PAGE 0 CUOOK COUNTY .HN'RNAl. J A M ARY 99, 1080 WANTED VEAL, HOGS. SUTTON, BKKF, t-HU"KENS, Tl'KKEYS, Pl't'KS, tiEESK, K.iiGS. HIHKS, IUTTKK, AH JACKKA1HMTS... GIVE 1'8 A TRIAL. H Kill EST MARKET PRICE GUARANTEED. UROMPT RK TURXS GULICKSON & CO. Established 19 13 10 Frnt St. Portland, Ore. EASIEST THING IN THE WORLD CALL BLACK 303 FOR LIGHT OR HKVVt TRUCK SERVICE Morse Transportation Comp'y PRINEVILLE, OREGON TO PRCBE AWARDS OF NAVAL DECORATORS Board is Called to Review Findings and House and Senate Will Also Act. IRELAND'S City Transfer & Express Auto Delivery to all Parts of the City and Vicinity Phone me for quick service at Hugh Lakin's Red 951 Prineville Machine Shop The Best Equipped Machine Shop in this part of the State. We are prepared to handle anything in our line promptly. Quality of work is the very best PRINEVILLE MACHINE SHOP E. G. Hodson, Proprietor Prineville, - - - - Oregon Washington.- Full tnvrntlgattnn of the controversy omt awards of uVrora tlon (or war si-i Ice lo iihvhI officers brought to u head ly Hear Admiral I William R. Sims' rnvnt urotrrt aitnlnvt the tentative list Issued by the navy department, will be made both by eon greag and by the department. On the heel of Secretary Daniel' anuouneement that the naval board headed by Rear Admiral Knlht had been ordered reconvened to review Us finding on recommendations for med als or other decoratlous, Representa tive l.n'klns, republican, Massachu setts, of the house naval committee, conferred with members of the senate committee and stated that a Joint com mittee would take up the entire qu s tlon when consress reconvened. Secretary Daniels said that In re vising the list of decorations and In passing on new recommendations for awards, the Knight board would be Instructed to follow In general the pol icy he adopted In revising the original list, sivlng due consideration to the objection voiced by officer who have criticised some of tfie award. The names of Admiral Henry D. Wll on, who commanded American naval forces in French watar during the war, and of Hear Admiral Henry T. Mayo, who wa in command of the At lantic fleet duriug the same period, wert added to the list of officers who have written the secretary regarding the awards. "Some Men Don't Know It Yet" says the Good Judge This class of tobacco gives a man a lot more satisfaction than he ever gets out of ordin ary tobacco. Smaller chew the good taste lasts and lasts. i ' You don't need a fresh chew so often. Any man who uses the Real To bacco Chew will tell you that. Put Up In Two Styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco The Famous Prineville Saddle At Farrand's Repair Shop. Harness, Saddles, Shoes and Auto Tops Repaired. PLAN FOR STRIKE TRIBUNAL OUTLINED Washington, D. C. Tentative recom mendations for the establishment of machinery to prevent or retard labor conflicts In private Industry were an nounced by the president's Industrial conference with a view to obtaining constructive criticism before a final plan Is adopted. The plan as outlined now contem plates the creation of a national Indus trial tribunal and regional board of Inquiry and adjustment, which would move to the settlement of disputes be fore there waa any stoppage of produc tion. Decisions would have the full force and effect of a trade agreement between the parties to the dispute. " Remarking that some public utili ties, such as railroads, are essential to the very existence of the people, the conference's tentative statement expressed the opinion that the "Inter ruption In such essential public a ? 111 tles Is Intolerable." But the confer ence states that further consideration Is required of the problem whether sone method can be arrived at that will avert all danger of Interruption to service. MACHINISTS VOTE STRIKE Is Your Money Supporting the Government? At this critical period In our history our manufacturers are offering their milts and our young men are offering their nervlcet to the United State government. Would you like to io your share and help, by putting your money where It win support the new Federal Reserve Bankrng System, which the government hag established to stand back of our commerce, Industry and agriculture? Tou can do this by opening an account with us as part of every dollar so deposited goes directly Into the new system, where It will always be ready for you when wanted. Member Federal Reserve System FIRST NATIONAL BANK The Journal does Modern Printing on Short Notice Mars Than 100,000 Union Men Affected by Decision. Washington. Organized railway machinists, through their president, served aotlce on congress that they would not submit to enactment of the Cummin railroad bill with Its draitlc anti-strike provision. Voting more than a month ago, 98 per cent of the 125,000 members of the union favored an immediate walk out In event of the bill's pasaage by both houses of congress, but the re sult waB not mads known through fear that the brotherhoods might ap pear in the light of attempting to coerce the lawmaking branch of the government. The machinists, according to Wil liam H. Johnston, president of the in ternational association, are the only railway employes who have ta,ken a strike vote. Rail Brotherhoods to Fight High Costs. Washington. Disappointed at what they term the failure of the govern ment to reduce the cost of living, the railroad brotherhoods, working In con Junction with the railway employes' department of the American Federa tion of Labor, are considering a plan to undertake the fight themselves. The project, although still nebulous, contemplates a national chain of co operative banks, fashioned something on the order of the non-partisan league's Idea in North Dakota, and a chain of co-operative stores. Legion Posts Widely Scattered. Indianapolis, Ind. American Legion posts In the United States and foreign countries now total G561, It was an nounced at national headquarters. France, England and Canada each have one post, Ala.ika has four, Ha waii five, Cuba one, Panama one, Mex ico one and the Philippine islands one. Ten states have more than 200 postB ach. A Jsw Atopy's .j mi szm IP Essex Sets World 24-Hour Road Mark of 1061 Miles Unmatched Endurance Proof Made by Stock Essex Over Snow-Swept Iowa Dirt Roads ALREADY DRIVEN MORE THAN 12.000 MII.E9, AN ESSEX STOCK TOm I NO CAR HAS ESTABLISHED A NEW WORLD 2-ItOVR MARK OP 1061 ROAD MILES, OVER FROZ EN. SNOW-ROUND DIRT ROADS OF EASTERN IOWA. NOT A STOP WAS MADE FOR REPAIRS OR ADJUSTMENTS. RUN NINO DAY AND NIOHT, ESSEX COMPLETED THE ORUEI.LINQ TEST WITHOUT A HALT EXCEPT FOR FUEL AND OIL. NOT EVEN A TIRE CHANGE WAS MADE. THE AVER AOE SPEED WA8 47. S MILES PER HOUR. Essex Also Holds the World's 50 Hour Mark AN ESSEX STOCK CHASSIS ALSO HOLDS THE WORLD'S 60-HOUR ENDURANCE MARK OF 8,087 MILES. MADE UNDER A. A. A. SUPERVISION ON THE CINCIN NATI SPEEDWAY. IN THREE 8TARTS, THE SAME ES SEX RAN A TOTAL OF 5870 MILES IN 94 HOURS 22 MINUTE8 ACTUAL DRIVING TIME, AVERAGING , MORE THAN A MILE A MINUTE. Doesn't It Settle the Light Car Question? PRIOR TO ESSEX, LIGHT WEIGHT IN AN AUTOMOBILE MEANT PRIN CIPALLY MODERATE PRICE, AND PERHAPS GASOLINE AND OIL EC ONOMY. LIGHT CARS HAD NO DISTINC TION OF SPEED OR POWER. IIUY ERS DID NOT EXPECT FINE AP PEARANCE AND PERFORMANCE. THE COMING OF THE ESSEX HAS CHANGED THAT. IT DROUGHT FINE CAR QUALITY. SPEED, POW ER AND ENDURANCE TO THE LIGHT CAR FIELD. ITS PERFOR MANCE WAS MATCHED ONLT IN THE LARGE COSTLY CAR CLASS. IS IT ANY WONDER THAT ESSEX MADE A WORLD'S SALES REC ORD OF MORE THAN $35,000,000 PAID FOR 22.000 ESSEX CARS. IN ITS FIRST YEART WE ARE ALREADY ROOKINQ OR DERS FOR SI'llINO DELIVERY. THERE IS NO POSSIBILITY THAT ALL BUYERS c N RE SERVED. NOW IS TDK TIME TO MAKE YOUR RESERVATION. Collins W. Elkins PRINEVILLE, OREGON CHAS. S. EDWAUDS Physician and Surgeon Office 217 Main St. First door Bouth Prineville Drug Company Office phone Blk 201. Rea 106 613712 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Of fice, at The Dalles, Oregon, December 10, 1919. Notice is hereby Riven that THOMAS CRONIN I of Prineville, Oregon, who on November 16, 19 , made Homes tear! Entry N. Q'Atlt, fur NW'4 SE4, SW'A NEV4, S NW. andSWfc Section 9, Township 17 South, Range 18 East, WilHmette Meridian, hxn filed notice of in tention to make final three year proof, to is tablirih claim to the land above described, he fore Lake M. Beehtell, U. S. Corominsioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 28ih day of January, 1920. Claimant names as witness! ' Thomas Ferguson, of Post, Oregon ; Edward A. McDonald, Charles L. Ross, Gorge Setsor, of Roberts, Oregon. ; H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 7t5c Renter NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given by the undersigned, the executor of the Estate of Julia Ann Ulev ins, deceased, to all creditors of said defeased and to all persons having claims against said Estate to present the same with the proper vouchers to the undersigned at his office in Prineville, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this no tice. Dnted and published the first time Decem ber 25, 1910. M. R. ELLTOTT, Kxecutor or tne ttsiaie 7t5c of Julia Ann Blevins, drre:s'd. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Crook County. In the matter of the estate of G'-omc Mil lican, dreeafed. NOTICR Is herrhy pi veil that the under signed have been appointed and hnve quslified as erecut'ix and executor, respectively, of the estate of George MilHcan, deceased, and all persons having claims aninst said estate are hereby notified to present the wme, properly verified as required by law, to the undersigned SffiUUU THE OCHOCO ARKET M 18 NOW READY TO SUPPLY YOUR NKEDH IX ALL KINDS OP FIIKHII AND CURED MEATS I'liui rs, VKUU-rauiiJut, and VKODVl li IN SEASON F. T. COX PRI NEVILLE!. OREGON K3 at the offlre of Jay H. Upton in Prineville, OreKon, within six monthM from the (late of tho pubifation of this notice. D:iti of firat publir-af ion, December 18, 11)19. ADA B. MII.LICAN, executrix of the ei tnte nf Ot-orio Millican, d'ceaKel. O. WALTKR MIIJ.ICAN, executor of the estate of GeorKe Millican, oVccancd. 6 t5c JTlANCTfl WILIilAMS-DUUAND Tcaclicr of PIANO, VOICE, and VIOLIN East First Street WADE HUSTON SURVEYOR iTInevllIe ... Oregon BEFORE YOU SIGN a life lnsun ance contract In any other com pany examine tho luperlor con tract and low premium rates of Oregon Life. 3oe. T. L. Qnlnn, the local neurit. 24tfc