( HOOK (UlMt JOIK.NA . JAM AIIY 8J, 10.0 Knight t.uua Lodge No. SR. rrinevillo, OreRon. eomls a cordial Invitation to tli. nuhlic lo ln in-H.-iu at tln .'Uil Hull, I'rlnovllle, Oregon, on Thursday evening. February 19. lfl'.'O. and o-lehrutu In dancing tin' !titli Anniversary of tln founding of ho order of Knight tl Pythias. In past years tin- event bus lien l.mkedforward to with great anti cipation Mini succeeded i:i boit'g a most pleasing event. Till your we have a bust of now members which miturnlly brings now epp and tlio ooiuniiltoo Is composed of tin' now members It In dotormltiod to make it tlio host yet. Music isfo lo furnished by Mrs. Ktliel Mor ton of Bond. DAN; F. TH'KF.TS. SI'IHTATOUS li.V ANNUA PAGE s of Pythias 1 qdr S I lo L BALL The Citv T. F. McCalister is quite ill in this city. C. S. Ferguson was in Bond on bus iness Monday. Jock Harvey loft Sunday afternoon for The Dalles. Sid Rigors was a passenger to The Dalles Sunday. John Pobry is in Portland this week on business. Mrs. John Lewis of Portland is in Prineville this week. Mrs. Eva Lafollette Is In Prine Tille this week from Portland. Mrs. Nicolai is home again after a week's absence in Portland. Stanton Black was in Prineville from Trout Creek this week . George F. Euston returned home Monday from a business trip to Port land. C. Bryan left Tuesday for Idaho points where he expects to make his future home. Rev. A. C. Hartley returned home Tuesday from a brief visit at Central ia, Washington. Mrs. S. S. Stearns returned the first of the week from Spokane, where Bhe visited relatives. Mrs. A. L. Reynolds of Redmond was in Prineville Sunday, visiting her mother, Mrs. Doak. The ladies of the Methodist church are holding the regular Ladies' Aid meeting this afternoon. Frank A. Johnson Is. about again after having been confined to his room for the past month. j Mrs. E. C. Faught left Sunday ev-1 ening for Dufur. after three weeks' j visit with relatives here. j S. S. Brown and J. V. Kuhn left this morning for Portland to spend the remainder of this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Avers returned the first of the week from Portland, where they have been visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Prince Glaze left the first of the week for Eugene, where they recently rented a fruit ranch. Yesterday Rev. J. H. Gervin deliv ered his farewell sermon as pastor of the First Christian church. He leaves Wednesday for Healdsburg, Califor nia, where he has accepted a pastor ate. His successor has not yet been chosen. Centralia (Wash.) Times. Bruce MoMeen has gone to Bond to) social in collection with ( work. ary recital by Mrs. A. C Portland. chu Anna McCullough visited In Bond nn elocution- tl:ll'tl,V I'll Saturday. January 21. nt the I'hrint- All are invited. last Monday. Mrs. Vira Cyrus spent Saturday and Sunday in Bend. Austin Kizer was In Prineville on Manduy from Roberta. Karel Mansveld made tho trip to Madras by auto Monday. J. W. Braokett of Mitchell was In the city the last of the week. H. E. Jacobson of Mitchell was In Prineville the last of the week. Chas. Wynian of Silver Lake was In the city the first of the week. Born. January 22. to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Merritt of Meadow, a daughter. R. C. McMeen, Hal V. Cosgray, 0. C. Ward and Frank Foster registered in Bend Hotels on the 23rd. M. Biccum. engineer, left Tuesday for Rufus, where he has been offered a position with the state highway commission. L. E. Smith of Redmond was In L Powell Butte rw?r?n news notes iy, MM Census Enumerator Mrs. Mary V. Charlton will complete, her prooliuts this week and when she does she thinks that every man. woman, and child and farm will have boon count ed. A gvvnl. old-fashioned "chlvarl" whore all the community turned out, was given Mr. and Mrs. Green Heard upon their arrival at home. J. A. Kines has sold one of his large stacks of nay to Mr. Payne of I Mitchell. Other hay has been dis I posed of in this section also, but there stilt remains a lot of hay. A hay bal er has been operating on som ranch es and the baled hay will all be ship ped away. Frank McCaffrey has arrived at home from an extended visit with rel- Prineville on Tuesday on business j atives and frlens In Chicago and connected with the local Tum-A-Lum New York- wlnK ,0 ,he "dtlen death Lumber plant. Prineville has one case of flu. Glen Stanton, a student of Crook coun ty high school, who has a mild attack, and is improving. A tag day is soon to be conducted by the high school for the benefit of the scholarship loan fund and other good causes. Buy a tag. Last Friday evening Ochoco Tribe No. 68 Improved Order of Red Men instated their officers for the ensu ing term. All report an enjoyable time. Green Beard of Powell Butte and Miss Mary Tweedt of Redmond were married in Prineville Saturday, Jus tice of the Peace A. R. Bowman, of ficiating. Paul A. Gibson and Miss Laura Houston were married in Prineville, Saturday, January 24, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Stearns, Rev. W. L. Van Nuys officiating. of his father while he was there, he brought his mother home with him. to make her home In Central Oregon. Mother McCaffrey is much pleased with what she has seen of this state. Herman K. Allen is building quite an addition to his home here at Pow ell Butte. He expects his sister, Ma bel Allen and an elder sister, who has for many years been a teacher In Sioux City, Iowa, to arrive about Feb. 1 to make their home with him. Miss Mabel has been away nearly a year, caring for their aged father, who re cently passed away. Mrs. C. W. Martin and baby visit ed with her cousin. Mrs. J. A. Riggs, for several days last week. Mr. Mar tin is foreman at the Ochoco mines. E. A. Bussett lost a valuable cow last week from sulphur poisoning. John Cronln and Uomlnlc Verges were In Prineville ou buniness last week. A pleasant birthday party was giv en January 22 at the home of Mr. and Frank Miller of Deschutes and i Mr3' George Shobert in honor of Miss Muriel Quails of this citv were mar- eta. whose twenty-seccnd birthday ried Tuesday evening at the Baptist """tired that day. A pleasant, evening parsonage. The voung couple will ' was nt in games and conversation, make their home in Bend. at iU)li ot wllicu 'Mrs Shobert. as- i sisted ov Mrs. Melvin PoSUr and Mrs. The Christian Endeavor of the Jess Shobert, served deluiout refresh Christian church will give a basket ,nents N ew fire Proof ARAG E The largest and most modern of its kind in Central Oregon is now open for business. Gas, Oil, Free Air, and a full line of Supplies and ac cessories. GIVE US A TRIAL Tin e w ill bo n hindnem mooting of Powell llutttt ("ooooratlve AbsoeUition tho first Thursday In Irhrunry Tr She purpose of oleillim; officers mid U issnrtmg any oti r business that may come hofor the ten ting. It is hoped that lliere will bo a full attendance of lit ml-iis Ah-.' K H Villiiimn Ivu gone to i'orilitnd. where i-ho will remain for n roupbt of months pr more. Mr. 'Villi. in. x plans on r.oniK also soon. They will stop nt the Hotel Portland. 1. limbing has lief.ua in the small hands of sheep that are kept on the ranches here. All of the 8th grade pupils In this section took the examination passed with credit both to themselves mid to the teacher who had Inst mci oil them. Charles Charlton. Jr., Klma Peterson, Edith McDanicl and Olive DeArmond. the three last named hnve entered Crook County High School. Mrs. Mary Tweedt of l'owel Ilutte section and Mr. Green Board of Sis ters were married in Prineville Sat urday, Jan. 24. They will rcsldo on j the bride's farm at Powell Butte. C. M. Chnrttnn hr.s hrd teams nt 1 work the past week harrowing his summer fallow on the James Bean placo, preparatory to seeding the en- j tire piece. Frank Foster Is building a fine big stone cellar on his ranch at Powell Butte. The series of meetings that were conducted by Rev. and Mrs. Hartley both of whom are ministers, have closed. They were enjoyed by those who attended and It is hoped they will return sometime. Mr. Hartley Is pastor of the Christian church In Prineville. Mr. and Mrs. James McDanlel have purchased property in Prineville and , will move there to remain during; the school year, that the chih'lren may , receive better school privileges. i Mrs. Frank Bayne tins been visit ing at the home of A. W. Bayne for some time, but left on the Saturday' evening train for Portlund, where Bhe will Join Mr. Bayne and son, George. They have sold their lion-' at Deschutes and will probably pur-, chase near Portland. j At the meeting of the Powell Butte 1 Rorosis, Mrs. Hans Jacobson was the hostess. Those present report a very pleasant time and a delicious lunch- ' eon was served. The next meeting will be with Mrs. J. F. Rice. , Mrs. Arthur Wurzweller and Mrs. E. H. Stewurt were shopping In Prineville last Saturday. Dan Hourignn has been confined to his home with a severe attack of ton silitis. Mrs. George Klssler gave a party for their oldest children. Elnnra, Glen and Maude. The children enjoyed games and a good play, after which they wore Invited to a bountiful sup per of all kinds of substantial "good ies" that delight the heart of a child. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wurzweller had Mr. and Mrs. George Hobbs as dinner guests Inst Thursday evening. An evangelist by the name of Kel lums preached at the Comunlty Hull Sunday morning. He will hold an all-duy meeting Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. O'Callahan of Paisley have been visiting for few days t the company's ranch here at Powell Butte. A CAR OF NEW MODEL I I CHMIROLE L Will Arrive This Week Newell Motor Sales Company PRINEVILLE, OREGON HE Newell Auto Sales Co. has engaged the services of an expert auto mechanic, Mr. B. E. Walstrom, who has had years cf experience under the best auto repair exprh- ;n the factories of the East, and is fully equipped to handle any kind of auto troubles. Mis services will be found very reasonable and every job carries his guarantee. Take your trouble to him. A Want Ad Gets Results Newell Motor Sales Valentine Day Masquerade Ball! WILL BE GIVEN FEBRUARY 14, 1920, at CLUB HALL PRINEVILLE, OREGON A Real Masquerade Ball. Now folks, to have a real Masquerade Ball everyone must wear a mask. So all get the spirit with ua. Mrs, Cy rus will be able to Bupply masks to those who wish them, so there will be plenty for all. Music will be furnished by a Six-Piece Orches tra of the very beBt talent. The Dunce will Start at 8: 30 Hharp There will be prizes awarded for the best sustained characters, one for the ladles and one for the gentlomen. Also a prize for tho best couplo In the prize waltz. AIbo booby prizes will be given. TICKETS ARE OV BALE AT MICHEL, GROCERY CO.s STORE TICKETS $1.00 SPECTATORS 25c 2