0 JANUARY M, 1MM CrUXK XUNTY JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADS FOU HAI.K FOll SAI.K One 1916 Ford touring car, 360. Inquire this office 3tfc . FOU SALE 75 dry cows. John It. ! Harrison, Fort Rock, Ore. 2tfc I FOR SALE Two 1919 Dodge cars, i driven less than 8,000 miles, at a bargnln price. Cull at Motor Inn for demonstration. 8tfc FOR SALE Ford Touring car In Al shape, Just overhauled. This Is good buy. Inquire this office 48tfc FOR 8ALE Bocond-hand Ford, ANo. 1 condition. Inquire Motor Inn. 9tfc FOR SALE Thoroughbred Plym outh Roosters. E. Wagoner 1 0t2o FOR SALE Fine fomale Shepherd pup, four months old. Both par ents fine heelers. Phone 1936 lOtlp FOR SALE OR TRADE Good farm tractor. What have you to trade? R. L. Schce, Prlnevllle, Ore. 9tfc CLOSING! OUT U. S. Harness. Now Breeching harness reduced from $65 to $68. I have only SI sets of this new harness left, having sold 69 sets to Crook county farmers. Leather has advanced 12 cents a pound since these hnrnexs were bought and the price has dropped 6 por sot. R. L. Sehre, Prlne vllle, Oregon 9tfc FOR SALE OR TRADE Thorough bred Sblre stullnn. Albert Moore ft Sons, Madras, Oregon. 9t2p WANTED WANTED An A No. 1 Durham milk cow. Frank A. Moore, Madras, Or, WANTED To rent' 160 acres or more, fair Improvements, have do mestlo water. Proposition to buy If suitable. Address Journal. 9t3o We Save You Money THERE IS A REASON We haul our own freight at cost and we pay no rent. We pay no city tax. YOUR COST Is the lowest wholesale price plus one small per rent profit. We are here! to serve and we want your business. HOMER Post, - - - Prineville ' Flour Mills STANDARD FLOUR "EAT MORE BREAD" V 3 WANTED -Bids for cutting about 600 cords of plno wood from dry timber. Call at this office for par ticulars. 10t4p WANTED House furnished or nn fiirnlHhed, to rent. Telephone A. uumrin & Co., Ulty Stic Mist kllaneoum LOST Gold watch fob. Finder leave at this office. Reward. 9t2o TAKEN UP One ewe sheep taken up north of Prlnevtllo, Owner caa have same by proving property and paying coats. 9tSe TO RENT One room with heat. Ad dross 147 W Fifth St., City 9tfe ESTRAY STEER Two years old, crop oft left ear and tilt In right Came to my place on McKay early In the fall. Branded B on right shoulder. Owner may hare same by proving property and paying costs. C. C. Reynolds. 9tSo DENTISTS DR. H. O. DAVIS Dentist. New modern shop, In Kamktra Build Ing. DR. FREDERICK McK. INOERSOLL Dentist, Crook County Bank Bldg Prlnevllle, Oregon. 43tfc ATTORNEYS WILLARD H. WIRTZ District At torney. Office Crook County Bank Building, Prlnevllle, Oregon . tt tt. R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law Court House St., Prlnevllle, Ore OPHTHALMOLOGIST DR F. H. DAY Physician, optha mologlst, neuraloglst. Specialty ot eyos and nerves. Glasses fitted. Hours 10 to 12 a. m.; Z to 6 p. m. Evenings by apolntment. 610 Main St. Prlnevllle, Oregon. 87tfc NORTON - - Oregon OREGON DAILY JOURNAL DAILY BOc DAILY AXD SUNDAY Mc If T oVmt get your paper rw nUrly, phone Red 481 and we will send one op by special mes senger. PRINEVILLE DRUG CO. Local Ageat LAKE M. BECHTELL V, 8. Commlaaloner Attorney-At-Law Crook County Bank Building PRI NEVILLE OREGON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES At Masonic Temple every Bun- " day at 11:00 a. m. All welcome Sunday school for all under SO years of age ot 10:00 a. m. Get the Top Market Price for YOUR RAW FURS Send Thera To Write for Price List And Tags THE GOLDEN RULE FUR CO. 603 First Ave., Seattle, Wash. WE HAVE SOME BARGAINS In AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS FARM WAGONS WIRE FENCE ETC. FOR CASH COLLINS W. ELKIN9 H. P. BelUnnp L. V. Belknap BELKNAP & BELKNAP Physicians and Surgeons Office 122 East Third Street Prlnevllle, Oregon Office phone 61 Residence 63 PEACE TREATY IS KCWJSI EFFECT United States Only Nation Not Now cn a Peace Basis With Germany. Pari. The Irmly of Versailles, ninklim penee between Girmmiy and ' I III' rilllfjIlIK allied p'lWels, HUM (lUt Into effect Haiuriy afternoon ty the exchange of ratifications. The peace treaty now goes Into ef fect an hilwwn O'Tiuany and those powers that have finally ratlfli'd It (ip-at Hrltaln, France, Italy, Japan, Illinium, iwllvls, Hiaxll, Guatemala, Ivru, Poland, Slam, Czechoslovakia and Uruxuay. The United Btat-fi alone of the "till? five" ha not ratified the treaty. As the Hat allow, formal ratification!) have been given hy moat of the smaller noweia ilKtiatory to the tn-aty. The outstanding comment on the ceremony was that It left the United Sidles the only power which was ae lively at. war with Germany not now on a peace hauls. That was the note sounded by Baron nurt von Lersner, head of the German peace delegation, In a statement after the ceremony. "I am naturally happy that peace has finally become effective," he said. "My great regret Is that the United States Is the only country with which Germany Is still In a state of war. I hope, however, that this situation will soon be changed." BOLSHEVIK REGIME IN MEXICO PLANNED San Antonio, Texas. Information re garded by government agents here as evidence that Carranza government of ficials are countenancing a plan to establish a bolshevik regime In Mexico and that the radical programme Is sup ported largely by evaders of American army draft, will be given to the senate sub-committee Investigating Mexican affairs to be held here. Summonses for more than 200 have been issued but the number who have notified agents of the committee of their willingness to testify Is much greater. American government records and re ports of special agents tend to sup port the statement According to the published boast, 30,000 Americans es caped service In the army by flight to Mexico. Most of them have returned to the United States, but many remain, and the names of a few have appeared in the literature of the communist and I. W. W. organs as actively engaged In furthering the cause of radicalism. Not all the testimony offered will be unfavorable to the present Mexi can administration. Supporters of tho Carranza government have placed be fore the committee the names of many, who, they assert, w ill be able to coun ter at least some of the statements of special Investigators, refugees and ordinary observers. SEDITION BILL' IS PASSED Act Provides Severe Penalties For Ad vocating Overthrow of Government Washington. An anti-sedition bill, prescribing severe penalties for acts or propaganda advocating overthrow of the government by force or violence, was passed by the senate without a record vote. The measure now goes to the house. Under an amendmeat to the bill proposed by Senator Borah, republi can, Idaho, and accepted by the senate, persons having radical literature ex cluded from the mails may secure a hearing before any federal court and thus avoid the delay and expense of bringing suit In Washington against the postmaster-ge'neral. Maximum penalties contained In. the bill are a fine ot $5000 and five years' imprisonment, applying to all acts or circulating of literature In furtherance of forcible overthrow of the govern ment The bill also bars from the mails any matter advocating force or sab otage. Fight at Tijuana Rouses Governor. Sacramento, Cal. Governor William D. Stephens of California announced that he would ask the government at Washington to enforce pnssport re strictions that would prevent the pro posed world's championship bout be tween Jack Dempsey and Georges Car pentier at Tijuana, Mexico, Just across the border line from California. Last of Americans Return From Brest New York. The last contingent of troops quartered at the military camp at Brest arrived here Monday on the transport George Washington. 1,000,000 Cases of Influenza In Japan. Toklo, Influenza Is spreading throughout Japan. There are 1,000,000 cases reported, ot which 12,000 are soldiers. , Horseshoeing, Blacksmithing Acetylene Welding BODY WORK ON AUTOMOI1ILE8 General Auto Repairing. W'M. LOITIIUH. PRI NEVILLE OR Fourth Hireet, Opposite Pofttofflre. We Grow and Prosper Only as we Serve you Well You will find our stock of automo bile accessories com pi te ai d pr C--S that please We have some of the best buys In new and used cars. Call and look these cart oyer before buying, as we hare a good f lection to pick from up to and Including this year's models. We also have one 1919 Dodge Tour ing Car that cannot be told from a new one with plenty of extras. MOTOR INN SALES ROOM OPPOSITE PRINEVILLE HOTEL CASH FOR FURS I pay the highest market prices for furs of all kinds. Send in your furs by , mail or parcel post to RAY PUTNAM P. O. Box 312 Prineville, Ore. TACOMA GUN STORE-TACOMA, WASH. Largest Stock of Huntters' and Trappers' Supplies In the Northwest ESPECIAL attention to mail or ders. Send one cent stamp for catalogue. Big Dance Auspices Athletic Club at the Club Hall, Prineville Friday Evening, Jan.30 Bowker's Orchestra of Portland Will furnish the music. This will be a real jazz dance. All are invited FREE PUNCH TICKETS $1.25 8 J