Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 22, 1920, Image 1

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    Crook County Jo
A Hhliimi'iit of alfalfa sued, total-
1 11 r 17.0(in pounds, or 100 sack of
171 pounds each, woa received on
Monday liy tln officers rif thn Orho-:
co Irrigation District, and delivered
on Tuesday In (tin furm'Tii of the
Thla la sufficient seed for planting
about 2.000 acres of land, which will
make a material addition to thn hay
nil pply of thla purl nf thn rounty In
the next three yoBra.
In Bilillllnn to thn giv-d already d
llveered, another order imiy be mndo
up nt a meeting of thn fiirmers which
la in he held at Grimes' Chapel Mon-
dnv night for this purpose snd to
discuss the matter of employing an
The Baptist church was filled with
an appreciative cr.wd of I'rliievllle
people last Tuesdiiv night when Tom
Skevhlll, who was n signaller In tho j
Australian division during tho war,'
niul who Is a poet of no small merit, i
Iim lin i'il on the subject i'f rt-ri tl- J
HI i-ll' I in? the v . r 1 1 1 . I
Mr Slieyh'll empha dzod five things
which In his oplnlim ai" needed 1111
.i. i e .1 i, nil
,, , . ,, ,,, ' , , I
I. 1... I ... I ... ti .. u u-HI i.i
,l n r.... , .
till, war
These five C lugs nro op-'
tiiitiMin. i-tiiluibuiHin,
l. al nn, eiluca-
jioii, ami religion.
Mr. Skeyhlll proved lilniself to be
possessed of a very tionoiinced sense.
iif luiinor. and lie had h s niidlence
with him from the beginning, when
be sho'.vid such n sir ng sppreclatl n
of American "Slanguage" and r peat,
oil seine of the Incident.! In connect
ion with this "slu. gii:ig"'' which h p
peiie.l to li 1 iii and to Ann rlcii ilo i-.h-lioys
iiciosh the sea, and u'olcrlook
to prove, contuiiv to the general op
inion, that the British have a very
large sense of humor.
lie concluded the lecture with a
very vivid and Inlercsliig aci-ount of
the capture of the fol is of C.alllpoll
from tlie Til i V. . ii' one nf the I .rgest
losses of ne it iui ini' th i wnc. In
which i iigageun tit Mr. Skeyhlll took
a part.
Mr. HUevhlll is nn Austrnlhiii and
has In. i n in lh- l nii.-.l "- tat. s the last
two years lecturing. He brought to
iuiini the large part that Aa-traMn
plaved In the bv flving statistics
that out id a population of 5.000,000
there were Mm il' il en! st d I" Ihe nr
fnv and po draft, and out of these
inn. (inn were killed In Ihe war and
there were over aOO.000 ens unit es.
The llieh Schoo
1 and Town basket
i.ii i,.,s n.,,1 l-.ui nlirht for the sec-
ouil gnmn of a series to bo played by Cram. Itolla White. Maynnrd Corh
these teams this sason. 'an. Verl Sha'tuck. John Cvrus.
The two tciims life Well matched Hist. 1 7 Edith McDantel. Olive Ho-
and thev plaved a good gam f real
tralght basket ball. In this gnmn
the High School came out victor,
which gives thn teams a game each
ns the first game of the se.'les was
won by the town quintet. The line
up wns as follows:
C. C. H. S
Rosenberg c.
Smlth-Miler f.
Wrlgbl-O. Mills g
Town Team
T ..-. t ..-
ic.1,.1 t...
llorlgnn substituted for Wright.
ten III
tween those tennis,
played In the near future
AVIU DIhciihs County Aent Mnlter
mni. -i.. --..a f., ii.o it i.h Kehooi reason ror mis cmhub.- i h mi- ii ... . - --. -
i.iiiin m.., i. .-, . . . . ... , j, - , Hw.iiirli tliev did hriiitr (leorgo Mover .
in and llroslus and A. Michel tor mite is to .,.,.. . r ..- " ,. ' . , ri.. Anv ex-sen
Town Team. The tie I-tween nnd help discuss iwltn the rommerci,. ,, an " "yj " . ,,ovn,et or
two teams will cause mud. Inter- Club, t Ungs o ,m r nr " "m." w f e Jlarvev ! help should
to be taken 111 the next game bo- special "'""'"' '"" '; ,..' ...... ,,.,,, ! ski with Mr. Ha
A meeting of the Ochoco farmers ,..,
has been called for Monday evening, HRY CREEK J 1 1-V''" Vrrrivr
VTaniiarv 2fi. to be held at fi rimes', COMPANY HOT.HS MEI-HNO
Chapel at 7:30 o'clock. The purpose
of the meeting Is to discuss the ques-, At the annual meeting of tnePry
tlon of securing at the earliest mo- Creel, Telephone et nr!Jnnt
ment an Agriculturist for Crook cnun- A. O. Hedlund yy.
ty i nnd Frank MnrtsoMng socretnry-
' Innsmuch as the present soason , treasurer. .,.,...
promises to see large crops raised on j The five mile line ""I""'" '
the Ochoco project, it Is lo the Inter-1 Hedlund wns purchased by the , nm
est of the farmers on the project to pany nnd other extensions of the line
have the best nnd most up-to datO nre being planned.
advice on farm crops, preparing the , - - - - -
lands for irrigation nnd many otner
immediate nnd timely questions.
Everybody come, nnd tell your
neighbors to come.
Joseph Townsend is building a
green house on land recently purchas
ed in Hyde Park nnd will supply veg
etables and flowers to the local trade
as soon ns the structure cn be com
pleted nnd started into operation.
Tin shipment win (if (lean sued of
first class quality unci there was a
loss of only 8 pound In the entire !
In shipping.
A large amount of cmdlt for the
success of tho eiilot-prlso la due to
Fred lloelscher of th dliitrlct lionrd
who donated considerable time to the :
delivery of the shipment, Tli'n Hordal
of (he organization who succeeded In
gettlng tho order together and fnally
supervised the entire matter. Ed. Ah-
hott of the Clly of Prineville railway
for cum In delivering the shipment,
and other members of the organic-
titon. '
The shipment was rl ar-d through
the First NattlniiKl Rank of this city,
who did this woik without charge to
the dlarlct.
.AT llti:HllYTi:itl.t III tt( II
lir. Ford Warner, who was con
nected with thp Young Women's
Christian Arsnelntlon during the War,
overseas, spoke last Rundny night to
a large and appreciative nndenre
about thn work the Y. W. C. A has
hi en lining and what It xncts to ac
coiiipIIhIi In the future
Hr. W n rm r showed a great noisnn
alltv and cave n very Interesrlng and
entertaining address.' Crook ootintv'g
nnilii fur the wink of the Y. W. C. A.
for v T ? 't Is $120. 29 of w hich was
miie-d at the meitlng Inst Sunday.
AM ti lid s are to he paid to Mrs.
II. P. Hi lluoin. and niiv who have net
pledged any definite amount and de
... , u., !,.,. U Mf
" ' "" n ' "'" " "
oltl'itiON HI E SHOWS ;itOVTI!
I T I.. Qui nn returned this week
I from Portland, wheie he alt o d d the
, annual meeting of Oregon I.ifo In
surance salesmen.
i it developed nt the meeting that
over JC.finft.nen In new Insurance
was written In 1919.. that the com-
punv has more than f 20,000 000 of
insurance niev in lore", aim nmi inej
goal for 1 920 is to exceed all other;
couipnnles In this slate In the total:
-tiinoiipt of insurance In force, j
Incidentally, besides look ng after
the Interests of Oregon I. If" In this
ci'iiminnltv. Mr. Qnlnn has been ap-!
' i! 1- i' y a soer-eil r. p "l . . ' n t vo of
the treamiry denartnieft fot aist-,
it.,. f.,riiier serv ce men wHb their j
government Insninnce which he is do-1
iiii: without pay,
TWIM Y-T1!I?rE TV rorTY " j
'Ihe following Students of Crook
cou-itv parsed the eighth grade
amlnntlons held January 15 and 11:
li'st 1. Bhonda Hoover, vesta
Prose Pauline Wlndom. Arthur F r-, ""'t rails to recall any event that ev-(
en Collins W ElkiiiR Jr., Mattle'''1' compared with the dance and the;
Ipowlln James V) Adnmson, Mike I Legion 1s justly proud of the sup-
Trapman. Jr., Lionel Cross, Lorn
Houston. Velma Shattuck
Armond, Elma A. Petersen
Plst. 30 Ethyl T.ewis.
TUst. 1fi 7oln Fordrav.
Hist 1 Violet Spangh,
J. E.
ci.rn i.rxriiEON
The Commercial Cluh luncheon will
i, .Tnnnnrv so at ii:flu n. m. in-
oiend nf the noon hour BS us'im. i no
in order thnt It mnv be known how
mnt'v to prepare for space will be nl
l.ded onlv to those who notify the
Hotel Prineville on or before Jnnti
arv 2S. Make your r. servath n now
by phone.
Tf tbero is an- person 'n
Prineville who has n-t i-een
enum orated please n tifv Po'ly
TTodees Censes Enumerator, nt
once! Ho it now! Tel phone 184
There la a great deal of Im-
portanc" In the census e"ume' a-
tlon and It Is es"ent'al that not
one Individual bo missed.
.. . m .. no ,.r.,.i.lnK 1VT T 'n tlinv worn It even
...hi..i. ifi i i, mni n I nre lnvneii in mi' in. i , .
Last Krlilny night the Ladles An-
nex held Ha annual High Jinks Ball
nt the Annex rooms In the Commer-
clnl flub building. Thla event has
been long looked unnn ai the one
social funetlton of thn year wh-n the ,
society of the other s-x Is dispensed '
with, and the "ladles only" sign '
shown for the occasion, much to thai
chagrin of the men, who have to stay'
at homo and mind the children
n iinsn . i.,u in ma me, lie,-, B tJl
a I .. A . I i v. , 1
the Annex and their mends gathered
at eight o'clock to have an unr-strain-
i d good time. A surprising variety
of characters were represented and
class distinctions were cast aside and
colonial dame linked arms with the
negro mammy and modest little g rls
frolicked with circus clowns. Some
of tho costumes wi re Indeed startling
niul no attempt will be made to de
s rl'ie them. The Gold Bust Twins
were (lie lilt of the evening.
The first part of tho evening was
spent In dancing nnd having a gener-
al good time. In the grand mnrch his 2 cents change when he purchas- ; orils and a review of tho book, "Our
Varlha Cillett. representing a gypsy od a ticket. Inciden'ally the Journal Admirable Betty," by J. Farnol, giv
! won the prize for the b st r p:es 'n- i Van was fined J7.50 for being A. W. : en by Mrs.'L. M. Bechtell.
t itive ladv continue, and Mabel Hotl
geberg, representing a sm II town
sport, won the r i no for the best rep
resentative male costume 1' ma k
i lug came next in order, anil many of
t iose present were f' u:id to be what
thev were not.
! Three of the High School Olrls,
Filanche Howell, May Ward end Buta
Clark, sang n song which was very
j much appreciated and Marforle Wil
I son gave a reading which showed
i much talent along this linn.
I I.lrht refreshments of punch snd
cookies were s rved to those present
nn(, pvorvonP WPnt nmP f,.0!jB thnt
the evening was a sud e s.
Th" committees in charge of tho
Hard Times Hall, given last Wednes
tlnv night niid"r the auspices of the
Amrlcnn Legion retiort that the net
pr. c eds amounted to the tidy sum
if $-118.11, and the same ha been
t turiini o er 10 r inance uineer noei -
, s' rP:
umii uBiiciuri ei,. n
l"1","' """ 'V "
pt'oiou in iiiiiRiiifi niw leiiefto n t,'i.v.
success from the time the doors open- n cnr nn( then Immediately mail
ed nt 8:30 until the orchestra played i t).p ' snmP sri tnnt the data mav be on
"llome Sweet Home" about 12:30 in j tn hiod at the earliest possible mo
tile morning. , ment. as this is renulred by the State
While everyhody. from young Mr. fU)rt tm certified to by the Post
Stnndlsh to the Civil War Veterans, rnmnl!inder nnd forwarded to Salem
enjoyed the dances from the very j,rilirp ti,e medals can be procured,
start, one of the main features was
the Summary Court nnd with Joe sitting ns the Summary Of
ficer, thorp was nothing left undone.
The M. P.'s consisting of Fred iloel-
scher, Lee Merchant, Dr. R
and Sylvain Michel, were on the job
e jon,
aim u -
miles to a dance. Andrew Nome and
Herb An gel I wore each tapped for
$10 for wearing neckties ami Hugh
l.akin also contributed nicely for hav
ing more neckwear than seemed nbso.
lutely necessary
Oscar Hyde had to
dig un a five-spot for being mo nom -
11 est mnn In the crowd and Vernon
Harpham likewise paid for being tho
hniidsoiiiest of them all. Warren
Brown nnd Jim otxon displayed ion
many diamonds, and lor aimosi any- j wThilo the consideration is not giv
thing out of keeping with a Hard Prli revenue stamps attached would
Tlfes Ball, tho guests were hauled up- ! indicate that, the' price was about
on the carpet. Tho totatl amount of; $200,000.
If not, or if you have any doubt, fill out this coupon and mall to
W. A. TEARRALL, Supervisor of Census. Wasco, Oregon.
On January 1. 1!)20. I wns living nt address given below, but
to the best of my knowledge I have not been enumerated there or
anywhere else.
Street and No.
Mirncnu DirnrD
Roy Anderson
succeeded In get
ting the division
over Cyclone
Burns of Chicago
at the meet last
Thursday night
after a mostinter
esllng and hard
fought contest.
Burns challenged Anderson to put
inn urn mnn nn Ha mat tw w n m
hour, snd although th visitor was
mnrh heavier, almost thirty pounds,
hft aB )n no way a mat(. for Ander
Bon w0 ,.ame nParer getting a fall
than the Illinois champion did.
Although Anderson was suffering
from a gtralll reo,.ivPl some time ago
i, -, ,ii. bii,h..,ip. rnml ..rhihi.
tlon, and handled the.blg fellow al -
most any way he chose.
TImor collected amounted to $221.44
and would have been more had the
I'nliee lo aied the mnn who i-k d for
O. I..
The members of Crook Countv p iKt
are very grateful to the public for,
their liberal patronage and loyal sup -
i S
V ;
port and wish to nsureeverybody term of the County Court, there were ing the Hindu, a champ onshtp match
that the funds will be well taken present: N. G Wall; se. J h ge; E. TV will be arranged with Thye for Pr ne
care nf. ' i l.uthy and Hugh Lister, Commission- ville some time in March, which will
WNjiocially do they w'sh to express prs: Asa W. Battles, Clerk, and John determine whether Jhve or Anderson
thur apiireclntt'on to ech and everv Combs. Sheriff. lis tho champion'foi the weight,
one of the musicians who so willingly , The f, Ilowii g proc i di. gs were More seats have bren arrangd for
l iioioueii ineir stoYiccn aim iimi:li'u
j materially In the success of the even-
ling. And to I.on Newell they are
j deeply Indebted and assure him that
his kindness will never be forgotten,
; And also to the Spanish War Vet-
I eratiR of Thomas Anderson Camp.
i who so klndlv donated the use of
I their fines and other decorations, as
well ns Mrs. Amanda F.lklns snd the
girls who mndo the punch and sand
wiches, are the reein'ents of the best
wishes and thanks of the Post.
The Adjutant CoperM of tile State
of Oregon has recontlv ad'ised the
Comninnder of th s Post of the inten
t" n of tlii't office to have the differ
ent American Legion Pots of-Ore-iron
aid in "ie disM'nitton of the
Ttrorre medals which are ri' en by
the 'Iinte of Oretrnn to all S Idlers,
saiiors. Marines
a"d others now
,,,, i,,,r, rt ti,n d'ff 'revt Posts
. (Vronrhnut tho State, whn at tne date
j of entering the M litary Service were
i,on!) f(,e res'iienis ann liiiiaiiiuuuir-
uf ,0 i,t!,to ot Oregon,
TMft information Is being mailed
to 0VPrv mpmi,Pr 0f Crook County
1 rnst Xo' zw nnl1 pncnp ' '. ! r
... rennesrer to carciu.iv nil ou.
Tho Amoriran T-ppion ia active in
i -. . . nT.oorvlfP
securing P'J " "" '"
i" ' i.e. . ..
men. and the local nra-u-n um e-
I pointed Jonn i'oi,i
l committee to care tor tnis pan n
Ice man wishing em-
nnyone wishing to secure
get in communication
Hobrv at J. E. Stewart
Heeds were filed this week cover-
; jnE the- purchase of twenty four sec-
; i0ns and several fractional sections
nf an, n the territory bettween
Prliievllle and Powell Butte by G. L.
j )iuvtt. which is the tract that is to
, lie developed for planting poinioes.
A large number of cases of small- individuals having a lower degree of
pox are reported in Bend,, and some immunity.
action should be taken to prevent the In some homes where the disease
spread of the disease to this part of has broken out there Is no physician
the country If possible. in attendance, it is said, and in con-
The true nature of the situation Is l!ience no quarlntlne has been e
shown In an article in the Bulletin of ibl'"hed " 'hee PatienU at
January 20, a part of which follows: the clly p,est bouM constitute only a
very small portion of those in need
"With the estimated number of 0f treatment. Mayor Eastes said. '
small-pox cases In Bend w t by local Possibilities of contagion wer
physicians at more than half a hun- clearly shown when a rancher from
dred. drastic measures are to be tak- the Brothers section walked Into th
en by the city government to prevent, office of the mayor, remaining for
the spread of the disease. Mayor J. g0me time before It was noticed that
A. Kastes announced this noon. the characteristic smallpox eruption
While smallpox haso far manifested covered hia face and hands. He wu
itself only in a mild form, making ; requested to leave, tnd shortly nfter .
existing cases of little danger in , was ordered back to his ranch by the
themselves, there is the ever-present j cjtv physician. Mr. Eastes and Re
possibility that the disease might de- corcer d. H. Peoples reported this
velop Into the more virulent type In morning for vaccination.
The Psychncrat Club met at the
home of Mrs. Mary Howard Saturday,
January 3. The hostess played sev-r
eral splendid records on the Bruns-I
w,,k and Mrs Ro,)t- """Bias review
eil tne noon a woman s woman.
The Club was entertained by Mrs.!
McFarland at the home of Mrs. Stan-
ton pn January 17.
The program
consisted of several ph n graph rec-
1 At the regular Januarv, 1920,
nan, ro-wiii: i
It appearing that the Clerk f this
county has issued an aggrg te sum I
of M.50S 50 in pa ment of lount i-sj
during the last Bix months, said r -!
po-t s pecepfed and approved. ;
Ordered h.V the W.. F. King Com-!
pany furn sh 9 000 c. dar po ts. 7 ft. I
in 1'iig'h and with In. oiameter at
sm ill end, at t ie r te of 28 1-2 cents'
each. feeling as possible for the wonderful
liepo't of Ra 'Putnam, showing! surprises that I received from home,
expenses actually i'u urre ' la m-'n I am in my own home, and every ar
n r Nash Qu ,1 fr .m Sal m to P.ine- has a value cf being useful but
Vila to be J240.97, w th vouchers for far above this is th thought that
a!l expenditures therein, accepted ai d they are from friends at home."
approved. ; The Bonlangers live at Wa'uga,
Adj 'urned to Jan. S. Lake Grove, Oregon.
'nuaiy 2. 1920. Same members
pr. sent. Th Crook C unty Journal
designated Of fi .1,-1 Publl atlon for
Crook County to be paid the sum of
pr month therefor.
Ordered warrai in the sum of
?'-" in payment on Ochoco Canvon
Cleric ordered ti Craw warrant in
favor of the v. F. King Co. n the
sum of $2.5ti5.0' for 9.000 posts e
cently ordered. Warrant t he drawn
upon rec Ipt of p sts. Warmnt on
Permanent Roa 1 Fund.
Clerk o dered to dr .w warra-t in
favor of the TV. F. King Co. cn he
Permanent Ro d Fund, in the sum of
$6, 612.9; for wi'e to be us.d on the
Crooked Ri er Highway .
Ordered that the salaray . f Ncrris
Bixhy be fixed at $115.00 per month,
until further ord -r of th s court.
Bills Allowed
West Hi-; ni'ect on Co tow alsJ 4.40
Smith Bros vep i r bilge
31 62
I p,.,?.pvii,p rirnr C.n n,d.
- ; , -
, Prineville Hnsr f! mdse
T R T n.f,. fft1 .,,MmQ i c
Mael; Co if 12.8
ougs An. Maori Co rep
Kee Lex Mfi Co, mdse
45 51
1 00
3. 38
32 05
.V "m ace, expense
I "i iss i- u iiomme. m so ...
s.wiusb v- i i iiuiioiiiui h u b ....
i pin. lire, i at i. uo servers
Inland Auto Co
Win. Fieund, wo k on roads
Dr. J. H. Rosenberg, expense
A. R. Bowman, premium
Jap Irela' d express
rw Chutes Power Co. 1 & w
T at,,,,, p,,. mdse
Home Hosnital 23-. 00
a. KelL'. fees 80.00
p Bryan labor 15.00
Helwig & Conn-a . md e 4.06
(Continued on Page 8)
There will be n meeting of tax
payers of the countv at Prl e-
ville Hotel Tuesday, January 27.
Postal card notices have b en
mailed but as there are sur to
be some citizens who were mis -
ed, it is desired that all consider
the invitation general and that
all .taxpayers be present at this
Notify E. ,T. Wilson if you will
come, so that plates may be nr-
ranged for.
Dinner will be servd fit 7:00
o'clock, each one pnylns for hU
Baianta Sineh. the ehamnion Hln-
iu wrestler of the world, is coming
to Prineville on February third, to
meet Roy Anderson in a wrestling
The Hindu wrestled Ted Thve at
Astoria on January 17, the bout go
ing two hours and five minutes to a
Should Anderson succeed in throw.
the t ehruarv i meeting and the rec-
ord crowd is looked for.
,mvi?vii i r i-mr tr v
KI. '.'- t'""- 1 i.r.ASEI
We have a commun catiton frofn
Louise Summers Boulanger which en.
closed the following: "I wish to
thank my many friends with as much
U..J ' i
4 Sl
Miss McMurry, local Forest cleric,
who was scheduled for transfer to the
Ptndleton Forestry of. Ice, on Jan. 1,
has been advised that on account ot
the unexpected resignation of O. H.
Wenner. she will be left on the Och
oco indefinitely. Miss McMurry is Jn
attendance at a meeting cf Forest
Clerks now being held at Baker, Ore
gon. D. L. Jamison of the Biological Sur.
vey, office at Portland is speading
,ne week with !o al Forestry men in
a" effort to stimulate !nterest among
: the ranchers for a country-wide cam-
I naign on jack rabbits and sace rats.
: He will meet with t-e Bear Creek
rabbit club. Post rabbit club and en
deavor to organize a club at Paul! a
hefore he returns to Portland. Mr.
Jamison will soon take up his duties
as county agriculturist 'or De chutes
county. i
Rang r J. 0. F. Anderson and fam
ily have returned to 1he winter head
quarters of Mr. Anderson at the Kelly
ranch near Paulina after a we;?k In
The Ochoco C. & H. Ass 'ciattion
held the regular annual meeting at
the local Forestry headoua'ters on
Januarv 19. The following c f leers
were elected for the ensuing year.
Oeo. H. Russell. Pres.; Peter Mar-era,
Sec.-Treas., with Oeo. H. Russell, J.
M. Blevins. Jas. H. Scott members of
the advisory board.
At a meeting of the Mill Cre"k C.
& H. association, it was almo-t uni
versally agreed that ni bulls would
be placed on the above range during
the next grazing season. Ins'ead,
each stockman will breed In his own
vasMidos hefore turning out time,
which is June 1, for the Mill Creek
On account of H tie snow an''. he
frozen condition of the ground, nnto
travel between Prinvill nnd Mitchell
has been possible dur ng a c rslder
able portion of the present month.