rf JANTAnY 20, 1020 3 CROOK COCNTT JOURNAL A nnouncm The arrival of new cars of the following well-known makes: Peerless it vTf - v r 9 H Maxwell Chalmers ga ioas Velie I! S Our stock of tires and accessories is complete and our prices can't be beaten even in Portland O U k n o w I ov much (.ousting im proves breed. Makes i t taste vood. O f course mot e iiavor. Sair.e with tobacco especially Kentucky Burley. Buy yourself n pack age oi Lucky Strike cigarettes. Notice the toasted flavor. Great ! Nothing like it. The real Burley cigarette. ! l'zi til For Sale: 1 Brand new Hudson Super 111-2 Ton Maxwell Truck 9 Ford Cars including a 1919 model. To make room for new cars com ing in, we are closing out all these machines. If you want a good Ford see us before you buy. These Fords have been taken in on deals for larger cars. They are good cars at less money. Come and see us. These Are All Good Honest Values g GRADU.m: 1,W0 SFKVICK MKN 07 Guaranteed by This ' JirwAJtricatA Q( WHY 11I Yor I.K.WK TIIK I AKM, MY I.AD7 Why did you leave the farm, my lul? Why did you bolt and li'ave your dud? Why did you beat It off to town And turn your poor old father down? Thinkers of platform pulpit and press Are wallowing in deep distress. They aeek to know the hidden rauso Why farmer boys desert their pa's. "Well stranger, since you've been so frank, I'll roll aside the hazy bank; I left my dad, his farm, his plow, Because my calf becamo his cow. I left my dad. 'twas wrong of course, Because my colt became his horse. I left my dad to sow and reap Because my lamb became his sheep. I dropped the hoe and stuck the fork Because my pig became his pork. The garden truck that I made grow Was his. to sell, but mine to hoe. "It's not the smoke In the atmosphere Nor the tuBte for life that brought me here Please tell the platform, pulpit, pres. No fear of toll or love of dress, Is driving off the farmer lads, It's Just the methods of their dads." Easy Terms if desired on all new or used cars in stock. Call at our sales rooms op posite Prineville Hotel The Central Motor Sales Company BRENT & STROUD, Proprietors PIONEER GARAGE CO. Of Bend, Oregon, Distributors During the year of its existence, the Ford Service Course, organized January 1, 1918, by the Ford Motor Company, graduated more than 1.000 service men who came to Detroit from Ford dealers In various parts of the United States to learn the proper and most efficient way to repair Ford cars.. It Is the Intention of the com pany to eventually have every service man and mechanic employed by auth orized Ford dealers to coma to De troit to take the course. Appointments are made through the Ford branches one of which sends five delegates each day. The time occupied is one month and It Is di vided between theory and practice. The students are paid by the Ford company for their time a part of which is spent doing actual work on cars in the factory. In the present class are 120 students, and every State Is represented. The expenditure of $150,000 which Wiis the cost of beginning the course, Is looked upon by company officials as a good investment becniiRe It will help to give standard service to car owners. Junior Endeavor at I p. m. Mr. Hartley, leader and ituperiiitcndimt. Senior Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. All young people are urged to coniu.' Mid-week prayer meeting Wednes day evening at 7:30 official board meeting Monday night at 7:30. All are welcome st all service. ALHKIIT C. HARTLEY, 11. D. Mlniscr NOTICE OK FINAL ACCOINTINO NOTICE la hrrb)r givrn by the umlerelitn. nl, the admlnUlrwtrix nf Ihr Ktatp of llavtit A. Sr. ri. ftocffuaxi. that ph. hu mad. and flM with tha County Or of Crook County. Mtate of Oregon, her final arrountlnir of her arfmlntatratlon of .aid Eatata. and that th. County Court of aaid County and Stat., baa art Monday, th. lat day of Marrh, tt0, at 10 o'clock In th. forenoon, at tha County Court room in 1'rineville. Oregon, a th. tun. and place for lu'ttriiii and ectlling the aauj fir.nl at counting. Katrd th 2lh day of January, l3l. HANNAH ANN NKAKH, AdmlnUlratrit of Inn r.Ule of havld A. gear, Le- ll'lGfl reaerd. NOTICK OF FINAL HKTTLKMKNT NOTM'K la hfrrhy given by lh umlenlgnnl, tha atlmknlatralrU of tha aviate of Jama) It. Mfaftlnavr, drrraard. that aha haa made and tiled with tha Clerk of the County Coart cat Crook County, Orrgon. hrr final accounting of her adminietratlon of aatd aetata ; and that the) court haa aet Monday, the flrel day of Marrh, ,'J0, at 10 o'rlork la th. f. Count f Court nm In Print!... Orrnn, m (ho lime and plawj fur hartn and tl)lnc aid firm! ftrrouiitln. at whirh Mid lima anj plar any pmo InlcreaUd may appear and object thvrvto. DIhI thii imh dny nf January, 1930. LUCK MKtHHINUr.K, Admlnbtratrix of lh Kut of Jamc II. Mcaalngar oV 12lfte CMtard ClDISJlvB. S., Inc. if he's extra large, heavy furred. cased "Shubert" Wants Oregon Furs ALL YOU CAN SHIP And Will Pay These Extremely Hl0h Prices GET A SHIPMENT OFF TODAY N3IE!W mt Hl LAHGE 1 N 'TmIOIUM - N 'I SMaTT T Wl fltHf. TO .'I Hftli J ntWA tfj .,tnCf l tQA ' J ft it fi.Tf ftn. tf, A.t.ltrtf Tl) .i,-f 0)uHlTr TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOUND Purse containing watch and other articles. Owner can have same by paying for this no tice and proving property. 12t).c WANTED TO BUY Small modern home. Some cash. Inquire at Journal office. W. B. It. 12tlc Those having eye troubles or ner j r. H. Day, 610 Main St., Prlne-llle, Oregon. lltfo COYOTE Hc" f-"l.cl 30.00 to 2S.0!) 1 22.0G to 18 00 1 15.00 lo 12.50 1 10.00 to 8.50 10.00 lo 500 en at H.idl... 1 22.0Q Q ls.HC , 16.00 lo 14.00 IZ.Qflla MOC SM to fi.GO 1 8.00 lo 4 00 MUSKRAT Wirt' I 6.00 lo 5.00 1 4.75 to 3.75 1 3.0 to 2.75 1 2.M iu 1.751 2.50 to UO Fall 4.50 to 3.751 3,50 to 2.75 1 2.50 lo 2.00 1 1.75 to 1.50 1 1.75 to 1.2.r, ' MINK F me, Dark 1 25.00 to 20.001 18.00 to 15.00 14.00 to 12.00 1 10 00 to 8.00 1 10.00 to 5.00 Usual Color 18.00 to 14.00 12.00 to 10.00 9.00 to 7.50 7.00 to 6.00 7.00 to 3.50 Pale Il2.00tol0.00l 9.00 to 7.50 7.0Q to 6.00 5.50to 4.50 5.50 to 3.00 WANTED Clean cotton rags at th? Journal Office tf CIIKISTIW Rl IK II The Sunday school will meet nl the usual hour Sunday morning' and ev eryone is invited to lie there. There will be preaching in the orn Int? and eveninx. Morning sermon: "Individual Responsibility." liven ing sermon: "Ood In His Weakness Is liberal grading and are quoted for immediate shipment. No. 3, No. 4, and otherwise inferior skins at highest market value. For quotations on other Oregon Furs, write for"Jfli ainilirr! ftlilputr." the only reliable ? . rate markct "Port and price list of its kind published. It t FREE Write for it. A shipment to "SSfJj'nr'r:' will result In "more raoncy " iScker." i Stronger Than Men."