini t'-i interest on floating indebtedness f toniFting of warrants, notes, etc., herein j m'-rp T.-iKiula.rly defr'ribed 4,200.00 Judgment in case of Johnson vs. City 1 -1,115.72 Amount due Crnok county for land pur chased in connection with Main Street Ex- j tension 1,200.00 ( Rtad notes given W. A. King in connect- i ion with Main St. extension 4,800.00 A .i cue City Attorney for services rendered 750.00 ; 'stirr lied first year's interest on bonds ' hereby authorize-d 5,100.00 in on N-'-vtmU-r t'io, anu as suosequenuy entitled An act to into ptrale tne town oi amended by an act submitted to and approved 1'rintville, In Wasco I now Crook i County, O re by ihe voters of said city at the special elect- jf,)n(' approved October 23, 18X0, and to .epeal ion held therein cn September 11, 1916, and as an atta or part of acts in conflict herewith," subsequently amended by an act submitted to approved February 14, 18H7 ; and to repeal an and a.i.-iroved by the voters of said City at the ut entitled "An act to amend Section 17 of an special election held therein on December 10, af:t entitled 'An act to incorporate the town of 1017, and as subsequently amended by an act prineville, In Wasco County. Oregon,' app. oved submitted to and approved by the voters of October 23, 1880," filed in the office of the Sec said City at the special election held therein on retary of State February 1, 1891," upproved Seplt.nhtr 2, 1918, and to amend all other am- February jg, 1899, and as subsequently amend endiritnts thereto enacted by the Legislative As- e(i by an act of the legislative assembly of the B'.-mbly or by vote of the people. State of Oregon, approved February 12, 1903, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF and filed in the office of the Secretary of THECiTY OK PRINEVILLE th;it Subdivision State February 13, 1903. and subsequently am- 19 of Section 25 of Chapter V of an act en titled "An att to amend an act entitled "An act to imor-iorpte the City of Prineville, Crook emk'd by an act submitted and approved by the voters of said City at an election h Id there in on November 15, 1915, and as subsequently County, State of Oruieon ; and to repeal an act amtnied by an act submitted to and approved entitled "An act to incorporate the town of Prinevilk?.. Wasco County, Oregon, approved October 23, 1880; and to repeal an at entitled R-timated discount on bonda hereby auth- j --n act to amend an act entitled 'An act to orized 6.800.00 1- m.'w'! f inid City is hereby authorized to issue and dispose of bonds for the City in the sum of not to exceed one hundred thousand do''ars i$)00,000t, said bonds to be in the de nominations of one thousand dollars iSI.oo'm, by the voters of said city at the special elect ion htid therein on September 11, 1916, and an subsequently amended by an ai t submitted to and approved by the voters of said City at the special election held therein on December 10, 1117, and as subsequently amended by an aet submitted to and approved by the voters of said City at the special election held therein on or five hundred dollars ($500i each, to be f.l by th Mnycr and countersigned by the f;,jUr)ty, Oregon, ' app oved October 23, Kecoraer unaer tne corporate stai oi saio ,ny id bonds lo have interest coupnn attached thereto bearing the engraved fac-simile sina- Ame ita with interest thereon in like gold "-in at u-h rate as may be determined by the Council, but in no event exceeding Bix per cent (6o ot per annum, payable semi-annually. Each of said br.nds to be a direct general obligation of the City of Prineville, and to be known as "City of Prineville Funding Bonds"; provided, however, that the aggregate amount of bonds ucd under the provisions of this section shall not exceed the sum of one hundred thousand dollars HWO.OOOl par value. Council but not to exceed twenty-five (25) yeara from date, principal and interest to be payfih.'o at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Prineville, Oregon, or at the Fiscal Awrency of the State of Onfegon in New York City, at the option of the purchaser, which said The Most Welcome Tire That Ever Came to Market Men Who Appreciate Superlative Values Prefer The Brunswick In every great tire factory, the chief question is: "How much can ' we give for the money?" And the product depends on the Policy adopted. Every man who has become ac quainted with Brunswick Tires knows that Brunswick standards are again evident This famous con cernnoted as a leader in every line it entered since 1845 has once more proved that its policy is right A perfect tire is simply a matter of knowledge and standards and skill. No secrets nor patents pre vent making an ideal tire. But standards come first For In tire making there is vast room for skimping, for subtle economics, for hidden shortcomings. Makers with out the highest standards don't buUd high-grade tires. The Brunswick organization of ire makers includes a brilliant staff cf technical experts. Not a man among them has spent less than 20 years in handling rubber. Each is a master of hi9 craft And the new ideas they bring to the attention of Brunswick direc tors receive sincere consideration. Every proved betterment is adopted unanimously. , The Brunswick Tire Is a combi nation of acknowledged features plus Brunswick standards of manu facture. The result is a super-tire, the like of which you have never known be fore. The kind of a tire you will gladly join in welcoming. Yet Brunswlcks cost no more than like-type tires. Try ONE Brunswick. We prom ise a surprise. And we feel certain that you will want ALL Bruns wicks. Then good tires will have a new meaning to you. THE BRUNSWiCK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO. Portland Headquarter.: 46-48 Fifth Street Sold On An Unlimited Mileage Guarantee Basis V .at"Vf -rjr. . .i 5 V, Mm m1TWfffWTr'flnnai lii;iliiiwlli Cord Tires wh ' Driving" and "Swastika" Skid-Not Treadl Fabric Tire in "Plain," "Ribbed" and "BBC" Skid-Not Treads Central M FOR SALE BY otor Sales Comp'y PRINEVILLE, OREGON inco porate the town of Prineville, in Wasco mow Crook I County, Oregon, approved Utto h r 18K0, and to reptal ail acts or parts of K. tc in cfinf lir-t hf nwith." anni'oved February 14, 1HST ; and to repeal an a t entitled "An act heptrnber PJlo, nnn to amend all omer am to amend sectif n 1 7 of an act entitled 'An act ended by an act submitted to and approved by ".corporate the town of Prineville in Wasco endrnents thereto enacted by tne legidiauve A- 1MH0, sernDiy or Dy vote oi tne peopie. filed in the office of the Secretary of State , BE IT FN ACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF i-ebruary IS, ISM." approved February 13, THE CITY OF PRINEVILLE that Section lk'tH ..u un).e(ll)ntlU' omnflcit hv nn nil tif thf '. ,.t " k,. ..,.-. Vfl f or. cw-t on tm-es of eaid Mayor and Recorder, whereby the uislative asstmbly of the State of Oregon, ap- ; titled "An act to amend an act entitled "An I City shall be held in substance and effect to provtd February VI, XWA, and filed in the of- ; act to imorporate the City of Prineville, Crook I nn K roike and prrniw in t onid rution of the I fit.e 0f the Secretary of State Feb uary 18, : County. State of Oregon; and to repeal an act 1 promises to pay to the bearer of each of the j ni.i, and as subvequently amended by an aet entitled "An act to incorporate the town of .-.Hid bonds a' maturity thereof th? sum named ; .submitted to ar,d approved by the voters of Prineville,, Wasco County, Oregon," approved ' therein in gold coin of the United States of . 8yid City at an election held therein on Nov- October t'A. 1SH0: and to rerieal an act entitled . embt:i- 15, l'Jlfi, and a subsequently amended "An act lo amend an act entitled 'An act to i by an ad submitted to and approved by the inco porate the town of Prineville, in Waaco 1 voters of said City at the special election held . mow Crook) County, Oregon,' approved Octo- I therein on September II, 1118, and as aubse- ber 23, IWiO, and to repeal all acta or parts of ( guently amended by an act submitted to and acts in conflict herewith," approved February I approved by the voters of said City at the spec- 14, J8H7 ; and to repeal an act entitled "An act ial election held therein on December 10, 1017, and afi subsequently amended by an act aub m it ted to and approved by the voters of said City at the special election held therein on Sep tern be - 23, 101S. and as amended all other am- Said bonds shall be dated at a convenient , endrnents thereto enacted by the LeKislative As- 1H9'J, as subseauently amended by an act of the in riod to be fixed by the Council ; the matur- j sembly or by vote of the people be and the I legislative assembly of the State of Oretton, ap ity ori maturities Bhall likewise be fixed by the hereby is amended to read as follows: I proved February 11!, 1903, and filed in the of- 19. To provide and construct a system of ; fire of the Secretary of State Feb uary 13, sewerage, prescribe regulations therefor and ; 1903, and as subsequently amended by an act to compel prouti'ty owners to connect there- ; submitted to and approved by the voters of with. To divide the city into sewerage dis- j said City at an election held therein on Nov tricta or zones, provide fo- the construction I ember 15, 1915, and as subsequently amended and maintenance of main sewers and laterals i bv an act submitted to and arm roved bv the bonds shall be sold by the Council for the best j sewers therein, to compel the owners of real voters of said City at the special election held price obtainable; provided, however, that the property therein and benefitted thereby to con- therein on September 11, 1916, and as subse- u chaser of the bonds issued hereunder shall j nect therewith, to assess all real property bene- quentiy amended by an act submitted to and ! to amend section 17 of an act entitled 'An act to incorjiorate the town of Prineville in Wasco County, Oregon,' approved October 23, IfcSO," i filed in the office of the Secretary of State February 18, 1S91, approved February 16, in no way be required to see to tne proper ap plication of the purchase money therefor; and provided, further, that in the event the amount of the funds received from the sale of the bonds sold hereunder shall exceed the amount necessary for the purposes hereinabove speci- fitted thereby for the construction and main- i approved by the voters of said City at the spec- tenance thereof and to levy, fix and collect' ial election held therein on December 10, 1917, j such assessments to construct main Be we rs and ) and as subsequently amended by an act sub- j latteral sewers whenever and wherever it may i mitted to and approved by the voters of said -deem necessary and required by the public City at the special election held therein on Sep- I health and SafetV. assess the CnHt of rnntrii(. trmbc- 23. nnd hr nmrnrlixl all nthov am. i fied, the balance so received shall be paid into ' tion and maintenance thereof to the real prop- endrnents thereto enacted by the Legislative As- ' the general fund of said City. j erty within the city benefitted thereby and to I Jerrfbly or by vote of the people be and the 1 hereby Is amended to read as follows: SECTION 62. The intersection of all streets, alleys, roads or hiKhways within the City shall be improved at the cost and expense of thu property benefitted, the determination of the property benefitted thereby and the proportion ate share to be assessed therefor against the several lots, tracts or parcels of land benefit ted to be determined by the Council at the time of ordering the improvement. RESOLVED FURTHER that this resolution for proposed charter amendments submitted to the voters by the Council be filed with the Re corder upon its approval by the Mayor for sub mission to the legal voter of said municipal ity for their rejection or approval to be voted upon at a special election to be hold therein, and which said special election is hereby called for Monday, the 16th day of March, 1!'20, to be held as by law in such cwse made and provid ed. RESOLVED FURTHER that a copy of this resolution be forthwith upon its ap oval trans mitted to the City Attorney who shall within 5 days thereafter provide and return to the Re corder a ballot title for sucn measure to be vot ed at said election as by law provided or In the event the City at this tie has no Cily Attorney, or in case of his absence from the City, that a copy of this resolution he forthwith upon Its approval by the Mayor transmitted to said Mayor who Bhail within five ffi) days there after provide and return to the Recorder a bal lot title for such measure to be voted at said election as by law provided. RESOLVED FURTHER that the Recorder bo and he is hereby instructed and required to publish this resolution in full containing the hereinabove proposed charter amendment and the ballot title and number In full in the Crook County Journal and fn The Cenartl Oregon En terprise, same being the official City News papers, once or oftener within the ten (10) days immediately preceding the special elect-1 ion at which -same are to he voted upon. HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Monday, the loth day of March, 1020, between the leg al voting hours of said day is hereby designat ed as the time for holding said special election and the basement of the Court House is here by designated and anointed as the polling place for said election anil L. C. Perry, Geo. L. Hor nier and Claudia Wagoner are hereby appointed jutlKes and Nora Ht earns and Dolly Hodges are hereby appointed clerks for said election. Pansedhy thn Council this 2nd day of March, 1920, by the following vote: YEAS: 5 NAYS: 1 Submitted to the Mnyor March 2nd, 1920. Approved by the Mayor March 2dn, 1920. D. F. STEWART, Mayor Attest: P. C. GARRISON, Recorder. (BALLOT TITLE) AN ACT To amend Section 52 of Chapter VII of the charter of the City of Prineville enacted by the Legislative Assembly and approved February 16, 1H9H, and all subsequent amendments there to enacted by the Legislature or by vote of the people by providing that all street and alley intersections shall be Improved at the cost and expense of the property benefitted thereby. 104 YES. IOC NO. COUNTY CLERK'S ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, 1919. Warrants outstanding Jan. 1, 1019 $92,036.28 Warrants issued on Gen. Fund dur ing 1919: Roads and Highways 26,308.76 Registrations and elections 1,445.78 Sheriff - 5,137.49 Clerk 4,043.18 Treasurer 814.01 Surveyor 704.99 Assessor 2,468.83 Court House, janitor, fuel etc S,3'22.02 Circuit Court 1,193.6 County Court 2,833.61 Coroner 8. HO Guard for Crooked river bridge 24.52 Insane 6.00 Hrhnol Superintendent 1,788.51 Health Officer 603.00 Widow's ' Pensions 1,037.50 Poor, Care of 8,993.48 Scalp llounty 6,076.50 Sealer of Weights and Measures 66.64 Currtmt Expenses 138.77 Water Master 1,728.08 Publishing proceedings etc , 870.00 Roys' and Girls' Aid Society 110.00 Fire Protection 118.76 Auditing 276,00 Account Put Donohuu 160.00 Ochoco Hridge 576.11 Prohibition Expense m 196.00 Jail (meals for prisoners) 29.30 Ochoco Canyon Road 5,500.00 Stock Inspector 11.60 HchoolExhibit at Fair 800.00 Institute 200.00 RemovingCondemnedFencw 44.00 Juvenile Court 40.80 Inter-Stat Fair 1,500.00 Justice Court , ; 42.80 Industrial Exhibit at Portland 83.54 Main Street Extension 2,000.00 Louise Baby Home . 100.00 $74,764.60 High flehool Warrants Issued 15,170.95 RoadKund Warrants issued 8,504.52 Permanent Road warrants Issued 1,500.00 Total $186,976.35 Warrants redeemed during 1911) 55,977.70 Warrants cancelled by county court 41.00 ur . i80,aLG8eby$4 Warrants outstanding Dec. 81, 1919 130,957.68 Total $186,976.35 1