JANTARY 82, llrSO KMIK XHINTT JOURNAL Now on th'a day th'i malt' r eaulog on for tiiurlitK 011 a 'oil' r, ion f r an ' r'lr a. prrving axoi.nl of l.iila H ik. iru.lM, h' reiii. u n I for A CAR OF NEW MODEL 1 rvl.l"iii'l il.ai ribut-n .f p fip. rly f K t te ; it at"ie n ini' il blriH'liee. lie 1 mr i J. o oh ; IT IH Ollli II ., T.a it a , h I th lar f .i',ii. iv. ,r. -t ' 'i -u k . in., .. : he I'tii'v 1;., r Ii ''. Hu k lie o nt , Whh: It :? it . I n d l. In 1 1 fie a. -he 1 1 in' 11 il 1 n f r h r n 'ml c u i a d i.elt'i it, uti ! it f-irtii r o ile e I t . t o le 'f .'id h nr n" le r.i 1 11 l.jr t. II a 1 n of a r.,.y ' t h . f r. or u i M"ll -i y the ' oi.leri'B llirreof. f-.r Ih'ie H c clvi ir k i -i r to, .-nil hen i. g I', (he ' h n-y I' n-e I'r'.s a ne r. imiiir iirinU 'l In ;"p k in Cnun , W In- g'on. lid aim the pol llr tl n t' err f f , a II e Ii e In a ni.li r ir .u' l.led in C-ok ' ount , flietoili, sn-l hy e- tirg ci.i'e- of 'his or ir for a Hie l. n.lh of time i I r to sil l h ar l.g 1n three public l.rs In H o an I o nt Wi l,ii'irt..n lloee In u rn c uf Ihis U h (la 0; Di -eirn'er, l:t'.l. It. Nt W'.I'HTKR. Jud 1 M CAItTIIV rX-.K i I'ni'a. n IH'll', H i.eKnc, W:,sh'n t n. I AlUirnevi f r Tm '.- aie ! ew Fire Proof WEST HST Hi:iHH E N Will Arrive This Week Newell Motor Sales Company PRINEVILLE, OREGON 5 f s CtfT .' m i m HE Newell Auto Sales Co. has engaged the services of an expert auto mechanic, Mr. B. E. Walstrom, who has had years of experience under the best auto repair experts in the fadories of the East, and is fully equipped to handle any kind ol auto troubles. His services will be found very reasonable and every job carries his guarantee. Take your trouble to him. WEST COAST LIFE Kor All The Wmt" YESTERDAY Is Rone TODAY In piwlii nil will wMin bo ymtt'Tiluj When Bnnin "Tomorrow" b -comos Today you will not bo able to Ret Insurance. Therefore INSURE TODAY o that when "Totnnrrow" be comes Today, thore will be no regret that you carry no Insur ance WEST COAST LIFE Han Francisco OntrnI Ornra Agency H. II. WIUX)X, Gtm. AgU Ronrt, Oregon DOLLY HODGES, rrlnevllle, Ixcal Manager, Telephone 104 Standard Rate Hupor Service t on rut mi in .-- - . . ji . ...... - . annum i mm A iiril I, I1IIH, for the further 11110 of llimoo I """iry ' free and Ut.it r.te and diebuee. " ma ana Ombuni.tnrnti, ..u ...r u. M umect to trie itatutorr right of rettrmi'tlon. Ilntnt Oil. r.lh Amy of January, 1920. "I firl imbllollno. Jnn. 1 020 JOHN COMliS, Sheriff of Cr-ok rA..nt. n Br FLOYD ROWKLU Utv't NOTICE OP SHKRIPKR RALE OF REAL I'ROI'KRTV NOTICE la herrhr itlven that by virtue of an (locution leaued oat of tho Corrult Court for Cmnk County. On-iun. dated the tlh dar of January, lltto directing mt to ..II certain real property, to-wlt: w1 ""If th N..rthwet quarter! South out quarter of the Northwent quarter I Boslh weet quarter of the Northrant nuarter of Sec tion Twenty-nine In Townanlp Thirteen. South of KanKO fllKteen, Kant of tho Willamette Mcr. Mian, containing one Hundred and Sixty Acrea I have levied upon ami will on the 7th dny of February. 1920, at the front door of the Court Houae In I'rlnevllle, Crook County. Ore gon, at the hour of Ten o'cloc k In the foro noon of aald day, aril at public auction, for eaeh In hand, to the hlghcat bidder, all of aaid denrrlbed real property or no much thereof aj ahall be eufflclent to nt!.fy the cUlm of tht plaintiff. Bertha Ciena Hrroux. trustee, am. IfinS.OO with Interrat on r,00 00 at 10 perl eent per annum from Dec. I!9, l'.US. and Inter- j 11191 NOTICR FOR HI rtl.ICATIOS Deiiartment of the im.-rin- ii a 1 ...1 m. fire at The Dal In, Oregon, Jmmiry lu. 1H21I. ni, m cirn ur riven mat FRANK JOSKI'll HHP or 1 rtncvtlr, oeiron, who, on Dec. t9. 1916. muile Homestead Kntre Addition. I No nii:iMU for HKV, NKVi. 8E(4. SK'i BK, She 1 lown.nip 10 nouin. Kanga 18 Eiiat, Willamette Mendian. hu flla.1 n,,tir nf in. tentlon to make final three year prc.f 10 ea- laoiian claim to the land above described, be fore Uke M. B.fhtell. U. a CommlKHioner. at Prlnevlllr, Oregon, on the 19th day of Claimant namra u wttneea! Marlon F. Carter, l.uke M. Felf, John R. Breeee, George W. Rui.tll. all of rringvUle, uretron. H. FRANK WOODCOCK RagUUr NOTIt'K OP PINAL 8RTTLEMRNT NU'l'ICK la hereby given by the udnerilgned, the ailminlatrator of the UU of Ralph Croee, deceaaed, that he haa made and filed with the County Clerk of Crook County, Oregon, hie final accounting of his administration of said estate, and that the Court haa set Friday, tht Hlxth day of February, 1920. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at the County Court Room in I'rlnevllle, Oregon, aa the time and place for hearing and aettllng aald final accounting, at which said time and place any person Inter cHtcd In the eatato ma appear and object therctto. Dated January 8, 1920 R. R. CROSS, Admlnlatmlor of the 91 lip Estate of Ralph Croaa, deceased Ih tlm mum rni-ri- I etih m., f flnnne- yi t ilevl m I II a ii(. 1 n. Hiiniiii-p bchI d p - do re n ild ai'e; a Kuiiriinii'i il prnlee'lnn fr the wlf" ilil'dren, or a el a in' 1 ev imiI of your death: an aiai'l to hual iieiH and i-ri-dit; mid a m irk 1 1 fli a meter. It en la "o mnre thnn 't doe fo have a 'vl'i"s n-eniin' Y hi deKg li di flu ! annul' ti l arli ye r You withdraw a d. finite an oiint If y u live to a e rial i hk , or IT y u :, . I'unie tolnlly and iie'm n nt y d aided In-fore Unit time. And In event or dentil t'-e mim ilef nl e inn rnt ! paid to wh mer r v u h v deaif niili'd Pro 'a on are n a e niri'lnxt I' If di'iina t ar dni pe( after 'he I til id year. I"h li f advunl- Re leg In Hie iiti'diliit'. ce mi ii ty of att n Ing the ainoi,ni if aav ne you de Hlre lo nceumiilrit , ey n If death or dlhuh'lliy li t r en . Weal fnnst B nl e Ih old line le-Kal-reaerve. Klate-r. -ulaied Ilf . n Fii.ai.ce exienled bv W-at foi.at httn of Ran Kra-iclaeo In a.-c rdai ce 'llh "The Rpl.H of Ih - Went" i t( tnieat frm Wp t r a( n p f v.lle and vl' lnlty, Te'. 164 a,;t, ESSEX ROADSTER MAKES HIT WITH SI'OHTSMEX NO. HS OHDKR FIXINO TIMR FOR HEARING AND OlHKCTINf! NOTICR In the Smwlor Court of the State of Wash ington in and for the County of Spokane. In the matter of the Estate of Harnard J. Sobek. Absentee. AXAJ'J a ILK J X UlV Xll AUTO REPAIR SHOP Oils, Greases and Accessories Here ore some of my prices cover ing Ford repair work. Ovorhaul motor und tranamlB8lon . $25.00. Overhaul reur axlo and drive almft$10. Overhaul front system , $5, Overhaul steering gear, f 3.50. Tlnhten all bolls and nobs on cur. 3. Uoplace front spring, $1.B0. lteline transmission bands, 92.75. Grind valves and clean carbon, 3. Now Is the tlmo to have your car overhauled and get It ready for your spring and summers' use. Come to me and I will give you a square deal, L. V. SEARS, Proprietor J When I wanted to purcl.ate a roailHter recently, I looked over every one on tho niarVet." ga d the l . owner of an Em x Headsier. The salesman at the Elklns ga age, where Km x car are sold. nho.t mo .ho extent of room and ase with which me rear compartme-.t c uld b c'os ed and opened. When I found tlit I cnuld put my ent re camping on fit In that compartment and mnka mw trips without the nirin'iig bo rds be ing encumbered wlih the usual camp ing Impediments, I hepume ennvlnc cd that the Essex I'oad ter was at tractively diff, rpnt from tho e I had formerly In p- ted. That featu e, to gether with Its sturdy rn'meuctlon, lis powerful motor and hill illmhlng ability, were the strongest arguments In my mind In buvlng a i Es ex. And since I have dr ven my ar my first Impressions are fully su ti'n d and I am sng'-esting to all of my f 1 nds, especially tl.ose that can p and hunt, that the Rxsex Is exa tly the rar for that sort of sport. Adv. The largest and most modern of its kind in Central Oregon is now open for business. Gas, Oil, Free Air, and a full line of Supplies and ac cessories. GIVE US A TRIAL Newell Motor Sales Company FOR SALE Thoroughbred O. A. C. White Leghorns, cocks and eggs. A. D. Pratt, Post, Oregon. imp FOR SALE 320-acre ranch at Post will be sold for 12.000 If taken at once. If Interested call or write W. H. Brummer, Post, Ore. Ilt6p FOUND Pair of pliers. Owner can have same by proving property and paying tor this adv. illtle FOR SALE Team, wagon and har ness. Team weighs about . 1100 each. Price $260. Inquire at this office. J. H. F, lltfc FOR SALE Modern 5 -room bugaV low, famished or unfurnished. Bee Chaa. C. CNelL Prlnevllle title FOR SALE House and six lota la Prlnevllle, garage 40x30, barn and other buildings. Price S2509. See John Hunsaker, Prlnevllle. llttf TOOLATETO CLASSIFY FOH SALE One eight-room house In I'rlnevllle, wired, plumbed, and In Al condillnn. For narticulaa ad dress John W. Ayrcs, Maupin. Ore- K. Ilt3p Ton SALE A Mammoth Jack, blaek With llirht nninla Quunn 'ach IA u. . vm ,i cai a uiu. Will sell reasonalde r xchange for cattle. See John W. Ayers at Maupln, Oregon. Ut3p LOST A red yearllnir steer mnttled face, branded ER on left ribs, crop orr right ear and under 7 off left ear. Notify Warren Libby. Rob erts, Oregon. Ilt4p Do your eyes trouble you? Are your glasses giving satisfaction or do tney need changing? If so. call on Dr. F. H. Day. 610 Main St., Prlne vllle, Oregon. He Is permanently lo cated at tnat address. Tltfc Considerable Interest Is being man ifested by Crook countv neonln who live near the Jefferson county line In tne dance which will be given at Ath letic Hall In Madras the PTnnlne nf January 31. Bowker's Orchestra will furnish the music and the da nee will be under the sunervlslon of th Mad ras Amusement Company. We under. stand thut a number of our local young people will take this trip to Madras to attend. Adv. NOTirE OK TELEPHONE SIEKTIXG There will he a regular meeting of tho stockholders of the Lookout Mountain Telephone Company at the regular meeting place on February 7 nt which time the annunl election will bo held and such other bu-lness as may come before the meeting will be disposed of. JAS. E. FULLER, Sec. NOTICE OF TELEPHONE MEETING There will he a meetino- nf tho stockholders of the Rye OrasB Telo- pnone I'ompnny at Grimes' Chapel on Fohrnnrv 1 a nt 9. n m tv,Q r.n noSQ of electing necenanrv nffloara and caring for any other bus'ness that may come oerore the meeting. Ilt4c CHAS 0. CHRISTIAN!. Sec. TO SELL AKMY SHOES A larcre annnlv nf nrmv ohnoo la lin ing offered the nubile at the Pnrtlini" retail store conducted by the govern ment, at prices of $7.50 to $8.50, ac cordlne to tvne. Thnv will hi prepaid at this prico. Sizes 7W up, widths A to EE. The largest shoe In stock is a 15, the smnllest a 6. HIDE PRICES Green Cow Hides 15c lb. Salted Cow Hides 20c lb. Dry Cow Hides 26c lb. Sheep Pelts 80c lb. ' ( FRANK WINER, Prlnevllle, Oregon CHANDLER, S(X Famous For Its Marvelous Motor Thousands Choose The Chandler Dispatch MANY admirers of the Chandler Six choose the Chandler Dispatch. For two years this model has outsold all other cars of the so-called sport type. Its popularity is one of the high spots in motordom. The new series Dispatch is a snappy, handsome car, seating four adults in perfect comfort. It is of most beautiful design and finish; mounted on the standard Chandler Chassis, famous for its mechanical excellence. You are asked to pay much more for cars which might perhaps be compared with the Chandler. And cheap cars sell for but little less. SIX SPLENDID BODY TYPES Seven-Passenger Touring Car, tlS9S Four-Passenger Roadster, S189S Four-Passenger Dispatch Car, S1975 Seven-Passenger Sedan, S2S9S Four-Passenger Coupe, 92795 Limousine, S339S All prices, o. b. Cleveland) INLAND AUTO CO., Prineville, Oregon CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, CLEVELAND, OHIO k ry d- M .. b