Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 25, 1919, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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crooe oonrrr ocrjtal
Pure Bred
Duroc Pigs
Weaners in fine condition.
A limited number only.
PHONE 611 OR 554
Prineville, Oregon
Congress Held Not Restricted
By the Signing of the
Auto Repair Shop
I-. V. HE ARM, Proprietor
Aulu Repairing of all kinds... Mr Prices are as low as la oonalatent
Willi rirat4'laaa work.
WaHhlngton. Tho war-time pro
Ihlnlflon art was ild constitutional
j by the aupreuie iou-i. ,
Federal court dt-' iinn In New York
! IIninislii(( proceedings brought by
! llryfoos, Ilium A. Co. to compel Inter
nal revenue orri-IilK to permit the
withdrawal from hnd of whisky for
beverage purpose wero affirmed by
the court.
The dinning of tbe armistice did not
abrogate the war powers of congress,
AsHOclate JuHtlce Hrandels Raid In
reading the decision of the court.
Tbe conatltutional prohibition
amendment la binding on the federal
government aa well ai the stales and
supersedes at ate laws, the court de
clared. Tbe Judgment of tbe court
wai unanlmoua.
la rendering Its opinion the court
confined ItHnlf entirely to the war-time
prohibition act and took no action on
the to-called beer caaei which attacked
the constitutionality of tha prohibition
enforcement act.
At Your Service
The officers and resources of
this bank are ' available at all
times in assisting you to solve
your financial problems.
We do both a Savings and Commercial Businen
Capital and Surplus $50,000.00
A Hole
in a
la Like a Ionk In a Dum The Longer Neglected, Tlie More Erpcn
alve (o Repair.
All Kind of Tlrca Rrpnlred Tlrca Rebuilt, Rctrcadcd, Sectional
ilU lrlnj, 11 Vulca uimt. Free Air
Clark's Tire
4 17 Main St.. I HI NEVILLE, ORE.
rtrt Boxes all va
JJr neties, grades
Order early' while the
Assortment is Large
Phone Black 671
Salem, Or. Without making' any
auggeetlona, other than setting out tbe
five aubjeeta of legislation which be
desires considered, Governor Oirott is
sued a formal proclamation calling
both branchea of the Oregon leglala
ture Into apeclal aeulon In Salem on
Monday, January 12.
Legislation suggested In tbe gov
ernor's proclamation Include an
amendment to the workman's com pen
aatlon act by Increasing the ratea paid
to Injured workmen from the Indus
trial accident fund, appropriation of
money necessary properly to carry out
the provisions of the soldiers', sailors'
and marines' educational financial aid
law and provision of funds to cover
such liabilities aa have been authorized
by the state emergency board during
the year 1919, consideration of tbe
advisability of submitting to the voters
the question of restoring tbe death
panalty In Oregon, consideration of the
qaestion of ratifying the proposed
women's suffrage amendment to the
federal constitution and consideration
of legislation necessary to supplement
and carry out the provisions of what
la known as 0ie "state bond payment of
Irrfltatlon and drainage bond Interest
constitutional amendment"
Activity in Washington Indicates That
Allies May Accept Modification.
Washington. Frequent conferences
between entente diplomats here have
Indicated that their governments might
be prepared to accept some reserva
tions to the peace treaty in order to
accompllHh its ratification la the sen
ate. It Is understood that only the Ill
ness of President Wilson has prevent
ed him from being so advised by some
of them.
It has not been made known here to
what extent the entente powers might
be prepared to go, but it does appear
that there would be final objection to i
tbe preamble as proposed bythe sen
ate foreign relations committee, by
which other powers would be required
officially to record their acceptance
of reservations aa part of the treaty
in substance. '
Germans Give Way to Allied Demands
Berlin. In her note replying to
the last entente communication de
manding the signing of the protocol
preliminary to "putting the pence treaty
In effect, which has reached Paris,
Germany yields in her stand on the
Scapa Flow 'issue to a certain extent.
It Is learned that in the nole the gov
ernment reiterates Its desire to have
exchange of riilificalions of the peace
treaty effected at the earliest possible
6,000,000 Tons of Shipping Constructed
! Washington. The U. S. shipping
board has tnude good its pledge to
' construct 6,000,000 tons of shipping In
the year 1919, It Is announced by John
Barton Payne, chairman. By Decem
ber 31 the board will have delivered
6,000,000 deadweight tons of shipping.
On December 1 It had completed wlth-
r In the current year 5,815,500 aead-
weight tons.
President Able to Walk About Room.
I, Washington. Pvcsldcnt Wilson is
now permitted to walk about his
room and along the adjoining hall for
I a short time each day. Renr Admiral
iCary .T. Grayson, his physician, an
nounced. The president, I ho doctor
said, dresses himself and with the aid
of a cune walks unattended.
God" make rne worthy of Thy land
Whl' h mine t mil a llltl while;
This medow where the sunset's smile !
Falls Ilk a (-'main from Thy hand, j
And where tfce river e'nglns runa
'Neath wlnlrv skies and aurnm-r nuns. J
liichard Walton Glider, j
A French preprint Hon for aoup aea
nn'ng which la coiiNldcrcd very choice
la this : Two ounce each
of sweet marjoram, para
ley, savory, thyme and
lemon peel rind one ounce
1 t ; "w,'', '" Trie hern
k are dried, the peel In also
ill li 1rl'''' ground and
mixed. This powder. If
carefully corked In a bottle will keep
Indefinitely. L'se It sparingly.
Ever-Lasting Yeart. Tie three yeaat
cakes (the dry variety) In a cheese
cloth, add one quart of potuto water,
three tablespooiifuls of sugar and let
aland twelve hours. Kernove the
yeast and place in a glass Jar well
covered but not sealed. Use one cup
ful of the well-stirred yeast for six
loaves of bread. Once or twice a
week fill the jar with potato water
(about the amount of liquid removed).
No more yeast la added. This will
keep for years If directions are care
fully followed. If not enough yeast Is
used to renew with potato water take
out some each time the potato water
Is added. This Is the food which
feeds the yeast plants and they will
keep on growing.
Chutney Thla I a famous concoc
tion well liked by our English cousins.
This la the season to prepare It for
winter use. Chop and cook together
two hours twelve apples, skins not
removed, two green peppers, one
onion, one cupful of raisins, one cup
ful of sugnr. one pint of vinegar, the
Juice of a lemon, one-half tableRpoon
ful of ginger and one-half tablespoon
ful of salt. Put In marmalade jars or
seal like Jelly.
Olive Oil Pkkles-Take one hun
dred small cucumbers, three plnta of
small onions, one pint of olive oil, one
ounce of celery seed, one-fourth
pound of white mustard seed, one
ounce of white pepper. Slice the uo
peeled cucumbers, cover with one and
two-thirds cupfuls of salt, let stand
three hours. Slice the onions and let
them stand In cold water three hours,
then drain and mix with the oil and
spices. Pack Into Jars and Sll the jars
with good vinegar. Good to eat la
ten days.'
llttUc 7HwVtjl
Horseshoeing, Blacksmithing
Acetylene Welding
General Auto Repairing. .
Fourth Street, Opposite Poafcjffko.
And rrwhby whlla you're wondeiin'
Tou've fool-like lent your ombrl!' to.
And want Uout 'II pop the aim.
And you'll b glad you hain't ant nona!
' ' -Riley.
A most wholesome and dainty dee
sert which Is within the reach of all
Red Raspberry
Lacto. Take one
quart of sour milk
or buttermilk, add
to It one egg white
beaten stiff and a
well-beaten yolk,
one and one-half
cupfiils of sngar and one-fourth of a
cupful of raspberry slrnp. Freeze at
OKtial, and when half frozen add the
Juice of a lemon. This may be made
with cherries, pineapple, strawberry
or orange sirup.
Fruit Coupe. Scald a cupful of
milk, add an egg, two tablespoonfuls
of sugnr and a pinch of salt, and cook
In a double boiler until thick. Set
aside In a cool place. When cool,
freeze; Just before the cream Is froz
en add half a cupful of chopped pine
apple, half a cupful of heavy cream
whipped, the white of an egg beaten
stiff. At serving time, fill the coupe
glasses half full of the Ice cream, cov
er with a spoonful of raspberry sirup
and a spoonful of whipped cream and
garnish with maraschino cherries and
pieces of pineapple. Raspberry sirup
may be made from canned fruit,, boil
ing the strained Juice with sngar.
Sardine Biscuits Make and bake
small baking powder biscuits. Split
while hot, spread with skinned sar
dines from which the bones have been
removed, then flaked and moistened
with the sardine oil. Return the tops
to the biscuits, pile on a plate and
serve hot for tea or luncheon.
Corn Oysters. Place a pint of corn
on the stove and let It sliruner twenty
minutes; If too dry. add a little water.
Then season with one teaspoonftil of
salt, one teaspoonful of butter, two
.ablespoonfuls of milk and pepper to
taste. Cool and stir In two well-beaten
eggs and a cupful of fresh crisp
v.Tacker crumbs, roiled. Put a table
spoonful of bacon fat In a frying pan.
and when hot drop !n spoonfuls of the
batter. Cook until, brown, then turn
and brown on the other side.
In this existence, dry and wet
Will overtake the best of men
Son little skift o' clouds '11 sht
'inn nun off now and then;
In the County Court of the State of Oregon
for Crook County.
In the matter of the estate of George Hit
lican. deceased.
NOTICE is hereby Riven that the under
signed have been appointed and have qualified
as erecutrix and executor, respectively, of the
estate of George Millican, deceased, and all
persons having claims airainst said estate are
hereby notified to present the same, properly
1 at the office of Jay H. Upton in Prineville,
Oregon, within l months from th date of
the puhlrntion of this notice.
Bute of first publication, December IS, till.
ADA B. MILLICAN, execotrii of the es
tate of George Million, deceased.
C. WALTER MILLICAN, eeutor of the
estate of George Millican, d. ceased. t
NOTICE is hereby riven by the undersigned,
the executor of the last will and testament of
Ida Florence Howe, deceased, to all creditors
of said deceased, and to all persons having
elnims against said estate, to present ttie
same with the proper vouchers to the under .
siirned at the office of M. R. Elliott in Prino
vile. Oregon, within st months from the first
publication of this notice.
Dated and published the first time the 18th
day of December, 191ft.
FRANK HIKING, Executor of the estate
of Ida Florence Rows, deceased, te
In the Circuit Court of the Bute of Oreaoa
for the County of Crook,
Crook County Bank, a corporation. Plaintiff,
versus Geo rue B. Taylor, Mis. George B.
Taylor. Aleatha Taylor, and J. E. Kennedy,
Defendants : ,
To Aleatha Taylor. Defendant:
In the same of tbe Butt of Oregon you are
hereby required to appear and answer the '
complaint filed against you in the ibove en
titled court and cause, on or before the SOth
day of January, 1920, and If you fail so to
appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief demanded la Its
complaint, to-wit : -
For a judgment against you for 13,100.00
with Interest thereon at the rate of S per
cent, per anmrro from the date of each of the)
several promissory notes described in plain
tiffs complaint: for an order of sale of the
real estate described m tbe complaint, and
for 1300.00 attorney's fees and the casta ana
disbursements of this suit.
This Summons Is published by order of the)
Honorsble T. E. J. Duffy. Judge of the above)
entitled court, made on the 17th day of De
cember, 1919, which said order prescribes that
this summons be published in the Crook Coun
ty Journal, a weekly newspaper of general
circulation, printed and published in Prine
ville, Crook county. Oregon, tor a period of
six consecutive weeks.
Dste of first publication of this Summons
Is the 18th day of December. 1919.
M. R. ELLIOTT. Attorney
7e for Plaintiff
Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Of
fice, The Dalles, Oregon. December , 1919.
NOTICE fa hereby given that
of Prineville, Oregon, who on January 4. 191S
made Homestead Entry No. 014306 and on
November 7, 1919, made Additional Entry No.
017040 for 'li EH WU 8W14 NWli,
W!4 SW. See. 18; 8E NEK. Eft EEH
Section 14 ; and EH - NEV& of
Section 23, Township II South Range It East,
Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of in
tention to make final three year proof to
tablish claim to the land above described
tore Lake M. BechtetL U. S. Commissioner at
Prineville, Oregon, on the 17th day of Janu
ary. 1920.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Roy Stuart, William H. Porter, Stephen E.
Jones, Harry G. Webb, all of Prineville, Ore
6t6e Register
SCRATCH rms Different sizes
and quality of paper, Juat tho
thing for your desk or pocket,
tor sale at The Journal office. .
Merry Christmas !
The Nan of the Hour
v !il
it1?f .'A J nil J t iM
C'Ws' II
B '. . B
I Well Old Sport, ' I
-a V la
n n
here you are again. Serving the j
people. What a wonderful, exhil-1
erating feeling it gives one to know 1
j that we are of SERVICE to oth-1
I ers. It is that which has made you
the most popular business man in j
j the world and is the secret of sue- j
cess of any business.
Successor to SllirP & PERKY
X f