J ami a ii v ea, ii2o f'KIMIK WIlnr JOtTRWAf " . rAbV T Pure Bred Duroc Pigs Weaners in fine condition. A limited number only. PHONE 611 OR 554 Prineville, Oregon Auto Repair Shop 1 V. HKAR8, Proprietor Auto Repairing of all kind... My Trier are m low aa 1 cunaletrnt wild flrat-rUaa work. "ONCR A CTHTOMKIl ALWAYS A CUSTOMER" SHOP ON FIRST STREET. OPPOSITE THE PUDLIC SCHOOL PRINK VI LLK, OREGON At Your Service The officers and resources of this bank are available at all times in assisting you to solve your financial problems. We do both a Savings and Commercial Business Capital and Surplus $50,000.00 CROOK COUNTY BANK PRINEVILLE, OREGON A Hole in a Tire In Like a Ionk In a Dam Tlic LonK'-r Nrnlectptl, The More Expcn Hive to Repair. All Kinds of Tlrm Required Tlr. Rclnillt, TU't rondcil, Sectional Ib-palriiiK, Tulio ViilcjinliliiK- I 'rt-c Air Clark's Tire Shop 417 Main HI., PRINEVILLE, ORB. Soap An Ever-Needed Necessity Ol'R LINE OP TOLIET 80AP8 rOMllINKS QUALITY AND VALUE Next time you are In the market for soap look over our line which In cludes the reliable Colgate Soaps: Cashmere Bouquet Turkish Bath Oatmeal Glycerine Coleo Natural Odors English Process Allround Big Bath Pine Tar D. P. ADAMSON & COMPANY DRUGGISTS 81 MMONS la th Circuit Court ul Itam btAiM f Oieua for the County ut Cruuk Crook Ofunly, Oregon, a public "rporatif.a, I'lainUIJ, V.. Juhn lunula, U. II. I'eui'lae. 1. C. Corl.ln, H. Karl truss, J. r. WrIUirn, Kllea U tHO, r ran. Is I'. Kuan, drum. K. Ilt.ey I- M. MiU Irr, U. I. Kileania-, I. r rtxj Mer., ur. t.,ra rM,a, Harsh loraey. and ail penv.DS unknown owning-, or claiming to owa. any naht. title or Interest in tti r al nrofarty hereinafter drerilbed, llefendanta. T John Daniels, J. C. Cnrhin. Kll. n t t an. Francis I'. Kuan, (iaorir. V. Utley, I. trad Myers, harah Ilorsey, and all persona unknowa owning or claiming to own. any right, tit;, or Internet in tha raal properi haretnaiW dreertte1. Greeting: IN THK KAMK OK THE STATE OF ORE. CON. You, and earn of you, irt bf-raliy nwtU j fia-fl that Crook County, Oregon. In the owner I and holder of Certiftratee of Ta tlnquiTter No.. l7, HH, Ma, H4, B44, H45, lit. Bit Ml. llr.R. MM. 111 J, 112. RD, and 119. Issued : on tha 2nd day of Jnntiary. 1917, In the total in of Tbw Hundred Kleven and 7J-100 flol. ' tara (WI.7JII the aaid sues hefna tha amounta then Hue for deltmiuant tesea for th. year 11M4. noon real nmiierty assessed to you and of whirh you ara tha owners, aa appears of rword f.rm the as-esenv-nt rolls now In he hands of the sheriff and tat rollertnr of tha County nf rmnk, State of Oreyon, whlrh ai,ld property la lorated In the said eotinty and Stat, and la parflrttlarly denrrlhed aa follows, to gether with the names of the re-native own ers of eaeh parrel or traet of land, tha eoy-a-pondlng numhers of delineu'int rertiflratee eg aforesaid, and the amounts due on tha said 2nd day of Janusry, 1Q17, tto-wftt: BIT aealnat .tohn Daniels for the UK', WV( nf Wtl,.n Two (21. and the NK', HWV,. FWt, NK", and the NW14 PE', of ee'lna Eleven m In Township 1 S-iith. T'anr. Ill East nf the Willamette M.rldan 1n.n Bt agaln.t TV IT. Pennies for the N'- ME"i. ' the FWV, Nn, and the NEV, NWV, of ' Peetlon 12 In Town.h'p IB ftouth. Range ! East nf the WHNmette MeHdlan . 1 . PS aralnat ,t C. Crhlp for th. BWV, NW' of Section Eleven fill In Townshln Ifl "Vnth Range 111 Eat of th. wlllamclt. Ver.i. ' Ian ..- Tt aealnst If Fart Cross RWV, KE, f El, i rJW',. NWH, Et(. and the NE", SWt, of Seellon In Tnwn-hlp f(lteen (1 onHi Rne 1 Est of th WillamH'. Vrt-1. In a. ." , ft't sealn-t .1 E We'hom fr th. "WV, of action In T'wnsMn 1 S""h, Ra"e 1 ! East of the WPLmette MerM"ae . 7 ' B airaln.t Ellen E Een for the Vtt tf.V, of j ertlon 1 In Tnvmshtp 1 flot'th, R-nee ?n E.t of the WHsTiet'e Merl'Han ... t1"H) ( Rt aenln.t FraHs T Eiren for tve RWVJ of ( jn Town-Wo 1 E"Uth, Rsn-e l I Ea.t of the Wlllsmtte M-rMlsn .. Ml OH : P? ae.in.t Cew E t'tlev fn he R'4 ' I the "."l'. nf option 1? n T-n-hln 1 I olV Ttanre 2" Eat of the Wl la-a't. MeHdlan . . S1T. P. 'S enlnrt Mm I. M -MH'er for a tra-t nf 1 '-d n feet hv fit fnrt In fte-tl-fi HI 'n T..i,.( is Ranee Ess n' 'he n'lllnme'te Ve-M'e ft", tn Pin a -ln-t . T. f'l-VVr for t' e cWl, c. "etlon a In T .ivn.hlo 1 Siftth, Rne IK En.t of tt-e WM'. e"e V,rl "in ! Rt a -al-.t t Er.d n f e the VWV, VEU E" W! e"-! !W", VW". of ,fi'n. -a In Town.hln 1 o.-th, Rnp-e it En.t of ? e wmr.m.tte Me ld:.n !! "rn PI? sirn'st Ce.iree Tha 'or T o. 1, 7, a-d I In TthV 2. Eanllna Tnw"'te ' ' 1 -a P" aeln.t Prnh TViev for T 'it 4. Ttln V 'R In Mwee tlnd -e. P'el of Trl-evllle "(I arnln- ri ? fr f nf a tn ptA.., n Mnlin-nTi's Pnh.rld I n nf p ipe, vl't. . ; . Tt ne'n-f n TT Peon'r. for Tc.t. 21, 2, ?7, end " In P'..rV B V Mrs Addition to' the Cltv of Prn-vllV II I And von an't ei-h vo" fhf tnn Panlel.. J C C..-Mn. E'len E E-sn. Fr-n 's P. E-sn Ceove E t'tlev, I. Fred Mvers. "-n. ah Tloev. sod V p. r- on n-"1 n' n, o-nlnir or rlnlmlne to o'vn av rl"h'. t'1.. or Inter est In the .aid ahn.-e eerthed T nl p-oo,-rf,.( are forther herehv nntl'led thnt C-ooV C untv. Oren. will sooty to the C-n:t Co--et nf the Plate of Oe."n f 'V the C"ntv of Cmolt 'or a l-id"me"tt S' d 'teeroe fo-ifln-'.n !V lien nf the stM ' deMnonept fv re-tlfl-a'es Seln.t the prO'ertv -ho'-e des r!1ed. an 1 von, and earn of vou. ee herev .'-mm ped nd re. nulred to aopenr herrln op or twfnrc tlie rd dav of AnrTI. 1ft"o. sld date help more 'n-n Irtv dnvs from f'e dnte of th" fret niih'!-n-tlon nf thl ilirm S. orde'-ed hv th'. eonrt nr In.'ve of the d V f-f 'aid fi'St oph'! atlop and the time preerHVd In the ord r fo- n"h Metlon f.r votir nv,-earnnre here'n, and drfrnd this suit or psv the amounts due a. hov. shown, togt-thrr with the rots. Ipteret. pepil tlee. ppd srrrtied ro.ts spd lp '"se nf vonr failure so to do. a de-ree will he enter-d at-sln.t von f .rrr'n.lrff the I, -In of a-M -tl-flentes of d,llpone"rv npd eg -Inst the l-.pd heretofore dorriVe't t-v, tn a--d ',!rrt'pg that enme he "old to r.t!"fe nld VrP, ludco.rpt aid dorre ro t. ..e-n't' s. 1'iTeriS. fnd nrcrdnff eot. nri-ordlntr to lnw Thl Pnmmon. I' pi-'ll.hel for a oarlod more th-m "lor e'n ero'lve wel" hv n-der n' lhr TTonomMe T E .t. rvuffv Todire of 'he .aid Circuit Toort or 'ho otp,r Oreeop f r ."11 CrooV Co,irv m-ol 'nd ent red ' eri'in np th. ?eth div nf Tte-rm'''., K Vi 1otnt the ,'a'e of the ft nt nu''M,n'loo of tht .Ml Summon, holntr the l.f dnv of Tnnnnrv. lun. nd the dnte of the le.t nuhll -rtt:op of the nld llim moo. he'pi on the I t dnv of Anrll, t lo'n A'l prof- ., nn I onoers in t'l-- rrop et. iptr mnv he servd on-p e poders,.et n.. i trtrt a'tornev of the 9'-,te of Oretr p CoV ' Coon'tv, sod rtto-p, for p'al' tlf her In ro.'dln t Prtnevt'le. Oroenn. nnd hn.e Prat Ofrtre address Is TVpeviTTe, Orevvp. rinte of Inut pnhllee'lon. An-P 1, tnoft ftonedl WTT T tRn TT. WTTtT-r ni,iP.( .(t roe.v of the S'nt.- n' O og p E"r Cpvik Coppty. Pn.toffl-e Address : . Prlpevllle. Oreirop gTa ( SIMMONS : In the Circuit Court of th State of Sregon for the County of Crook. Crook County Hnnk, a corporation. Plaintiff versus George B. Taylor. M s. C.TOrgi. B." Taylor, Alcalha Tuylor, and J. E. Kennedy, Uefcndiints : , To Alratha Taylor. Defendant : In the name of the State of Oregon you ara hen-hy required to appear and answer th. complaint filed against you in the ahov. en titled court and cause, on or be I ore th. Suth day of January, lino, and if you fail so to appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In its complaint, tn-wit : For a judgment against you for 13,100.04) .with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum from the date of each of th. several promissory notes described in plain tiff's complaint : for an order of sule of th. real estate described in the complaint, and for tHOO.00 attorney's fees and the costa and disbursements of this suit. This Summons Is published hy order of th. Honorable T. K. J. Puffy. Judge of the ahov. entitled court, made on the 17th dav of De cember, 1910, whirh said order prescribes that this summons be published ip the Crook Coun ty Journal, a weekly newspnper of general circulation, printed and published In Prine ville, Crook county, Oregon, for a period of llx consecutive weeks, Dnte of first publication of this Summons la the 18th day of December. 1910, M. R. ELLIOTT. Attorney j " for Plaintiff I , NOTICE Notice is hereby given to the Sec retaries of the following Lodges: Woodmen of the World, Women of Woodcraft, Modern Woodmen of Am erica, Maccabees; That all pnntphe nalia belonging to the above lodges must be removed within 30 days from the I. O, 0. F. Hall (formerly Stew art Hall). All property (if these lodges will be stored after that at their expense and risk. Ochoco Lodge No. 46, I. O. 0 F. JAMES CRAM, Secretary Dnte of first publication, January 15, 1920. ONE CAR LOAD Lamd. SCRATCH TAIo Uitlerent sliei and quality of paper. Just thr thing for your desk or pocket tor sale at The Journal office. JUST ARRIVED rWMWW,Wtitt a. P P L id t3 All Kinds at Wholesale Prices Ochoco Warehouse Co. CHICHESTER S PILLS Wj-. THE DIAMOND BRANU. A Idlesl Ask ftmr Itraa-rlst a C'hl afcaa lor . Plaeiid BeaasV . ma is Kea era mm ateuuici bases, sealed wga Rlua fclbtae- T4f7r:a SOLD BY DRUOGCTS EVERYWHBff The Journal does modern printing HtHsErss Has No Eqnal No Rival No Substitute IT IS THE BEST J. E. STEWART&CO SCALE BOOKS fteatly prlntet) aa boaod. Send $1.00 to tht Joarnal and one will be mallei yon, postage paid. Itft MS". DELCO-LIGHT Tlie complete Electric Light auul Power Plant A constant help to the busy house wife. Saves time WiTt and worry INLAND AUTO CO. NOTICE In the Circuit Court of Uu State of Oregon, for Crook County. In the matter of the confirmation of the proceedings of the Lone Pine Irrigation Dis trict, a Municipal Conoration, NOTICE is hereby given to the Lone Pine Irrigation District, a Municipal Corporation, and to ail fKeholaers. legal voters, and aasfcas ment payers within said District, that th Board of Directors of said District has here tofore filed its petition to the above namd Court praying that said Court would judic iously examine, determine, adjudicate and decree the regularity and legality of the pro ceedings of said Board, in connection with tha orgs ni ration of said District, and the pre ceeedinsrs of said District and of said Board of Directors providing for and author ing th issue and sale of the bonds of said District, bi the amount of One Hundred and Fifty Thous and Dollars ($180.0001. for the purposes In said petition stated, and of all other acts and proceedintrs of the said Board and of the said District, specifically set forth in said petition. The Court has by orde1 duty made, entered and flxd the time and place of hearing upon said petition at the Circuit Court R"om fa th County Court House at PrinovilUs, Crook County, Orefrnn, on the nd day of February 1?0, at lflrfW o'clock a. m.. or a soon there after as said heai-inr may be had, and has al so ordered that said District or any freehold er, leral voter or rVe?wment payer of said District may. on or before the day ffTed for naid henrme;. demur or answer said petition. Puhlihed hy order of the Court for thre snectwlve week prior to aafd nwrfaw. Date of frt publication the 1st day of January. 1 B TTT.F5. Coun CVrV a-d Fr Offldo nerk of the Ptrenft Conri; of tfc ! of Oreerm for OrooV County. rrvTOV r. flFnrrir. HpfTmnnd, Ore-O-eeoTi. Conxel fnr Tft!t!o"ers W4c Tfc Jonrnal florg moflern prlTitlfltr Do St ow ? Are you contemplating building this Spring ? If so, come in and make selection from our many plans of well regulated homes. Any changes made as you may suggest, all without expense to you. FREE PLANS and FREE SERVICE. Do it now, that there may be no delay when you are ready to build. " YOURS FOR SERVICE " FREE BOUSE PLANS TUH-A-lUM lumber COMPANY Successor to SHITP & PERRY PRINEVnXR REDMOND, CtTLVUt, MADRAS, GATEWAY